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Chapter 637 Forming the Corpse

Chapter 637 The corpse takes shape

Pan Ruiyi fell heavily to the ground, and his blood flow slowed down.

The cold made her feel heartbroken and exhausted, as if she was carrying tens of thousands of tons of weight. The cold influence that transcended the laws of matter penetrated her armor and inflicted severe torture on her body.

She lay in the snow, her proud steel wings unable to vibrate, and even breathing was very difficult.

"Pan Ruiyi! What's going on?" Elody's voice sounded inside the armor, "The Near Island is ready for an air attack!"

"I -" Pan Ruiyi was about to speak when she saw hundreds of warning symbols popping up on the inner virtual panel. Although she didn't know what they each meant, she guessed that this meant that various functions of the armor were offline.

And Elodie's voice no longer sounded.

Pan Ruiyi was left alone in the snow storm, with endless wind and bone-piercing frost.

Did something crash when it hit the ground? Or did the strong magnetic field affect the instrument? Pan Ruiyi couldn't tell. Everything related to the giant corpse dragon was difficult to calculate.

She struggled to switch the helmet visor from closed mode to transparent mode, allowing her to see the outside world through the bulletproof glass.

With her hair on end, Pan Ruiyi saw a huge shadow approaching her. She raised her head desperately and tremblingly grabbed the spear in her hand.

The corpse dragon has arrived.

Inferior dragons are no different from wild beasts. The pure-blooded young dragons are as brave and good at fighting as Wei Yueyue, but what is it in front of them?

It was too big, almost a spectacle. Pan Ruiyi climbed up desperately and took a deep breath. Its ferocious wings covered her field of vision, and there was no end in sight. Its body was hollow, full of frost-gray ribs, and its size was comparable to a skyscraper.

Moving can destroy cities through earthquakes.

Too big...

Pan Ruiyi can feel double fear, one is from the pressure of the dragon, and the other is from the endless frost she feels.

It takes two to three thousand years for a dragon to grow to this size, survive for an unknown number of centuries after death, and then be driven by the mysterious core of ice mist, before finally appearing in front of Pan Ruiyi with its body wrapped in ice aura.

On both sides of the corpse dragon, there are countless frost giants that are heading forward. They are angry and fearless, burly and brutal, and they want to smash Yibei City into pieces. Behind them are more terrifying shadows, which are even bigger than others of their kind.

This giant corpse dragon must be killed...it has descended to the ground. Pan Ruiyi thought silently.

If you can kill the most powerful of these monsters, the rest won't be a big concern.

Pan Ruiyi gritted his teeth and trudged forward in the snow with only willpower.

Deep inside the corpse dragon's sternum shines a core of gray and blue ice mist, maintaining the vast frozen field around it.

It has no biological reaction, cannot breathe, has no unnecessary movements, and is even more rigid and weird.

When Pan Ruiyi raised the spear and tried to throw it, it suddenly moved, a cold light lit up from its hole-filled throat, and a cloud of frost breath spewed out from between the ugly white bone dragon teeth, sweeping straight towards Pan Ruiyi.

The scope was so large that it completely covered Pan Ruiyi and all the land around her, and she could not find any way out.

"Hiss—" Pan Ruiyi gritted his teeth and widened his eyes. His body was still in the posture of trying to throw the spear, completely frozen in place.

She used the magic power around her body to resist the cold air, lest it completely take away her will.

Don't fall asleep, don't fall into coma, don't die... she reminded herself repeatedly.

The corpse dragon advanced forward and swept its claws violently. Pan Ruiyi activated his magic power and swung his spear in an attempt to block.


Caught it! Under the heavy blow from the giant claw, Pan Ruiyi's spear buzzed, and the magic blade on the tip of the spear flashed instantly, leaving a notch on the corpse dragon's claws. Her body also bore the weight.

With the power of the attack, he retreated several steps to the side without being defeated instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse dragon leaned forward again, taking advantage of the forward momentum, and raised its other claw to hit Pan Ruiyi.

Pan Ruiyi's body stiffened, and she tried her best to fight back with the spear. With a loud bang, the corpse dragon's fierce attack collided with Pan Ruiyi's offensive again, and she violently opened the corpse dragon's claws.

Pan Ruiyi's melee magic power allowed her to survive a hundred battles in close combat. She also relied on this power to continue to stand in front of the corpse dragon, otherwise she would have been smashed into pieces just by the two attacks just now.

It's a good risk, Pan Ruiyi secretly thought.

This is... a dragon that has lived for at least thousands of years! With a mythical size, compared to Wei Shiyue, he looks like a babbling dragon cub.

Pan Ruiyi looked up at the giant dragon skeleton and felt discouraged for the first time.

If they were ordinary mortals and war machines, they would have been frozen to death when approaching the corpse dragon. If it were a high-ranking witch like 102, they would have been defeated by the corpse dragon's claws long ago.

Although Pan Ruiyi can remain standing as the ruler of the witch, it is only a matter of time before she loses.

Fortunately, 102 was focused on breaking through to the Commander Witch and did not participate in this battle. Otherwise, if she rushed to the front of the battle due to her nature, she would definitely be torn into pieces by the Corpse Dragon.

However, Pan Ruiyi has also reached the point where he has run out of fuel.

Lord Farossa - She raised her head, night had come, and the sky was filled with stars, making her have a vision of Lady Farosha's Galaxy God Realm.

Could it be that Lord Farosha just gave up on her like this?

Fear crawled up Pan Ruiyi's back like a spider. Her heart gradually slowed down under the influence of the cold air, and her magic power reserve was less than half. Once the magic power was exhausted, she would no longer be qualified to stand in front of the corpse dragon.

The corpse dragon didn't make any roar, it just fought under the control of the ice mist core.

Pan Ruiyi stared at the faint ice mist in the corpse dragon's chest. There must be a controller behind it, a more powerful mastermind. Not only did he manipulate such a mythical corpse with thousands of years of power into a frost walking zombie, he also created so many

Frost giants eager to destroy human life.

The corpse dragon slammed its claws again.

Pan Ruiyi is in poor condition now. For her, the greater the gap between her and the opponent's combat power, the higher the magic power consumed to maintain "win in close combat".

At this moment, she raised her spear again, aimed at the corpse dragon's claws, and launched a perfect counterattack, blocking its attack, but at the same time it also consumed a lot of her magic power.

It hesitated now, observing Pan Ruiyi, as if the owner of the Ice Mist Core also noticed something strange about Pan Ruiyi.

Although Pan Ruiyi was weakened by countless conditions and was obviously in a losing state, he was able to repeatedly fend off or destroy the corpse dragon's attacks.

Only Pan Ruiyi knew that her magic power was not enough.

If Pan Ruiyi was the Supreme Witch, her magic power reserves would be enough for her to defeat such a powerful opponent.

Now, relying solely on the power of the ruler, she can only win a few battles, but cannot accumulate them into an overwhelming victory.

The corpse dragon still had endless energy left. It sensed Pan Ruiyi's lack of magic power and rushed forward again, opening its bloody mouth and biting Pan Ruiyi.


After all, Pan Ruiyi's limit was crossed.

She felt the sharp teeth piercing through her armor, and her heart, lungs and internal organs were cracked inch by inch under the pressure of the dragon's teeth.

Pan Ruiyi vomited blood from his mouth, and saw the blood he had vomited on the mask on the inside of the helmet. Their color quickly darkened and then froze.

Even myself - is there such a moment?

Immediately afterwards, she felt herself being thrown out of the air and rolling onto the snowy field.

She felt her blood filling the broken armor bit by bit, her eyes rolled white, and she dragged the spear with a few deformed fingers.

Pan Ruiyi felt the rumbling footsteps around her, and the frost giant was walking towards her.

Extreme fear surged into my heart.

Oh, Lord Falosa... Lord Falosa... Pan Ruiyi raised his hand and watched the night fall and the stars rise.

Blood mixed with tears flooded her cheeks.

Never make a mistake again.

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, please, come and save me.

On the other side, on the defense line outside the city, the soldiers of Nisto Company were prepared to use giant engineering machines to dig trenches in the deep snowy wilderness to suppress the frost giants. Even with their size, they would fall into the depths.

In the pit.


"The frost giants have appeared!"

"On the horizon - coming in a snow storm!"

The soldiers of Nisto Company remained in their respective combat positions, preparing for battle.

40% of each army's manpower is composed of synthetic humans and combat robots, and a variety of ammunition is transported from the rear to the front line by drones.

There are at least 1,000 frost giants on the defense line due north.

The exciting roar of fighter jets sounded from behind, and a bombing formation of about 48 fighter jets passed by from high altitude. Countless powerful ground-attack missiles attacked the frost giant cluster, loaded with different weapons such as incendiary agents, explosives, and special attack munitions.

Boom boom——

The soldiers witnessed the exciting bombing and explosion scenes in the distance. Under the air strikes of ultra-large-scale modern weapons, the frost giants were blown down and destroyed in pieces.

Since the battlefield network connection is perfectly supported, all weapons and air strike instructions are optimally dispatched, and the attack efficiency is as high as 100%. No ammunition is misdirected and no ammunition is wasted.

Especially the use of special cloud bombs. When the fighter jet dropped this ultimate weapon, the unimaginable detonation effect instantly tore a huge hole in the frost giant's formation.

As if a heat wave exploded from the center, shining heat balls rose from the ground to the sky, swallowing all the affected frost giants into the flame wave, burning them up in just a few seconds! The damage effect was excellent!

The shock wave caused by the explosion also pushed nearby frost giants away.

A large number of heavy tanks and military shuttles were pushed onto the front line from the rear, arming the defense line to the teeth.

Boom boom! Boom boom!

Countless firepower was poured out, and the steel armament that Nisto Company was proud of came into play at this moment. At least 650 large and small artillery exploded together, and countless shells hit the heads of the frost giants at any cost, directly attacking them on the track.

All the snow was burned to ashes, leaving large areas of scorched earth!

The soldiers looked at the situation in the distance, gritted their teeth, and looked forward to victory.

After the smoke cleared, several larger frost giants appeared. They were far stronger than the tiny frost giants before.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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