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Chapter 678 The Truth About Death

Chapter 678 The truth about death

From a village girl, to an exile, to an awakened witch, to the god of witches, Farosha's majesty is increasing day by day, and is embedded in the hearts of witches. Even Xu Cheng knows that in extremely critical moments, she must pray to Farosha. She may

Will lend a helping hand to the witch.

Therefore, Xu Cheng prayed loudly in his heart and let out a silent cry while avoiding the security personnel of the laboratory.

"...I ask Falosa, the God of Witches...to help me in this tense moment..."

For a moment, Xu Cheng felt that he had reached a psychological link with the invisible gods in the distance.

The witch has reached a connection with her god. This feeling is so subtle and mysterious that Xu Cheng will never forget it in his life.

Connecting high to the sky and as vast as boundless, the Farosha that Xu Cheng is connecting to at this moment is like a sky full of stars, or in Xu Cheng's eyes, she is equated with the starry sky itself.

Xu Cheng himself seemed to have been shrunk to one hundredth of his size. He was just like a small bean in this world, while Farosha was a powerful person with divine power and dazzling power.

She ran forward, feeling her body getting lighter and lighter.

Four security personnel chased Xu Cheng from behind.

They were wearing white uniforms, with pistols and stun batons tied to their armed belts. If Xu Cheng escaped from the laboratory, they would be in danger, so they did not dare to delay.

Seeing Xu Cheng murmuring words, they also quickened their pace and made arrangements in advance for the drone to circle out from the front corridor.

Two patrol drones quickly intercepted Xu Cheng and blocked her way. Each drone was equipped with a powerful electric shock device that could incapacitate people. At this point, they would not care even if it would cause harm to Xu Cheng.

Not available.

The drone charged quickly, the engine inside the armored shell roared, and the arc flashed.

"Ah... Falosa..." Xu Cheng couldn't help but say something.

The silent thoughts in her heart broke through the shackles of words, and Falosa's real name slipped out of her mouth, as if a law had been established in the world.


An ominous chirping sounded all around, and then everything fell silent.

The invisible influence had fallen, and all the shouts, bells, noises, and running sounds had disappeared, as if they had all become deaf and mute.

Xu Cheng jumped before the gravity disappeared. Her body bounced off the ground, like a small rocket being launched from the ground. The other four security personnel panicked and found that they were not bound by gravity and floated off the ground into the air.

And go.

The two drones also lost their balance and quickly crashed towards the top of the corridor. They collided with the metal ceiling and slid silently along the top. The fragments produced by the collision had various shapes and were floating gently in the air, just like swimming fish.


People and objects float quietly, like pieces of garbage, completely unable to control their own power.

Xu Cheng jumped unconsciously at first, and she hit the top. Before her head could explode, she quickly supported the top with both hands, and then slid down. There was a security guard floating in that direction.

come over.

He yelled, as if he wanted to ask Xu Cheng what he had done, but Xu Cheng stepped on his head. While stepping him to the ground, he used the reaction force to slide away in the opposite direction.

The farther away from the abnormality zone, the more obvious the gravity, so Xu Cheng fell to the ground along a sloping parabolic arc. She quickly crawled on the ground for a while, and then stood up with her legs after adapting to the gravity again.


That must have been the manifestation of the witch god Farosa just now.

The God of Witches is so scary! Xu Cheng secretly thought.

"...You helped me this time. Thank you. But I will still keep an eye on you in the future. After all, you are a bad woman, a bad woman..." Xu Cheng muttered in his heart.

She no longer dared to meditate or chant Farosha's true name now. She was watching everything from somewhere.

Snowball disappeared and the wolf girl disappeared. After escaping, Xu Cheng looked around and realized that his animal friends had suffered a serious injury. However, now he could only hide and wait for support. The people from the Secret Bureau were sent there by him

I won't ignore the news.

The N-003 Advanced Laboratory didn't feel as friendly to her as other facilities of Nisto Company. It was cold here, everything was pale and lonely, as if it was a white shadow growing in the heart of the company.

Xu Cheng opened his arms to maintain balance and ran quickly along the ground, imagining himself as a small balance car.

Her voice and hearing were restored. She heard many people talking on the other side, including experimenters and security personnel. She heard some words about the headquarters and the president, and seemed to be discussing how to report Xu Cheng's infiltration incident to the headquarters.


They want to report Xu Cheng's infiltration.

This is a confidential place. Xu Cheng should not appear here. She thought quickly. If she did not explain the situation first, President Lila might regard herself as an intrusive and arrogant bad boy who takes advantage of other people's love for her without authorization.

and considerate.

Looking around the corner, Xu Cheng found that the road leaving the building was blocked by many security personnel. She could only hide in the ventilation duct first, and then find a way to call for help from outside.

Xu Cheng bit his fingers. It would be great if he could fly to the sky and escape from the earth, or teleport like 101, but there is no way now.

Silently reciting the ninjutsu, Xu Cheng was unable to notice the straw man's position, and it seemed that Snowball had also been caught.

Xu Cheng first walked back half the corridor, got into a cleaner's workshop, and sat among the old drones and tool cabinets. He nervously took out the milk bottle from his clothes and took a sip, holding it with the other hand.

Xu Yang’s card.

Hide it, hide it...

He must have accomplished something. Xu Cheng thought to himself.

The information about the "corpse" has been sent out. Can the people from the Secret Bureau use this information to make a breakthrough?

Will the man who stirred up trouble within Nisto be caught? Who will come to save him and his animal companions?

No matter what, he must stand upright, be brave, and not be afraid of anything. Xu Cheng secretly swore.

He was raised by his father. When he comes home and asks about his performance in the future, he can confidently say that he did not embarrass his father.

Xu Cheng has always been brave...very brave, hardworking and well-behaved...

Yeah, come back quickly, dad...

I still want to be the little fool next to my father...

Looking up at the mess around the tool room, Xu Cheng's head gradually became empty, as if all his thoughts had fallen out of a big funnel.

On the other side, Nisto's Secret Bureau.

After receiving the news, A40 rushed to the director's office.

"Countermeasures Lesson 7, new discoveries! Message from Xueqiu." A40 handed the received information to Miying.

"...autopsy report..." Miying carefully studied the top-secret intelligence from the N-003 laboratory and went through all the information, "...the seven fresh corpses at the original Fujin billiards shop...the cause of death was..."

"Chopped by rat men?" A40 hasn't read it yet.

"The stamps are poisoned." Miying explained.

"Stamp?" A40 tried to confirm.

"Yes, they knocked themselves to death by knocking on the stamps. The autopsy report said clearly that the formula of the stamps was wrong. They knocked on counterfeit stamps, which caused shock and suffocation. This was the real cause of their death. There have been many cases at home and abroad.

Similar cases are common problems in stamp transactions." Miying explained.

When the Nisto Company settled in Charozhou, it killed Halesan, the largest local stamp dealer, and his stamp plantation was burned to the ground by the Nisto Company.

Since then, the "reliable supply" of goods in the Eastern Hemisphere has indeed been greatly reduced, and many underground exchanges can only sell shoddy goods, hoping that customers will die later.

After A40 checked the report himself, he did read the relevant content. The inferior stamps caused damage to the nerve center, which in turn led to paralysis of the limbs and respiratory dysfunction. These seven people were actually six men and one woman.

Died in a private room of the original Fujin billiards shop.

Two colleagues from Countermeasure Section 7, Ryuken Nishiguchi and Zi Yangkui, also arrived immediately and met in the director's office.

"So the deaths of seven people have nothing to do with the Rat Man?" Nishikochi Ryuken pondered.

"Yes." A40 now completed the previous clues, "No wonder there are no signs of fighting. I expected that the rat people struck too quickly, but I didn't expect that they blew themselves up by knocking on the stamps."

"Then why do the media say it was the Rat Man who did it? And the store manager? What did the scientific research department laboratory do? Why..." Zi Yangkui was extremely troubled.

"In addition to the cause of death, there is another detail in this report. It is mentioned that the parts of the body have been disassembled, stored in active support freezers, and sent away 15 hours ago by an overseas dedicated truck provided by Tianji Express Company.

This is not the formal channel of Nisto Company." Miying said slowly.

"Overseas!" Zi Yangkui's face changed drastically, "Is it possible to trade the parts of residents of the island to overseas buyers? Some members of the department have gone crazy! When I went there before, they always emphasized compliance, compliance, but now look at this... compliance


"If it's just piecemeal work, it's very inefficient. The only reasonable explanation is that they have reached contact with the intercontinental human parts trading market, share data and matching libraries, and exchange matching information with buyers around the world, making it easy to collect at all times.

." Miying said sternly.

"Awesome." A40 never thought that the above-board Nisto company would have such a moron.

Since the establishment of Nisto Company, it has relied on the hard work of front-line soldiers and the witch's life to achieve its current good reputation.

Once its reputation is tarnished, Nisto will lose everyone's trust.

The seven stamp users who have died now are just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows if the laboratory has targeted other vulnerable groups and innocent citizens? Who knows how they store and use these blood-stained funds?

Negative news on this scale is too terrible. Once it spreads, Nisto's credibility will fall to the bottom, and the promised "safety" will disappear like a bubble.

What is the difference between these people in the laboratory... and collaborators?

They more or less thought about many terrible futures.

Ziyangkui took a deep breath, as if she was afraid that one day in the future she would die in a corner and be taken away by an unknown person in a certain vehicle.

On the operating table, she will be cut into pieces, and buyers will be found in the world's largest matching database, and will be sold all over the world.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Listen to me!" Nishikou Ryuken couldn't help but stand up.

"What?" Miying turned to look at him.

"I don't know how many times this kind of thing has been done. There must be senior staff from the Scientific Research Department covering it up. Maybe people with high authority like Minister Kazama or Deputy Minister Perrin are also planning behind it. If you don't report it directly to the president now,

They will definitely eliminate all evidence of the crime." Nishikou Ryuken's voice was severely trembling and distorted.

"These documents alone are not enough to constitute evidence. Once you confess to the president, the president will definitely question the scientific research department. This is the time to alert the snake and give them time to destroy the evidence. So you must not act too hastily. If you want to overthrow these

"Moths, we must do our best and be cautious in order to successfully execute justice." Miying said.

"Yes..." Nishikou Ryuken sighed.

The files that Xueqiu transferred in a hurry were indeed incomplete, but if Xu Cheng and her animal friends hadn't worked hard, the Secret Bureau would still not know such terrible news.

Miying raised his head and his eyes fell directly on his sword.

"I am the shadow of the cyber monster, and I will destroy the evil." Miying said.

(End of chapter)

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