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Chapter 597 Charging

Chapter 597 Charging

"Charging. The power distribution company provides 20 minutes of electricity every day." Jinli scratched his fingers on the counter, as if he wanted to scrape off something to eat.

"20 minutes!" Lu Jing was surprised.

"You have to light candles as soon as it gets dark, because human gadgets can't survive without electricity." Jinli's eyes glowed in the darkness, as did the hundreds of rat companions behind him.

"They didn't pay in the first place, so they just used the electricity." Linyin said.

"Electricity is provided to some small factories in the Northeast District. They pay for it and the nearby human gadgets enjoy it... But the power distribution company went bankrupt and it started doing this a week ago... People pay for it and buy it.

There is no electricity. The night before yesterday, a generator and 20 liters of fuel were sold at a high price, and the buyer was killed while walking at night..." Rat Man kept mumbling.

The sky was getting darker and there was nothing around him to see. Lu Jing couldn't help but hold Lin Yin's hand.

She looked out in horror. Those confused people looked like zombies. They were all experienced or young men. There were also some women and cunning children inside, walking in groups towards the power station.

"The information you gave is not enough, you... you come with us. Take us to see their destination." Lu Jing waved to Jin Li.

"They have to go to the power supply station in the block outside to recharge... They have to recharge their implants for 20 minutes every day. You can go there by yourself." Jinli said.

When Lu Jing heard the news, he felt even more horrified. The footsteps coming from all directions were heading towards the same place.

People are moving resolutely towards a destination, and there must be a traffic jam near the power supply station.

"Who decides who can charge and who cannot?" Lu Jing asked.

"Fists and bullets. Poor human beings love to kill each other. The poorer they are, the more they like to trample on others..." Jinli sneered, then patted the black box it placed in the corner of the counter. A small number of terminals in the mouse hole were all

Recharge it.

"You come with us and help us lead the way. We will ensure your safety." Lu Jing said.

"That situation is not pretty." Linyin reminded.

A large group of people desperate for electricity huddled in a power station, which must have been extremely bloody.

"Is there no one to maintain order?" Lu Jing whispered.

"The only group that could maintain order was killed in the afternoon." Jinli unlocked the door and got out of the narrow door next to it.

With its rickety body, it was about the same height as Lu Jing. If it stood upright, it might actually be taller than a human being.

"Lengwan thugs?" Linyin came back to his senses.

"Yes, yes. Who can control these restless human things except the Cold Bay thugs. But I heard they were wiped out, so there will definitely be new bloodshed tonight, for electricity..." Jinli's tongue

It keeps licking its own beard, as if it also wants to see humans suffer.

They walked out of the narrow black market and walked up a ramp.

Lu Jing wrapped her Tsing Yi tightly, it was strangely cold. The street outside the power station was indeed blocked with water. Tens of thousands of eyes were staring at a small power station with a row of sockets of different styles, enough for all kinds of people to charge.

Everything you need, from vehicles, batteries, implants to home appliances.

Lu Jing turned around and saw that they were wearing simple clothes woven from synthetic fibers and holding batteries, guns and household appliances in their hands. They all looked confused or nervous.

There were many tall people with strange eyes around, as well as the guys she had seen before who looked like secret agents and spies, all ready to go for the 20 minutes of power at the power station.

This place is like a pressure relief valve filled with pressure. As soon as the power station lights up, they will fight for the energy. Many people's implants will cause body necrosis once they run out of power.

"Electricity..." Lu Jing murmured, "Why has electricity become so scarce?"

"Every day people go to the city to steal electricity. I will also buy a lot of battery gadgets to sell, but humans can't afford them at all." Jinli looked into the distance.

Lu Jing followed its gaze and saw that the other side of Jialongpo was like a splendid paradise. The entire building was lit up, and the brilliance pierced the night sky, as if it wanted to carve its own mark on the sky. The ultra-large implant

Advertisements are projected high up, promoting neural kits that can customize thinking patterns, allowing users to defeat enemies in different careers.

Densely packed security shuttles flew in the sky, patrolling between the city's core and edge areas, shining their bright searchlights downwards, as if something was moving there.

Lu Jing knew that they must be a group of ordinary people who wanted to cross the border and look for electricity, penniless people who wanted to survive.

The next second, when 7 o'clock arrived, the whole neighborhood was suddenly lit up.

Hundreds of street lights on both sides of the street all lit up, and the power station also lit up with bright flashes. At this moment, this side of the city was no different from other high-rise buildings, and was also illuminated by warm lights.

The pressure finally exploded, and people quickly rushed toward the large power station in the middle of the block, pushing and squeezing each other, howling, and screaming.

Before she could look at the group of people, Lu Jing heard shouting behind her. She turned her head and saw an alley, the sound rang out from deep inside.

"What is that sound?" Lu Jing asked.

"Human things are robbing." The rat man turned his head to distinguish the voice.

Lu Jing rushed over and ran up to a shabby apartment in search of the sound. He saw two men breaking into a room and breaking in through the door.

She drove the Fuyao Sword and stabbed through the door. When the two men threatened the residents, she shouted to them to stop, and then she approached them step by step with the sword.

"Go away!" Lu Jing yelled angrily.

The two robbers looked very strange. They were wearing simple clothes, had ugly beards, and their eyes looked like some wild and untamed animals.

Frightened by Lu Jing's weapons, they walked out step by step.

Linyin watched from a distance, wary of them hurting anyone. After driving these two people away, Lu Jing saw a frightened woman standing in the rental house.

"It's okay." Lu Jing comforted, then looked at the room with four walls, "What are they here to rob?"

The woman walked into the house tremblingly and opened an old refrigerator with no electricity. Her son with abnormal body proportions was sitting in the refrigerator. The charging port on his arm was connected to a wire, leading to a black battery compartment, which contained two batteries.

, was looking around with blank eyes at this time.

"I must have been seen when I was buying batteries this afternoon." The woman whispered softly, trying to remain calm.

"The door is broken. Others will come to rob you of your electricity. It's time to go." Lu Jing looked at this small room. It was hard to imagine how many people lived here together. There was no room to lie down completely.

Lu Jing felt like he was stuffed into a small box.

"It's easier to die in the open air... There are still four walls here." The woman murmured.

"Where are the men?"

"Went to a place far, far away." The woman whispered. The son in the refrigerator looked up and looked out, his eyes as ignorant as a pig.

"Why is this child also charging?" Lu Jing asked.

"I've made some changes... so I won't be hungry anymore." There was a hint of kindness in the woman's eyes.

In the distance, extremely ferocious shouts came from the direction of the power supply station, gunshots rang out, and there was the sound of bullets hitting metal. It was as if someone was directly attacking the power supply station itself, holding some kind of hope that if he could not charge others,

Don't even think about it.

In this maze-like northeastern corner, there were sounds of smashing, looting and shouting everywhere. Lu Jing felt that life was in chaos like some kind of fluffy spores. He would never see them become extinct, nor would he ever see them.

They grow into something decent.

Then it started raining heavily.

The howling showers brought more despair and fell over the entire city. The cold drizzle poured on the heads of more than 100,000 people who were excited and had scalding body temperatures, but it did not weaken their aggressiveness.

Due to the extremely harsh natural environment, their attitude became even more extreme. Immediately, there was a louder explosion and the ground shook slightly.

"Someone used a bomb..." the woman murmured.

"What will happen tomorrow? I'm talking about you." Lu Jing was a little confused.

"Don't worry... Good Samaritan, I can sell myself. This is also a job. I have a plan, and I have a plan... People here live like this." The woman comforted Lu Jing in turn.

"No, no..." Lu Jing instinctively resisted all this, and some unknown fear filled her heart.

She wrapped herself tightly in her green clothes and walked out, followed closely by Linyin and Jinli. The woman silently thanked Lu Jing.

Lu Jing ran outside, and the rain poured down. Nezumi and Linyin first hid under a small rain shelter. It was a disk antenna built by a certain family. There was a little dry space under the edge for them to stop.

"We should go back!" Linyin shouted, "Go back to the hotel and go to sleep! Don't stay here anymore!"

"Then what will they do?" Lu Jing pointed at everything around him.

The next second, all the lights in the surrounding streets were dimmed, as if the glimmer of light just now was just an illusion.

In this dark rainstorm, boundless fear came over her. Lu Jing looked at the brightly lit city center in the distance. Reason told her that as long as she turned a blind eye, she would have no burden.

If there was a tangible monster destroying this place, Lu Jing would know how to fight it. But now Lu Jing couldn't find anyone to wield his sword against.

There was another series of gunshots, and Lu Jing was in the darkness. He saw that the battlefield outside the power station had become a bloody battlefield. The timid people had fled quickly, leaving some violent gangs to start fighting, and blood was flowing under the heavy rain.

In just ten minutes, hundreds of corpses were left behind. Chaotic violence spread, and everyone seemed to be on the verge of madness under the heavy rain.

"...It's time to go, transform the female stuff and the Tsing Yi stuff." The rat man was worried that his life would be in danger.

"That power station supplies electricity to the entire block?" Lu Jing looked at the small station in the center of the street.

"Yes, yes." Rat Man responded impatiently.

Lu Jing rushed through the rain curtain and ran over quickly. Linyin yelled and quickly followed from behind.

When he ran near those who were fighting and fighting, Lu Jing took out the Fuyao Sword in his hand, with a look of determination on his face.


"Coming to kill!"


"Hit her!" People were panicking and shouting, but their voices were also obscured by the rain and could not be heard at all.

"Pay attention!" Lu Jing shouted.

She drove the Fuyao Sword straight up, then inserted it upside down into the charging station. From top to bottom, she implanted the sword into one of the power interfaces that complied with the protocol, activated the reverse power supply mode, and reached full power.

The entire sword instantly lit up with a strong light.

The vast power of fission immediately surged out, boundless——

In an instant, the entire northeastern corner area was lit up instantly! The street lights all lit up in the blink of an eye, thousands of homes flickered with light, and the indicators at the power station also turned green again.

"There is a lot of electricity here! Enough for you to charge for a hundred years!" Lu Jing shouted.

The people who were violently attacking each other in the heavy rain noticed the change. They stopped waving their weapons at each other and turned their heads to stare at everything in front of them.


"The call is coming!"


Then they stumbled towards the power station, quickly pulled out the wires, and supplied power to what they needed. The rest of the people who couldn't get in line hesitated at first, and then stood in the heavy rain and started queuing, or looked for shelter to wait.

People ran directly back to their homes to see if their electricity was on.

The streets are quiet.

People who were injured in the conflict were now rescued. They took advantage of this breathing opportunity to get up desperately and look for a chance to survive.

The light from the tall street lamps spreads in all directions, like an invisible protective field.

Many people couldn't help but open the doors of their tightly guarded homes and peek out quietly, wondering what kind of force restored the power. When they turned their eyes to the power supply station, they would immediately see the shining Fuyao Sword.

The strong light pierced the rain curtain and illuminated the world.

Lu Jing stood nearby wrapped in Tsing Yi.

She hesitated for a while, then hurried through the crowd, took off her green clothes and covered the Fuyao Sword, so that people would know that it was an asset made by Tianshu. The status of the maids in green clothes was extraordinary, enough to intimidate Xiao Xiao, so as to avoid getting into trouble.

, the locals will also remind each other.

"Here... a temporary solution, tomorrow... I will ask the company's salesperson to come and talk to you... a wire from Xiala... won't be very expensive." Lu Jing turned to look at them.

They looked at Land Mirror with surprise or admiration.

Although it was a good thing, Lu Jing still felt shy and quickly ran back to Linyin.

Without his green clothes to protect him from the rain, Lu Jing got wet immediately after walking through the heavy rain. Linyin quickly picked up Lu Jing and followed the rat man back.

"It's too late, these two bitches are sleeping in the rat pit," said Jinli.

"Yes..." Lu Jing was also exhausted.

"You are so good to them." Linyin ran quickly through the cold heavy rain with her landing glasses on her back. "Life can only be responsible for each of us. Death means that we did not do enough."

"You are too cold-blooded." Lu Jing murmured.

Linyin did not reply, but listened to the murmurs of others.

"Look at that sword!"

"The gods are coming..."

"There are such good people..."

"Wow..." Lu Jing in their eyes was like a god descending from heaven!

Linyin suddenly smiled when she heard these awe-filled voices and discussions from all directions.

"They call you a god." Linyin said.

"I'm going to become an immortal." A bright light flashed in Lu Jing's mind. Being admired and grateful by so many people, the overwhelming faith and wishes slightly changed Lu Jing's temperament.

"Gods just have to take care of mortals all the time?" Rin Yin laughed, "Is that a fairy or a wage earner?"

Lu Jing shook his head.

Some of these thoughts once made Lu Jing's hair stand on end, but now Lu Jing feels that they are extremely legitimate.

"There are no gods... I am not a god... You are right, if they want to survive, they must rely on themselves... rely on their own union instead of internal fighting... Their anger should not be directed at each other, they must fight upward, they

Declare war on the electric power companies... no, declare war on all the companies, unite to find electricity and food, or find a way to produce it yourself, get your own land and generators from others. Otherwise... they will have no choice but to die, just

It could be a parasite or... something even uglier." Lu Jing said with difficulty. Now she understood more and more everything the cyber monsters had said to her.

Linyin never expected that such words would come out of the mouth of a high-status maid in blue, and it would also be Lu Jing, who was known for being a little confused.

"Have a good rest, and then call more people over. You will become an immortal, and you will become the most powerful anti-magic power. You have immortality and anti-magic power in your hands... You have a bright future." Linyin comforted.

"I'll help you get a digital mind... we can go meet the cyber monsters together... sneak into the Sea of ​​Cyris..." Lu Jing said vaguely.

That would be great. Linyin thought to herself. She patted Lu Jing, carried her into the local rat pit, and went to sleep.

(End of chapter)

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