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Chapter 622 The Winter Project

Chapter 622 Winter Plan

The encrypted signal comes from Chiba City, which is located on the eastern border of the Great Northern Region. It is a prosperous port city with the vast Syberia region as its backdrop.

"Dear Sir, I am Lieutenant Gabriella of the Great Northern Guerrilla Army, and I am currently sending you a message in Chiba City. According to the opinion of Commissioner Selita, we must ask you for valuable help in this critical period of survival.

Assistance so that we and people across the Great North can get through the cold winter."

"Once the cold wave arrives, the Great Northern Region will be the first to bear the brunt." Xu Yang suddenly thought of the extreme situation.

Located in the extreme north, the Great Northern Region is not considered warm even in seasons when the sun is high.

Whenever winter comes, most of the area is covered in ice and snow, and the freezing weather conditions are enough to prevent all human activities.

In the coming cold wave, the Great Northern Region will only suffer more extreme meteorological disasters. At that time, all life in the entire region will be unable to survive and will completely become a restricted area for life.

"Yes, although the company tried to cover it up, the news spread like wildfire. The news that the extreme cold storm would engulf the entire Great Northern Region quickly spread, and everyone went crazy."


"From the polar circle to the border, countless people are migrating south. I have never seen such a scene. Entire cities are abandoned, everything has been taken away, factories, fields and laboratories are all empty.


"I heard that the northern military industry is trying to save itself and will build insulation towers in important industrial cities such as Petersburg, Rostov, Polotsk, Velaya and Novosibirsk to withstand extreme weather." Xu Yang

Flip through the news.

"This is of no use at all! How many people can be saved with just those few heat towers? According to the exact information we have obtained, the northern military industry plans to abandon the Great Northern Mother and the 240 million people she nourishes!"

"Their insulation scheme has really little coverage and most of the money has been diverted."

"Yes, the current northern military industry is completely corrupt and controlled by oligarchs in the industrial, financial and energy industries. They will build heating systems, but only to retain core industrial areas, resource production areas and military bases. They will also forcefully enslave the remaining people.

They left the vast majority of people in the ice and snow to freeze to death."

"It seems that the southward migration route has also been blocked."

"Many people are attached to Xia because Gaoge Jiuzhou Company is purchasing large areas of land in Siberia. Many people are trying to cross the mountains to Baixiangzhou, and others are trying to go to Constantiniya... But in the end, there are only a few people.

They can leave because the destination is not rich either. Most people can only stay in the Great Northern Region to face the brutal winter."

Gabriella's tone was worried.

She was sad that the situation she had spun in a few words could not fully reflect the horrific disaster currently facing the Great North.

The mission of the guerrillas is to illuminate the world as a pioneer, but now they are powerless in the face of countless sufferings around them.

"The situation seems to be very bad." Xu Yang paid careful attention to the situation and noticed that many cities in the Great Northern Region had lost media and Internet connections, and there was obvious internal chaos.

"Yes, a large number of various 'leaders' have emerged now. They hold different ideas and have united a large group of loyal cadres and thugs. The new emperor, who claims to be a descendant of the royal family, boasts that the people of the Great Northern are superior to

Extreme villains from other populations, priests who claim to have descended from the sky with the will of God, warlords who try to establish power through force, freaks who one-sidedly emphasize science and technology, the power of pilots, the country of merchants, the black army, the poison gas food collection team,

The spy leader, the corporate armed forces who rebelled from the company, the mercenaries funded by the Lighthouse Core..."

"In such chaos, can the guerrillas attract more followers?" Xu Yang asked.

"This is not true. We have the strongest confidence, but the vanguard flag has not been unfurled for decades, and people lack trust in us... Therefore, what we have to do is to establish a firm foothold first. In the Great North, there are several

Abandoned industrial cities and many ordinary residents who have no strength to move south are our basic base. Our plan is to survive the initial cold wave and then reunify the Great North in the icy wasteland." Lieutenant Gabriella


The guerrillas finally moved from Baixiangzhou to the Great Northern Region, and now they are hit by the biting cold wind. The situation is extremely bad for them.

Once winter arrives, tens of thousands of elite warriors who have managed to survive will freeze to death in the snow. Therefore, they must first prepare to withstand the cold winter.

"It sounds like a good chance...but how can we help?" Xu Yang asked further.

"We hope you can invest in building an oil and gas pipeline to Chiba City." Gabriella laid out the core demands of the guerrillas.

"Sell oil and gas to Chiba City? Of course they will agree, but how can this help you?"

"This is a plan, a sophisticated strategy. The presence of the guerrillas is hostile to all companies, so if a channel is established directly to our stronghold, it will inevitably be attacked and damaged. But if you sell the oil and gas

Chiba City, then no one will doubt your project! After the pipeline construction is completed, our guerrilla army will launch a large-scale attack before winter and occupy Chiba City. In this way, we can continue to secretly

The channel received your fuel support, and other forces also missed the best time to destroy the pipeline in Chiba City."

"What do you rely on to conquer Chiba City? That city is huge."

"Ah, don't worry, sir, we have found a space carrier." Gabriella's tone became delighted.

"What ancient technology?" Xu Yang was curious.

"No, no, it's an air carrier in the northern military service. I don't dare to reveal its name yet."

"The awakening of corporate people?"

"It's not an awakening, but the realization of a long-cherished wish. Its captain has always been enthusiastic about the vanguard doctrine. When the guerrillas contacted him, he immediately came up with the idea of ​​leading the entire ship to join our great cause. Waiting for the North

When the military industry decided to abandon hundreds of millions of people to die in the frozen soil of the Great North, the captain finally made up his mind to leave that giant enterprise that ignored people's safety. Soon, he would launch a plan to lead the entire army.

A ship will join our glorious cause and become the first space carrier of the Vanguard Army."

"But even a ship cannot withstand the cold wind."

"When we capture Chiba City, he will park the empty ship on the ground, convert the empty ship's reactor into a nuclear power plant, and light up thousands of settlements in the endless winter. We want to protect

In the Great Northern Land, starting from Chiba City, we will move all the way west until we plant the flag throughout the Great Northern Region!" Gabriella spoke in an impassioned tone.

"Very good... We will contact Chiba City to promote the oil and gas pipeline project to facilitate your future plans." Xu Yang agreed.

After saying goodbye, Gabriella ended her correspondence and went back to prepare to contact other like-minded people in the Great Northern Guerrilla Army.

Unite and push the cause to victory.

Xu Yang was thinking silently in the holiday home.

Under the harsh winter, the habitable zone in the Great Northern Region will move significantly southward. More than 200 million people will fight each other for the last resources in the midst of extreme cold and hunger, and will be destroyed by different forms of power and violence in despair.

Under such circumstances, only the vanguard fighters can bridge all divisions and unite all those who can be united.

If the guerrillas win in the end, then the bell can ring for the end of the company.

The Great Northern Region has more than 20,000 nuclear warheads, ranking among the top three in the world. From a geographical point of view, if the entire Great Northern Region joins the progressive camp, how easy will it be to drive straight into Taixi Continent? Enterprises in Taixi Continent will be burned to death.

Even if everything doesn't end violently, the Great Northern Region can still provide huge amounts of steel, timber, and oil. With three-quarters of the area turned into frozen soil, it still has rich wilderness that can be reclaimed, and there are many lands and resources that can be reclaimed.

Utilization, as well as strong scientific research strength and military industry bring additional support.

If one region after another joins the progressive camp, the isolated ones will become the corporate side, moving one step closer to freedom, unity and happiness for all.

However, everything still depends on the efforts of the guerrillas.

The cold wave affects not only them, but also has a profound impact on the northern archipelago. The Nisto Company is currently going all out to build thermal towers until every household can be protected from the extreme cold. This plan consumes the entire economic budget. Moreover, the Nisto Company uses force

It's been a long time, and it's time to take a break, otherwise employees and citizens will be dissatisfied.

After waking up the next day, Xu Yang contacted Xiao Dao Zizi who was working in Jialongpo.

"Is the situation in Jialongpo okay? Is there anything you need?" Xu Yang wanted to know if Ye Zi was doing well after staying away from the northern archipelago.

Ye Zi is living her own life, and she is trying to establish her own power outside the northern archipelago. This is naturally a difficult and complicated task.

"There are still many things to be done." Ye Zi liked hearing Xu Yang's voice.

"There are no blind people in the local area."

"Once they heard the reputation of Kodao Ye Zi, they didn't dare to cause trouble." Ye Zi said mischievously.

"You are indeed much better than them." Xu Yang praised.

Ye Zi has always been very smart. They have experienced a lot of things together from the past to the present. However, bad luck means that they often cannot live together for too long and are always separated for a long time. They have to adapt to this situation.

"I'm here to clean up the broken city, put order in order, organize troops, and build a studio..." Ye Zi enumerated her daily work.

"So you can't go back to the northern islands?"

"I don't want to go back either. After all, Falosa is about to wake up." Ye Zi smiled and said calmly.

(End of chapter)

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