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Chapter 612 Save the day

Chapter 612 Save a day

Qianmeng hugged her Gauss rifle, stroked the still warm barrel, and lay in the crater.

She was the one who fired the shot just now, which directly broke the witch's head.

A good gun is a good gun, but the recoil almost broke Qianmeng's shoulder. Only now did she know why no one approved her application. Even with the witch armor blocking it, it still hurt a lot. Her whole shoulder was about to break, and she could only hiss.

Hissing air conditioning.

She loves powerful sniper weapons, and with her time-stop magic, she is almost invincible.

Qian Meng draws magic power from the double star ring on her finger, and the magic power inside is just enough to fill Qian Meng's current magic circuit and replenish its resources.

The elite troops of the Nemesis Group are coming with the force of divine punishment, and Qianmeng will not let them succeed easily.

This company monopolizes many industries in the Western Hemisphere, including industry, finance, and law. It is responsible for many violent incidents, assassinations, and sabotages, and has a very bad reputation.

She still has a lot to train, and the interval when time stops is only more than 1 second and less than 2 seconds. Asamu always has to try her best to perform well. Fortunately, she hasn't missed a beat yet.

Rubbing her shoulders, she quietly poked her head out of the crater.

The heavy rain washed away the smell of gunpowder smoke and fuel, but the large craters caused by energy weapons on the ground and the melted weapons and skeletons were still clearly visible. The battlefield destroyed by modern weapons was particularly tragic.

As for the air, the shuttles of the Nemesis Group are still threatening.

The witches who went to check on the executioner looked nervous.

The executioner was seriously injured and would have died suddenly if he was not rescued immediately. They hurriedly lifted the executioner and sent him back to the shuttle for first aid.

They were puzzled. Who could seize that momentary window and blow the executioner's head off? In their army, only high-ranking witches could serve as executioners. Witches of this level already had excellent reaction speed.

With training, you can even vaguely detect threats.

But he was still shot!

This strange phenomenon seriously weakened their morale.

102 is still holding the army-breaking spear, unwilling to fall. 102 is currently in great physical condition, has super adaptability and resistance, and can continue to fight for a few more hours even if it is overloaded. However, it lacks fuel and can only use artillery fire.

To deal with these shuttles, you can't fly up and explode them with one blow.

"Attack me!" 102 shouted loudly as he looked at the barrels and muzzles of the guns aimed at him.

Fighting spirit welled up from the bottom of her heart.

From the past to the present, they have been facing various difficulties and challenges. Now they have traveled across the ocean to fight in Jialongpo. If they can no longer defend the spoils, then what is their struggle?

With his back to the chopped-off arm of the River Goddess, 102's figure looked particularly upright.

The broken spear seems to distinguish between contradiction and black and white, symbolizing the pride of the Witch Department of Nestor Company.

Dizzying things happened one after another.

While these Nemesis Group shuttles were still wandering around the ruins of 208, a green flash of light suddenly dropped from the sky, shining on the site.

This piece of green light marks a narrow safety zone, just enough to accommodate the troops of Nisto Company, the witches and the wounded!

"The area will be cleared in 30 seconds." A cold announcement came from the sky.

People couldn't help but look up to the sky and stretched out their hands to block the rain dripping on their faces. Soon they saw a huge ship breaking through the clouds and descending suddenly.


"That's right!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

The huge steel body stretches across the sky, and the slender flight deck allows hundreds of vehicles to take off and land at the same time. The emerald green paint is like a gloomy poisonous snake, which will attack violently and take lives in an instant.


The space carrier has arrived!

The witches who were still roaming in the Nemesis Group suddenly became confused.

They received the notification and quickly returned to the shuttle. The dark war machine also quickly distanced itself and re-evaluated the current situation.

Is there any chance of winning?

In terms of firepower, the Orochi has more than 200 heavy artillery pieces, 48 ​​missile arrays and massive light weapons platforms. However, the seven shuttles of the Nemesis Group only have 30 small and medium-sized artillery pieces.

These military shuttles have no pressure against light enemies, but if they were to fight against an entire space carrier, they would all be shot down within 2 minutes.

Immediately afterwards, the Orochi space carrier issued another warning broadcast.

Then it opened the flight deck, and at least 16 "Samurai"-class fighter jets roared across the sky, and their anti-air missiles were all locked on the seven shuttles.

Faced with the continuous sound of alarms, the troops of the Nemesis Group had no choice but to suppress their shame and anger and retreat as quickly as they came, choosing to avoid the edge for the time being. The core of their power is in Taixi Continent, and it is difficult to

Mobilize super-large strategic weapons such as space carriers in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Now that the powerful Nemesis Group has withdrawn, the intervention forces from other companies can't help but look up at the huge space carrier.

At this time, there was still hazy light in the sky, reflecting on the slender and exquisite steel trunk of the Orochi, which was tantamount to the arrival of divine life into the world, creating an unforgettable scene for them.


"The space carrier is coming! Let's go!"

"Keep your distance!"

Under such disparate pressure, the other remnants of the army had no choice but to flee.

While they were retreating, their hearts were filled with unspeakable wonder and shock.

Before the Battle of Jialongpo, the think tank and strategic assessment agency behind them also listed Nisto Company as a "large company". This can be seen from the force, armaments, organizational efficiency and witch combat power displayed by Nisto Company.

, they are completely comparable to those famous giant companies.

After the previous "50-hour" war, most people believed that Nisto Company used extremely cunning and despicable means to defeat the New Xisheng Group and complete this incredible battle of defeating the superior.

Now they are deeply aware that Nisto Company can completely replace Xin Xisheng and become an irresistible giant force in the Eastern Hemisphere.

There is no doubt about the winner and the strong. They are now fully aware of the power and strength of the Nisto Company. At this time, they can only report the situation to the senior management of their respective companies and point out that the biggest loot was taken away by the Nisto Company.

The winner has been determined.

Accordingly, as soon as the Orochi arrived, the soldiers of Nisto Company breathed a sigh of relief.

They couldn't help but wave to their fellow airships in the air and warmly welcomed their support.

The soldiers also know the risks. If the Orochi does not come, there will only be more than 300 people left. Their strength is very weak, and the magic power of the witches is not much left. They are unable to fight against the seven shuttles of the Nemesis Group and the

An elite witch troop of more than 30 people.

Once a war breaks out, everyone in the Nisto Company will be buried here, and their bodies will be thrown into the Golden Cicada River, becoming a stepping stone for the Nemesis Group and suffering the most tragic failure since the founding of the Nisto Company.

Fortunately, the Orochi provided timely support, and it was worthy of being the fastest legend ever.

Hundreds of reconnaissance drones, medical aircraft, and transport aircraft flew out from the Orochi's airborne platform and spread out like a flock of fast-moving birds to process and protect the entire 208 ruins.

"Here we come!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"There's food and medicine!"

"What a big arm...the logistics team is here to recover it!"

At the same time, airborne support was provided by thousands of well-trained naval soldiers and staff. They acted quickly to treat and rescue the exhausted friendly forces and relieve their injuries and pressure.

The Orochi's huge body slowly descended.

As an airship, its function is to project power, radiate the powerful power of Nisto Corporation to any corner of the Eastern Hemisphere, and deal a heavy blow to ordinary enterprises that lack airships without any suspense.

102 Lie back and rest.

A medical witch put 102 into the temporary medical cabin and connected different cables to 102's witch armor.

Immediately afterwards, 102 felt that the armor was replenishing energy, supplements and medicines. After these resources were injected into the armor, they provided treatment for 102 inside, making her feel that her body was gradually getting better.

"Do you want to rest or..." the medical witch asked.

"Sleep." 102 closed his eyes. The medical witch injected an additional pale treatment injection into 102. In this way, unless there was an earthquake, 102 would not be able to wake up and would sleep for days and nights.

On the other side, Linyin, who was the most seriously injured, fell to the ground.

"Try this..." Shaba Chiyuki put the amber nectar into Linyin's mouth.

The first bite was tasted by 102 before, and was used to restore the burns caused by the black fire. The healing effect of the second bite was stronger than the first bite. When Rinne licked the amber nectar unconsciously, half of her body was shattered by the shot.

The body will quickly recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shaba Chiyuki took out the amber nectar, and there was only the last bit left on it. The remaining nectar was the essence and had the most powerful effect.

The emergency personnel nearby quickly came over and used modern medicine to provide first aid. In conjunction with the mystical effects of nectar, they tried to monitor and improve Lin Yin's physical condition.

"It will take time to remove the bullet casings, gunpowder and lead. Her internal organs will recover, but it will take time for her to be able to walk without any problems. This may take a month or two," the medical staff observed.

For a low-level witch like Rinne, her physical ability and physical fitness need to be further developed.

"Huh...huh..." Linyin opened her eyes and smelled the strong smell of blood coming from her body.

Two feelings came from her body at the same time, one was the pain of the wound, and the other was the sense of vitality brought by amber nectar. Linyin was dizzy and struggled to get up. Lu Jing had been watching nervously, and now he hurriedly let go

Linyin lay down.

"Don't be anxious! Don't be anxious!" Lu Jing shouted, "It's okay... Linyin..."

"Aiden——" Lin Yin shouted hoarsely.

"He's dead!" Lu Jing looked at Aiden's severed head in the distance.

The bloodshot eyes had turned white, and all the cables and lines were clearly cut off, leaving no life at all.

"Really dead?" Linyin murmured.

"Dead! He will never live again! Really! I will burn his body to ashes... Someone lend me a flamethrower..." Lu Jing walked around.

"No... no need..." Linyin lay back on the ground and slowly closed her eyes.

The visions of her companions passed before her eyes one after another.

After three years, Linyin finally completed her revenge. Now, she wants to take a good rest.

Lu Jing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Yin's relieved look.

"Great..." Lu Jing squatted next to Lin Yin and said intermittently, "Now that you have a digital mind, you can become the most powerful hacker... You don't have to worry about anything..."

Looking at Linyin's white hair dyed red with blood, Lu Jing couldn't help but shed tears, but they were tears of happiness.

Linyin's freedom, unrestrainedness and vitality infected Lu Jing, making Lu Jing become more mature from a girl who worried about gains and losses.

She still has to wait for Linyin to recover, and then they can fulfill their previous promise - sink into the Sea of ​​Cyris, see the true appearance of the cyber monster together, and figure out what the cyber monster is...

"I'm sorry. Is she okay?" Qian Meng walked over cautiously. She wanted to meet new people. Lin Yin and Lu Jing were both cute guys.

"She will get better." Lu Jing wiped away her tears.

"Ha, that's good, it's safe now!" Qianmeng saw Rinne turned into a bloody person, and thought she was dead, but she didn't expect that she was still breathing.

"It's still very scary. The executioner of the Nemesis Group just now... disappeared in the blink of an eye. He eliminated a lot of harm for us and allowed us to hold on until the airship arrives." Lu Jing murmured.

Hehe. Qian Meng smiled secretly in his heart.

Except for the greatest time stopper, Asamu, no one else can save the situation. Thanks to the double star ring provided by the god Falosa, Asamu can quickly replenish his magic power.

However, the news that he is a time stopper cannot be revealed casually yet.

"The airship came so quickly. I thought it was in the northern archipelago, but it flew over within a few hours." Qianmeng changed the subject and looked up at the Orochi.

"The Orochi has been at Jialongpo for a whole day." The medical staff nearby said, "We have signed an agreement to become the safety contractor of Jialongpo, so even airships can be sent here. Chief Elody

on board."

(End of chapter)

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