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Chapter 676: Picking Wreckage

Chapter 676 Picking the Wrecks

Ryuken Nishiguchi watched the store manager leave.

"Let's stop the investigation here." He turned to look at his two teammates from Countermeasures Section 7.

"Cross-departmental investigations are very troublesome and are beyond the control of new recruits like us." Zi Yangkui tried to explain.

"And the seven corpses were sent to the N-003 laboratory, which is located in the suburbs, a high-tech research institute newly established by the Ministry of Science and Technology, in the barren mountains." Nishikou Ryuken sighed.

"I want to investigate to the end." A40 said.

"What are you doing? You? Soldier A?" Nishikou Ryuken frowned, "You guy..."

"It's not normal." Ziyangkui said for Nishikouchi Ryuken what he didn't say.

"Countermeasures Lesson 7 is a combination of advance and retreat. I am really afraid that you will go around killing people. I suggest that we investigate here, act according to the rules, transfer the information to the superiors, and then make a decision. You are now a member of the Secret Bureau, and you cannot do whatever you want.

." Nishiguchi Ryuken told A40 earnestly.

The A40's mental chip went around in a circle.

What to do next? Go it alone? Go alone? Cooperate with friends?

In its emotion module, the emotion at the top of the queue is anger.

A40 is angry that his work partners do not cooperate with him because they are obviously weaker than A40, and the strong should dominate the weak, but now they have said a lot of rules and principles.

Opposite of these "angry" codes is the rational module, which tends to recognize the logical matrix composed of these information items and continuously adds higher priority instructions to the action logic tree to prevent the A40 from being overly excited.

The rational module and the emotional module interact with each other, constantly generating new patches amidst conflicts and frictions, covering the original processing program.

So the A40 suddenly became less "angry", its intelligence was upgraded, and it gained a new experience after self-repair.

Originally, the other two people saw the color of the A40's two-eye light tube changing from pale to warm red, and then from warm red to pure red, and were ready to pull out their weapons to defend themselves, but in an instant, the color of the A40's two-eye light tube turned pale again.


"You're right." A40 acknowledged them, "But we have to go directly to Miying's 'Director' and have a good talk with her about this matter. I think this is not an ordinary rat killing problem, and we can draw some conclusions from it."

Give me a bunch of clues."

The matter was sent to Miying, the director of the Secret Security Bureau. After receiving the first-hand information, Miying directly dealt with it urgently.

"I believe they are doing something unjust, and the cancer is within Nisto Company." Miying directly set the tone of the whole matter.

"What should we do?" A40 asked.

The back-up plan left in the A40 chip is that if Miying does not answer well, he will have a duel with Miying.

"I will first understand the situation with the people from the Scientific Research Department to see why they took these seven corpses." Miying sat upright, the communication unit on his forehead constantly glowing with blue light, indicating that the representative was communicating with the Nisto company headquarters.

In the director's office, members of Countermeasure Section 7 are waiting for the results of the search for shadow.

"It doesn't seem to be going well." Zi Yangkui observed.

"Inter-department operations are difficult to carry out. The Secret Guard Bureau is the Secret Guard Bureau, and the Scientific Research Department is the Scientific Research Department. Although the Secret Guard Bureau is directly under President Lila, the Scientific Research Department is entangled with the Witch Department." Ryuken Nishiguchi whispered.

"So this is the fight between the president and the witch club? Is the witch club stronger than the president?" Zi Yangkui was curious.

"This is a topic that cannot be discussed." Nishiguchi Ryuken emphasized.

A40 put the knife on his knee and repeatedly calculated the situation of his battle with the super giant black rat man in the combat model.

Kill yourself alone, fight into the rat tide, kill all the rats, and then kill the rat witch. This can be regarded as a happy sacrifice of the sword.

Although there are many mysteries, the only thing that can be confirmed is that seven people in the billiards shop were killed by rat-men. Just like the rat tide in the past, rats always have to pay the price.

Whether with blood or fire, the murderer must pay with his life.

"The people in the scientific research department kicked a ball with me and said that the headquarters did not store relevant information and asked us to go directly to the N-003 Nisto Advanced Laboratory. Let's go, it is 60 kilometers away from here." Miying immediately packed up and unlocked

There is a heavy-duty shuttle on the apron, ready to go to the laboratory to investigate the situation in person.

With so much information technology, how could we not communicate with each other? The people in the Secret Bureau couldn't help but think deeply about this problem.

What was originally thought to be just cases of rat cannibalism has now escalated.

When they arrived at the N-003 laboratory, they left the shuttle on the external apron and entered the laboratory vestibule.

A helper synth wearing a white dust suit came to greet them.

"Welcome." She brought the aggressive team from the Secret Guard Bureau into the reception room, invited them to sit down, and made them tea, as if there was no sense of crisis at all.

"We are here for the seven missing corpses from the Yuanteng billiards shop. According to the store manager, they were bought by the N-003 laboratory of the Ministry of Science and Technology." Miying got straight to the point.

"Yes." The synthesizer replied neatly.

"Why do you do this?" Miying asked.

"Collect fresh organs."

When it answered so frankly, the people in the Secret Bureau became angry.

"How dare you!" Nishiguchi Ryuken couldn't help shouting. This matter violated his long-held belief in justice.

"They are human beings too!" Zi Yangkui said loudly.

"You'd better give me an explanation." Miying said coldly, while A40 was already preparing to explode.

"They volunteered," said the synthesizer from the scientific research department.

"Are you kidding? How could a 'dead corpse' voluntarily donate a body? Do you regard the people in the Secret Bureau as idiots?" Nishiguchi Ryuken gritted his teeth.

"The answer is...the agreement." The synthesizer from the Scientific Research Department took out a stack of documents from the storage compartment on his chest and handed it to them.

The seven deceased persons all had criminal records and had spent some time in Nisto Prison, with the longest stay being one year and the shortest being three months. Five of them signed an agreement to voluntarily donate their bodies to the Scientific Research Department of Nisto Company after their death.

Let them do whatever they want. In return, the Ministry of Science and Technology will give them some living funds, take care of their families, improve their lives in prison, and find ways to get them out of prison early.

"These are five of them...where are the other two?" Nishikou Ryuken looked solemn.

"We have talked with their families and they are willing to donate." The synthesizer from the scientific research department took out two more purchase orders, both of which had compliant electronic signatures.

"You moved so fast?" Nishiguchi Ryuken wondered, "How could you possibly find their family members to sign these things right after they died?"

The synthesizer from the scientific research department remained silent.

"Because the Scientific Research Department has been monitoring these people," Miying said.

"This is confidential." The synthesizer from the scientific research department just smiled.

"You have been monitoring these marginalized people on a large scale, marking them, and waiting for something to happen to them to rush up like scavenging vultures and take away their bodies." Miying said calmly.

"Perhaps it's not just marginalized people who are being monitored..." Ziyangkui said fearfully.

"Maybe those seven people were killed by your scientific research department." Nishikochi Ryuken said nervously.

"We do not accept baseless accusations. However, please think about it, everyone in the Secret Bureau. These seven people have committed all kinds of evil in their lives, cheating, cheating, and misbehaving. They have harmed the public order and good customs of society to varying degrees for a long time. It can be said that there is no benefit at all.

They also died in the rat-men attack in the dirtiest billiards club. However, through agreements and transactions, their corpses have now become the cornerstone of technological progress, saving the lives of many critically ill patients, and actually providing more social value than they did during their lifetimes.

.This is also the redemption done by Nisto Scientific Research Department to them." said the synthetic person of the Scientific Research Department.

"That's nonsense." Nishikochi Ryuken said viciously.

"In fact, before you came, the medical department had already performed two operations, and a Nisto soldier with kidney failure received a much-needed match from them; a scientific officer suffering from cirrhosis also received a liver transplant.

I've been given a new lease of life." said the researcher from the scientific research department.

"You have been monitoring-" Nishikochi Ryuken's tone was lost.

Ziyangkui's face turned pale. She thought about the full set of physical examinations she received when she joined the company. Was she collecting physical information at that time? The scientific research department and the medical department have always been in close contact without any gaps.

"Everything is in compliance with the law, and everything is moving in the best direction. Everything we do is done in accordance with a transparent and open process. All important legal basis are supported by the Nisto Staff Meeting." The synthesizer of the Research Department said calmly.


Nishiguchi Ryuken swallowed.

"Ah... I voted..." he murmured, "a referendum on whether to obtain organs from criminals through an agreement. I didn't think there was any problem at that time, because I didn't think I would become a criminal."

"Yes, it may not be fair to criminals. But as long as you avoid becoming a criminal, can't you avoid being 'targeted' by our department? Since you can't commit crimes, what else do you have to be nervous about? What are you afraid of?

?You... what exactly do you want to know from our laboratory? Are you questioning the 'common opinion' of all company members? Or are you beginning to empathize with criminals and scum?" The synthetics of the scientific research department were very articulate and carried the department's intelligence.

High-quality intelligence has also deflected all the sharp edges of the Secret Guard Bureau at this moment.

"Despicable!" Ziyangkui cursed.

"Let reason prevail, this kind of work is worth it." said the synthesizer from the scientific research department.

Miying was silent for a long while.

"Can we see those bodies? At least the autopsy reports?" Miying finally said.

"No." The synthesizer from the scientific research department replied.

Miying copied the five donation contracts and two family consent forms and left the N-003 laboratory.

She took A40 and three other people to the nearest ramen shop, and invited Nishiguchi Ryuken and Shiyang Aoi to eat tonkotsu ramen.

While the two recruits were dining, A40 and Miying remained silent.

"Director! Are we going to let it go?" Nishikochi Ryuken said uneasily.

"At least report it to the president!" Zi Yangkui emphasized.

"Isn't there a fight?" A40's focus shifted.

"What the president attaches most importance to is laws and procedures. What the Scientific Research Department of Nisto Company does is completely in compliance with the rules. Everything they do is absolutely just in terms of procedures. They follow the most just laws. Everything is done.

The support of the justice system. So even if you tell President Lila, the president will not care at all." Miying told them.

"Then we can only investigate here and turn to eliminate those rat people." Nishikou Ryuken shook his head.

"No. We must first restore the truth of the matter, and then impose just punishment on the murderer." Miying said.

"Does this make sense? Isn't it better to kill rats? Ratmen killed 7 people, so we should kill at least 70 ratmen." A40 questioned.

"Listen to me, I used to think that the law would automatically produce justice, but now I find that this is not enough. No matter how perfect the law is, people need to use their individual strength to make up for the shortcomings. And this is also the Secret Bureau.

The basic principle - we will never give up on true justice!" Miying emphasized.

"Ah..." Nishiguchi Ryuken nodded.

"Then we must find justice for the corpse that cannot speak!" Zi Yangkui nodded.

People who are determined to join the Secret Bureau still have the most basic integrity.

"Please, it's just ratmen, just kill them all." A40 disagreed.

"I am the shadow of a cyber demon ghost. Do you think the cyber demon ghost will allow you to hunt rats indiscriminately like this?" Mi Ying blamed.

"That's..." A40 was in awe of the boss, but he didn't give up, "Then what should I do?"

"Sneak into the laboratory and find out the autopsy reports of those corpses." Miying nodded.

I'm not good at sneaking. A40 analyzed it secretly. However, Miying has already mentioned this, so it's hard to shirk it.

After leaving the ramen shop, A40 continued its analysis.

You have to entrust a person to sneak into the N-003 advanced laboratory to search for the autopsy report, find out the cause of death, and deal with Miying.

A person who is good at sneaking, has good skills, and is difficult to be discovered. A person who can come in and out quietly, and can escape unscathed even if he is discovered.

What's more, he has to be reliable, kind, not a bad guy, and someone A40 can call out. Top witches like 101 and 102 will definitely not pay attention to A40.

After a long analysis, the computing core of A40 has found a suitable candidate.

A40 came to the street and dialed the contact information.

"Hey, little fool, are you afraid of corpses?"


(End of chapter)

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