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Chapter 558 A new blueprint

In terms of solving the Black Fire Innovation, Tianshu Zhiwu and Gaoge Jiuzhou are the first to do so, with at least 80% of the say.

Nisto takes about 10% of the credit, and the other companies combined account for another 10%.

In other words, the direction of the meeting still depends on the opinions of the two company executives, Lu Sizhou and Li Shicheng.

"We should first declare the company's interests in North Korea's crude oil and gas fields." Lila secretly discussed with Xu Yang, "Otherwise, it will not be a good idea if they enter the oil and gas fields. In addition, Tianshu Manufacturing currently has troops stationed on the islands in the south. If

Delay in withdrawing will also lead to disputes."

"It doesn't matter that the oil and gas fields are within the northern archipelago. Xia's businessmen are very shrewd. From a geographical point of view, it is useless to antagonize the Nisto Company. It is equivalent to pushing us from the Eastern Hemisphere camp to the Western Hemisphere camp. Even if they attack

We, we just propose to prolong the war process. The person who will be anxious then is Lu Sizhou, because Lu Sizhou is the one who wants to end the war the most. However, Li Shicheng is known for his keenness and may test the bottom line of Nisto Company. Do not give in at all.

." Xu Yang analyzed.

Li Shicheng made a few opening remarks, talked about the brutal measures of the Black Fire Revolution, mourned the fallen soldiers of Nisto Company, and finally subtly mentioned the oil and gas fields in Chaoyuan waters.

"The weather forecast department has analyzed that this winter will be a very cold one. It is said that Nisto Company has discovered potential oil and gas resources in Chaoyuan waters. That is really a great news and solves an urgent need." Li Shicheng said.

As the executive director of the company, Li Shicheng's avatar in the online meeting is smart and capable. He is middle-aged, has a strong temperament, and is profound. This person is an elite cultivated by the company for many years and is quite well-educated. He has academic qualifications in finance and corporate diplomacy.

He will attend all major external events in Kyushu.

"The Black Fire Revolution must have heard this news and just carried out the military adventure. Fortunately, the soldiers sacrificed their lives, but the fleet's morale was high and they were willing to fight against the arms dealers who invaded their homeland." Lila said.

"Gaoge Jiuzhou has the best engineering department in the Eastern Hemisphere. I hope your company will consider cooperating in the development of oil and gas fields." Li Shicheng said.

"Yes, in addition, Nisto Company's trade, shipping, shipping, technology and other agreements also play a very important role. Now that the company has started, we are also looking for partners on an intercontinental scale." Lila explained.

"Speaking of which, I remember that the company alliance has not yet designated a new company jurisdiction for Nisto Company. I wonder when the results will be announced?" Li Shicheng pretended to be curious.

"With the efficiency of the corporate alliance, it is probably far away. Before they give the answer, we can only do two things. One is to confirm and inherit Kyoto Mugen's original control area, and the other is to conduct regular patrols to strengthen the border

Line." Lila said.

"Nisto has always refused capital injections from large intercontinental financial institutions. Is this considered the company's basic strategy?" Li Shicheng said with a smile.

"Wanjiade Global Investment Group's shares in Gaoge Jiuzhou were redeemed by your company for 2% this year. Your company may also have its own considerations," Lila said.

"You can't always make wedding clothes for others." Li Shicheng said gently, and then stopped talking.

After questioning, he roughly knew the bottom line of Nisto Company.

Lu Sizhou listened for a long time, and when Gaoge Jiuzhou stopped talking for the time being, it was her turn to start the topic.

"The Black Fire Revolution is showing weakness. This is the last chance for the Eastern Hemisphere to avoid its nuisance. We must seize every opportunity to suppress them. The best thing is to divert the trouble to the west, so that they will burn the war to the Western Hemisphere in the future." Lu Sizhou said.

Will the trouble flow west? Xu Yang pondered. There is indeed a certain strategy involved. The Black Fire Revolution will always provoke war, so let them go to the Western Hemisphere to cause trouble.

"We will completely ban the sale of Blackfire standard weapons and equipment and require their arms to completely withdraw from the Eastern Hemisphere market. We hope that all companies can build consensus, unite as one, and enter into an agreement." Li Shicheng responded immediately. It seems that this was what the two had already agreed on before the company meeting.

Set the strategic tone.

This strategy is quite excellent. Xu Yang now understands its purpose better.

Taking the Black Fire Innovation out of the Eastern Hemisphere market, the Black Fire Innovation will become an outcast in the Eastern Hemisphere. This is already a very serious blow. Losing the Eastern Hemisphere market, the Black Fire Innovation is equivalent to reducing the demand for weapons and equipment by 50%, a large number of

Goods cannot be sold and are sitting in warehouses, which is a major dilemma for Blackfire Innovation.

On the other hand, the establishment of the "Anti-Black Fire Pact" will also help strengthen the alliance between companies in the Eastern Hemisphere to facilitate joint efforts to overcome difficulties in the future.

This is probably Lu Sizhou's core idea: first drive away the common enemy of the Black Fire Innovation, and then establish the Eastern Hemisphere Corporate Alliance, which is equivalent to opening up another corporate alliance outside of Greenland City, an alliance belonging to the Eastern Hemisphere.

Such a drastic plan can be regarded as a generous move by Lu Sizhou.

From a commercial and diplomatic perspective, Nisto Company naturally wants to help suppress Black Fire. Because the next six months will be the most difficult half year for Nisto Company. They must first build walls to accumulate food, build heat towers extensively, and survive the cold winter, and then

There is much to be done.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Sizhou and Li Shicheng represented the interests of the two giant companies and pointed out their other main demand, which was the acquisition case.

They plan to acquire the Blackfire Innovation Arsenal in the Eastern Hemisphere outside the Taia Islands, which will probably reduce their total production capacity by 22%. This is a very heavy blow.

It doesn't matter that there are no black fire arsenals in the northern archipelago. The representatives of Silla and Hepingzhou were quite critical because they attended the meeting mainly because they wanted to take over the approximately 200 black fire arsenals in their own territory, which is a huge amount of resources.

, they had actually taken control of these factories as early as the war broke out.

But now Lu Sizhou and Li Shicheng’s determination means that they still have to hand over the factory!

They are soft-spoken and have to accept it, but they also want to find benefits from other angles.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "We should further weaken the Blackfire Innovation and divide their resources in the Taia Islands." Carl Crouch, the spokesman of Ocean Engineering Company, changed the subject.


Ocean Engineering is a giant company located in Peace Continent. It is famous for its mining, construction, resource industries and kangaroo industries. It had a deep feud with the Taiya Islands in the past. Several company cities were massacred by the Black Fire Revolution. Now it also appears in the war.


"Yeah yeah."

"That's how it should be..."

"If the Taiya Islands are not harmed, Blackfire Innovation will make a comeback sooner or later." Other company representatives also expressed their opinions.

If they want to get some benefits from Lu Sizhou and Li Shicheng, they have to cling to the thighs of third-party giant companies in order to squeeze more value from Black Fire Innovation. This kind of opportunity is rare.

"The Black Fire Revolution will be angered." Lu Sizhou warned.

When Xu Yang heard this, she understood that she did not want Black Fire Innovation to feel that its interests were too damaged, thus allowing the war to continue.

Once the Black Fire Innovation felt that the treaty was unacceptable, they would tear up the agreement and continue the war, so Lu Sizhou supported the Black Fire in this regard.

Xu Yang, as a representative of Nisto Company, expressed his opinions.

"There are now a large number of residents in Charo Continent revolting, which has a great impact on the Black Fire Revolution. Why don't we take advantage of the trend and promote the separation of Charo Continent from the Taiya Islands and establish a corporate free trade zone? On the one hand, cut off Cha Luo Continent from the Taiya Islands.

A large island like Luozhou; on the other hand, it preserved the fighting interests of these residents in the uprising. Otherwise, when the war ends, Black Fire will definitely massacre the fighters of Chaluozhou with all its strength; more importantly, it provides various companies with the opportunity to fight in Taiya

The archipelago has established a bridgehead to expand its interests, allowing us to directly intervene in the affairs of the Taiya Islands." Xu Yang analyzed methodically, and his online avatar was also fishing in troubled waters, with a low-key appearance.

"It is said that the rise of Chaluozhou was instigated by the famous A40. Maybe your company was behind it," Crouch of Ocean Engineering understood.

"We reserve our opinion," Lila said.

"..." Lu Sizhou was silent for a while. He was considering how to deal with it with the company's think tank. He replied after a long time, "I'm afraid we will continue to advance to the Taiya Islands, directly occupy Chaluo Island militarily, and cooperate with the local rebels to establish a frontline base.

, only then can we successfully secede Chaluozhou during peace negotiations.”


“Very reasonable.”

"Then we will continue to fight!" The heads of other companies nodded.

The meeting entered the intermission stage, and all parties had clearly expressed their demands. Nisto Company has truly stood up in the Eastern Hemisphere as a large company with regional influence. This fact makes Xu Yang very satisfied, as is the case with all well-known companies.

He showed off his skills in front of everyone, making him dare not underestimate him from now on.

Although I don’t know who it is, someone has already leaked the news of this meeting to the major media.

"Eastern Hemisphere companies gather! Aiming to talk about occupying the Taia Islands!"

"The Black Fire Innovation is in serious trouble, and there may be a risk of dismantling..."

"The most famous arms company 'Blackfire Innovation' will usher in its end!" The catchy media continues to publish sensational news.

Xu Yang keenly switched to the stock market perspective, and sure enough, within 3 minutes after the news was released, Blackfire Innovation's stock price began to fall. The chain reaction affects the whole body. Behind the collapse of a company is the breakdown of several credit chains.

Numerous bank failures and financial disasters.

The same is true now. Xu Yang is in a great mood, watching the corporatism of this world fall apart.

Blackfire Innovation is the last giant company this year whose stock price has soared and its valuation has doubled. All investors have entered the market one after another, pushing up its stock price and believing that the military industry is the last high-quality value track in the world.

Now even this last track has collapsed!

The stock price trend of Black Fire Reform was not declining slowly, but plummeting, from a shocking 12,000 capital per share to 8,000 capital per share. In order to prevent this plummeting, Xu Yang saw the world's famous exchanges one after another.

The announcement that it was suspending trading due to a "software failure" was to give Black Fire Innovation some breathing space. As expected, after another 2 minutes, Black Fire Innovation announced that the stock was suspended.

Xu Yang knew very well that this was their helpless move. Stock trading was stopped when the market was suspended, so that company executives could transfer funds and liquidate assets. The process may last several hours, which also proves that the news spread online is true. Crazy investors

They are eager to leave the sinking ship of Blackfire Innovation quickly, and they are trampling ten thousand feet on Blackfire Innovation.

The military industry eventually collapsed together with several previous industries that had been rotten for a long time, and entered the graveyard together with companies in the aerospace, food industry, banking and other fields.

Its upstream and downstream industries - parts, materials, steel, rubber, vehicles, glass, electricity, financial credit... are all affected by this.

The Jialongpo 100 Index is an indicator index introduced in Jialongpo, representing 100 stocks selected by institutions. These stocks have good performance, stable cash flow, and bright growth prospects.

Now it has collapsed! The drop is as high as 14%.

Approximately 972.7 billion funds were wiped out in this earthquake.

At this moment, Nisto has received a large number of invitations, requesting Nisto to go public and make its shares publicly traded. This is the last life-saving straw for investment institutions. Depending on Nisto's recent rapid growth, there may be several more


Nisto refused.

Xu Yang will not renew the company at this time.

With Nisto stating that it will not publicly trade its stocks, it means that all other companies have fallen into a trough. Investors cannot even trust the "munitions" of the final appreciation segment. The financial game of beating drums and passing flowers has reached its extreme, superimposing the coming winter.

, the corporate world has officially begun to fall apart.

Technology, violence, and the occult are making a comeback, and the economic crisis is unfolding at this moment.

Xu Yang looked at the economic system filled with victims and realized that the Great Depression would change everyone's life.

Blackfire Innovation once thought that their rise would bring a heavy blow to the company system, but little did they know that it was their failure that contributed to the company's collapse.

This chapter has been completed!
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