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Chapter 585 Sweet Taste

Chapter 585 Sweet taste

The content reported in the news is all negative news, and the word "economic crisis" is mentioned the most.

Due to the strategy of downsizing and increasing efficiency, even television media has widely laid off human employees and replaced them with synthetic announcers.

In order to make it easier for the audience to accept it, they all dress up beautifully and have sweet voices. Every news broadcast is like a voice performance, giving the audience a perfect massage for their ears.

"...The catastrophic crisis has spread across the world. The European Community recently issued a monthly report, pointing out that since the first half of this year, 17,500 companies in Europe have laid off an average of 45% of their employees, resulting in an unprecedented wave of unemployment. Even economists

It is pointed out that this will lead to increased turmoil and will not help improve the crisis, but companies still issue soothing announcements while mercilessly eliminating departments. As if cutting off the tail to protect themselves, many businesses with poor returns have been cut up and packaged for trading.

However, even if it is listed on the market, no one cares about it. Due to the huge increase in the number of unemployed people, cities from España and Italia to Nordland and Euclonia have fallen into unprecedented chaos, and traffic

Shutdown, factory shutdown..."

The synthesizer slowly reveals the cruel reality of the economic crisis in his most beautiful voice.

Linyin also saw the news on the floating window floating rapidly below. This year's population growth rate is expected to reach -5%. According to this trend, it means that the population will drop rapidly from 10 billion. In the next 10 years, the world may

The population is reduced by 100 million every year...

"Now everyone knows about the economic crisis." Linyin felt a vague sense of crisis.

In other parts of the world, companies are now being laid off in droves and are facing the biggest troubles in their lives.

"When the word 'economic crisis' is in the news, it means that it has been popular for at least a year." Xu Yang's eyes stayed on the menu.

"It's so short-sighted." Linyin murmured, "And there's no way to avoid it! It's scary to think about it. If you have money in the stock market and funds, you will be trapped and can only watch losses. Even if you are timid, you can put your money

If you deposit it all in the bank, if something happens to the bank, all the money you have earned in your life will be gone! You can only put it in a cash card, but you are afraid of being stolen or robbed."

"Small and medium-sized banks are the most unfortunate, because if the bank fails, they will not be able to withdraw their money. With this kind of fear, people went to withdraw money one after another. As a result, the bank that could not fail also collapsed due to a run." Xu Yang nodded.

The time has come when everyone can sense the crisis.

People are too young and have not fully experienced the cycle of upswings, recessions and crises in their lives. Now the whole world is facing an irreversible Great Depression, which means catastrophe for most people.

"The predictions in those magazines are all true." Linyin thought thoughtfully.

"The bubble is too big, just like house prices in the northern archipelago. House prices are growing faster than wages, which means there is a bubble here. But people pretend not to see it, and now they can only settle for a hard landing.

Way to solve it." Xu Yang nodded.

Xu Yang understood that the moment for the collapse of asset values ​​had arrived. When the economy improved, investors were willing to take risks, but now... Looking at the overall situation, the entire world can no longer find a normal economic growth point. All the glorious illusions of yesterday have turned into

The reality of today's depression is that factories are bankrupt, banks are being run, and people are unemployed.

Fortunately, due to the series of wealth redistribution plans implemented by Nisto Company, the impact on the northern archipelago has been absolutely minimal. They have provided sufficient bottom-line support and shifted their focus to actual production capacity, and there is no need to worry about the time when the bubble bursts.

Everything about Nisto is authentic.

While Xu Yang was ticking the boxes on the menu and ordering the food according to Little Falosa's wishes, he was meditating on a series of complicated plans. The short period of the depression could be 3 years or 30 years.

Combined with the coming cold wave of winter, this crisis can hardly be described as a catastrophe.

However, Xu Yang has a longer-term perspective. He knows that such a big bust will make more people disappointed with the company and that the companies will also fall into decline.

But this is also the best time for assets to be liquidated and for markets and finance to return to balance.

During a depression, all negative assets and weak companies will collapse. The global economic crisis brings about a terrifying market elimination mechanism. But what about those giant enterprises and large companies that can survive the disaster? They are absolutely powerful and have terrifying assets.

There will be another boom after the economic downturn, when companies will become more powerful, sophisticated and efficient than they are today.

Nisto Company must also continue to maintain rapid development. If a large-scale all-out war occurs in the future, they must be fully prepared.

Linyin watched the news broadcast carefully. The crisis had another impact. The economic downturn weakened the company's control. Once the company's control declined, the trend of occultism would follow.

She looked at the real-time video on the news, and saw the screen switch, and other shocking news was broadcast. Under the drone's aerial view, a large group of people were roaring and gathering, destroying everywhere, killing everyone on sight, and killing a small town bloody.

It didn't stop, corpses littered the fields.

The entire image has been processed, completely muted, and specific battle scenes have been mosaicd.

According to reports, this is due to the spread of a plague called "war fever" in Western Europe. This plague is spread through audio-visual media, spreading through images, texts and cheers, affecting people's hearts.

The infected are all bloodthirsty and aggressive, screaming the name of the invincible god "Asmolis", and picking up the nearest weapon to attack the unarmed people. Bloodbaths in the countryside frequently occur. No one expected that

A normally friendly and honest neighbor can turn into a mercilessly stabbing lunatic overnight.

The company's security forces could only detect that a large number of people infected with war fever spontaneously gathered in the central mountains of Italia, as if to build or restore some holy place. But they were unable to control it, and they refused to solve the situation.

Because the company has owed them wages for a long time.

Linyin thought that there were children like little Falosa present, so she signaled with her eyes, and the waiter switched the channel to the music section. A classical concert was being held at the Shangjing Art Museum 50 miles away, but when the camera fell

The auditorium is always empty.

"Is occultism scary?" Xu Yang teased little Falosa.

"I'm not afraid. If they come, I will eat them. My appetite is still growing. I ate once and I will eat more in the future." Little Falosa sat on the chair and raised her feet.

Falosa, who had devoured the gods, had already begun to cultivate her taste and was ready to feast. Different demigods and mystics have different tastes, some are fragrant and fragrant, and some are thick and sweet.

Linyin thought this was just little Falosa expressing her hunger in a subtle way, so she ordered the meal and placed the order online. Soon she saw the chef starting to cook in the Mingchu area, adding what they needed.

The food is decorated and served on the table.

Rinne is still adapting to island-style food. She is not used to eating raw food directly, so she mostly orders fried chicken, fried shrimp, pork chops and potatoes, which is in line with her food taste on the west coast of New Taipei Island.

Little Falosa ate with a spoon very gracefully. She rarely ate rice in her life. To her, rice grains were like some kind of soft beans dancing on the tip of her tongue. Her stomach was prepared for seafood, meat and other mystical beings.


This appetite spread from Little Falosa back to her original body. In other words, the Witch God also trembled a little, longing for this gluttonous bliss in her deep sleep.

Her condition is stronger than ever before. Falosa had neglected her training and appeared fragile. And she took advantage of this long sleep to gradually reach perfection, bridge all the strength and knowledge so far, and integrate all the forces.

Reconstruct to form the most noble witch god.

This kind of evolution has reached such a level that when the Witch God's mind trembles now, almost all the witches in the entire northern archipelago will have a "shaking" in their hearts, captured by the illusion.

Even the highly modified Rinne had a phantom flash before her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang saw Linyin's trance.

"I saw my...moment of glory? I saw that I controlled the Sea of ​​Hillis, and I...I don't know how I saw it. It is obviously an abstract concept to turn consciousness into data, but I

I can still feel that there is a beauty in that picture that makes me enchanted." Linyin pressed her forehead and couldn't help but smile.

Out of this exciting vision, Linyin kept searching for information about digital mind while eating.

Xu Yang fed little Falosa. She seemed to be unable to get enough no matter how much she ate. The plates in front of her were piled high. The restaurant staff were all happy. Finally, customers came to help clear the inventory. In the past few days,

I finally made back the money I lost before opening.

After they finished all the steak, chicken and vegetables, Rinne also found a clue on the deep anonymous network.

"Jialongpo——" Linyin raised his head, unable to hide his excitement, "Someone is selling a digital mind on the black market in Jialongpo."

"How much?" Xu Yang was curious, "It might be a lie. This thing rarely leaves the company."

"66 million...I want to try."

"It doesn't feel like it can't be afforded. Since it's a digital mind... someone might be able to get it on the black market. Also, some technology companies might sell it for cash, but it's not like this." Xu Yang pondered.

"I can find a way to steal it back." Linyin's mind was already focused on her digital mind.

She doesn't like to owe money. She managed to pay off all the money and favors in her last mission. If she owes 66 million or more for the digital mind this time, Rinyin feels that it will take her 100 years to pay it back.


"Are you alone?"

"I want...to have the disciple team support me."

"Of course, Jialongpo is already a must-go place." Xu Yang said cautiously, "Our vanguard has arrived."

After Du Qian moved to Jialongpo, he sent back a few words. Jialongpo has now become a place of chaos.

For a corporate city like Jialongpo that relies on finance, the economic crisis can only be described as a catastrophe from heaven.

The entire city is on the edge of a cliff due to inability to operate. Huge debts have resulted in the inability of the security forces to work. Many gangs have taken advantage of the situation to rise up and plan to compete for the status of the King of Gialongpo.

We must make up for the loopholes and solve the problems. If our luck and opportunities are good enough, we can even hold Jialongpo, the pearl of the southern region, in our hands. Xu Yang pondered.

A40 and Wasp cannot put together a complete brain. In the best case, they can be saved, and in the worst case, they can only help them collect the body.

Burying their bodies together in one place may be the end of their lives.

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(End of chapter)

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