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Chapter 699 Anti-Witch Project

Chapter 699 Anti-Witch Plan

In the cruise ship's room, Farosha digested the news she had just learned about Zangos.

"The people from Nioh Security mentioned something about the 'dream of the land of gold', which surprised me because people in the northern archipelago also have related dreams," Falosa told Xu Yang.

"What?" Xu Yang was curious.

"Do you still remember that there are people in the Nisto Scientific Research Department who are involved in selling human body parts? I have killed many witches and purged many people. How do I judge the standards? In fact, I can hear the voices of the witches, and I can hear someone speaking

Wailing, 'If the dream of the Golden Land hadn't seduced me, I wouldn't have done such a thing.'" Falosa said.

The dream of golden land.

According to the retrospective investigation of some witches afterwards, these witches, including some other human staff, all had sweet dreams about the golden land during a specific period of time.

After waking up from the dream, they are still obsessed with wealth, and their character becomes extremely greedy.

At that time, there were also overseas forces who came into contact with them, so they simply took the risk and embarked on a profit-driven path of no return, seeking personal gain within the Nisto Company.

"We investigated those who participated in the anti-witch sect operations, and many of them also mentioned some keywords related to 'gold'. There were no clues at that time. From what you said, they probably also did something related to gold.

Sweet dreams." Xu Yang pondered.

"The overseas forces should be Seven Seals. They secretly coordinate and spread this golden dream, implanting direct wealth fantasies into the minds of employees and citizens, making them eager for quick success and quick gains, and extremely impulsive." Farosha analyzed slowly.

"Not just the northern archipelago, I'm afraid they are also spreading this golden dream all over the world. Only in this way can they attract people from all walks of life to Reshuzhou, and develop sin cities like Zangos. Last year at this time Zangos was still

It’s just an ordinary small port. It seems that they are using this method to manipulate the desire for profit of people all over the world?” Xu Yang felt that there was a deep conspiracy behind it.

"Such a thing also happened in the Middle Ages. A devout church pastor, because he had a dream about the Golden Land, later became extremely greedy, loved making money, disowned his relatives, and committed countless sinful acts behind his back. His tomb is full of

It was made of pure gold and was excavated very quickly. So the influence of the Golden Land is still very long, and I didn't expect it to reappear in this form in modern times." Farosha said about the past.

"The Dream of Gold and Wealth... The Golden Land Zangath... I'm afraid Qiyin has a plot in Zangoth." Xu Yang realized that it would be very difficult to fight against an organization like Qiyin with power all over the world.

The resources they can mobilize are spread all over the world, and their methods are endless.

"And I remember that one of Yan Duo's brothers is the Golden God. According to legend, it is a giant made entirely of gold. It fell from the sky and landed in the 'place where heavy rain and yellow sand intersect', in Reshu Continent." Falosa.

Speaking mysteriously.

"Then let's go to Reshuzhou, the sinful city of Zangos, and take a closer look at what conspiracy they have." Xu Yang nodded.

Both bright and dark, there are countless clues pointing to Re Shuzhou.

This continent has always been synonymous with disease and scorching heat, but with the arrival of the Frost Age, the scorching heat turned into a mild climate, which became suitable for people to survive.

Human beings originally moved from the equator to the poles, but due to the current situation, they returned from the poles to the equator.

"And those damn 'anti-witch faction'." Falosa said bitterly, "Have they all had a 'golden dream'? Most people haven't. Why do they have so much malice towards witches?"


"First of all, from the perspective of social structure, humans and witches have always been the most familiar but unfamiliar symbiotic groups. The social circle of witches is basically all other witches, and they rarely take the initiative to deal with humans. Most of them just keep in touch with each other, so

The two sides have never been familiar with each other, it's just that the two groups live in the same world." Xu Yang said.

"Indeed..." Falosa mused.

All witches' friends are basically witches.

For example, among the witches in the Witch Club, their friends are all witches who know each other, and they cannot see ordinary humans.

Even "acquaintances" like Kojima Yoko never join the witch's group and cannot fit in.

Humans and witches seem to live in the same world, but in fact their life trajectories are almost parallel.

The only exception is marriage.

Witches naturally have a need for love, so those who have the conditions will find men to start a family, but they will not give birth to children, just for fun; generally, witches will "get tired of playing" with men after ten or twenty years together, and they will find a man to start a family.

The next man.

"Well, humans still have a certain sense of strangeness and even hostility towards witches. They hope that Nestor Corporation can manage these witches as 'super weapons' just like managing the NCER nuclear arsenal. So from an ordinary person's perspective,

When they get up and go to work, they find that a big crater has been blown out of the suburbs of Shangjing, just like a nuclear weapon exploded in front of their home. How can they remain indifferent?" Xu Yang told Falosa.

"Were they like this before?" Falosa sneered, "They were ants before!"

"In the past, they would not gather because they did not dare to speak out or act, and they had no power. But now we have brought a new social outlook, and their actions and voices are part of the normal order. In fact, they

It should be like this! I should have the ability to make my own voice, come up to you and say loudly, 'Stop creating a big hole for the world.'" Xu Yang nodded slowly.

"...You're so weird."

"It's not surprising at all. It's normal. When you see so many humans with weapons appearing in front of you, you also feel angry. Yes, you can kill them, but after they die, more people will be angry.

The more people join the 'Anti-Witch Faction' and purchase more and more advanced weapons, they will definitely knock you down!" Xu Yang said calmly.

"Being involved in a war with a vast ocean of ants..." Falosa felt a little disgusted at the thought of this.

"This is the greatest wealth that the Nisto Company has brought to the entire northern archipelago. We are not afraid of them gathering, we are afraid that they will not gather. If people dare not gather to fight you, people will remain the same as in the past under unlimited control in Kyoto.

Living an honest life with no fighting spirit, even if a hole is blown out of the door of our house, we will still act like zombies... That means that Nisto Company's visit was in vain! Our work was in vain!" Xu Yang said in a decisive tone.

Falosa recalled the situation.

In her eyes, a large group of ordinary people gathered on the edge of the terrifying Eclipse of the Stars, demanding concessions from Nestor Corporation.

What a bunch of angry sheep they were! They even had sharp angles.

People used to be extremely numb, but now they have the will and ability to fight.

But... but...

"They are against Nisto Company!" Falosa emphasized, "Don't you think they are our enemies?"

"Of the 50 million people who came to Beijing, only 3,300 people showed up at the scene. This ratio is still very disparate. Actually, you don't need to be too nervous. The impact is not as big as you thought. It's just of a special nature." Xu Yang shook his head.

"But they were determined."

"Yes, they objected so fiercely, which shows that Nisto Company has done something wrong and not done well enough. Why should we be afraid of them talking about it? They have provided many insights and insights. Nisto Company itself is not flawless.

We are not all saints, recent events have exposed our shortcomings, so we should continue to optimize measures and correct the system instead of thinking about how to eliminate these voices." Xu Yang said firmly.

"Hmm..." Falosa pondered.

"Just like after this incident, Nisto Company will also adjust its strategy. Miying suggested a lot of ways to improve the resistance of the whole society. And our intelligence and public relations people realized that the situation was complicated, and since then

Also regard this 'Anti-Witch Faction Gathering' as a case and lesson, and think about countermeasures so that Elodie will not be allowed to drive the chariot every time in the future. Don't be afraid of conflicts, only when there are contradictions can we develop." Xu Yang said to Farlow

Sha said.

After hearing what Xu Yang said, Farosha knew that what he said was correct, but she still wanted to argue for her own reasons.

"So - it doesn't matter even if Nisto Company is wiped out in the future? Those angry people pushed Nisto Company down, wouldn't it be worse for you?"

"If we are wiped out by external forces, it means we are too weak; if we are wiped out by angry people, it means that Nisto Company deserves to die. After all, I have no intention of staying at Nisto Company for the rest of my life! I am always ready to create another one.

New career!" Xu Yang said seriously.

"You..." Falosa was startled.

Falosa felt so dreamy when she heard Xu Yang's words!

She felt like she had just met this man for the first time.

He was ready to drop everything and start over. How could he...how could he be so unfeeling and decisive? With the development of Nisto Company, Xu Yang said that he was ready to throw it away!

In his view, the so-called "Nisto Company" is just a tool in the transitional stage!

It exists to improve people's living conditions and improve people's fighting spirit.

A group of "anti-witch factions" emerged among the people, which actually went along with Xu Yang's wishes, because he felt that people should have such a strong sense of resistance.

If there is a problem with Nisto, then let people fight to bring down Nisto.

In the future, if Nisto is not perfect enough, it will be eliminated, abandoned, and eventually give way to new things with more vitality.

Falosa was really surprised by Xu Yang's courage.

Even Falosa is now deeply dependent on Nisto Company and refuses to leave Nisto Company.

But Xu Yang is really like a bird with no destination. If what Nisto Company does is scorned, then let it burn to the ground and build a new business.

Falosa's eyes became even more eager when she looked at Xu Yang.

"You are crazy, crazy, crazy! It turns out you are crazy too, you are crazier than me!" Farosha shouted, "You like people to become like you...the kind of desperate protesters and innovators.

Yes, you are sending them to die. You are cultivating these people intentionally or unintentionally, cultivating the courage and anger of the citizens...making them dare to come to me."

"Believe me, it's all worth it." Xu Yang said calmly.

"Is this the pride that only madmen have?" Falosa smiled contemptuously, "Well, if one day Nisto Company collapses, I will accompany you to start over. Anyway, this world has only

You and I are two people."

From the beginning...it was just Xu Yang and Falosa, starting from scratch.

Xu Yang kissed Farosha.

"However, don't worry about Nesto Company, we are far from being extremely corrupt," Xu Yang explained.

"Indeed..." Falosa nodded.

Nowadays, the drizzle of "anti-witch sect" is basically a scabies disease. There is no splash anymore, and many people have quickly forgotten about it.

"In short, it's too much, and we don't need to reflect too much. In fact, there are indeed people behind the anti-witch faction." Xu Yang helped Falosa access the New World Organization's page.

New World Organization is an anonymous forum, consisting of a large number of untraceable subsets and groups. It is part of the deep anonymous network. It has become popular around the world, with active users exceeding 100 million.

Among them is the "Anti-Witch" exchange group, where tens of thousands of people are constantly discussing news about the eradication and cleansing of witches.

"Some people are very special extremists who deliberately use the Star Eclipse incident to make a big fuss. Nisto Company has long issued an announcement, and everyone understands that the existence of the Star Eclipse is to prevent Suzukawa Kii from swallowing up the entire Shangjing, and these people deliberately

We need to bring the topic to the ancient witch." Xu Yang showed these exchange items to Falosa.

They systematically talked about how to fight witches as mortals, and their members came from all over the world, from the Northern Islands, Xia, Taixi Continent to New Taixi Continent... There is such an "anti-witch" trend of thought all over the world, and they want to purify the entire human society.

"The proportion of witch babies among newborns has been increasing year after year..." Falosa observed what they were discussing.

"Yeah, Ye Zi gave birth to a witch in her first pregnancy. Don't you think it's strange? She dreamed of stars falling into her belly. She didn't disclose more. In fact, she dreamed of a meteor shower. She dreamed of a meteor shower falling.

Entering the bellies of tens of millions of pregnant women." Xu Yang shook his head.

Witches are infertile, and some people fear that in the future the entire clan will only be able to give birth to witches, and the whole world will become a world of witches, so they have accepted the anti-witch trend of thought.

"There are also overseas forces... The 'Qingshui Research Company' provides them with funds so that they can buy drones and robots to build their momentum. This company is most likely also a member of Qiyin." Xu Yang continued in the new world.

Explore in the agency.

This matter is indeed not that simple. Those enthusiastic citizens alone cannot be so brave... Falosa pondered.

She continues to watch New World Organ.

The anonymous forum "New World Organization" has become more and more popular because of its convenient functions and powerful effects. At first, it was just a private place for network engineers and hackers to communicate. Later, all kinds of people joined.

"Why are you wandering around in this network?" Farosha felt that this new world organization was quite advanced, the encryption algorithm was extremely difficult, and it was very safe.

As a cross-platform communication software, people from all over the world use this hub to share confidential information and deliver content that is inconvenient for public discussion.

But Xu Yang was able to take Farosha everywhere without any hindrance.

"...because I opened this forum, and I am the only super administrator qualified to archive information. Its server is in my workplace. I started to build this network after the Global Hacker Conference as a deep anonymous network.

Lu’s follow-up plan." Xu Yang explained.

"You have really become a ghost wandering in the digital world, you ghost, you monster," Farosha said with an evil smile, "I thought you and I were a rational man and a crazy woman.

...Wrong, we are two madmen, two madmen who want to reshape the world, kiss me now, kiss me hard!"

(End of chapter)

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