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Chapter 624: The Banquet Is Successful

Chapter 624 The banquet was a success

Inside the ritual point, the Seven Witches summon Farosha.

"The most noble Lord Falosa... show your true face before us." Mizuro Yoshioka wore a black witch cloak, raised her arms high, and guided her magic power through the magic vortex at the height.

They were performing the ritual at Nisto headquarters, and at this moment they were all focused on the large vortex in front of them.

Its volume continues to expand, and the center of the vortex shines like a nebula.

Directly under the whirlpool is the entire right arm of the River Goddess that was severed. The golden blood at the cut has condensed. They believe that only the scent of the River Goddess' flesh can awaken Lord Farosha from her increasingly sinking depth of practice.

The magic vortex required to awaken Farosha is so powerful that it leads the powerful power of the witch god Farosha to the earth, just like a black hole pulling and swallowing all other stars. In the process of Farosha's return,

The powers of other witches were also attracted and destroyed by the whirlpool.

Therefore, all the witches in the city, including Nestor Company, received the news in advance that due to the influence of a powerful witch, they were all unable to use magic power today.

With the development of the ritual, other witches can now clearly detect the existence of the magic vortex.

Regardless of whether they serve the Nisto Company or not, the witches within the upper capital unconsciously look towards the Nisto headquarters.

They felt that the magic power in their bodies had become restless. In the past, the magic power surged smoothly like flowing water. Now, they are like thousands of angry beasts, beating violently, eager to break free from their shackles, rush out of their delicate bodies, and serve the real demon gods.

.They must do their best to suppress the magic power in their bodies to prevent them from being drained away.

"what happened?"

"This... what a powerful witch this must be..."

"My magic power is about to be drawn out..."

"A new ruler is born? A new supreme witch is born?"

"It's so scary..." The witches in the city talked about this spectacle.

Nestor Company did not avoid suspicion. Lila directly issued an announcement to the citizens and all other company observation agencies, announcing that Nestor Company was conducting a ceremony to welcome an "extremely powerful witch".

The witches in the Beijing offices of other large companies can also feel a strong pull, and the magic power in their bodies becomes hot.

Due to the company's chips, drug control and programmed thinking training, they only have unconditional loyalty and love for their respective companies, but even so, they can't help but set their sights on the direction of the magic vortex.

Its existence brought some kind of spiritual suggestion, prompting them to weave wonderful illusions in their hearts, and the dream about the witch's freedom and happiness suddenly became very real at this moment.

"This kind of magic strength... there is no way to measure it."

"It's just like the extremely strong magic wave detected in the northern archipelago many years ago..."

"The company alliance is right - they have detected it long ago, but..." Corporate observers were surprised and reported the news one after another.

Most people are horrified by this fact. Since the Witch War, supreme level and even stronger witches have disappeared from history, but today, the record has been broken.

A witch capable of ruling the world...is coming.

According to common sense, if a company accomplishes such transgressions, most companies around the world will initiate a corporate war and impose sanctions on it.

But the target is Nesto Corporation?

Who dares to buck the trend at this time...

Under the double blow of the economic crisis and meteorological disasters, they also lacked the ability to adapt and were forced to watch such a huge supernatural threat unfold before their eyes.

Different from the feeling of fear and fear at the beginning, now hearing such news, more people in the company feel numb. Due to the obvious changes in form, they are forced to surrender and give way to the supreme power that far exceeds the level of human cognition.


Inside the Nisto headquarters, the ceremony continues.

Yoshioka Mizuiro sensed something was wrong.

"It's been so long... Lady Farossa didn't respond? She doesn't seem to be awake." Yoshioka Mizuro tried to observe the existence of Lady Farossa, but all she could see was the ever-changing nebula.

"Can't the arm of the River Goddess awaken Lord Farosha?" Pan Ruiyi shouted.

"...She has already smelled the smell, but there is still a little bit..." Du Qianqian looked up.

"What's wrong?" 102 raised his hands high and stood on tiptoes, trying to see through the truth deep in the magic vortex.

"Go and invite Uncle Xu!" Qian Meng's eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized what was missing.

101 brought Xu Yang, who was fishing on the pier, back to Nisto headquarters.

He walked through the door and came to the ritual point where magic power was surging. There was an invisible wind whistling and the powerful magic storm almost formed a whirlpool of blades with real lethality.

101 originally thought that Xu Yang would be injured, but when Xu Yang got closer, this powerful turbulent flow of power consciously weakened, and was replaced by countless light spots, like a meteor shower.

"Ms. Farosha is about to wake up, run!" 102 turned around and left.

The other witches cast encouraging or ambiguous glances at Xu Yang, and then chose to leave in a hurry.

Xu Yang looked down at the huge demigod arm. Before he had time to think about the first thing, Falosa's voice sounded from the ceremony point.

"...What a fragrant smell..."

Falosa, open your eyes.

"Everyone found food for you." Xu Yang said.

"...Why do they assume that I will like this kind of thing? Do they think of me as a monster that devours all things?"

"If you don't eat it, I will send it to the museum." Xu Yang walked towards the severed arm of the River Goddess.

"I have to clarify one thing - I don't have many opportunities to have a strong appetite, and it succeeded in arousing my appetite, and that's it."

Falosa's arm descended from the vortex, and the nebula-like shining cyclone wrapped around the rest of her body, so that Xu Yang could only see her arm.

Immediately afterwards, Falosa's slender hands easily grabbed the long arm of the river goddess on the ground and slowly dragged it up to her divine realm.

"Can I watch you eat?" Xu Yang raised his head.

"You can watch part of it..."

Falosa, who devoured the gods, showed her respectable appetite at this moment.

Following a harsh gnawing and greedy sound, Xu Yang saw a monstrous rain of dark gold blood falling from the nebula vortex!

The entire arm that once belonged to the River Goddess is being crushed and torn apart by Farossa.

"You ate your god back then." Xu Yang thought of the shrine of Suzuki Spring.

"I ate it. I killed it and left behind a huge rotten corpse. I dug out its eyes and took off its tentacles. I crawled into its hollow skull. I devoured its brains like a miner.

Digging for the gold that is readily available. That was my earliest source of strength."

Under the influence of Falosa's god-eating power, the surrounding space seemed to have turned into a huge piece of meat, tempting Xu Yang and making him eager to open his mouth and bite off a piece of air.

He tried to walk around, but the air did get thicker.

Xu Yang felt like he was walking in a large mass of flesh and blood. No matter which direction he went, he would be squeezed away by the soft flesh. What he smelled was the fragrant meat aroma, and what he thought of was a wonderful feast.

There was nothing else to think about except eating, drinking, and participating in the party.

Immediately afterwards, this powerful influence was deconstructed under the processing of Xu Yang's digital mind.

Just like breaking down huge rocks into elementary particles at the microscopic level, Xu Yang turns illusions into light and shadow, and his desires into fragments in the stream of consciousness, thus weakening this powerful interference that ordinary people cannot handle.

He observes everything around him like a robot, constantly understanding and dismantling them at a fundamental level.

And Falosa continued to crush and swallow the entire arm of the River Goddess like a giant pulverizer. The golden blood rain falling from the whirlpool became even more viscous and smelly, and Falosa seemed to tear it into pieces.

The body of the River Goddess was placed on the dining table. She was the only guest in this huge banquet. Falosa gained endless memories and knowledge from it. Only the wisdom of God is enough to digest the endless amount of information of hundreds of millions of years.

"The secrets from the past to the present have never been so clear." The voice from the vortex became louder, representing Falosa's awakening will.

The blood accumulated on the ground was led into the nebula, and even the blood became her food reserve.

The wealth of secrets and knowledge held in the memory of the River Goddess is now available to Falosa.

After devouring the divine limb, the magic vortex contracted inward, and Falosa's figure descended downwards, leaving the hidden Galaxy Divine Realm.

The witch god Falosa floated into the world from a high place, without even a single strand of hair on her body. Her body shone with bright phantom light, and her stunning appearance and posture reappeared in the world.

"...It's been too long..." Xu Yang walked towards Falosa, and she leaned forward and fell into Xu Yang's arms. Her body was hot and soft when he hugged her.

There was golden blood around her mouth.

"Lick the residual blood from my lips, and you will share these endless memories with me, indulge in the joys and sorrows of millions of people in the river of history, and the things they have seen weave into the secrets of half the world..." Farosha

Her voice sounds particularly pleasant, and now her voice alone can make people dazzled.

Xu Yang kissed all the blood from her mouth, and the memories poured into his brain.

In his digital mind, he obtained tens of millions of memory files that needed to be unpacked. Xu Yang received this countless knowledge, and then he felt his body sinking, the surrounding space changing, and Faroo pulled him into the golden world.

River of memories.

"There are countless fragments here..." Falosa opened her arms, like a goddess hugging her warrior, allowing Xu Yang to press on her, "...enough for us to roam for a long time, we are together again, this world is ours

, let me take you to a place where these memories are precious."

Falosa took Xu Yang to sink into a memory, which was like an insignificant drop of water in the river, carrying the memory of an intelligent creature.

Xu Yang saw a monkey holding a flower in his hand next to a large river, showing love to another monkey.

Falosa took Xu Yang into the memory scenes and crushed them into bloody foam. Then she stood on the dry and hot river bank, happily hugged Xu Yang and kissed his cheek.

"Now we are the first couple in the world." She said.

"It's just a memory."

"You're so disappointing."

"It's always like this... it must be like this..." Xu Yang picked up Falosa.

"You don't understand, memory is also very precious. Now I know many secrets and will never be deceived again." Falosa had a strange smile on her face.

"What are you going to do with all these memories?"

"I want to build a witch academy to manage all witches. Oh, Xu Yang, you have done too much, now it is my turn."

(End of chapter)

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