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Chapter 59 Portal

Rats can actually use electromagnetic pulses, and on such a large scale!

Xu Yang walked down quickly. This fact was hard to accept.

"I'm a little numb." Niederreiter checked his condition. His anti-interference device had been burned through. If he tried it again, he would be completely finished.

Niederreiter didn't believe that he had much friendship with Farosha. If he died suddenly, Farosha would definitely not help. Damn it! I still want to live to be the best implant master, and I can't die here!

"A massive rat tide." Lila pointed out the current situation. "It has reached 100,000 people and is invading Aizu City."

"How could they use electromagnetic pulse technology?" Xu Yang was puzzled.

"It's not real technology, but magic power," Lila said. "The witch's power is formed by imitating electromagnetic pulses. This power is not innate, but the result of acquired training and guidance."

"Wait a minute, you mean there is a witch serving the rat people? Is there such a thing?" Xu Yang never imagined how the witch could be related to the rat people.

"It's the rat witch." Lila explained, "The source of the witch's power has been detected in a non-human form."

Lila's consciousness chip state, although the detection is precise, cannot calculate the status of all individuals. The rat witch did not show her presence before, resulting in the omission of this variable.

This incident was unprecedented and shocked Xu Yang. Even in the rat tide that affected the world 50 years ago, there was never a rat witch among them.

"I've heard too many blasphemous things during this period," Farossa said with disgust, "First there was the Metal Zombie Witch, the Slave Flying Witch, and now there's the Mouse Witch. It's quite dirty."

"As long as they are witches, they are all equal." Lila said. She knew that Farosa was proud of being a pure-blood witch, but under the modern corporate system, witches can only survive in shackles. This is not their own choice.

.On the other hand, if a mutated individual occurs among the rat men, they will also be compatriots to the witch.

"I agree, there is no distinction between good and bad witches." Xu Yang agreed with Lila's point of view.

"I'm suddenly very curious! I've wanted to ask a question for a long time!" Falosa hated Xu Yang's pandering to Lila, so she couldn't help but continue teasing, "Lila, how old are you? 100 years old, 150 years old? You seem to have always been

You should hide your true age."

This touches Lila's deepest wound. Although witches have long-lasting youthful appearance, they are also very sensitive to age. Lila has experienced hundreds of battles and served for a long time. She patrols, guards, and fights in the wind and snow year after year, unlike Farro.

Sarah is so young and young.

It was okay if she didn't mention it before, but when Farosha started talking, people would inevitably think of Lila's true age and feel strange. This made Lila feel deeply painful, and she was even more worried that Xu Yang would have a grudge because of it.

Even so, Lila calmed down her conflicting thoughts.

With a robot body and a consciousness chip that can use the power of a witch, the body is so mutilated that it is the greatest happiness to be able to help the master. Not to mention being favored by him is nothing more than an extravagant wish.

"That's enough." Xu Yang couldn't resolve the complicated conflict between Falosa and Lila for a while, and now was by no means the best time. "The Rat Witch used electromagnetic pulses. They came to kill people! We have to guard the entrances and exits!"

"Are you going to fight? Or run away?" Katsuragi Asa was ready to fight.

"Lila, Falosa, take everyone to the shuttle and prepare to retreat," Xu Yang ordered, "Gesuragi comes with me, we go to the entrance to fight."

"I can also support you." Lila wanted to follow Xu Yang.

"If there is a mouse in the garage, someone has to deal with it." Xu Yang must distribute combat power evenly.

Xu Yang ran down the stairs.

The rat noises outside have gone completely crazy, and the sound is a mixture of screams, wails, metal collisions, vehicle crashes and the roar of giant beasts, like a whole crazy orchestra attending the funeral in Aizu Castle.


The entire city was torn apart piece by piece by the Rat Men.

In the darkness, Jumen Trading Company was in chaos.

"What is going on now?" Zuo Hongchen rushed out under the protection of several employees, his face full of despair, "Oh my God! There are so many rats outside!"

More employees followed him with hesitant eyes, not knowing where to go.

"I said the rats would come." Xu Yang acted without delay, "They attacked in an orderly manner. In the past few hours, they didn't attack by force, they just kept digging holes."

"The security company was unprepared?" Zuo Hongchen was in great pain.

"There must be. If they were ordinary rat people, even if they dug holes, they would have already gone to the meat processing plant for canning... But they used electromagnetic pulse! Who would have thought that rats can also master this method!" Xu Yang

Talk as you walk.

“It’s like there’s always someone behind us,” a company employee yelled. “The rats are ahead of us every time!”

"What to do now?" Zuo Hongchen looked back and saw three employees with implants covered in blood and died suddenly at their workstations. Their bodies were burnt and bloody, and no one dared to go near them.

.The implants originally installed for survival were affected by electromagnetic pulses and suddenly became the culprits that took away their lives.

"Send someone to guard the door with me to prevent rats from swarming in from the entrance, and make sure the road to the garage is clear before retreating!" Xu Yang commanded.

"Anyone who can fight, come with me! Get weapons!" Katsuragi Asa said loudly. She felt like she had returned to the time of street fighting, except that the battlefield became a company and the opponent became a mouse.

"Yes, does the company have guns?" Xu Yang asked, "Your people have to be armed too!"

"There...is in the security room, come with me." Zuo Hongchen immediately turned around and led Xu Yang and the others there.

Other company employees did not dare to neglect and followed closely. Lila covered the others and went straight to the garage.

The rat's squeaking sound came from outside the building and kept getting closer, making everyone's heart raise in their throats and they dared not breathe out.

"Why do you want to start such a thing?" Zuo Hongchen was not mentally stable. He opened the door of the security room and hung some civilian security firearms on the wall. Then he grabbed a chair and sat on it in exhaustion.

"Why are there so many rats, why are they here..."

I still want to say something. Xu Yang’s mood is complicated.

Sometimes people are just so unlucky and encounter a rat tide. Now I have to crawl up from the deepest part of the ground to the surface.

How far I have come! I finally passed through Pianmu District to Highland No. 26, and then crossed Highland No. 26 to Huicheng District... I haven't used this large sum of money to enjoy it! It's all wasted here.

In a mouse burrow.

There is also Blackfire Innovation, the manipulator behind Mateo and the mastermind behind the plan to seize Falosa. This company is synonymous with cruelty and lawlessness, and they will not give up tracking Falosa.

The headaches come one after another.

He couldn't complain and could only swallow these words in his stomach.

Turning around and rushing down the stairs, Xu Yang was the first to arrive at the lobby on the ground floor. Several rat men were already lying on the glass door, frantically knocking on the door with water pipes and steel rods in their hands.

The glass door first cracked, and then shattered under the heavy blow of a black-haired rat.

There was no longer anything to stop the rats, and they rushed in like a tide.


"Kill you!" The rat people were full of resentment and stepped over the broken glass on the ground.

Xu Yang was upset by all these unexpected events. He fired at the rat people with a well tiger and fought to divert attention. He moved his wrist quickly and used the implant to cooperate with the auxiliary aiming mechanism of the firearm. The gun fired a headshot and the bullet entered.

The skulls of the rat people caused their running bodies to suddenly stop and fall to the ground.

Bang, bang!

Several rat gunners rushed over, blending in with the rats, and used the cover of their companions to shoot at Xu Yang. Xu Yang immediately retreated and hid behind the bunker at the counter in the lobby, and then waited for an opportunity to shoot again.

There were too many rat men. Using the rat gunmen to force Xu Yang back into the gap, nearly 10 rat men crawled across the hall on all fours and rushed toward Xu Yang.

On the left, right, and front!

Katsuragi Asa rushed down with the re-armed company people. She held a heavy submachine gun in her hand, opened fire quickly, held down the trigger, and shot out, beating the nezumi who poured in at the gate to their guts.

There was no need to aim at all. With the density of the rat-men piled up, these dozens of bullets directly penetrated a large number of rat-men. Their bodies were beaten to a bloody pulp, and they fell down one after another at the door, leaving a mountain of corpses.

"we are coming!"

"Come on!"

"oh oh!"

"Beat it!" The company employees followed. They either shot or took riot sticks and threw them at the rat-men running around in the hall. They fled in all directions under pursuit.

"Smash them!"

"Destroy the rats!" In order to survive, the company people redoubled their strength to fight against the rat people who poured into the company.

The gray-haired rats kept screaming, Xu Yang kept firing, and Jinghu's automatic locking function continued to work, easily targeting and killing rat-men one after another. They had no chance to escape or dodge, and they all died in the

Xu Yang was shot.

The Rat Men wandered around, gnashing their teeth.

"Ho, ho—"

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

The ratmen at the door did not give up the attack due to the resolute counterattack of the humans. Instead, they looked back, bared their teeth in excitement, screamed, and called for their giant cousins ​​to approach.

A giant rat howls and approaches, its shadow covers the building, its majestic appearance is like a nightmare come true. Rats have always been regarded as small and fragile, but this giant rat has subverted all people's understanding of rats.

Carrying all the ideals of the tiny little people, the giant rat stared down at the survivors.

The rats have stooped bodies and live in the sewers. They are damp and diseased, never see the light of day, and have no ideals. They live on the leftovers left by humans, and are forced to regularly exterminate the weak and the elderly and eat the flesh and blood of the same kind.

If there is no resistance, the entire tribe will perish.

Originally, death was doomed, after all, the Ratmen were so fragile.

But now the situation is completely different. They are guided by saints, and they have also created strong and huge creatures of the same kind. They represent hope and possess great power. As the pride of the rat people, they launch counterattacks against the ferocious and vicious humans.

"Fight..." The mice turned to look at the giant rat and whispered vaguely.

"Fight!" hoarse shouts rang out from the rats.

"Fight!" A louder roar came from every unyielding rat!

His momentum was so strong that the faces of everyone in the company turned pale, and Xu Yang's expression became tense.

If the rat people are not afraid of death, then nothing can stop them.

This chapter has been completed!
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