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Chapter 655 Destiny Weapon

Chapter 655 Destiny Weapon

"Can it really defeat God? I mean, those are witches. They change reality at will. The witches we cultivated in Taixi can pull heroes out of comics and protect people. I believe that simple space weapons can't do it.

'Mr. Justice', 'D Knight', 'Arale' and 'Doraemon' and the like." Joe Kaldor asked.

"Please rest assured that the entire weapon system 'Moment of Destiny' has a main gun with a length of more than 40 kilometers. From such a height, whether it is projecting solid ammunition, thermonuclear weapons or laser cannons, it has an absolutely excellent damage effect, which is enough to ignite a giant city group at the same time.

In our calculations, the Kyoto metropolitan area will disappear from the face of the earth within 30 minutes. The site is also equipped with a space target surveillance radar, a quantum matrix computer and a fusion reactor - in Xintai Xizhou, the best and most hard-working men and women of the entire civilization

We work day and night to tackle these advanced technologies." Adam talked enthusiastically.

When others heard this, they also felt full of potential.

"This weapon is also a threat to us." Qingyu Jipuppet said.

If the Lighthouse Core is supported to launch doomsday weapons such as "Destiny Moment" into space, people will live in absolute peace, with no wars and careerists, as long as they bow to the Lighthouse Core.

"Oh, dear, we have no nostalgia for this planet. We only know that you need such weapons to eliminate some troubles on the ground and in outer space, right? The main design purpose of this space station is to serve as a springboard to facilitate us

Landing on the moon, and then the other planets in this system, like Sol and Sol. The surface is too narrow for New Zealanders, look up, friends, keep your heads up," Adam explained to them.

"If we had such a weapon, we could launch more than 2,700 space-based drones to clear out all the outer stardust and meteorites used by Falosa to guide us. We must know that their existence is also harmful to all our man-made celestial bodies and satellites.

A major threat. If there is a destiny to monitor the sky for us at all times, it can save 1.67 trillion space funds every year." Roisio said.

"You still haven't explained the problem - how to ensure that this weapon does not become the ultimate means to threaten us?" asked the Jade Machine Puppet.

"It's very simple. We distribute the key to unlocking it to everyone. Only if you agree can we be authorized to shoot such a weapon. And the entire plan also requires everyone's support to be completed. Everyone, we need to work together. The cold wind has blown.

We need bigger weapons to protect mankind." Adam said with a smile.

As the "best" human being, Adam Graham does give people a strange sense of comfort. They all feel that they have seen the excellence of their own species, which dwarfs other human beings.

"But... is there really such a big rocket that can push the Destiny System into the sky? Moreover, there is a race that looks like dragons on the moon." Joe Aldo of Iris Group was confused.

"Our technology is very good, but we still need a suitable launch site, and it would be great if we could borrow the emperor's rocket." Adam requested to Edith.

Edith nodded with satisfaction.

"I have no objection." Edith nodded, "Our family has enough aerospace facilities to support your giant space facilities. Let's launch the rocket in Changrodil of Baixiang Continent. It is right on the equator. Our former scientists

There is a ruins there."

After roughly finalizing the plan, the participants took a break, and the images of remote participants were offline one after another, and the people who were present in person dispersed in twos and threes.

"I need to leave before she gets suspicious." The Lord of the Forest excused himself.

"You want the River Goddess...you want the River Goddess back, right?" Edith looked at the Lord of the Forest.


"She was just injured, she's not dead yet." Edith comforted.

Memory is like a river, and Edith always has to travel upstream for more than ten thousand years before he can see his relatives, friends, and the glorious old empire again.

The Lord of the Forest did not speak, but disappeared in front of them, leaving only an empty robe. The human slave behind Edis quickly stepped forward to put it away, and then disappeared from Edis' sight.

"You look particularly gentle and generous." Roisio came forward holding the wine glass and looked up at the old emperor who was much higher than himself.

"I was elected as the emperor as the best member of the empire." Edith smiled.

"Elections?" Roisio wondered.

"Our civilization is so prosperous that it has got rid of the legacy of autocracy, but the situation is so bad that someone must give orders. So the surviving people elected one person to become the emperor, and that is me." Edith nodded lightly,

Looking condescendingly at this representative figure of the Seven Seals, Roisio himself also participated in the weaving and manipulation of history.

"You have enough sense to become an emperor." Roisio praised.

"I also have times when I'm angry, but I'm only angry at the witch."

"Since we heard the news that you were still alive, we immediately informed the old people at the bottom of our tower that you were still there. They all received the best medical and dietary conditions. Only the tower in Shangjing... the situation

Unknown." Roisio explained briefly.

Edith's expression was dull. They tried to please themselves and turned the threat to Nestor Company.

"That's not important... It doesn't matter what you did to them. Our powerful race has declined. This is all the responsibility of the witch. At first it was one in a billion, then it was one in a million, then one in a million

...In the end, every baby girl will be a witch, a sterile witch, causing us to fall into civil war, division and population decline. If you humans don't destroy the witches, you will make the same mistake again." Edith warned.

"I understand." Luvasio said cautiously, "Seven Seals will take over the responsibility of the corporate alliance to control all this. Our guidance of the core of the lighthouse has been successful, and every witch's brain has been built into the black wall.

If you don't die, you won't be reborn. Now we also have the cooperative attitude of Blackfire Innovation."

"Corporate alliances have weakened."

"The salary they pay to agents is only 500,000 yuan a year. We bought half of their intelligence network with a financial offensive. But intelligence alone is not enough. We also need strong people like you who can defeat the ancient witch." Lu

Vasio smiled.

"If she leaves the northern archipelago, I will deal with her, and you will destroy Nestor Company." Edith said briefly.

"Farosa holds a god-killing weapon that can kill gods." Luvasio said.

"And it was handed over personally by your subordinates."

"We have already punished Sylphy, and now she is one of our most loyal servants. Please rest assured." Luvasio said confidently.

"Then you also know that it was originally my weapon, and they were originally intended for me to end the 'gods'. I placed a curse around it, and Farosha would lose its protection when she needed it most. "Etis said.

Roisio nodded with satisfaction.

In the distance, the sapphire machine puppet made by Tianshu and Pei Shu, the representative of Kyushu in the high pavilion, looked at Rovasio and Edith, who were having a close conversation.

"A feudal emperor who rules 1.8 billion human slaves in Baixiangzhou is a foreign race. It's okay to say it's an alien. Can we really trust it? What does Miss Lu mean?" Pei Shu frowned and transmitted to the sapphire machine puppet beside him. message.

"Mr. Pei, there is no need for us to follow Qi Yin's footsteps. Xia has always been independent." Qing Yu Ji Puppet turned around.

"Stepping out of this venue shows the attitude of our two giant companies." Pei Shu smiled bitterly and looked at the departing Sapphire Machine. There was no turning back in such a foreign affairs occasion.

Qingyu Machine Puppet checked Miss Lu's reply.

"Then let them understand our attitude." It confirmed what Miss Lu meant. The Eastern Hemisphere will be connected as one, rather than the blade facing inward.

Pei Shu stared at the people left in the venue, representing well-known multinational companies, giant companies, financial banks, pharmaceutical groups and military industry giants. It was originally a business meeting of the highest standard, but now a foreign emperor was added. There is also the mysterious "Seven Seals" organization. All of these are actually very dangerous and will determine the fate of the world in the future.

Where will Xia's two billion people and Xia's civilization go in such a turbulent era? They can't do anything like yes-men. Pei Shu carefully summarized his opinions and then transmitted them back to the group headquarters in Bac Ninh Prefecture. After receiving the approval, He left the venue together with the Qingyu Machine Puppet. Upon seeing this, most of the other company representatives in Xia's sphere of influence also chose to withdraw.

Roisio received the news.

"People in the Xia region are unwilling to participate in the destiny weapons launch project." He told Edith.

"I can't tell the difference between you humans." Edith said slowly.

Roisio smiled calmly and turned back to the venue.

On the other side, in the Tianshu Preparation Branch of Guangnan Prefecture, in a building dedicated to testing, Lu Jing was in a daze holding the report sheet in his hand.

"50/100, still unqualified, you have one last chance to take the exam." The Tianque attendant wearing nano armor walked towards Lu Jing.

Lu Jing read the test sheet in her hand several times, especially the warning part. She was convinced that if she failed to pass the test, she would be sent for electrotherapy to completely dig out the reveries and hallucinations in her head.

"The next test starts in one hour." the soldier announced.

"Can I postpone it?" Lu Jing begged.

"Miss Lu's warrant, you must complete all tests before the Dragon Slaying Conference."

Lu Jing pursed her lips. The adventure in the northern archipelago has tempered her mind and skills, but it has also made her more rebellious. The test questions will directly read her brain waves. Even if she wants to cheat, the questions will be automatically selected. Those scary options for rebellion.

Several times she felt that she had chosen such a rebellious option and would be shot after finishing the test. The result was probably because the strategic value was sufficient and she had one last chance to test.

While she was worrying about how to pass the company's loyalty test, she heard footsteps, and a tall and heroic witch wearing black tights walked into the corridor.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Wang Qi'an of the K2 Regiment of the Gaoge Kyushu Field Force." She introduced herself to Lu Jing.

"Ah!" Lu Jing was a little surprised, "Miss Wang!"

"We are restarting the plan to recapture Pan Ruiyi, so now I want to ask you whether Pan Ruiyi's whereabouts has been detected in the northern archipelago." Wang Qian's tone was cold.

"Yes... I remember... yes, yes, it must be Pan Ruiyi, it can't be someone else. Is she very important to your organization?" Lu Jing didn't dare to lie anymore.

"She is a war witch that I personally trained, and I must be responsible for her safety. Now that I heard the news, I think I have to find an opportunity to go to the northern islands to look for her. She is easily deceived and easily in danger.

." Wang Qian said.

"Well..." Lu Jing looked down at his report sheet, focusing entirely on his fate.

"Did you fail the test?" Wang Qi'an looked at the document in Lu Jing's hand.

"I don't know, I...should have a trick?" Lu Jing murmured.

"Think in two ways at the same time." Wang Qi'an left one sentence and turned to leave.

Pan Ruiyi really looked like her. Lu Jing scratched his cheek with his fingers. But Pan Ruiyi was not so understanding yet.

Think in two ways. Lu Jing closed his eyes. If you want to pass the test, you must have two different thoughts going hand in hand. You can create a split personality for yourself. Although it is difficult, this is the only way to pass the test.

Gradually, the time has come.

"The exam begins." The soldier ordered Lu Jing to enter the testing area.

As long as he passes, he can go to the Dragon Slaying Conference and continue to help Miss Lu. Lu Jing took a deep breath and worked harder... in order to survive.

I love the company, I really do.

(End of chapter)

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