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Chapter 607: Decisive Battle

Chapter 607 Decisive Battle

102 After crossing the boundary, I felt that the temperature and the air I breathed had changed.

The surrounding forests are dense and the soil is dry.

She saw those Dahe servants wearing unique clothes patrolling. Jin Yuxiu was squatting in the grass, folding up her mechanical wings, while 102 was hiding next to Jin Yuxiu and observing.

102's witch armor has a built-in function that can read brain waves and convert them into text, and then convert the text into speech. She used this method to silently talk to Jin Yuxiu.

"They looked nervous," 102 said.

"This anomaly is still expanding, look at the distance." Jin Yuxiu's armor also has a similar function.

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the end.

On the river beach in the distance, the Secret Order of the "River Servants" had built a huge gate-shaped building at some point, with a plaster base and gold foil trim.

That door is completely empty. It does not lead to a certain building or connect to any corridor. It is completely like an arch.

Around the door there were altars and statues for sacrifices, as well as a huge sacrifice pit with countless corpses piled inside.

102 took a closer look and saw a large number of skeletal remains. They may have been killing people here day after day...for decades.

"Portal?" 102 wondered.

"There is a good reason. Although we are inexperienced and not as proficient in dealing with mysticism as our predecessors, it is also obvious... that door must be dismantled or closed." Jin Yuxiu said seriously.

"It's so big." 102 Look, the arch is at least ten meters high! If the River Goddess came in with her head on the door, she would also be a super giant!

"Did you notice something was wrong?" Jin Yuxiu asked.

"It's sunny." 102 looked up.

The sun that never sets hangs in the sky, its warmth is nothing like the heavy rain outside.

"Yes... nothing here is natural."

"I'll go tell everyone." 102 ran back.

She hit the transparent wall of air at the edge, bounced back, and sat down on the ground.

"I tried." Jin Yuxiu helped 102 up and hid behind the trees, "You have to wait for them to come over. There is no way to contact the outside world from here. This... is no longer the world we are familiar with."

102 Looking into the distance, the Golden Cicada River flows quietly. What flows here is one of its branches. It is equally wide and deep compared with the main trunk. It originates from the depths of the hillside. It flows silently and reflects the sparkling waves.

A reconnaissance plane sank in the river, shot down by someone unknown.



102's pupils shrank, and he saw a huge peacock bathing in the river. It was completely submerged in the water, motionless, as if it was sleeping.

By the way, its tail feathers are full of forbidden knowledge! Fortunately, the screen is not turned on now, otherwise 102 would have gone crazy.

102 was so creepy that he kept this in mind and did not dare to get close. He also reminded Jin Yuxiu.

She turned around and saw other people crossing the border and entering the ruins one after another. She was startled and waved her hand to signal them not to worry.

The ruins are filled with Dahe Servants, with at least two to three thousand personnel. There are fortifications, trenches and forts everywhere. It is a completely solid defensive position that cannot be disturbed.

Upon seeing this, the subsequent members of the intervention army also immediately restrained their actions, so as not to disturb the peace and tranquility of this great secret realm.

But the peacock on the page in the river suddenly started to move!

It stretched out its claws from the river, as if it had sensed the approach of these people.

The page peacock climbed toward the shore, opened its tail violently in the direction of the interventionist forces, and spread its fan-like tail feathers!

All members of the "River Servants" secret order consciously turned their heads to avoid it.

However, the intervention forces in the company were caught off guard. A large number of personnel in the task force looked directly at the peacock on the page of the book and witnessed the thousands of knowledge and memories recorded on the colorful wings——

Their eyes were bleeding instantly!

These frantic soldiers screamed, instantly revealing their identities.

This sound naturally alarmed the members of the Secret Order.

"Where did it come from!"

"Someone wants to disturb the River Goddess!"

"Kill them!"

"The messenger is enraged!"

"damn it!"

Seeing this, 102 wanted to fight, but as long as the peacock was still there, it would be difficult for them to initiate a frontal battle because it was still holding up its tail feathers.

According to the previous battle plan, the mirror car they prepared was also pushed into the battlefield, but it was quickly attacked by firepower. The believers killed the intervention forces who had newly entered the secret realm.

A fierce battle is about to break out. The company joins forces with the Intervention Force to confront the "River Servants" Secret Order!

102 lowered his mask, closed his eyes, and used the virtual imager to read battlefield intelligence.

As long as there are enough technological means, a series of cognitive hazards can be resisted.

"Fight!" 102 drove its wings behind it and broke into the battle.

On the other side, Masosuke Ozuki was reading a magazine with Yoshiyuki Hosoda in the medical department.

"Look at whether these words are mean or not... We should think that people are born with high and low status." Yoshiyuki Hosoda cursed.

"Maybe." Masusuke Ouzuki thought of Kojima Yoko. She has been unable to lose since she was born.

"This guy." Yoshiyuki Hosoda was dissatisfied, "No one is more noble than anyone else. If there is, we will pull him down!"

"Yes." Ogyue Zengzuke was absent-minded.

"Nowadays, the most common thing is that the poor are deceived into working for the rich and dying for the rich. That is the stupidest thing. Many things can be viewed this way. I don't know how to do it. I want to kill the rich." Yoshida Hosoda

Xing murmured.

"Where's Snowball?" Ouzue Zengsuke saw that Snowball was missing.

"I haven't seen him all day." Yoshiyuki Hosoda couldn't find Snowball either.

Ozuki Masusuke was waiting for the old poet to hack into the hotel and send him a signal, but he never waited for news from the old poet. He could not wait endlessly and delay the opportunity.

He saw the news and guessed that they had joined the fierce battle.

Immediately afterwards, the entire hotel's lights flashed and the power went out for a moment.

"Where's the electricity?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda felt that there was no comfortable surge of electricity coming from the socket.

Did the old poet take action? Ouzuki Masusuke knew that the time window given to him was not long, so he prevaricated Hosoda Yoshiyuki and said to go find Snowball, and then left the medical department.

Start executing the task.

Ogyue Zengsuke performed the technique in a hidden place, used the vaporization technique to enter the ventilation duct, and approached Ye Zi's room according to the previous plan to observe the situation inside.

I saw Kojima Yezi sitting at his desk, scribbling and drawing on his terminal.

It seems that he is practicing sketching? Ye Zi is drawing a portrait of a man, which is actually a portrait of Xu Yang.

Ogyue Zensuke didn't know who it was, but Ye Zi was fascinated by the Xu Yang she drew. She couldn't get his full attention, so she could only use this method to relieve her loneliness.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Zi stood up. She communicated through text messages to complain about the power outage, and then began to inquire about vacation information. She walked out of the room and seemed to be heading to the hotel tarmac, preparing to leave Jialongpo for a while.

Is Kojima Ye Zi going on vacation? Ouzuki Zensuke feels a little surprised. It is understandable that so many things have happened in Jialongpo, but they have also tended to be stable. And the heavy rain for more than ten days in a row can easily make people feel depressed.

Noble people like Kojima Yezi will not stay in this kind of place for too long. They have to wait for the weather to improve before returning to Xisheng Hotel.

Anyway, this is an opportunity.

At this moment, the light in the hotel flickered again and the power supply was restored.

Without thinking, Ogyue Zengsuke quickly used the Qi Transformation Technique to walk through the corridor, enter Ye Zi's room along the crack in the door, and restore his human form.

Ye Ye's handheld terminal is still on the desktop.

Ozuki Masuke immediately inserted the chip given by the old poet into the terminal and began to steal and transfer information.

Unfortunately, it seems that some kind of technical failure or a particularly sophisticated defense program was encountered, and the expected scene did not happen for a long time.

Masusuke Ozuki looked at the portrait, as if he was being stared at by the man. Who is this guy? Masusuke Ozuki frowned. The screen suddenly went dark in an instant.

"Woof!" A mechanical dog suddenly jumped out from under the bed and bit into Ogyue Zensuke's leg.


"...!" Ogyue Masuji kicked him hard, and Snowball bit off a bit of flesh on Ogyue Masuji's calf, and was then kicked to the bed.

It is a mechanical body, so it won't cause any trouble if it falls, and it quickly regains its balance, barking at Ouzuki Masuke.

Knowing that the situation was not good, Ogyue Zengsuke took out the gun the old poet gave him. Snowball was afraid of eating bullets and jumped to the other side of the bed.

He picked up Ye Zi's terminal, and as long as he took it away, everything would turn around.

Ozuki Zensuke rushed out of the corridor. Ye Zi heard the noise and was on his way back to the house. He was startled when he saw Ozuki Zensuke and immediately ran out and asked for support.

"Help!" Ye Zi shouted.

Ozuki Masuke discovered that it was possible to win by hijacking Kojima Ye.

While running quickly, he chanted a spell to increase his combat power. When the ninjas under Kojima Yezi appeared, he chanted the spell and turned it into a ball of charged high-speed gas, which instantly passed through the female ninjas.

Pluck the island leaves.

The elite Nisto legion soldiers came to guard. They were all strong and strong, and they were elites selected from ordinary soldiers. Ozuki Zensuke was unwilling to compete with them, and continued to go over their heads, tracking Kojima Ye.

Then give loud commands and shoot quickly to delay the speed of Hazy Moon's reinforcements.

Leaves rush to the tarmac.

Ouzuki Masuke's gasification effect is about to end, and it will take time to release it again. He changes back to his human form, goes around the corner, and walks through the corridor, preparing to capture the leaves.

Hosoda Yoshiyuki drove the rocket forward and came out of the diagonal stab!

He was suspended in the corridor, standing in front of Ozuki Zensuke.

Kojima Yoko turned around and saw Hosoda Yoshiyuki, who was tall and thin and quick in movement, stopping Ozuki Masusuke, and hurriedly took the time to retreat.

Hosoda Yoshiyuki felt strange that he was actually helping an entrepreneur's daughter escape! This was really the most unwelcome thing he had ever done in his life.

"I can't let you pass, that's it for now." Hosoda Yoshiyuki stretched out his hand.

Due to the shared oath, Hosoda Yoshiyuki cannot use force against Ozuki Masuke.

Haoyue Zengzhu quickly drew his sword.

"You won't do anything to me, Brother Ogyue, we are in the same oath." Hosoda Yoshiyuki murmured.

Ozuki Zensuke had already prepared a means to break the oath. The Lord of the Forest tried to capture his soul, but only encountered air.

The Shadow Wolf breaks his oath.

It took time for Yoshiyuki Hosoda to enter the armed state. Masusuke Ozuki seized this moment and stabbed the katana into Yoshiyuki Hosoda's face. The blade penetrated the skin and pointed directly at the brain.

He pulled the knife out, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda was stabbed in the head, but the mechanical prosthetic body continued to execute the fixed instructions issued in the chip, and swung the arm knife violently, slashing Ozuki Masuke in both ribs.

Ozuki Masusuke gasped and released lightning with one hand, piercing Hosoda Yoshiyuki's whole body. His whole body was scorched, his eyes almost exploded, and countless cheap implants on his body were overloaded and caught fire.

More Nisto soldiers were chasing from behind. Seeing the approaching reinforcements, Ozuki Masusuke swung his sword and cut off Hosoda Yoshiyuki's arm to prevent him from continuing to get in the way.

The time between the spells has expired. Ozuki Zensuke frowned, recited the spell again, and turned the terminal into a ball of gas and disappeared.

Hosoda Yoshiyuki fell to the ground, his skin and flesh were burned, his body was covered in smoke, and his severed arm fell to the ground.

"Woof!" Snowball came running from behind, "Woof woof!"

"..." He was highly modified, and the chip in his damaged brain maintained negligible intellectual functions and played intermittent synthetic sounds, "How come... I died to protect the daughter of an entrepreneur?"


"Why? I am a poor man, dying for the rich? I..."

Yoshiyuki Hosoda looked puzzled.

Snowball crawled over and moved around the dead Yoshiko Hosoda.

"Woof," it said, and then raised its head against Hosoda Yoshiyuki's body, "Woof."

On the other side, Ogyue Zensuke retreated to their hideout in the core city of Jialongpo.

As long as Ye Zi's terminal is cracked, they will win.

Rushing into the secret room, Ozuki Masuke placed Ye Zi's terminal on the table.

"I need you to help me crack this...I got it back." Masusuke Hazuki carried the terminal to the corner of the hideout.

He opened the curtain and saw the old poet lying on the hacker's chair, bleeding from all his orifices.

What's going on? Ozuki Masuke caressed the old poet's breath, which was very weak. The terminal next to him was full of garbled code, with fuzzy pixels spelled out to form a cross, a seven-pointed star and the image of a roaring evil spirit.

Ozuki Masusuke knew that he had to find a way. He was being tracked now and could not bring the threat back to his hiding place. He quickly walked out and looked at the heavy rain. He felt a chill to his bones. Now he was alone. In any case, he

We need to take Ye Zi's terminal out of Jialongpo.

He held his breath and disappeared into the endless rainstorm.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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