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Chapter 681 Punishment

Chapter 681 Punishment

Asakusa District, Harato Billiards Shop.

The owner, Joichi Nakai, stood behind the counter and welcomed him with a smile. After the billiards shop became famous, people liked to play "bloody billiards" in the private room where the Rat Man killed people. They felt that the only way to have fun was there.


The sound of multiple shuttles landing whizzed around, and Nakai Joichi's heart skipped a beat. Based on his many years of experience, the authorities were about to close the net. The next second he comforted himself, it didn't matter, just follow the same rules as dealing with everyone before.

Just say the same thing, just say that the Rat Man killed those seven people.

The afternoon sun slanted into the store, and then this beam of sunlight was blocked by a black figure. Farosha's backlit figure entered the store, and it was like casting a frosty shadow over the entire store.

On both sides of Farosha, several low-level combat witches wearing armor quickly entered, holding powerful night silver weapons, and walked silently through the store, blocking other corridors and private rooms, preventing everyone from moving in and out. The customers had just

They were yelling at first, but in an instant, the billiards shop became quiet.

Falosa's eyes fell on the shop owner. Yoshioka Mizuro walked past Falosa and showed a flat-screen terminal to the shop owner Nakai Joichi.

The picture records a boy about 12 or 13 years old, who is attending class in school.

"Ah - son..." Nakai Joichi was stunned.

"This is your son, Taro Nakai, who is studying at Harazu City Liangzai Junior High School." Yoshioka Mizuiro said.

"I know..." Nakai Joichi trembled.

"Who killed those seven people?" Falosa's eyes fell on the shop owner.

"Ah...it's the Rat Man..." Mr. Nakai said unconsciously.

In an instant, the young man on the screen seemed to have been drained of his soul. His whole body was limp and he quickly fell on the table. The other students in the class noticed this scene and quickly panicked. The chaos in the class was recorded on the screen.

Store owner Joichi Nakai's body also collapsed in an instant, and his whole body almost collapsed under the counter.

"Who killed those seven people?" Falosa's eyes fell on Nakai Joichi again.

"It's stamps!" Nakai Joichi wailed, "They knocked on too many stamps... and knocked themselves to death! You - please let my son go! Please forgive me!"

"Is it related to the Rat Man?"

"It doesn't matter! The rat people are my friends... I will stay at home and invite them to play... No - Taro is innocent, let him go!"

"You're just going to put the blame for murder on your rat friend?" Falosa said with a smile.

"I don't know - I can't... stamp... make money... Taro..." Nakai Joichi murmured, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Someone will arrange for you to make the truth known to the public. You have earned more than 4 million illegally from selling stamps over the years, which is equivalent to your son's medical expenses. Find an honest job for the rest of your life to collect money." Falosa turned and left the store, leaving

The owner of the Shimohara Fuji billiards shop was sobbing in the shadows behind the counter.

In Asakusa District, in the large square originally used for festival celebrations, more than a hundred rat corpses were piled among them, and three living rat men were still locked in cages.


"Look at those rat men!"

"They're all disgusting!"

"Hoho, if they dare to cause trouble again, we will use the same energy as yesterday to destroy them!" The onlookers pointed.

In an instant, they suddenly felt the color of the heaven and earth change, as if everything was sinking into a sea of ​​blood, and their vision was covered by an ominous blood red, as if everything was reborn from the mother's womb.

When they came to their senses, all the more than a hundred rat-man corpses in the square had turned into living rat-men!

The wounds disappeared, the pieces of flesh recovered, the minced meat and plasma disappeared without a trace, and the ashes and dust all gathered together! The citizens were trembling all over and their scalps were numb!


"Quack quack!"


"Wow! Wow!" The rat people's souls were gone, and only some instincts were left, almost like living rat corpses. Only a few rat people still had a clear will.

Seeing these crazy and heartless strange rats, the onlookers lost all their courage, panicked, scattered like birds and beasts, and scrambled to escape. Thanks to the war witches who evacuated the crowd, a vicious stampede was avoided.

A lower-level witch appeared holding a player with Saint Sally's singing voice in her hand. Although the rat people only had the remnants of their souls in their bodies, the last will in their souls was to follow Saint Sally's voice.

Hundreds of rat zombies staggered towards the witch. They walked in a daze towards the wilderness and disappeared from the sight of the citizens. Ratmen kept falling down along the way and were quickly recovered by the logistics troops.

Those rat men who were extremely lucky and still had intact souls after resurrection followed Saint Sally's voice and left. At this moment, they only thought that Saint Sally had caused the miracle, and they loved the Rat Demon God deeply in their hearts.

"There is no place for them in human territory." Falosa put her hands behind her back and watched the frozen team of ratmen leave.

"Then how should we treat the rat people?" Yoshioka Mizuiro asked.

"Send them on an expedition to the place where the four battles took place. If they use their claws, teeth and anger to win their new home, then that is what they deserve." Falosa looked at it.

"I thought that rat people could change their evil ways and return to their rightful ways..."

"At some point in the past, all rat-men did turn back into humans, but there are still countless rat-men around the world. This is a disease of society. People will continue to enter the living state of rat-men, and then slowly become

Rat people. In fact, we do need rat people to join this ecology, because some people in the human group really deserve a fate consistent with their nature. Ah - they deserve it." Falosa said with a smile.

The rest of the rat people hiding in the suburbs saw their friends being killed and reborn again. They came back with incomplete souls, chirping and screaming, at a loss as to what to do with these reborn friends.

"They need Sally's guidance. If you want to send the rat men on an expedition, only Sally can be the leader." Yoshioka Mizuiro said.

"Soon." Falosa understood.

On the outskirts of Shangjing, officers of the Secret Security Bureau rescued Xu Cheng and her animal friends from the laboratory after untold hardships.

"Huhu..." Xu Cheng learned his lesson and will become a better witch in the future.

"Where should we go next?" They turned their attention to Director Miying.

"If we are lucky enough, Yoshioka Mizuiro has already helped us find a helping hand in the witch club. He may be a strong person at the level of a ruler. If we have such a witch to help us, we will have the strength to fight against the darkness within the company."

Shadow said seriously.

Just when they were unaware of it, they saw a figure suddenly appear in the trees around them.

"Ah——" Xu Cheng was startled when he saw Falosa approaching.

"Come with me, Xu Cheng." Falosa stretched out her hand to Xu Cheng.

"I'm afraid!" Xu Cheng was afraid of Falosa.

"Have you forgotten who helped you just now? Xu Cheng's memory is really bad." Falosa smiled.

"Goodbye everyone... I will miss you..." Xu Cheng had no choice but to admit it. She thought she was going to be eaten by Falosa and said goodbye to the others sadly.

Falosa took Xu Cheng's hand and looked at Miying.

"You were just an insignificant synthetic woman at the beginning, can you now be on your own? How far can the Secret Guard Bureau develop in the future? How powerful a mystery can you guys guard... I'm looking forward to it," Falosa said.

"I won't live up to my expectations." Miying said calmly.

A40 quickly looked at Farosha.

Finally! The time has come! If I could compete with her, wouldn't I gain the most valuable combat experience in history?

A40 reaches for his weapon.

The next second it was blown away by a strong repulsive force, and its body was like an iron bullet fired from a giant cannon. It whizzed down to the other end of the forest. Nishiguchi Ryuken and Ziyang Kui rushed to save A40.

Falosa disappeared from the spot.

That night, Falosa appeared in the office of the Scientific Research Department of Nisto Corporation.

Kazama Miyari is in the earth seat posture, with her knees bent, her body thrown to the ground, her head close to the ground, her upper body arched, and her hands clapped on the carpet beside her forehead.

"Such a big thing happened in the scientific research department - I'm really sorry!" She apologized loudly to Falosa, not daring to raise her head.

"Call in all the witches you think are suspicious." Falosa stood by the desk, rubbing her fingers.

Kazama Palace was extremely worried, raised her head slightly, and quickly contacted at least 20 scientific research witches and asked them to enter the office. They all worked in the upstream and downstream of this "industrial chain".

When these 20 people arrived, they were horrified to see that the once arrogant Minister Kazama was now kneeling next to another more powerful witch, as if he had no dignity.

They lined up in a row, not daring to breathe.

"There is a hidden chain within the Nisto Scientific Research Department, which sells human parts to the outside world, and maybe... witches' parts? Maybe... you are also targeting civilians?" Falosa walked in front of them with her hands behind her back.

They were silent, their expressions were tense, each had their own thoughts, their bodies were sweating and their skin was cold.

Falosa walked in front of them twice with her eyes closed, and they had already made plans, figured out what to say, and exchanged glances to judge their respective attitudes.

But Farosha didn't give them a chance to explain. She just stopped suddenly, opened her eyes, and turned to look at them.

"You, you, you, you, your death sentence will be executed immediately." Falosa pointed at four of the witches.



"How did you..."


Their expressions changed drastically, and six war witches immediately walked in outside the door and turned them outside.

One of the scientific research witches resisted so hard that she was immediately hit by a weapon and turned into a corpse and dragged away.

The remaining sixteen scientific research witches looked at the pool of blood on the ground, their faces turned pale.

"They were executed not because their crimes were too serious, but because they were dirty, blasphemous and had a low style." Farosha watched them being dragged away.

Falosa's eyes returned to the remaining sixteen witches who were helpless and stayed in place.

She pointed to five of them.

"The five of you will be imprisoned for 200 years," Falosa said.

She pointed at two more of them.

"You two will be imprisoned for 100 years."

She pointed to three of them.

"You three will be imprisoned for 10 years."

After these 10 witches were dragged away, the remaining six research witches were on tenterhooks. They were all science officers at different levels, the lowest being laboratory assistants.

"Don't worry, I know you resisted the temptation and tried to report the situation to your superiors. It's really good that you maintained your integrity in this chaotic world. Your ranks have all been raised one level." Falosa said softly.

After hearing the news, they burst into tears of joy, their expressions quickly softened, and they praised Falosha on the spot.

After so many difficult tests, they finally saw their evil-doing companions punished, and their own suspicions were cleared away.

"There are many humans who have also joined in these things - we must clean them up!" a scientific research witch said loudly.

"Let the president send them to destruction. Her punishment methods are just as severe as mine." Falosa said with a smile.

After seeing them off, Falosa's eyes returned to the terrified Kazama Miyari.

"I don't know..." Kazama Miyaori muttered.

"You really don't know, because you are obsessed with your own research and you want to make more powerful weapons. I like the new blueprint you designed. I think all you lack is some of the rarest magic materials and some of the most important ancient knowledge.

." Falosa said.

"Yes! Yes! How do you know? If I can develop the ultimate weapon in my plan, we may be able to truly eliminate all the mysteries in this world, just like your god-killing weapon.

"Miyari Kazama is now obsessed with technology, as if he has forgotten the fate of the 20 scientific research witches just now.

"The witches under your command succumbed to the temptation of money and some terrible influence. I probably know what kind of forces are behind this. I can't blame them entirely, because the enemy is observing us day and night and can always find flaws.

"Falosa murmured.

"Actually, I don't know what happened at all." Kazama Miyari said frustratedly.

"Because this is a subtle influence. First, the desire for money arises in the dream, and then encounters psychological hints in reality, and decides to make some extra money with peers, and then the right 'overseas connections' come to contact them.

, let them destroy Nisto’s reputation and weaken our cohesion.”

"I heard it's related to the rat men?"

"Yes, but it's not entirely related. The Rat Man is just one of the beings who were fooled. Let me solve it, and I will give everything a reasonable ending." Falosa looked at Kazama Miyagi gently.

"You are really great." Kazama Miyari praised.

Falosa crossed the pool of blood on the ground and left the scientific research department briskly.

In the old sewer facilities in Shangjing, Falosa held Xu Cheng's hand and shuttled through the sewer pipes. The earth spider used its huge spider appendages to support itself to avoid falling under the sewage.

"Uh, why did you bring me here!" Xu Cheng was afraid. Falosa might want to eat her secretly underground, and the earth spider was a victim of companionship.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Falosa asked.

"Of course I'm afraid." Xu Cheng shivered.

"Look." Falosa pointed forward.

The lights throughout the tunnel were shining slightly, as if secretly guiding them in the direction they were going, making it easier for them to identify the direction in the dark shadows underground.

Xu Cheng opened her mouth and looked around. There were many pipelines, signals and electrical equipment. Facing them, she felt an inexplicable familiar feeling.

"I'm not afraid now." Xu Cheng's heart was surging and he quickly followed Farosha.

(End of chapter)

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