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Chapter 628: Moon Bie Mine

Chapter 628 Yuebie Mine

The shuttle was attacked by a multi-headed monster before it even approached Yibei City.

At least five frost giants appeared in the blizzard. These behemoths once raged in northern Thailand, and now appear in the northern archipelago! The life-threatening low temperature has become the best living environment for them.

"Woof!" Snowball charged forward and jumped into the heavy snow.

Its temperature monitoring module has no alarm. Some metals will transform into brittle materials at ultra-low temperatures. However, the alloys used by Snowball and most synthetics are very tough and can withstand extreme low temperatures of -100°C. Other non-metallic materials

And the parts can also withstand temperatures of about -60℃, so it is in great condition.

Snowball quickly rushed towards the frost giant closest to him. The little fool clung to the side of the shuttle and watched it running intently.

The frost giant turned slowly to Snowball and looked down at the mechanical dog.

The little fool's attention quickly turned to the intimidating Frost Giant. Perhaps it was because it had just been transformed and was born. It was not covered with pale or frost-blue hair as recorded in the database, but was bare and roughly 12 meters long.

He is tall, has a distorted appearance, and is covered with thick ice.

"Woof!" Snowball pounced on it and bit its calf hard, just like chewing on a large mass of ice caps. The sharp teeth left only insignificant scratches.

There is no problem in maintaining a steady state, but fighting against the frost giant is a different kind of challenge. The snowball fails to hit it, and is immediately kicked away by the frost giant and disappears deep into the snowflakes.

"Snowball!" the little fool was surprised.

"Roar——" The frost giant easily knocked away the snowball, and then it roared together with its other companions, constantly swinging its arms and kicking its big feet, using its overwhelmingly superior size to crush mortals and witches.

"Be careful!" Several soldiers fighting in the blizzard fired at the frost giant and quickly retreated to avoid being hit by the frost giant. Their bullets hit the frost giant, but had little effect.

As a fighting witch, Ise Hana Rei continues to charge.

She activates her magic power, and she can visualize the actions of every giant around her, just like countless key frames are superimposed on them. She can clearly see the movement trajectory of each giant in the next few seconds, so she can easily avoid it.

their attacks.

"Cut!" she shouted, swinging her cross sword and slashing the frost giant's calf.


The sound of ice crystals breaking.

She knew the power of this giant sword very well. After being tempered by Farosha's own magic power, it could penetrate even the 800mm alloy armor used on heavy tanks.

As she expected, the blade quickly broke through the ice and penetrated deep into the calf of the frost giant in front of her.


It was like being stuck in an eternal glacier! Isehana Rei tried to pull out the sword, but the weapon was firmly stuck between the frost giant's calf.

"Roar!" The frost giant roared one after another.

The wolf girl roared and rushed towards her. After she transformed into a giant wolf, her burly black shadow stood out in the blizzard. She was almost half the size of a giant. She bumped into a frost giant and immediately tore its head with her huge claws. She let out a sharp sound from her mouth.

Roaring, he tore its head open with force, drawing out countless frost and ice crystals.

The harsh winter left countless traces of frost on her fur and split armor. The wolf girl suppressed a frost giant, but the other giant companions kept approaching, stretching out their arms, trying to grab the wolf girl from all directions.

It was like tearing it apart, extremely terrifying.

"The giant aerial threat is coming!" the scout yelled.

The radar picture shows a super-large monster with a diameter of more than 40 meters flying towards here from the air. On the imager, its appearance is shocking. It is wrapped in an endless frost storm and is extremely terrifying.

The assault on the ground against the frost giants is at a disadvantage, and the strange winter monsters are extremely threatening in their freezing home.

"How much longer will we have contact?" Xu Yang frowned.

"1 minute!"

"The shuttle retreats directly, returns with the collected intelligence, and designs a targeted combat strategy." Xu Yang ordered.

Since the Internet site in Yibei City was destroyed, every piece of information here is precious and must be sent back to Beijing.

"What about them!" The investigator looked at the soldiers still fighting on the ground in horror.

"I will take them to a safe place." Xu Yang opened the shuttle door and prepared to jump off.

He turned around and saw the dumb look on the little fool's face. Although she didn't say anything, Xu Yang knew that she definitely wanted to follow him.

Seeing that she had already put on warm clothes, Xu Yang asked her to hold his back.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yang opened the hatch and jumped in with all his strength.

He landed firmly on the snow, and the reaction force lifted the little fool's body up. Xu Yang quickly put her down, and then directed the combatants to retreat with him. He had already planned all the alternatives.

In order to avoid the huge threat in the air, the shuttle must leave immediately. The people involved in the battle on the ground must also retreat immediately. They no longer fight with the frost giants, turn around and run away quickly, following Xu Yang's footsteps.

Xu Yang maintained communication with every combatant and machine in the blizzard. The frost giants had great endurance and amazing destructive power, but they were slow and could not catch up with them in a short time. They could only catch up behind them.

"Come here!" Xu Yang climbed up the mountain road covered by thick snowstorms, trudged hard through the snow, and finally came to the entrance of a mine.

The tracks transporting minerals are covered with heavy snow, and the sign of "Yuebie Mine" at the entrance is also covered with frost. An electric lamp is hung at the door, providing negligible illumination. In this blizzard, it is as hazy as the glimmer of fireflies.


"Get in!" Xu Yang shouted.


"who is it?"


"Someone's coming in!"

At the entrance, several nervous miners ran over to observe the situation.

They felt a little relieved when the soldiers and machines entered. Then, the wolf girl took the little fool into the mine with her big mouth.

The miners were stunned when they saw the huge and brutal wolf girl. Her whole body was covered with dark hair, she was huge, and her posture was ferocious. The shape of the beast was also attached to a special deformable split armor, making her a complete beast.

The metal giant wolf, claws, shoulders, abdomen and shoulders are all reinforced with additional alloys.

"Woof woof!" Snowball came in last, spinning uneasily in place, and the five frost giants approached step by step like five evil beasts seeking their lives.

Even more terrifying is the "giant threat in the air" that the investigator mentioned before on the shuttle.

At this moment, Xu Yang raised his head and saw only a super giant monster that covered the sky and flew through the ice and snow! It was like some kind of world-destroying monster, and its appearance was completely unclear. When it passed over their heads, Xu Yang

Yang suddenly felt fatally threatened.

It seemed to have no wings, because Xu Yang couldn't hear the sound of its wings beating into the air when it moved, or because the storm was so loud that all the sounds were mixed together.

"Woof!" Snowball barked at the giant beast in the sky, the sound dissipated in the wind.

"It's too big." Xu Yang let Snowball enter the tunnel, and then quickly retreated.

Fortunately, we let the shuttle evacuate directly. If we delay the time to get on board again, everyone will be wiped out by this giant beast. Xu Yang secretly thought.

There are not only cold winds here, but also extremely powerful monsters and some kind of floating giant beasts. Fortunately, the shuttle has brought some news back to Shangjing, so next time we won't be confused.

The most urgent task is to find a way to go to Yibei City to repair the network site. As long as the network is open, the information here and Beijing can be synchronized in real time. Now we can only rely on satellite communications to maintain contact with some sites and personnel, and we still don’t know most of the situation.

Not sure.

Xu Yang returned to the tunnel. He heard heavy footsteps and turned around to see those terrifying frost giants slowly walking to the entrance of the mine. They roared loudly into the mine. Their huge faces blocked the entire entrance, and they were hollow and twisted.

He looked directly at Xu Yang, looking completely ferocious and evil.

When it exhaled, the cold wind forced Xu Yang to retreat quickly, and the tunnel between him and the frost giant also erupted with large thorny frost.

Immediately afterwards, the Frost Giant's face moved away from the entrance of the tunnel, and instead stretched its hands to grasp and explore, trying to pull Xu Yang out of the tunnel. Its thick arms rubbed crazily against the mine frame, making an extremely harsh sound.

The sound is quite scary.

It is impossible for most high-ranking witches to fight against this kind of monster alone. Xu Yang thought about it. Only the ruler witch can stably kill a frost giant alone, but where can they find so many rulers? So far, only Pan Ruiyi and Xinjin

The two people who made the breakthrough, Takahashi Kyoko, were both elite witches who had been fighting in the riot control mobile team for many years.

The only person who has hope of being promoted to the next leader is 102, who also has a lot of combat experience. In fact, she is already in the process of breaking through, and she will become the third leader in just a few months.

In addition, the ruler witch and Miss Tenjoin Murasaki...

Falosa's current goal is to find the Great Abyss where the Black Fire revolution occurred, and to wait for an opportunity to annihilate the ice giant Ellid himself. Her overqualified skills are not needed to destroy these low-level frost giants.

From this point of view, Nisto Company really lacks a "strong backbone combat force" that can handle situations everywhere. This shortcoming must be made up for.

Xu Yang walked down the mine, where the miners were hiding far away, not daring to get close.

"Why are they hiding so far away?" Xu Yang looked at the miners in the darkness. They all hid at the edge of the tunnel, and only a dozen figures could be seen dimly.

"They ran away as soon as I got close to them, and the wolf girl..." Ise Hana Rei shook his head. She had no patience with ordinary people. It didn't matter if they were hiding in the mine tunnel now, as long as they didn't hinder the work and rest of the Nisto personnel.

The wolf girl stretched out her long tongue and licked the fluff around her mouth. The little fool sat on the wolf girl's back and looked down at everything.

Other soldiers turned their attention to Xu Yang, hoping that Xu Yang would come forward.

"It's okay, it's all a misunderstanding." Xu Yang walked forward,

"You said it was okay! You brought the monster here!" A miner became anxious.

"Wow! We hid well here, and now we've been discovered!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"What should we do now!" The miners stood in the darkness, feeling uneasy about the soldiers and robots that had just burst in.

The situation is tense, and they have heard what happened at the entrance of the mine just now. All the miners know that the mine is no longer safe.

"Don't worry - we are from Nisto Company." Xu Yang turned on the lights on his armor, bringing light to the dark mine.

People looked at each other and watched carefully. The soldiers showed their work certificates. The miners couldn't help but swallowed when they saw this.

"Can you make the decision?" asked a miner.

"Yes, I can tell you frankly that we are here to restore order." Xu Yang emphasized, "We are here to protect Yibei City. We have a cooperative relationship with each other, and there are also damaged assets here that need to be repaired. What's more,

As a security contractor for the northern archipelago, we have the responsibility to expel all foreign forces that invade the islands."

Xu Yang's words made their eyes light up.


"Very good!"


"Nisto Company is here to save everyone!"

"There is hope now!" The miners' morale was boosted. All they needed was a clear commitment.

The Nisto Company has a good reputation. Now that they have regained their confidence, they are full of affection for these armed men, witches with big swords, and monster giant wolves, and warmly invite them into the workers' life center deeper in the mine.

Thanks to the development of science and technology, even the mines in such small villages use high-grade alloy materials, which are more than enough even for mining on alien planets. These reasonably designed and strong frames firmly support the domes, mine tunnels and

All living areas are not at risk of damage or collapse even under trampling and attacks by frost giants.

As soon as they entered, the miners warmly welcomed them to rest.

These miners are basically villagers from Tsukibetsu Town. As soon as the cold wind came, they moved their families and children to the mine. Fuel, food and supplies were prepared here to keep out the cold in winter, and also helped them avoid the snow outside.

Raging frost giants.

"Those monsters appeared with the cold wind... Ronin Miki went out to fight against them and never came back. There are still a dozen migrant workers in our village who are looking for a living in Yibei City. They said they would come back two weeks ago, but as of today they have not come back.

No one has come back..." The miners told Xu Yang and others about the conditions of the small villages in Yibei City after the disaster, feeling sad.

Originally, Nisto Company wanted to wait for the frost and wind to pass before making plans, but now it seems that it is completely impossible. Xu Yang said secretly.

Even if Ibei City can withstand the first wave of cold wind, it will be buried in heavy snow next winter, and not only Ibei City, the disaster will soon spread southward, until even Beijing becomes a desperate winter situation with frost giants everywhere.

Therefore, the ice giant Ellid must be defeated...but this is an extremely difficult goal. If Falosa's calculation is correct, Ellid at least has the underworld giant as its accomplice, and Yan Duo is hindered by his brothers.

Guanxi can only watch from the sidelines and cannot intervene.

The current frost wind is probably the result of Yan Duo's efforts to prevent it. If the ice giant exerts its full power, I am afraid that the entire planet will become a frozen planet, which will be a hundred times more terrifying than it is now.

Now we can only clean up the immediate disasters, cultivate our forces, and then find ways to find breakthroughs from weak points.

(End of chapter)

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