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Chapter 563: Consciousness Uploading

Looking at Lu Jing who was distracted, Xu Yang took a closer look at her.

Lu Jing wears a classic Tsing Yi with a gray-bottomed chest-length undershirt made of satin. The hem of the skirt is slightly above the knees, so her smooth calves are visible. The cuffs and skirt are embroidered with flower and bird patterns, and there is a light blue ribbon tied around the waist.

The long sword on her back is worthy of the carefully selected maid in blue, she is indeed dignified and delicate.

"The online world is richer than you imagine." Xu Yang said easily, "Try to do as I say, this time upload your consciousness to the system bit by bit."

"Forget it." Lu Jing's wariness outweighed her curiosity, and she didn't think anything interesting would happen.

"In that case, you will always be a shallow user of the digital mind and cannot be said to be an expert. There are still too many things that you have not been exposed to." Xu Yang reminded.

That's right. Lu Jing then thought about it. The expensive digital mind should be used for more than this.

What's more, I've already done so much with him, so there's no harm in going deeper... right?

With this idea in mind, Lu Jing unconsciously followed Xu Yang's guidance and used his digital mind to start uploading his consciousness.

Judging from the rate of nerve signal conversion, Lu Jing's processor "Zouwu" uploads 11 million information units per second. With her current level of technical mastery, she can only convert 100 million units, and it takes 9.09 seconds to complete the upload.

In comparison, Xu Yang is equipped with a "Feishen-4" processor and has rich experience. It can process an astonishing 89 million information units per second and can convert up to 12 billion units, which is approximately equal to the total number of units in the human brain.

About 80% of consciousness.

Due to the level difference, when they uploaded their consciousness to the system at the same time, Xu Yang's perception, sensory acuity and information synchronization rate were more than a hundred times that of Lu Jing.

He strolled easily in the data space, while Lu Jing could only take small steps with difficulty.

"This is part of the terminal's memory. You can manipulate it as you like and interact with all information subnets and working software." Xu Yang showed Lu Jing this shining area, where computing data is quickly exchanged.

Lu Jing followed Xu Yang's instructions and tried carefully.

After a little contact, Lu Jing realized the beauty of it.

She used her digital mind to call user-oriented data packets and borrowed their resources to spray paint, so the world gradually took on real colors under the control of Lu Jing's thinking.

Lu Jing rendered her conscious picture into the world in front of her. She was very timid and only dared to try a little bit, just like drawing on a blank paper. Then she was pleasantly surprised to find that everything worked according to her thoughts. She thought

Whatever the pattern, that pattern will appear.

In this area, she is as omnipotent as the Creator God.

Tasting the sweetness, Lu Jing became bolder in his painting movements.

This is the most charming moment.

Even the most skilled painter will be deformed due to the limitations of physical conditions when he paints the fantasy in his mind. With a brush in hand, it is impossible to draw the painting exactly like his thoughts, and the paint in the objective world is not as good as

As colorful as imagined.

However, it is possible here. Lu Jing is now a mass of consciousness transformed into electrical signals. She can copy the exact same situation by stamping part of her thoughts like a seal.

She transformed everything around her into the witch's compound where she lived in her childhood. The white walls and black tiles on the inside, and the alleys and alleys on the outside were all exactly the same as they were in real life. The childhood playmates she was thinking about also appeared in front of her.

, and moved according to Lu Jing's thoughts, and his speech and voice were exactly the same as in his memory.

This is extremely difficult to control - Lu Jing suddenly panicked when he discovered that his thoughts could do so many things in the information world.

As she began to think wildly, the courtyard fell into pieces and disappeared like a bubble. The childhood playmate in front of her suddenly became a bloody mess. Lu Jing had a panic attack and subconsciously created a sword and chopped her into pieces, over and over again.


Then Lu Jing's thoughts became extreme. She thought of all kinds of abominable things, and could not restrain herself from thinking about these things, so she had to continue fighting, constantly fighting against her turbulent thoughts.

Fight against fantasy.

All kinds of monsters appeared, each one more terrifying than the last. The more Lu Jing was afraid of something, the more she couldn't help but think about something, so the things in her mind were constantly read and generated by the system.

She was totally freaked out!

In an instant, Lu Jing's thoughts were drowned by the monstrous flood.

She found herself on a warm beach, with the warm sun hanging high in the sky, surrounded by tourists and laughter.

Xu Yang was lying on a colorful chair, wearing sunglasses and eating watermelon under a parasol. There was a constant sound of wind all around, seagulls chirping, the sea water ebbing and flowing, and the distant woods were hazy.

Lu Jing wanted to use her thoughts to control the virtual space as before, but she couldn't. It seemed that she was suppressed by Xu Yang's will. The most she could do was to conjure her own weapon in her hand. She walked towards it with the sword of consciousness.

Xu Yang.

"I...I don't know." Lu Jing said nervously, "What were those just now?"

"Now you know the most important things to pay attention to after uploading consciousness to the terminal."

Lu Jing stood there and thought hard.

Xiao Lu doesn't seem to be as smart as Lin Yin. Xu Yang thought of something interesting. If it were Lin Yin, it would be obvious at first, but it may be because the level of consciousness uploading is not high, and the operation speed has slowed down.

"I...I need to calm down and stop thinking wildly." Lu Jing thought for a few minutes before he figured it out.

"Yes, because your consciousness is actually electrons that are constantly beating and jumping in the physical system. Once your thinking becomes unbound, you will be lost in the information space and disappear. This is the most difficult thing to control in the digital mind.

Where." Xu Yang explained.

Lu Jing felt ashamed and regretful when he thought about the terrible things he had just thought up, and at the same time he was grateful to Xu Yang for enlightening him on the secrets.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is the first time in her life that she has uploaded her consciousness, and it feels so interesting! In reality, she is far less comfortable.

Now on the vast beach, Lu Jing could vaguely feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, and the sounds of tourists could be heard in his ears, but they were not very clear.

Does Mr. Internet Supervisor’s ability stop here?

She struggled to distinguish between the temperature and the sound, but her processor issued an alarm, telling her that she had reached the limit of available information units.

Only then did Lu Jing realize that it was not that the other party was unable to create realistic enough illusions, but that Lu Jing himself was too weak, and the number of nerves uploaded to the system was too small. It was his best to be able to see these scenery.

Looking at the enigmatic Xu Yang, Lu Jing felt even more in awe.

"You created all the illusions around here? It's such a beautiful beach." Lu Jing was curious.

"Think about those executives, famous celebrities, and investors who are successful and have free wealth. After they complete their worldly wealth accumulation, they upload their consciousness to the server. This is what they see every day." Xu Yang nodded.

"They also edit the world?"

"At first, someone taught them how to use their consciousness to adjust the surrounding space. Gradually, they themselves learned to design a world of their own, living forever in the dream of consciousness, creating a large group of people to accompany them, or entering other people's lives.

Visiting relatives and friends around the world, using various film and television animation materials to create interesting scenes and complete various enjoyments. Ordinary people can only live for a few decades in the world, but their consciousness blurs the scale of measuring time, and they may have lived for thousands

Tens of thousands of years."

When Lu Jing heard this, she couldn't help but nodded. When she heard Xu Yang describe the living conditions of those rich people, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Why do rich people live so carefree?

They have stood at the pinnacle of power and assets since they were born, and have been closely surrounded by companies, the military, the law and thugs since then. They are like a fish in water in the network of relationships. But outside the walls of money and power, there are all living beings who are struggling.

Fortunately, I have already started to contact the field of consciousness uploading with the help of digital mind and the teachings of Mr. Network Supervisor, and I am not much behind them in this aspect.

"You must be multi-tasking right now." Lu Jing thought of something terrible again, "While you are talking to me here, you have to guard the cyber monsters, care about the stability of the Sea of ​​Hillis, and scan the size of the company.

Small Internet affairs, such multi-tasking, completely develop the digital mind to the extreme..."

"It's true." Xu Yang is now very efficient at work and can basically handle many things in parallel.

However, the company now has sufficient manpower and complete laws and regulations. He only needs to choose some interesting and important things to do, and does not need to take into account all aspects.

Lu Jing deeply understood that this was the best opportunity for her to get in touch with the pinnacle of technology. The person in front of her was a big shot who could give her all the information technology knowledge.

As long as he keeps working hard, he should have hope to become a technical master, and eventually renew his relationship with the wandering, mysterious and unruly cyber monster.

"I want to know more about the secrets of the digital mind." Lu Jing mustered up the courage to say.

"Okay then, just name a distant city." Xu Yang suggested.

Lu Jing was a little confused, and she thought about it for a moment.

"Petersburg?" Lu Jing suddenly thought of the headquarters of the Northern Military Industry.

With a nod, the entire beach disappeared, and Xu Yang led Lu Jing to an even darker area in an instant.

"Where is this?" Lu Jing realized that he had entered a very dangerous and hostile area, because there were highly sophisticated anti-virus programs and scanning software everywhere, and it was urgent to eliminate accidental intruders.

"The communication base station established by Sagittarius Communication Technology Company on the Main Square of Petersburg." Xu Yang explained.

"We're already here?" Lu Jing was extremely surprised.

How is it possible! So fast!

"We are now using electrical signals and light." Xu Yang disagreed.

"That's right..." Lu Jing felt that it was extremely magical.

"I just took your consciousness to move at sub-light speed, transmitted it through the core of the submarine optical cable, starting from Shangjing, passing through the Arctic submarine optical cable, then climbing up the repeater and entering the commercial optical fiber. Look, now is a good time

, the northern archipelago is in the morning, and Petersburg is still at sunrise.”

Xu Yang took Lu Jing to a networked surveillance camera so that Lu Jing could see the scene in the square from the camera's real-time surveillance video.

It had just rained, and there were large and small pools of water on the smooth concrete ground. There were few pedestrians. She saw a few teenagers driving flying skateboards to school, passing through the ancient classical knight statue below, with the name of a general engraved below.

In the years of his birth and death, he was a person from 500 years ago.

A wire fence surrounded the pink flowerbed, surrounded by bronze street lamps, marble columns and granite monuments. She saw ancient buildings with arc domes, solid corporate courts, large hotels and gas company office buildings, and row upon row of red brick apartments. In the early rain,

It looks fresh and exotic.

Lu Jing had never had such a dream-like experience.

Her consciousness turned into a light signal and traveled thousands of miles away...

"Did we just turn into light?" Lu Jing said in an incredible tone, "Or was this all edited by you?"

"How about I go back and leave you here."

"Don't!" Lu Jing said hurriedly.

Xu Yang watched the scene on Petersburg Square through the camera, passing through the white stone railings, the river flowed slightly, and the stylish clippers were moored on the embankment.

A coffee shop had just opened, and a tall white-bearded shopkeeper was rubbing his hands at the door. He had no idea that two digital consciousnesses from 8,000 kilometers away were looking at him at this moment.

"Are those...some people evading pursuit?" Lu Jing saw some movement in the alley in the distance.

Xu Yang led Lu Jing to another street corner camera and saw several men with bald heads and fierce expressions running wildly holding black plastic bags, and the security personnel behind them were firing at them.

The men rushed to a black high-end car on the street and tried to use it to escape. Xu Yang hacked into the car and locked it, so they couldn't open the door no matter how hard they tried.

They were angry, panicked, and cursed. When the security personnel discovered this unexpected surprise, they quickly seized the opportunity to shoot, wound and arrest them.

"There are some guns in the bag!" Lu Jing vaguely saw what was in the bag.

"Public security is very chaotic." Xu Yang easily called up some data.

For a long time, due to the lack of economic power, the situation in the Great Northern Region has been worse than other regions. Most companies have laid off employees, the unemployment rate is very high, and there are many unemployed people on the streets. Xu Yang soon saw that in other neighborhoods

It's a bit noisy, but only the company's barracks and factories are relatively peaceful.

Lu Jing stared at the exotic landscape of Petersburg. The tops of the buildings were filled with advertisements for unfamiliar local small businesses.

She was suddenly very scared. This place was too far away from home, and her body was still at Nisto headquarters, as if her soul had left her body and traveled far away.

The farthest place Lu Jing had ever been in his life was the northern archipelago. At that time, he thought he had no chance to travel overseas. Unexpectedly, with a little guidance from Mr. Internet Supervisor, Lu Jing arrived on the streets of Petersburg.

I will also have such a wonderful experience... instead of sinking into responsibilities and work day after day.

It would be great if you could enjoy your trip without any burden.

"Take me back." She said slowly.

"I'm going to prepare." Xu Yang took Lu Jing's digital consciousness back with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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