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Chapter 626 Endless Winter

Chapter 626 Endless Winter

Beginning in October, an unusual cold wave swept across the world. The north wind brought a deathly chill, and more than 1 billion people migrated from high latitudes.

It's like going back to primitive society. Inhabitable areas and food have become the main sources of human conflict, and a series of border disputes and large-scale wars have arisen.

Since they were unable to protect themselves, and knowing that they would bear tens of millions of in-migration pressures once they were released, various economic entities built high walls on the border, equipped with professional killing troops, and prohibited the population from moving south. Frozen corpses piled up like mountains outside the border.


The northern archipelago was also completely covered by frost, and the seawater in the port turned into solid ice. Even the extremely prosperous Shangjing Bay could barely maintain 75% of its normal shipping capacity. The remaining small port towns completely lost their maritime shipping capabilities.

"The heavy snow completely buried our home..." Xu Yang observed the situation in front of him.

The little fool's eyes moved accordingly, and finally landed on the countless tower-shaped heating buildings on the island.

The terrifying snow storm continues. Fortunately, after months of painstaking construction, Nisto's thermal towers have risen from the ground to provide warmth to the residents of the community. They spray hot smoke into the sky and emit bright lights.

Orange Light uses natural gas, oil and electricity as heating resources. In this midwinter season, they are the only barrier to protect citizens from freezing to death.

Residents in other neutral and third-party areas have drawn up contracts and rented a large number of heating facilities from Nisto Company to maintain the basic conditions for survival.

But this cannot cover everyone, especially Ibei City, which is located in the northernmost part of the archipelago.

Yibei City is located alone on a large island rich in minerals. During the historical development period, a large number of islanders went to Yibei City to immigrate to reclaim wasteland, establish large and small settlements on the rugged island, and exploit the island's coal mines, pig iron and

Gold. With the gradual depletion of mineral resources, Yibei City has now transformed into a remote area focusing on tourism and other service industries.

Located in the northernmost part of the islands, Ibei City suffered particularly serious damage. The estimated death toll has exceeded 550,000 people. All farmland, pastures and mines were also flooded by the heavy snow.

"Who did the bad thing?" The little fool pointed to the North Pole, where the storm came from.

"It's not there, the Frost Giant Ellid... It should be hiding in the Near East now, because there is also an unknown extreme cold phenomenon in the Near East. Deserts and glaciers appear in the same place." Xu Yang pondered.

The world has changed.

As the amount of ice increases and the ice sheet becomes extremely thick, the sea level will slowly drop and the land area will begin to expand.

In the first month, the news frantically reported on the number of people who died from the frost disaster, exaggerating the frightening cold. Now media figures only report the death toll calculated by third-party organizations every day.

Businesses went bankrupt, humans lost their jobs and froze to death on the streets, and all civilized rationality collapsed along with the collapse of basic living conditions.

Now the new focus is on migrating to the equator and marching into Reshu Island.

As the world cools, the tropics have turned into more livable temperate zones, and the distribution range of mosquitoes has become narrower. As a result, companies have been frantically promoting the benefits of moving to Reshu Island.

Starting from the Western continent, white adventurers launched another vigorous pioneering movement. They purchased weapons and equipment and armed hundreds of thousands of desperate unemployed people into mercenaries.

Subsequently, they carried out a large-scale modern colonization of Reshuzhou that surpassed their predecessors.

In order to fight for living space, new mercenaries set out from the north coast of Reshuzhou and pushed southward, clearing out and driving away tens of millions of locals.

Relying on more advanced weapons, they killed the dark-skinned people who originally lived in Reshu Continent into rivers of blood, seized large areas of livable areas, and at the same time solicited investment from overseas forces with the intention of developing large cities.

The first colonial warlords were unprincipled and did not regard the dark-colored people in Reshu Continent as their own kind. They directly put them into farms and plantations as labor, or sent them to laboratories as consumables. They even directly used biochemical means to transform them into

Mutant soldiers.

The new colonial warlords not only used force and technology, but also worshiped various gods, contacted monsters, practiced mysticism, and absorbed overseas funds. They built protected areas one after another, armed more unemployed people to join their expeditions, and welcomed

More citizens moved to new homes in hot areas, seeking another development of the continent in the cold era, and going deep into the core of the dark continent.

The new conquests are becoming more and more intense. According to this trend, they are bound to clear out the indigenous people of Reshuzhou and transform the entire warm continent into their new homeland.

Nestor Company is isolated among the northern archipelago and can only overcome the difficult challenge of the frost season alone.

In just a few months, the world has become unfamiliar to the little fool.

She is so scared that she will freeze to death as soon as she leaves a heated room. She can still feel the cold even if she wears thick clothes.

"What should we do?" the little fool couldn't help but ask.

"This is a battle of occultism. We must kill Ellid to prevent our homeland from continuing to pile up in the blizzard." Xu Yang explained.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action." Falosa leaned against the window.

Recently, fewer and fewer people have been able to see her true appearance. People with weak will often feel fear and consciously bow their heads when approaching Falosa. The witches respect her even more and will not show any disobedience.

The meaning of reverse.

For the little fool, she only felt chest tightness, irritability, and nervousness.

"When? When will you take action?" the little fool asked weakly.

Falosa turned around and walked towards the little fool step by step. Her eyes became softer and her posture became more humble.

"I have been working hard." Farosha said sincerely, "When you look at me, I not only appear in front of you, I also appear in many places in the world, my projection, my chess piece,

My setup, I was thinking about countless different things at the same time, appearing in different places doing different things at the same time, I was trying my best every moment, all for the sake of... children like you can calmly


"Wow..." The little fool was shocked. He never thought that Falosa was so powerful.

"Come into my arms, okay?" Falosa squatted down and opened her arms, "You have always been very good, you have always been obedient, you have read the books I wrote carefully, and you have been practicing your knowledge and

Magic...good boy, smart and patient, the best boy in the world, come here."

The little fool staggered towards Farosha.

She almost suffocated when she looked at Falosa's stunning appearance. How could she be so beautiful? Falosa has a flawless face. Even the most beautiful witch would pale in front of Falosa's stunning beauty.

She stepped forward with her little shoes and leaned forward.

Just when he was about to throw himself into Falosa's arms, the little fool swallowed again, tried his best to maintain his body balance, leaned back, stopped in place, and bit his lip.

"Forget it." The little fool tried to wave to Farosha calmly, but suddenly found that Farosha was missing.

Where did it go?

The little fool was startled. She looked back at Xu Yang in horror. Fortunately, Xu Yang was still there. If he disappeared too, the little fool felt like he was going to explode on the spot.

"Falosa saw that you were not interested, so she went to pursue her own interests." Xu Yang said.

"Does she really have countless clones?"

"What she says is always half-truth and half-false, no one can tell clearly, and she is getting better and better at this trick."

"What if I had just jumped into her arms?"

"You can lose a finger and then see it come back seconds later."

"She's so bad!" The little fool got into Xu Yang's arms sadly.

At this moment, she missed little Farosha very much. The cute little girl in white clothes was gone forever, as if she was locked deep in Farosha's heart.

"There is nothing we can do, there are still many bad people in the world." Xu Yang said.

"What about you? Why are you with her?"

"I'm used to it." Xu Yang has always been indifferent, "Let me tell you some basic principles for treating Falosa. This is the essence of my rich experience."

"Oh?" The little fool listened politely.

"Avoid talking to Farosha as much as possible. If you feel that you really need to talk to her, that is your illusion. You should never and do not need to talk to her. If she takes the initiative to talk to you, leave the scene quickly, don't worry,

She will not get angry or hunt you down because of this. If you have to talk to Falosa under forced conditions, do not believe anything she says, do not accept any conditions and requests she makes to you, and leave her as soon as possible.

Don't worry about the impact your behavior will have on her. With her current energy, most of her existence is as insignificant to her as Xian Chen." Xu Yang told the little fool.

"Then how should we face her? In her eyes, we are just air, and we will be killed or restored by her in a moment. Isn't this scary?" The little fool didn't understand.

"First of all, Falosa is a secondary god, the god of witches. She also needs the support of her worshipers. Everyone's imagination of her constitutes the shell of her appearance and power. You know...understood from a specific perspective,

All witches are her, and she is all witches. Xu Cheng, when you look at Falosa, you are looking at yourself. She is a mirror that reflects all witches."

"Quack!" the little fool said.

"Let's go, it's time to fill our stomachs." He took the little fool to eat.

(End of chapter)

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