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Chapter 595 Cracks

Chapter 595 Cracks

Miying's artificial eyes saw the sticky sweatshirt on the man's body and the stamp packages piled up in the room, and found it difficult to cope with it.

"Get out!" The nervous man thrust the gun forward.

Miying felt herself being pulled. Ogyue Zengsuke had already dragged her through the area quickly. As they left, the man's hostility gradually weakened. He cursed for a while, and then turned around and returned to the house.

"I was almost speechless. I almost got angry. This place is so chaotic." Miying ran quickly.

"Negotiation is not what you are good at." Ozuki Masusuke jumped over the 2.5-meter-wide distance between the two houses.

Below is a large stall selling fruit and food. Bananas, dragon fruit, pineapples and various weird synthetic fruits are placed together. Sewage flows across the street, and wild dogs and corpse-eating monsters crawl around.

The local people of various religions are looking up and pointing. They have cold and mean expressions and are suffering from various diseases. Even if hunger and sewage have not killed them, the aging of inferior implants in their bodies will.

All the suffering.

Miying stretched out his hand, popped out the grappling hook, and fixed it on the exposed metal water pipe on the opposite roof. Then he pulled the mechanism and the cord quickly shortened, pulling Miying to jump to the opposite house.


The water pipe was solid, but the cement wall that fixed the water pipe suddenly cracked. The fulcrum that Miying relied on to maneuver instantly deformed, and her body fell downwards!

Masusuke Ozuki immediately reached out and grabbed the rope she used for high-speed maneuvering, and pulled her up from underneath.

Miying's figure passed by hundreds of heads below, and her legs stretched out unconsciously, almost kicking them all apart. Thanks to Ogyue Masuji's strong pull on the rope, she was dragged to a high place.

"Go to hell!"

"Wow!" People in the market below yelled upwards.

Miying hurriedly climbed up to the building on the opposite side and continued to chase the Cold Bay thugs.

"Thank you." Miying turned around and saw that Ouzue Zengsuke's hand was cut by a sharp rope and was bleeding profusely, "Your hand..."

"I'm very durable," Ozuki Masusuke said.

He passed through the metal roof under his feet and stopped at the edge. Miying looked far away from here and saw the modified cars they were chasing parked next to the narrow street, with thugs jumping out one after another from them.

, its hideout seems to be a factory.

Miying immediately sent a message to call for support.

Ogyue Zengsuke crouched down, looked at them, and then recited a spell, his body quickly turned into a mist, and flew to the bottom with the help of the strong wind howling.

As he got closer to the ground, the surrounding strong winds were gradually blocked by the intricate buildings around him, and he was able to move better without being blown away.

Miying waited silently.

She heard the roar of the engine approaching from a distance, realized that friendly support had arrived, and then jumped off the roof and landed among the brutal gangsters.

"The enemy is coming!"

"Do it!" they shouted.

A tall, muscular man with a modified body roared and rushed towards Miying. His skin was rough, almost like a steel bull.

Miying picked up the flame tide in his hand and pulled the trigger.


A large amount of red energy blocks blasted out from the muzzle of the gun, instantly blowing the strong man out of his body!

He didn't even scream. The center of his body was instantly burned into energy dust all over the ground, leaving only his bloody fingertips, his feet and the upper half of his burning head.



"Damn--" The other gangsters were instantly frightened when they saw this nerve-wracking scene.

Miying aimed his gun at another gangster who was closer to him, pulled the trigger, and the scattered high-temperature energy block instantly passed through his body.

"Uwaaah-" A sharper scream followed, and small pieces of energy dispersed through the gangster's body, penetrating most of his organs, arms, legs and feet, and the entire figure seemed to have been carved out in several circles.

There were seven or eight fist-sized holes in his body, and his clothes were instantly ignited and stuck to his skin.

He screamed miserably on the spot for a while, until his entire body collapsed as the cracks widened.

Wow. Miying held the flame wave shotgun in his hand and immediately aimed it at the others. Their morale suddenly dropped and they ran staggering deeper.

"How did they find this!"


"Company Security!"


"The big company is coming!" They screamed and shouted to each other, preparing to wait for an opportunity to organize defense or retreat.

I feel like a scavenger sent by a super big company to search for shadows. I feel like a little bad guy.

After locking the position, the friendly shuttle has also arrived.

"Where is the enemy!"

"Where is the enemy!!" The sharp robots parachuted down, followed them, and killed them.

"We still have hostages -" The gangsters rushed to the room where they were holding the hostages, only to see Ozuki Masosuke arriving at some unknown moment.

He stood alone at the door, having recited a spell in advance, and his body was illuminated with many different spells for protection.

He raised the knife in his hand without saying a word.

Fight, there will always be an answer. With this thought in mind, Ozuki Masuke broke into the crowd of thugs.

When Miying and the others came back, the corridor was already covered with blood, and Ouzuki Zengsuke walked away with the blood-stained knife. Miying opened the door at the back, and inside there were more than a dozen anxious company people crying with joy and screaming loudly,

Completely overwhelmed by the joy of salvation.


"thanks, thanks!"

"Finally survived!" They stumbled and crawled towards the rescuers, expressing their deepest gratitude and joy beyond words.

Finally, a happy code was generated in Miying's emotion module. Once again, violence was eliminated and peace was restored.

The rescued company personnel dialed the signal, established contact with Xisheng Hotel, and prepared to rush back.

While others were collecting the loot, Ozuki Masuji walked towards the depths of this dirty building with his knife in hand.

The habitat of the Cold Bay thugs was some kind of small factory, small in scale, used for family workshops, probably to make handmade products. Miying followed them and entered the twisting metal maze.

"This is not their headquarters." Miying was suspicious.

"There are thousands of people in this group, and they were originally dock workers."

"What do you want to find?" Miying asked.

"Trace of occultism, people like them can easily become addicted to something evil." Ozuki Masuke saw a secret door leading to the bottom.

He checked it, then pried it open with his katana and jumped out.

Miying followed from behind.

When she landed at the bottom, she saw strange portraits piled around her. The portraits were all painted with shadows on the river, like women, standing on the golden river in different postures, and the smell of blood was very strong.

Miying glanced at the corner and soon saw a number of piled human bones, some still stained with blood. The red candles swayed around them, illuminating them with a gloomy atmosphere.

"Like a monster." Miying hates injustice.

"There are hundreds of similar ritual sites in Jialongpo from here to other places. Every household wants to exchange sacrifices for the knowledge of the river girl. Parents sacrifice daughters, children sacrifice old people, and men sacrifice women."

Ozuki Masuke inspected the small shrine made of wood. The bowl was filled with someone's blood.

"What knowledge do these gangsters want to know?"

"Methods to make a fortune, ways to cure diseases, techniques to pick up girls...all the knowledge that can keep them away from pain."

He checked the dust on the ground and found it was very clean.

Miying sat on the ground and remembered all the cruel episodes in the past. Some people can do whatever it takes.

"Occultism is dangerous." Miying admitted.

"Yes, using the occult society has led to greater disasters. How many people have disappeared over the decades because of this evil. Although I don't know if a synthetic human can understand..." Ozuki Masusuke pointed to the underground ritual site.

"Do you know the rumors about me?"

"They say that you are the shadow of the cyber monster, that you are the projection of the Internet consciousness in the human world."

"That's true to a certain extent. So I hope you don't think of me just as a synthetic human." Miying nodded, "I think someone must work day and night to fight against evil bit by bit. This is a complement to automated justice."

"Automated justice?" Haoyue Zengzhu pondered.

"Law is automated justice. As long as the law is established, it can create justice every day." Miying now has his own understanding.

"But it also requires people's perseverance, people's watch...people's containment and control. The occult should not spread. It only needs some of the smartest, bravest and sacrificial men and women to master it and use it to protect the majority. That way.

People, like the bearers of taboo power, are products of a certain transitional stage, and in the end all mysticism will be deleted." Ozuki Masusuke said.

"So you want to delete yourself too?"

"I have done a lot, and you should be able to tell that I don't like the wanton proliferation of occultism. It is necessary for humans to make restrictions... You must know how powerless ordinary people are in the face of this kind of power."

Ozuki Masuke sat on the ground and looked up at the top of the floor, where countless people were running around, sorting out what could be used in the entire den.

"Like the corporate alliance's suppression and containment operations against the occult?" Miying asked.

"Yes, that is the greatest achievement I have ever seen in my life."

"You are too arrogant." Miying said.


"There is a saying, you can obviously talk to them. The current situation is that most things, just because humans can't explain them scientifically, just put them on the 'mysterious side', and then point at them: Get into the cage! Occultism

!—Then fight and eliminate dissidents. If you always have this attitude, then I can only obey you." Miying said.

Mi Yingxi imitated Niederreiter's tone and appeared to be sharp-tongued.

Because Niederreiter was a humorous person and his words were interesting, Miying cleverly accessed Niederreiter's corpus in his archives, cut text fragments from it, and then played them in Miying's voice, which was equivalent to copying Niederreiter's corpus.


Ogyue Zengsuke never thought that Miying could speak so fluently and shrewdly.

"You..." he whispered.

"Labels make things easier! Witches are occult, locked up. Monsters are occult, locked up. Even monsters who often do good things, because the label, oh, it's so convenient, is labeled occult, locked up. This

This is what the company alliance has been doing for 150 years. Although the company has never studied the occult at all and is all about making money, it doesn't matter, because it is fighting against the occult, so the company has done a great job. Is that so? That's really awesome.


Ozuki Masusuke smiled slightly, his perseverance over the years could not be broken by a few words.

But Miying's words did let him see one side of the problem.

"Your voice is your own, but your words are not." Ozuki Masusuke saw the clue.

"Because my friend speaks more clearly."

"You must understand...it is necessary to establish a barrier between the occult and ordinary people's lives. A person with a small amount of magic can kill an entire family and escape unscathed. All the occultists you have encountered so far are good people and good deeds? You

I also know that in their eyes, humans are just like toys and slaves." Ozuki Masusuke said.

Miying raised his head but did not answer.

"Actually... compared with those big figures who can really decide the fate of the world, we are like the dust of history. We don't have the huge energy to shape the shape of the world at all." Ozuki Masusuke continued.


Assistant Yueyue pointed upwards, they were in a cellar filled with the smell of blood, while others were rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the factory den.

"We are looking at this dirty world from a lower, more ordinary perspective. You are just a thug, and I am just a mercenary. Powerful people with great reputations like Lila Nestor and Kojima Yezi will not take it seriously at all.

You and I don't need to argue anymore, because what we stand for is only what we each firmly believe in. For now, I will always stand on the side of mankind." Masusuke Ozuki said.

Lin Yin and Lu Jing's laughter came from above. Mi Ying knew it was time for her to leave. They must have found something good if they were so happy.

Miying let out a vague sigh. She was once just a household service robot, but now she has become a representative of a just cause in a sense. Hazyue Zensuke is a bit strange, but it makes Miying feel like a fellow traveler.

.Perhaps only paranoid people can devote themselves to those extraordinary causes.

"I hope the battle of Jialongpo can clarify the last doubts in our hearts." Miying said.

"That's of course... only the winner can hold his head high and state his ideas, while the loser's body will only be kicked into the cold bay." Masusuke Ozuki said in a low voice.

She nodded to Ozuki Masusuke, then climbed up the ladder to the secret door, and returned to the top, where Rinyin and Lu Jing were happily counting their harvests.

(End of chapter)

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