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Chapter 603 The Mystery of the Black Flame

Chapter 603 The Mystery of Black Fire

The white salamander is in the midst of its killing spree, and its scales have changed from pure white at the beginning to as red as blood, releasing a more powerful killing aura. Just standing near it will make you feel the loss of blood and vitality.

After it ate the paintings, it discovered that humans had also taken away many of the paintings, leaving it with no paintings to eat.

The white salamander punched the ground like it was angry and smashed its tail, and the entire China World Trade Center building gradually collapsed under the white salamander's crazy attack!


At this time, Ye Zi and others had already boarded the shuttle and quickly evacuated. They retreated into the air and looked down.

Only Ogyue Zengsuke was still looking down at the broken floor, while Jin Yuxiu and other war witches had already covered the evacuation of the clients.

Ouzue Zengsuke filled his body with aura and spells, and quickly jumped down to fight the white salamander. His katana slammed into the heart of the white salamander, effectively piercing it, but only leaving a knife mark. After a few breaths, it

It heals and gains stronger protection.

"Come back! Go!" Miying shouted at him.

Ouzue Zengsuke jumped back to avoid the white salamander's sweep, then uttered a spell, turned into a ball of mist, and returned to the shuttle.

Amidst bursts of smoke, dust and explosions, the entire World Trade Center building quickly collapsed and was riddled with holes. The honeycomb-like building fell to the surroundings.

The huge and terrifying figure of the white salamander faded in the darkness, as if it had the same teleportation ability as 101, and disappeared from everyone's detection range in just an instant.


After the white salamanders wreaked havoc, huge building debris fell onto the roads on both sides, hitting the ground heavily and blocking access.

The heavy rain washed over the piles of reinforced concrete stones, as if shedding tears over the corpse of a building.

Genting Group, which operates the China World Trade Center, immediately issued an announcement to the public, trying to be as vague as possible.

Only those who have witnessed the ferocious behavior of the white salamander with their own eyes know how powerful this monster is.

"How can we kill this kind of thing? Is it also...a subordinate of the River Goddess?" Ye Zi whispered.

"It may be helpful to understand its essence." Masusuke Ozuki took out his katana, collected the dark gold blood stained on it, put it into a specimen tube and handed it over.

"Mine too..." 102 left the blood stains from the beating.

Most of the white salamander's pale blood dissipates after mixing with the air, leaving only a little of the true pure golden blood.

"Paintings, peacock paintings...we got two." 101 turned around and saw two aluminum plates in the cabin.

"We got it for free! Purchase it for zero yuan!" 102's eyes lit up.

"What does the white salamander do eating those paintings? If it is a subordinate of the River Goddess, it should not be here, but should protect the followers of the River Goddess to successfully complete the ritual... Who sent this monster?"

Ye Zi is still thinking.

The painting is just some kind of projection of the "memory" power of the River Goddess. It was painted by Wu Wu while he was in a state of insanity. Does the white salamander also have secrets that he wants to know? Or does it serve a more powerful existence?

"What should we do with the paintings? What knowledge should we use the paintings to learn?" 101 wanted the things she fought so hard to get back to be worth the money.

"The first painting needs to know how to deal with black fire. We have to let someone read it." Ye Zi thought about it again and again before making a judgment.

"Who comes to see?" 101 asked.

"Let me do it...I...have been trained to resist supernatural forces." Asamu suggested. As a member of the Witch Council, she received first-class education. In the past, Falosa and Kirino Reiyo translated ancient books into modern texts.

, she also gained a lot from reading it.

Without further ado, 101 takes Qian Meng and Painting to the secluded room of Xisheng Hotel.

Now there were two large aluminum boxes in front of Qianmeng. 101 used a shokuro pill to gently cut one of them open, so Qianmeng could see the peacock puzzle painting itself.

"I want to know how to extinguish the 'Black Flame' once and for all..." Qian Meng meditated on the knowledge she longed for, and then shifted her gaze to the peacock riddle.

Qianmeng held her breath.

A quick glance shows that in the painting, a painter named Wu painted a huge ancient temple. Sacrifice related to the River Goddess was carried out here. People from ancient times to the present have repeatedly offered sacrifices, hoping to get some wisdom from the River Goddess.

The front of the temple is a rugged and tall ceremonial tower, like a weird ancient guard. The main body is made of yellow mud and gray bricks, and the outside is covered with gold foil, making it look particularly sacred and noble, but its shape is so strange.

, it’s like coming from another civilization. What they admire is not geometric figures, but a kind of barbaric and crazy growth, which represents their new concept.

These tall towers stretch high into the sky, as if they are chasing the sky. Regardless of how weird the proportions of the towers themselves are, Qianmeng reminds Qian Meng of a child's random drawings.

Behind the ceremony tower is a relief wall, with a huge female face carved on it. She has her eyes closed, as if she doesn't care about people and refuses to respond to any form of their call.

A huge peacock stands under the relief, as if guarding the safety of the goddess.

How beautiful... Its wings and tail feathers are so beautiful that it makes people enchanted. The peacock spreads its wings and shares knowledge and memories with Qianmeng.

The peacock phantom was just a few imaginary strokes, and Qianmeng felt like she was completely sucked in. This was indeed the case. Her expression changed slightly, and her whole spirit went with the peacock phantom to the more ethereal ancient memories.

The puzzle reveals a corner of memories.

——If you want to "extinguish" the black flame, you must know how it is created.

Qian Meng suddenly saw a sea. Above the sea, a larger black engineering ship dropped a huge war spear and pierced it into the sea. The whole ship slowly moved along the set direction, pulling out a huge spear on the ground.

The seawater poured into the gap layer by layer.

This ship is also the same as the temple complex that Qian Meng saw before. It does not look like it was made by humans. It is the creation of an older civilization, which is far more advanced than the civilization Qian Meng currently lives in.

She was terrified as she watched.

Qianmeng looked up and saw that the sky was filled with fast-flying blue shuttles of advanced models. They were all sailing at higher altitudes and connected with the sky. They were quite advanced in terms of speed, shape and technology. She didn't see them.

A shuttle can normally sail at such a high place, yet its size is still so small.

The ancient memories that the riddles brought me into... must be at least tens of thousands of years old. Qian Meng thought to himself.

Qianmeng saw huge buildings growing in the distance, towering black iron towers connecting to the sky, unimaginable man-made celestial bodies moving along the orbit, and the sun itself being surrounded by ribbon-like shadows.

This civilization controls the world, the stars and the sun, and is very similar to the interstellar giants Qianmeng saw in science fiction deductions - space elevators, orbital residential stations, and stellar rings.

“…Y’fim, Y’fim gesiv dereg’ri…” Someone broadcast in secret text from the engineering ship.

Qian Meng was dizzy, but to her it was a secret text, and to the people of this era it was their daily communication language.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the hatch in the belly of the engineering ship open, and many tied women fell into the abyss.

Qian Meng was stunned. There were too many women - too many women. Are they witches? Tens of thousands! She saw them being thrown into the abyss collectively, and black flames lit up underneath.

Raise your tongue of fire and engulf these women like monsters licking their flesh.

Their bodies were added to the black fire, and their flesh and blood disintegrated and disappeared into ashes, becoming fuel and contributing to the scale of the black fire.

This was too cruel. Qianmeng felt extremely frightened. Soon, those women turned into witches in the black fire state, completely becoming some kind of amorphous existence. They howled desperately and circled around.

Only a few witches became black fire witches, and more were simply burned out by the flames. The remaining ones tried to escape from the sea, but were forced back into the sea after a while, as if several invisible chains were dragging them back, and they could never truly

Staying away, Qianmeng looked carefully at the abyss, the bottom...

The peacock chirped, and Qian Meng's consciousness returned from his memories.

She saw the real world again, and then quickly left the painting. She was sweating profusely, her heart was beating fast, and she took several steps back.

When she looked at the painting again, there was no trace of the peacock on the painting, as if all the paint used to draw the peacock had evaporated.

She yelled, and the medical team outside quickly came in and gave Qianmeng a sedative. She quickly felt better and her fear was relieved.

Other medical staff carried Qianmeng to the medical bed, pushed her into the observation room, connected her to health monitoring equipment, and asked her a set of questions to confirm that her mental state was normal.

"What did you see? Did you see the way to extinguish the black fire?" Ye Zi rushed over after hearing the news, and pushed away the others. Then he squatted on the ground and asked Qian Meng what he thought.

"I know...I know..." Qian Meng gasped.

The memory of the River Goddess was so clear that Qian Meng felt as if she had experienced it herself.

"It's okay, we'll talk about it when you feel better," Zi Zi comforted.

"No, no, I want to make it clear while I still remember... Black fire, black fire is a method used by super ancient civilizations to execute witches on a large scale... It's too cruel... They deliberately use black fire to burn

And Murder Witch, too cruel." Qian Meng kept repeating.

"I'll write it down..." Ye Zi recorded the message and sent it back to Nisto headquarters.

"Also, and more. The fire on the dark island of the Black Fire Revolution was just a small fire, and it was not at all the same size as the super ocean abyss I saw!"

"Huh? If we talk carefully, we should be able to find its corresponding position in modern times." Ye Zi felt that they were getting closer to the solution and truly defeated the Black Fire Revolution.

"It...it has several characteristics. I saw more, not just memories, but also...it should be the source of all black fires...it is the oldest black fire, and may even be the source of other fires."

Yes, if we find this great abyss, we should be able to extinguish the Black Fire from the very root! Also, the Black Flame Witches created by the Black Fire cannot leave their birthplace too far, because the super-ancient civilization made them

The black fire is to punish and kill them. They are bound by some kind of power and should not be able to...reincarnate normally, so they must use black fire to exterminate the witches. This is their technology." Qian Meng said intermittently.


Ye Zi nodded frequently, this painting was really right.

As the secret of the Black Fire Revolution is revealed, the end of this group of arms dealers is not far away. Ye Zi continues to listen to Qian Meng's story and pursue more secrets from it.

(End of chapter)

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