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Chapter 574 Island Party

After a long journey, hard work, disputes and struggles, Xu Yang finally arrived at his dream place: a sunny tropical island.

After sorting out Zha Luozhou's affairs, everything took a break here, and Xu Yang put down his luggage and burdens.

The name of the island is Kasonti, and its area is very small, only 20 square kilometers. It and more than 10 nearby small uninhabited islands have been classified as the assets of Nisto Company according to the peace agreement.

On both sides of Kasunti are rugged hills, covered with dark green plants. They are so dense that the face of the mountain itself cannot be seen.

In the center of the island, the beach is as pale as pearls, the offshore sea is as beautiful as azure jewels, and the deep sea further away is deep blue and swells slightly with the wind.

Looking far into the distance, the sea level meets the same blue sky, and the view is full of majestic scenery. It is not as cramped and narrow as the city, and it makes people's minds feel smooth and vast.

If you want to heal your depressed mood and improve your physical condition, this warm island is undoubtedly the most ideal place to rest.

The sun shines on my shoulders, and the air is slightly warm.

Several exquisite dormitories built of glass and steel were airdropped and stood firmly on the newly built small pier, instantly turning the uninhabited island into a resort area. The dormitories are fully equipped with home appliances, materials and intelligent facilities, which are in line with daily life.

Everything related to daily life is completely lacking.

In just one day, Xu Yang visited the entire island. He felt like the lonely king of this island.

He walked around the two hills at both ends of the island. On the sunny side, several huge turtles were motionless basking in the sun, while the shady areas were covered with purple-red vines. There were very large rocks piled at the bottom of the hills.

, standing like the foundations of a castle, seem to have been washed up by the movement of waves over hundreds of years.

Whenever the tide rises, the sea water will flood these huge rocks, and only the largest rocks can be exposed to the sea. There are ugly barnacles adsorbed on the sides and bottom of these rocks, and Xu Yang uses an iron rod to break them all and poke them down.

Every morning and afternoon, he walked alone along the frost-white beach, feeling the touch of the hot sea water soaking his feet.

Xu Yang walked toward the sea water, which was getting deeper and deeper, even reaching his knees. Big waves came in from time to time, rolling up to his chest. He always felt that if he took just one step, his whole body would fall from the sandy shore under his feet into the abyss.

Disappear into the deep sea.

In the dormitory next to it, Rosa and more than 20 other women were leaning on the railing. These top-notch beauties were wearing eye-catching swimsuits, extremely gorgeous, colorful and wonderful at first sight.

This row of women is not only very young and full of youthful vitality, they are also proficient in hundreds of techniques to please the opposite sex. They are all from the LaCrosse Hotel Group. They are carefully selected beauties and are trained according to the strict standards of this industry.

Their appearance and figure are all impeccable, their skin is kept delicate and fair, their every move is charming, and they are even carefully educated. They all have high academic qualifications. Even if the customer wants to talk to them about mathematics, philosophy, history and culture, they can still talk about it.

Let's find a way out.

They were all born in the Taiya Islands. In the local people's opinion, the best way out for a man is to join the army for the Black Fire Revolution or to join the industry of the military-industrial complex. The best way out for a woman is to dress herself up so that she can devote herself to it.

Wealthy businessmen, powerful people, or working in the service industry. The status of women in the Taiya Islands is extremely low, and there is no safety at all. Rather than disappearing in some large-scale robbery, vendetta, or kidnapping, it is better to take the initiative to sell one's youth.

Together with Rosa, they were sent to Cassonti by Elodie to provide daily services.

They originally thought that what was waiting for them was a dirty, cold factory and hundreds of wolf-like Nisto soldiers, but they didn't expect that they were just an ordinary person, a friendly person on all levels.

Rosa was undoubtedly the most surprised.

Compared with the arrogant and radical Elodie, this man - known as Mr. Internet Supervisor - is actually very friendly, not only easy-going, but also kind to others. He is a likable guy from every angle, except

Sometimes I like to change the subject and wander around, but there are basically no shortcomings.

These versatile Taiya women and Xu Yang spent a carefree time on the island, and the boundaries between day and night were no longer clear.

Xu Yang led them to expand the resort's buildings, build a pontoon, a fishing pier and a fish pond. He also used a chainsaw to cut down two trees from the hills on both sides.

They worked together to hollow out the tree trunks and make two canoes, just like they had seen the village elders do when they were children. Then they got into the canoes and paddled around the island.

When I found that the canoe was really floating on the sea, I couldn't help but scream. Everything was like a dream.

The happy time on Kasunti Island is an important memory in their lives.

Rosa has her own account on the social media "Wanmengyouyi". She often takes selfies and records them into videos and posts them online.

She created a series called "20 Women and 1 Man" and filmed more than 20 episodes, including grilling fish, logging, construction, fish farming, walking on the beach, making fruit salad, etc.

No matter how she took the picture, Mr. Internet Supervisor’s face was hazy, as if he had some kind of technical processing.

Rosa's diary series soon exceeded 500,000 likes and collections, and the total number of views exceeded 6 million. The number of fans tripled, which was also a huge profit for her.

She flipped through the comments and was always amused by the rich imagination of netizens.

The question they ask most frequently is...who is that jealous man?

Enjoy life alone on this dreamy island in the ocean, accompanied by so many beauties.

Rosa also wanted to know who he was, but there was no answer to that question.

Everything was so beautiful that she chose to keep it a secret. Xu Yang took this opportunity to develop his character and weave his own story through the experience of Kasunti Island.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Sometimes, Rosa will imitate him, walking alone on the beach, thinking about things, and looking at the sea in the distance, as if there is something important waiting there.

Xu Yang was sitting on the remains of a tree trunk, drilling wood to make fire. There was a terminal in front of him. The little fool kept waving in the video, as if he was tapping the screen with his hands, wanting to come thousands of miles away in person.

by my father's side.

"Quack, quack." the little fool urged.

After about 20 attempts, Xu Yang discovered fire!

He placed the smoky branch in front of the camera. On the top of the branch, a spark shone.

The little fool had only seen this situation in children's books before, but now he finally saw the truth in reality and immediately became happy.

"Who is she?" Rosa came over and saw the little fool in the camera.

"Guabu?" The little fool was also curious about who this extremely beautiful aunt was.

"You will get to know each other soon." Xu Yang counted the days and felt that the time was coming.

He said goodbye to the little fool and turned off the video.

"Have you heard of the dark island of the Black Fire Revolution?" Xu Yang asked.

"Ysiguu," Rosa subconsciously said its secret name, "The Black Fire Innovation cultivates the black flame there and feeds living people to it. Everyone in Taiya knows that the Black Fire Innovation attaches great importance to that island."

"What's on the island?"

"No one has been there, and there are very few living people - Black Fire Innovation has used a large number of mechanical soldiers to protect it, and will kill any living person who comes close to the island." Rosa thought of many terrifying rumors.

"Do they send people up every once in a while?" Xu Yang asked.

Rosa repeatedly searched for fragments of her past experiences, those officers and soldiers, those documents and documents.

"Yes, for the sacrifice." Rosa only knew this much.

Xu Yang pondered.

He put Rosa and more than 20 other women on a boat and sent them back to the northern islands.

Soon Xu Yang was the only one left on the sunny Kasunti Island.

Xu Yang waited for another day until Clarus II came.

Clarus II swam through the waves in the sea, and when it climbed onto the beach, the scarlet-skinned giant sea descendant immediately appeared, like a world-destroying beast.

From above its head, A40 took off his waterproof cloak and jumped down.

"Boss!" A40 said.

"You have been collecting information about the Dark Island. Do you have any clues?" Xu Yang asked.

"No." A40 said, "I just know that they are still adding troops to the island and putting more combat robots on the island."

"...Then we can only use a more direct method." Xu Yang pondered.

He looked at Haiyi.

Clarus II was personally selected by Falosa, and was infused with the power of growth by the rat witch Sally. He is now frighteningly strong.

As long as it doesn't encounter enemies like Storm Queen, it can provide very effective combat support at sea.

"Klarus II, attack that dark island with all your strength, and you cannot avoid the battle." Xu Yang reminded. It was driven away by Storm Queen before, but now it must be encouraged to fight with all its strength.

Clarus II roared, and the surrounding seawater immediately began to surge. As descendants of the Goddess, the Seaborn clan can mobilize the power of the sea if they exert all their strength.

Xu Yang nodded slowly.

Only a handful of people know about this top-secret mission, ensuring that the Blackfire Innovation will not be on alert in advance.

"Once there are no Wasps, the power of Black Fire Innovation is equivalent to being weakened by 20 to 30%, which is crucial for us to defeat Black Fire Innovation in the future." Xu Yang told A40.

"I want to save the wasps." A40 said.

"Whatever it takes?"


Xu Yang nodded slowly.

"This is no joke. The Dark Island is full of mechanical soldiers, as well as Blackfire itself. If... we can rescue the Wasp, but the price is your destruction? The price is that you will be shattered into pieces? Torn apart? Beyond recognition? Are you still willing to fight in?

Are you going to siege to save the wasps?" Xu Yang asked.

A40 lay on the ground and kowtowed to Xu Yang respectfully.

"I live to this day just to see the wasp again. To be honest, I don't know what meaning my existence has left without her. As long as I can save the wasp and make her happy and worry-free, I am willing to be shattered into pieces. I am willing to be torn apart. I

May it be changed beyond recognition,” it said.

"According to the intelligence we collected before, there are only 5 days left before the Wasp is burned to the Black Fire. Be prepared to sacrifice." Xu Yang turned around, "Although it is a pity, the happiness of the Wasp will depend on your demise.

As a premise.”

A40 kowtowed to Xu Yang again, then stood up, ready to be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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