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Chapter 691 The Cruise Ship Joy

They will gather at the Yacht Stadium in Yezi at 8 o'clock in the evening and meet on a cruise ship called "Happiness".

Farosha concealed the fact that she had sent out invitations widely, and made sure to disrupt everything when Xu Yang got carried away.

The cruise ship "Joy", Falosa wants to turn it into the "Despair".

Neither Ye Zi nor Xu Yang were there, so naturally, they had to stay away from her and save enough energy to wait for the big party tonight. Falosa was taking a casual walk in Xisheng Hotel to observe the new Jialongpo.

A dancing sorceress named Rosa came to greet Farossa. She was slim, beautiful, and not modestly dressed. At a glance, Farosha knew that she had rich experience in the world and had met more than one man.

Xu Yang must have dealt with this kind of witch every day in Jialongpo. Falosa thought about this and felt even more angry, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Hello." Falosa said calmly.

"Welcome to Xisheng Hotel! I am the hotel manager Rosa~" Rosa said in a pleasant voice, "You are a distinguished guest from the northern archipelago! I am very happy to have you here! I will have full control over your future itinerary in Jialongpo.

Be responsible and always accompany you.”

"Take me to dinner." Farosha ordered.

Rosa, the dancer and witch, treats people well. She humbly leads the way for Farosha. Faced with the impeccable etiquette trained by the company's highest procedures, Farosha has nothing to say even if she wants to find fault, so she follows her casually.

"This is a buffet restaurant. Most of the private rooms are soundproofed. All meals are provided free of charge. Of course, for distinguished guests like you, we have also prepared the highest quality food." Rosa said.

Falosa, Rosa, Sally, Lila, Falosa thought silently. The names of people in our social circle really overlap with each other.

She noticed that each waiter was wearing a carefully tailored gown and had a barcode taped to one cheek.

"They are not robots, why do they have markings on their faces?" Falosa asked.

"The best service is naturally that even people can be traded as commodities. As long as you like the waiters we have trained, you can place an order and take it away. The unit price will not exceed 10 million, which is very cost-effective." Rosa explained easily.

"It's wonderful. Even if a person sells himself to a company, it will only cost him a few million in his lifetime. Now he can pay it all in one lump sum, eliminating the need to repeat it day after day and year after year." Falosa approved.

"Yes, and there is no need to worry about their personal safety. Jialongpo implements the strictest laws in the world. Among all company cities in the world, Jialongpo's laws are definitely ranked first in strictness, ensuring that citizens are absolutely safe.

Pacifist~" Rosa smiled.

"I like it here, I like it so much. Do you mean you will execute the prisoners collectively?" Falosa was very satisfied. The attitude of Nisto Company towards people is too friendly, which breeds many human beings' arrogant and arrogant emotions.

The scale of Jialongpo is just right.

"Led by Ye Xisheng, we often use life imprisonment and death penalty to deal with criminals, prohibit individuals from illegally carrying guns and ammunition, prohibit stamps, violent injuries, even littering, smoking and crossing traffic roads. Implement the highest degree of law

The law was formulated with the participation of Ye Zi himself." Rosa told Falosa.

The crime rate is extremely low, business rules are extremely important, and the society is extremely stable. It is no wonder that Jialongpo can develop in this era of economic turmoil. Who wouldn't like to go here? Falosa nodded secretly.

"Even occult disasters rarely happen?" Falosa observed.

The city's harmful atmosphere is very light, and its supernatural influence is very limited. If the pollution level in the northern archipelago is about 15%, Gialongpo's is only 1%.

"It is illegal to purchase, download and store taboo content, and we will immediately dispose of or expel them. At present, everyone is looking forward to getting the settlement qualification and switching to Jialongpo after the 'observation period' of 7 to 10 years.

Citizens tend to sit in immigration prison honestly and dutifully. Foreigners are especially cautious. There is no shortage of people in Jialongpo. If you don't respect the laws here, you have no choice but to leave." Rosa said with a smile.

"You like Jialongpo very much." Falosa could easily detect the subtle changes in Rosa, and could also hear some thoughts and whispers.

"I was born in the Taia Islands... Noble lady, it is a hell on earth without any laws. Men speak by bullets, women make a living by selling themselves. Both men and women live under the domination of the Black Fire Revolution. Maybe Jia

There are many bad things about Longpo, but for me, this is where I want to spend the rest of my life." Rosa sighed.

Falosa ate on the balcony with a good view while looking outside.

It's so prosperous and special. In Jialongpo, there are countless high-rise buildings built by new companies, and many famous technology companies and financial companies have announced the establishment of branches here.

Falosa held her chin, feeling very amused.

Human beings, as numerous as ants, must be living an honest life under the protection of severe punishment and law. Chips that enhance memory and thinking ability are implanted since childhood, making it easier to solve math problems. Then they get involved in famous private schools, and then pass numerous exams to obtain the certificate.

certificate, and finally joined a well-known company in Jialongpo with a bright face.

The task for the rest of my life is a race, trying to finish the house, car, implants and the loan required for marriage before dying. Signing line after line of contracts, selling the labor during life and selling the human body after death, selling

After selling his children and grandchildren, he decorated his life to make himself feel better, and tried his best to balance the balance of happiness and pain. Oh, Jialongpo provides everything that a normal person dreams of, just like this, step by step, let the weak have a

Follow the regular path without fault tolerance. Once you fail, you can only take the path of low-level adaptation. If you go wrong, you will be beaten by the law...

"I used to like that kind of... hell-like chaos. It seemed that it was interesting when everyone killed each other. But now I am moved by Jialongpo again. Common people should indeed live such a life. It's just witches, free witches

We should be taken back to the northern archipelago, and I will recruit all the witches in Jialongpo." Falosa stretched and prepared to go to bed.

"The population of Jialongpo is only 7.5 million, which is far less than the witch 'manpower' that the northern archipelago can provide you." Rosa smiled and helped Falosa to rest.

In the evening, Falosa met the suspicious Pan Ruiyi.

"Ah... Lord Falosha." Pan Ruiyi stood at the door, her bold figure required Falosha to look up to her.

Falosa probed Pan Ruiyi's heart, but found that Pan Ruiyi was now mentally tough and could only detect vague fragments.

"...If Master Falosa discovers what we are doing on the Joy...it will be over..." Pan Ruiyi thought to himself.

"Are you leaving for the Joy?" Falosa observed Pan Ruiyi, "We agreed to do it tonight."

"Yes, yes. Please come with me!" Pan Ruiyi raised his head sharply, not daring to look into Farosa's eyes.

"Are you sure I will be satisfied with what happened on the Happy Ship? Are you sure you want to invite me to the Happy Ship? Is this Xu Yang's idea?" Falosa followed Pan Ruiyi with a faint tone.

Pan Ruiyi took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling.

"Cruise ship Joy, come on, Lord Farosha. The news I got is to face you, and then boldly invite you to board the Joy." Pan Ruiyi said firmly.

"You are humiliating me." Falosa muttered.

"Even so, we still have reasons why we have to invite you to the Joy. When you arrive on the Joy, we hope to get your forgiveness first." Pan Ruiyi sighed.

"Forgiveness..." Falosa sneered.

Falosa was really fed up with the need to forgive these sinister witches and Xu Yang's piling. It was not enough to just live a small life in Jialongpo, she even invited herself here personally!

"We are all on the boat, and we are all looking forward to you joining us and forgiving us. This will be a great help to us." Pan Ruiyi sounded a little scared, as if he also suspected that Farosha would not agree.

"Oh, of course I will help you a lot." Falosa said.

Falosa will definitely make these women, including Xu Yang, pay the price, all of them.

Asking Pan Ruiyi to prepare the car first, Falosa secretly sent a message to all the other people who received the invitation letter, asking them to meet on time on the Happy Boat, completely destroying Xu Yang's evil intentions.

When she thought of Xu Yang trying to let herself be with all the other women, to coexist peacefully with them, to have fun with them..., a cold and high wall began to rise in Farosha's heart, ready to crush Xu Yang at any time.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, they arrived at the private dock named after Ye Zi.

The Joy cruise ship is parked on the coast. It is a medium-sized full-size luxury cruise ship with a total length of 150 meters. It has a pure white appearance. In the center is a raised hotel-style luxury cabin, with an entire green ecological garden on top, and a glass ceiling to protect it from the wind.


"That's it! The Joy!" Pan Ruiyi greeted Falosa next to the pedals of the cruise ship, his expression became determined, "Please get on the ship, Xu Yang and Xiaodao Yezi are waiting for you on the ship!"

"Are they waiting for me? This pair of savages." Falosa cursed.

"Xu Yang will apologize to you first, and then when we talk about it... everything will be fine, yes, everything will be fine." Pan Ruiyi murmured.

"Is this what you envisioned, to make me surrender?" Falosa sneered, "...Then let me hear what Xu Yang can say."

After passing through the steps and boarding the cruise ship, you enter the luxurious double-story lobby, where the maid-type Lila welcomes Falosa and sits down on the sofa.

"Falosa, you are indeed here. Although I don't know how the master informed you, you came at the right time," Lila said.

"You dirty... Lila who was specially transformed into a maid model must have had a lot of happy time with Xu Yang on this cruise ship." Falosa said softly.

"I am responsible for the master's happy time." Lila said in a disdainful tone.

"Okay, now that I'm here, do you want to invite me to this ridiculous party?" Falosa raised her voice.

"Of course, but this party is not ridiculous at all, it is very meaningful." Lila shook her head.

At the same time, Linyin came from the upper level of the hall. She leaned forward and leaned on the railing.

"You're here! It's going to be fun tonight!" Linyin said with a smile.

Rinyin is also one of the witches who disobeys Falosa, and now such a calm attitude is annoying to Falosa.

"So you're ready for the party?" Falosa asked knowingly.

"Of course, my dress is ready, but I haven't put it on yet. Tonight is a good day." Linyin was only wearing a black vest and white leather pants.

Falosa secretly asked others to arrive as soon as possible. She wanted to completely destroy this ignorant and fearless party and teach Xu Yang a lesson, letting him know that Falosa could never live in harmony with these women.

Impossible! Never possible! She wants to humiliate this man and then use her methods to humiliate all other women.

"I want to see Xu Yang." Falosa said softly.

"I'll go find him." Linyin set off.

"Is there someone on the dock? Why shouldn't it be... at this time?" Pan Ruiyi received news that someone else had entered the port.

"Are you afraid someone will come?" Falosa smiled.

"Of course! This is our...private matter." Pan Ruiyi cried sadly.

"You are not allowed to stop them," Falosa said through gritted teeth, "and you are not allowed to tell anyone that they are coming."

"Everything is out of control now." Pan Ruiyi shuddered, "This is not in line with the plan."

"I don't need your plan in the first place." Falosa looked calm and prepared to face Xu Yang directly.

Not long after, she saw Xu Yang in a side hall. He was sitting on an armchair and sofa, meditating, wearing a black dress.

"Why are you wearing such thick clothes? You still have trouble taking them off when the time comes." Farosha mocked.

"I'm going to tell you something in a serious manner." Xu Yang sat up straight in his seat.

"Serious? You think this 'little party' is serious?" Falosa sneered.

"Of course, I only sent you a message." Xu Yang walked towards Falosa and said sincerely, "I think this is extremely important, and it can't happen without you. First of all, I have to say sorry for not telling you in advance."

"You pervert."

"Yes, although it is abnormal... but this is the law of nature, and we need your help, Falosa, my and Ye Zi's child was born, and she is a witch." Xu Yang said.

Ye Zi took out a baby girl from the next room and walked towards Falosha with a smile.

Falosa stood there for a while.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Honorable Falosa, please allow me to gain your forgiveness. This is a witch, a witch who is less than a month old. If she can get your blessing, the God of Witches, her future life will be smooth sailing." Xiaodao

Ye Zi said softly, there was a pink and tender baby girl in her arms.

For a child, Xu Yang injected Kojima leaves to create a "Children of Xisheng", and she was also a witch. She was pregnant last year and gave birth not long ago.

"You..." Falosa's expression changed drastically, "How could I - why..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a noise outside, and the people invited by Farosha came in.

"Wow... why are you all here? Miss Tenjoin! Du Qianqian... Yoshioka Mizuro, Miss Kirino Reiyo! Miss Nansei Fate... ah, and the little fool, Laila, what are you all doing?

Everyone is here! How did you find this place?" Kodao Yezi looked at the people who came in from outside in surprise.

"Didn't you invite us?" Tenjouin Murasaki was puzzled, and at the same time looked at the child in Ye Zi's arms, "You...you have a child!"

"Wow!" Xu Cheng stood on tiptoes and looked at the father's biological child. Although he was unhappy when he first thought about it, he became happy again when he saw her pink little face.

"Lord Falosa..." 101 saw Falosa standing there.

"I'm sorry, this was originally a small party. I invited Falosa to bless our newborn child... But since everyone is here, we will immediately prepare a banquet of a corresponding size." Xu Yang didn't know why everyone came.

But since we are all here, why not get together.

"Please bless our child, Lord Witch God, bless our witch baby. There is nothing better than this in the world. This is the greatest gift you can provide for this child." Kojima Yezi

Looked at Farossa flatteringly.

Everyone in this living room has turned their attention to Falosa. If they say "no" here, the orthodoxy of the Witch God will be shattered.

Farosha leaned forward and looked at the young baby. She opened her eyes and babbling. Farosha sighed softly. This kind of thing is really... is this what she must experience? But

Ye Zi is a human being, and it is normal to give birth to children. In comparison, witches do not have this "ability". Moreover, the situation is too subtle. Originally, Falosa was very reluctant, but now that everyone is watching, she has to do something.

It's time for the Witch God to do something.

All witches are their own children, and all witches are small fragments of the God of Witches. Thinking of this, Falosa convinced herself and whispered her blessing to the child.

"...You will have the most proud beauty in the world and unparalleled talent. You will gain your own reputation and your own powerful power when you reach adulthood. Embrace your path, newborn witch, even if your father is a witch.

A sad man, your mother is a greedy woman, but you will also ignore their negative influence, become a truly proud and powerful witch, and embrace this era to your heart's content."

This chapter has been completed!
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