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Chapter 660

Chapter 660 General of the Secret Bureau

After a long wait, A40 was called and entered the personnel office to apply for the job.

A40 looked at himself in the floor-length mirror against the wall.

An exquisite Class A synthetic human, with an ordinary male bionic appearance, short black chemical fiber hair, a bright red leather motorcycle jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.

Looking for a job is generally what a desperate social animal should do, but A40 has to get some money to prepare a gift for Wasp. Oh my God, Wasp has gone through many vicissitudes of life before being reunited with it. If he doesn't raise her to be happy and comfortable, A40 will only judge himself.

He's a useless synth.

Not only does the Secret Guard provide excellent benefits, it is also suitable for the A40. It can receive countless missions and can run around and challenge powerful enemies.

Entering the office, A40 saw Jiro Saba, the head of the Human Resources Department of the Secret Security Bureau.

Jiro Saba has black hair parted in the middle and wears round glasses. At first glance, he looks just like an intellectual who is out of tune with the status quo. In fact, Jiro and his sister Chiyuki have been studying the Secret of the Moon for three years, and their standards and traditions are high.

The middle and senior levels of the Secret Order are quite similar.

When he saw A40, he immediately thought of the brave A999 in the original disciple team, and raised his hand to say hello to it.

"Hey, are you a Class A synthesizer? You look just like A999." Jiro Toshiba said with a smile.

"I am different from it." A40 emphasized.

"What's the difference? Not all synthetics are mass-produced." Jiro Saba said in a casual manner. Jiro and his sister lived next to the Anjiu City garbage dump since they were young, and saw too many synthetics being thrown into the garbage after being used.


"My name is A40." it said.

It originally planned to use this name to surprise Shiba Jiro, but after announcing the name, Shiba Jiro remained expressionless.

"Yes, I saw it on your registration form. I hope you are as powerful as A999." Jiro Sheba said.

The color of the light tubes in A40's eyes changed from white to red, and flashed for a while to express his anger.

Only 1,000 Class A synths have been produced, but seven or eight versions have been iterated internally. There are huge differences between A40 and A999. Their manufacturing processes, factory permissions, pre-installed software and material parts are all very different.

The other party clearly lacks respect for synths, and what's worse is comparing A40 to A999! This is unacceptable for A40.

It hates A999.

"I once participated in the dome competition ceremony and faced Fumihiko Yanagawa. Where is A999?"

"A999 is the winner of last year's Gillen Technology Award." Jiro Shiba was delighted. This is the greatest award, given to the most powerful Class A synthesizer in history. Compared with the world-famous A999, this guy in front of him is simply useless.

Not worth mentioning.

"That honor belongs to all Class A synths." A40 emphasized.

"That's not what the news says." Jiro Shiba smiled, feeling more and more that the synthesizer in front of him was a bit harsh. There were already many synthesizers in the Secret Guard Bureau, and this one was worthy of him.

A40 weighed the possibility of hitting, planning to raise his fist and smash the young face in front of him.

Jiro Saba sensed the threat and quickly moved his seat further back to avoid being hit by the A40.

Facing the A40, Shiba Jiro thought of the horror of synthetic humans again. Synthetic humans can do more things than humans. They have super-standard performance when they leave the factory. They ignore pain, are fully armed, and can calculate excess information in an instant. It is necessary to

It needs to cut off enough circuits to stop working.

"How can I join the Secret Guard Bureau?" A40 saw Jiro Tobaba's attitude softening, and did not want to scare him anymore. Its first goal is to get a job and make some money to spend, and it can try to endure everything else.

"We need to conduct a series of tests to ensure that you are in the game." Jiro Shiba explained that he considered whether he should make things difficult for it because he was a little frightened by the A40.


"Of course, it includes a series of body inspections and scanning, and then there are assessments on live ammunition shooting, close-range indoor combat, team cooperation, mystical knowledge, etc., a total of 20 links." Jiro Shiba looked through the project list.

"so troublesome."

"I only plan to recruit 10 people today. The Secret Guard Bureau needs elites among humans and synthetics. The Witch Department is relatively simple. As long as they are witches, they will not be far behind. For us, we can only choose the best among the best."

Jiro Saba said easily.

He gave the A40 a report and directed it where it should go for testing.

The A40 flipped through the reports with its metal fingers and then set them aside to dry.

"You don't want to take the test? You can't join the secret bureau without taking the test." Jiro Shiba said, A40 mobilized its own emotional analysis module to dissect some of the expressions of contempt.

It took out a separation chip from its coat pocket and handed it to Jiro Toshiba.

"I don't need to fill out the form, just look at this." A40 said.

"It's best not to have Trojans." Jiro Shiba was doubtful and inserted the separation chip into the terminal on the table.

After automatic analysis, a recommendation report for A40 appears on the screen.

The report mentioned that the A40 has excellent morale, strong combat effectiveness and excellent combat skills. It will face and solve all challenges in the world. Although it has a weird acting style that may affect mission operations, according to years of inspections

Judging from experience, if A40 joins the Secret Guard Bureau, the overall benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended that the Secret Guard Bureau recruit A40 under the most favorable conditions to maximize its capabilities.

The signature is an electronic signature of "Xu".

The previous content was nothing. The moment he saw the signature, Shiba Jiro held his breath and immediately sat upright from his seat.

This made him extremely awed.

Jiro Shiba knew in his heart that only one person from Nisto Company would leave such a signature.

This signature appears on internally circulated confidential documents, is marked on major strategic opinions, and is printed on the most important decisions and secret instructions.

It is as significant as President Lila's stern information verification code. Sometimes it is more effective than the president's signature. With unanimous recognition and trust from top to bottom, it can flow smoothly from layout to implementation.

With such a strong guarantee, Jiro Shiba naturally agreed that the A40 would skip the test and enter the secret guarding bureau.

What's more, Mr. Xu was the savior who showed favor to the siblings in the garbage dump and gave them the spell book.

Even with this kind of kindness, Shiba Jiro will be full of respect and willing to serve Mr. Xu wholeheartedly.

His attitude towards the A40 has greatly improved.

"Welcome to the Secret Guard Bureau. I will update your file immediately. The relevant rules, disciplines and oath-taking ceremony will be arranged soon. I will also apply for your new equipment." Jiro Shoba stood up and shook hands with A40.

"Okay, I will fight for the Secret Bureau." A40 said neatly.

"This is the password card leading to the inside of the building. You can go and see your future colleagues first." Jiro Saba handed a black card to A40.

"I should be able to get along with them." A40 played with the card and left the office.

"Did you pass?"

"Are the people who entered in front doing tests?"

"I heard it's very difficult."

"Why is it so fast? It must have been eliminated." The applicants outside whispered to A40.

When they saw A40 use a card to open the passage door and enter the depths of the Secret Bureau, they were inevitably envious.


"Is it recruited by the Secret Bureau?"

"Damn it, I want it too..."

Since the establishment of the Nistor Secret Bureau, it has fought continuously in the northern archipelago, destroyed several pagan dens, gone deep into the snowy mountains to hunt many hidden monsters, and annihilated scattered ghosts and frost giants in the severe winter of heavy snowfall. Via the Internet

Publicity in the media, magazine columns, and newspaper reporters greatly increased the Secret Bureau's reputation.

The passionate young people are deeply influenced by themes such as demon hunters, supernatural containment agencies, and anomaly control associations. They are full of fighting spirit and intend to contribute to this cause of protecting mankind, taking it as their own duty to eliminate evil spirits and stabilize the country.

What's more, as long as you join the Secret Guard Bureau, you can study the secret arts with the support of the Secret Guard Bureau, truly come into contact with supernatural power as a mortal, and use the legacy of the ancient mystics to strengthen yourself.

Coupled with the benefits and benefits within Nisto Company... ambitious people are eager to join the Secret Bureau.

But in front of them, they could only watch A40 enter the Secret Bureau building, silently waiting for their opportunity.

After entering the internal activity room, A40 walked around and found that there were many people in the Secret Bureau. Even if the best were selected, there would still be thousands of people, enough to set up a supervision network covering the whole society in the northern archipelago.

The Nisto Secret Service has erected a high wall between the ordinary people who live their daily lives and the mysterious and unpredictable things.

It stands to reason that the members are all stern and serious law enforcers. A40 originally estimated this as well.

However, after officially joining, A40 found that the Secret Bureau was full of weirdos.

They themselves have long been closely associated with the taboo.

First of all, there are many believers and admirers from overseas.

They include the "Knights of the Sun" in the western continent, the "Sun Zun Cult" in the mountains of the Near East, the "Invincible Sun Cult" around the Mediterranean, and the more mysterious "Sun Shadow People" and other groups. They have been operating in secret, hoping to bring the great

The sun god Yanduo was released from the base of the "God Binding Project", allowing this giant sun god to shine and scorch the world with its brilliance again.

Some of the most advanced admirers successfully calculated the time and place where the Sun Flame would come a few years ago, so they called friends, contacted secretly, and waited there in advance, and then achieved their happy ending -

—disintegrated into ashes in the blazing heat of the sun.

Once these high-ranking admirers left, the remaining ordinary attendees were leaderless.

However, the elders left clues before leaving, telling them about the close connection between Nisto Company and the release of Yando, so they traveled all the way to the northern archipelago and found that the Secret Guard Bureau was passing on Yando's spells, so they simply joined with the Yando belief.


Many of them are scholars who discovered Yanduo worship through studying ancient books. Many of them are heirs of some ancient families and guardians of specific places. Beliefs about Yanduo have been passed down from generation to generation.

Synths get along quite well with these sun worshippers, because the deeper they practice, the properties of themselves will become like the sun. They are hot all over and emit sunlight. They are basically little light beings who can supplement the solar energy for synthetics.


A40 saw that many of them had lost their skin in the long-term burning. It was hard to know how much of their normal physiology was left. Moreover, more than half of them were blind, as if they were looking directly at the rays of the sun, but they were still very comfortable.

And under the influence of Yanduo, they are also very kind and enthusiastic people, and they are willing to use their excessive body temperature and shining sunlight to walk around and act as humanoid heaters and sun lamps.

Brings deep warmth in the extreme cold.

The second type of operator of the Secret Guard Bureau has a background in the Dragon Worship Cult and seeks to devote himself to the moon.

Many of them are college students, historians, folklore researchers and ghost story enthusiasts. They share information through the ghost story association and secret forums on the deep anonymous network, and finally find the clues about the moon left by Jiro Toshiba.

Among these operators, half are eager to get in touch with more dragon-transformation media, and eventually become dragons with scales and claws, gain longer lifespans, and master the secrets of moonfire and white flames. The other half are obsessed with their own dragon-transformation characteristics.

Feeling frightened, he hopes to get a chance to return to normal life by working for the Secret Bureau.

Chiyuki Saba ended her free clinic work and gradually disappeared from the public eye, also because she had the characteristics of a white dragon.

(End of chapter)

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