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Chapter 683 The Mountain of Flesh

After Farosa went out, Xu Cheng turned around and saw a more unpredictable expression on her face.

She suspected that Falosa must have seen something extraordinary in Sally's studio.

"Qi Chi?" Xu Cheng asked.

"You won't understand." Farosha led her outside. "In other words, when you get older, you will naturally understand."

"Quagua." Xu Cheng followed Farosha.

There were still invisible light cues along the way, as well as some repair robots. They were originally stored in the warehouse, but now they stepped out on their own and became competent guides, leading them all the way out of the sewers and towards the remote coast around Shangjing.

Xu Cheng's head was sweating from walking, so the automatic repair robot walked over, lifted Xu Cheng up with its mechanical arm, and placed it on top of its head.

"Are you sent by dad to help?" Xu Cheng lowered his head and patted the robot. The robot didn't say anything and just moved forward step by step.

"I feel... some kind of strong danger." The earth spider's spider magic also includes danger detection. At this moment, he also felt cold all over his body, as if a strong evil aura enveloped him.

"That means we're in the right place," Falosa said nonchalantly.

The Earth Spider became more and more surprised by the existence of Farosha. She could vaguely feel the powerful power of Farosha. In comparison, the Earth Spider seemed to be a miniature celestial body orbiting a star. It could not emit light on its own and was only worthy of being surrounded by this powerful body.

Shined by the witch's brilliance.

In Nioh Security Company, which Earth Spider belongs to, there are also two powerful ruler-level witches. This is also the reason for the entire company to dare to look back and investigate the market of the northern islands. With two rulers, it is a force that cannot be underestimated in the world.


But when it comes to this, Earth Spider can't help but guess...

I'm afraid she's the witch in her own company, so she's no match for Farosa.

In the past, the cyber monster used the technical aspect to make Earth Spider aware of the power of Nisto Company, but now Farosha used the mysterious aspect to make Earth Spider feel overwhelmed.

However, Nioh Security Company will definitely be able to make a name for itself overseas and find its own business elsewhere! Earth Spider thought to himself. We have two witches at the level of rulers.

"Two rulers." Falosa said to herself as she walked.

"Ah??" Tu Zizi looked horrified, surprised that he had accidentally expressed his thoughts aloud.

"I thought that Nisto Company only has two witches at the level of rulers." Falosa smiled faintly.

"Oh..." Earth Spider breathed a sigh of relief.

She shook her head.

Fortunately, if the other party is a witch with the ability to read minds, he will be in trouble. Earth Spider secretly thought.

Never tell the company's secrets to anyone.

Our president of Nioh Security is a commander who controls gravity, and another one with powerful combat power is an extremely terrifying lightning system controller. With these two witches in charge, it is enough to become famous in this world.

"Wouldn't it be even better if we recruit two more ruler witches?" Falosa added.

"Hiss..." Earth Spider tensed up.

If Nioh Security Company is "surrendered" by Nisto Company, things will get weird! According to the temperaments of the witches and angels in our company, they will not be willing to be subordinated to others, and they will definitely conflict with the people in Nisto Company.

"It doesn't matter, I will take good care of them." Farosha went on her own.

Earth Spider was really scared now, and she tried to clear her mind.

Don't think, don't think, don't think...

Falosa calmly passed over the earth spider.

After walking for half a day, they came to a vast beach. The robot pointed forward to indicate that the destination had been reached.

Xu Cheng was leaning on a tree and looking out, and saw a particularly ugly thing.

That's probably a... meat mountain?

An unknown creature appeared on the empty beach. It was made of pure flesh and blood. It was roughly more than 100 meters wide and was large enough to cover half of the playground. It was surrounded by terrifying scarlet tentacles that were constantly swaying as if they were part of its limbs.

In the middle of its body is a colored solid piece, showing obvious crystal features, which glows slightly in the afterglow of dusk, as if it is the heart of this abominable thing.

Gradually, as if she sensed someone approaching, a woman crawled out from the top of the crystal. She only had a naked upper body, her face was dignified, and she was about the second half of her twenties.

From her ribs down, she was connected to this ugly, deformed mountain of flesh. At this moment, the thousands of blood-red tentacles around her were swaying according to her will, pointing at the people sneaking in the forest.

"Yeah!" Xu Chengguang was scared when he saw it.

"Is that so?" Falosa observed carefully.

"Are we going to deal with it?" Earth Spider was curious.

"That's enough, take her back." Falosa said.

"Oh..." The earth spider held Xu Cheng in its arms, climbed up the tree with the appendages on its back, and looked at the scarlet meat mountains in the distance.

"Don't just get there, leave as soon as possible. Use your fastest speed to get back to the city and stay away from the edge of the city." Falosa said.

"What -" Earth Spider thought quickly, "Is she very strong? This blood-red monster..."

"The impact of our war will be great, let's go quickly. Go tell Yoshioka Mizuro and ask her to notify Lila and issue a 10-magnitude earthquake warning, a volcanic eruption warning, a tsunami warning, an evacuation warning, and a shelter warning, and let everyone do it. Be prepared to be affected by disasters. You and the little fool, too, protect yourselves." Falosa said lightly.

First, he was intimidated by Falosa's weirdness, and now he could feel her care. Tu Zi was entangled in two different emotions. It was even harder to describe his feelings for Falosa at this moment. He could only take Xu Cheng back quickly. withdraw.

Falosa drew a space spell in the air, summoning the divine sword Star Controller and the colorful cloak.

Then she left the woods and walked towards the huge bloody mountain of flesh on the beach.

"You are very powerful." Falosa stood on the sand, looking at the human figure on the top of the terrifying crawling flesh.

"You can feel my power, can't you? You'd better not stop me from leaving this island," she said.

"I know very well who you are - Suzukawa Kii." Falosa raised the divine sword. Her contact with the stars was severed. An unexpected creature cut off her contact with the meteorites among the stars. It was Meng Germany? No matter what its purpose is, Falosa does lack the powerful killing move of calling meteorites.

"And I also know who you are, the person who claims to be my 'mentor'." Suzukawa Kii's voice was particularly pleasant.

"Yes, I taught you the correct way to take dew drops, and I completed the communication with you back then." Falosa's thoughts returned to the time when she was stuck in the burrito hat shop, and she asked Suzukawa Ji Yi sent a letter and summoned the "Suzukawa Army" to eliminate the rat tide's offensive.

"Thank you also. Since then, I have gained a stronger power of faith and wish than before. I feel that I am not far behind the legendary 'god' now." Suzukawa Kii looked down at Manchuria.

The flesh and blood around him was deformed, and they were squirming like thousands of little immortal beings.

Falosa's eyes passed through the illusion, and she discovered that underneath was an even more abominable and diseased body, as if it were pieced together by thousands of corrupted ugly women, with tentacles, sharp horns and whip-like objects pouring out of them.

"You were completely deformed before, but by digesting the dew drops correctly, you now have at least half a human body." Falosa observed.

"We have fought before. I let my loyal admirers put on a show to make you think that the crystallized person is all my power, and everything is just for a higher level of transformation." Suzukawa Jiyi pressed his hands on himself.

, feel the majestic power coming from your own skin.

In Suzukawa's heyday, she enjoyed the "viewing" and "construction" of hundreds of millions of people in the live broadcast room. The fantasies of viewers from all over the world covered Suzukawa's body, making her now have this terrifying shell.


In the Middle Ages, it only took the admiration of hundreds of thousands of people to build a powerful spirit, but Suzukawa Kii's harvest of admiration was so vast that it established her unprecedented and unique path.

Live broadcast to God.

"As long as you turn that terrifying mountain of flesh in the lower half into a 'human body', you can officially ascend into an immortal demigod." Falosa observed, recorded and studied everything in front of her.

"It's a pity that the rat-men's farce means that I can no longer live there comfortably... Why can't the conflict between rat-men and humans be resolved?" Suzukawa Kii said in a disgusted tone.

Falosa burst into laughter.

"Is it funny?..." Suzukawa Yui observed Falosa.

"Of course it's funny. Those rat-men who like to kill people and make the whole clan have conflicts with humans are so funny. Those media who make up things just for clicks are so funny. The billiards shop owner who chose to frame the murder on the rat-men is so funny. Those

The citizens who don’t care about the facts and just want to vent their emotions are so funny. The rat witch who only lured the rat men to the island without knowing how to discipline them is so funny. Those who devote their efforts to live idols are so funny. Those who work for the idols in their dreams are so funny.

It’s so funny that the scientific researchers who decided to harvest human bodies for money...it’s because they worked together to mess up everything, and ultimately prevented you from successfully becoming a god, leaving most of your rotten and twisted body unable to transform.”

"Yes, if the rat people live in harmony with people, if people are sensible, and if everyone in Nisto Company is honest and responsible, there will be no trouble at all, and I can still enjoy my live broadcast career.

I have to control that idiotic and ignorant rat witch to spend a few more months. In just a few months, I will be able to become extraordinary." Suzukawa Kii looked down at most of his flesh-and-blood deformed body, which lay unsightly on the sand.


"Hidden right under my nose..." Farossa tightened her grip on the Star Rider.

"What are you waiting for? Your eyesight is really poor. You are too small, and all your power is tiny to me." Suzukawa Jiyi mocked condescendingly.

In an instant, the surrounding sand was swallowed up by scarlet corruption. Large areas of the forest behind Falosa were twisted. The trees were bent, the branches and leaves were stretched, and the fruits rotted and fell to the ground. Suzukawa Yui had already been corrupted during the previous conversation.

this environment.

"Oh, I decided to make you fall into great despair first, and then kill you." Falosa raised her left hand, and the ice mist core released cold air in her hand.

The surrounding environment suddenly became extremely cold. Huge frosty clouds roared down from the clouds. Suzukawa Kii raised his head and vaguely saw a giant skeletal dragon lurking in the frosty wind!

The guardian of the ancient Dongsheng Kingdom, Dongyu guards the day!

Pairs of ice mist cores shimmered in its skeletal chest, completely under the control of its new owner, Falosa.

The surrounding extreme cold weakened Suzukawa Nori, and the resurrected ancient dead dragon was so powerful that she turned extremely pale. Then, huge waves surged nearby, and a super giant red sea descendant emerged from the waves and headed towards Suzukawa Nori.

Yi let out a roar that shook the earth.

"I'm not here to see you become a god, I'm here to put you to death!" Falosa pointed her sword at Suzukawa Kii.

Suzukawa Kii let out a burst of laughter, the tone became more and more shrill, and eventually the whole body disintegrated, and even the upper half of the face that was condensed into a human body was completely corrupted, completely festering into a super giant mountain of flesh and blood, and its size also expanded crazily.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

Countless flesh demon whips and bone spurs crashed into Falosa.

Facing threats from all directions, Farosha only had an almost crazy smile on her face.

The greatest battle!

This chapter has been completed!
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