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Chapter 7 Transactions

Life, save it for now.

Zhi-zhi-Electric sparks came out from the back of Xu Yang's right hand, causing a stinging pain. He knew that he didn't have much time. Damage to the implant would cause complications and kill him within an hour.

Although there is no risk of immediate death due to the therapeutic effect of needles, it is still very difficult.

As if sensing vital signs, the shuttle turned in the direction of the witch and leaned forward, as if inviting her in. However, she didn't have the strength to climb in. The hatch was so close, but it seemed like it was several kilometers away from her.

The situation is extremely critical and I have to cooperate with her...

Nothing can be scanned, no digital mind, it feels like losing limbs.

Panting, he climbed out of the shuttle and looked at the witch.

"Can you... still use your power? Can you help me..." Xu Yang gritted his teeth and spat out a few words.

"Everything is fine..." The witch lay on the ground sobbing, "It hurts... it hurts..."

Just like a wounded child.

"Can your power... still be used? My situation is no better than yours. Only your magic power can..."

The witch was dazed and speechless.

I really don’t know which one of us will die first.

Xu Yang breathed heavily, walked to the side of the witch, and squatted down. Every movement was heartbreaking. The witch almost lost the ability to move, and had to help Xu Yang to stand up.

Isolated from the world, the past is no longer the same. Everything is destroyed and buried deep underground. We are the only two disabled people left. What else can we do? Xu Yang held the witch's arm. The arm was delicate, but covered with dust and very cold.

The weight of the witch's body unconsciously pressed in the direction of Xu Yang. Her face was pressed against Xu Yang's neck and her chest pressed against his shoulders, causing Xu Yang to feel pain all over his body every step he took.

When he helped the witch into the shuttle, Xu Yang stumbled forward two steps and could only lean against the wall to breathe.

The witch was lying on her back, bleeding continuously. Xu Yang groped in the medical box and found two treatment needles left.

He inserted the needle into the witch's heart and pushed the liquid in. It can promote the body's secretion of adrenaline, suppress pain, and speed up wound healing.

The witch hissed and inhaled, as if she had regained some strength. She looked around blankly, not familiar with anything at all.

Xu Yang carefully observed the interior of the shuttle and saw a large equipment located at the rear of the aircraft. His eyes suddenly lit up.

Auto doctor!

The so-called automatic doctor is an AI-led medical device that is very popular nowadays. It can intelligently detect the physical condition of the target, consume stored medical resources to perform surgery, and do its best to optimize the treatment results.

The only problem is that the automatic doctor cannot save Xu Yang.

Autonomous doctors are good at solving surgical problems and are suitable for battlefield environments where mercenaries often appear. It can quickly treat gunshot wounds, cuts, mental injuries and other problems, and perform anesthesia, disinfection pretreatment, surgery and psychological counseling.

But there was nothing it could do about Xu Yang's damaged implant.

In modern times, human body enhancement technology is popular, and there are a series of strange implants and prostheses. Implants are inserted into the human body to take effect, and prostheses are used to replace organs and limbs.

Each company has its own design standards. The Auto-Doctor is a general medical device, not a maintenance device. The implants in Xu Yang's body are so precise that they are difficult to repair. Only highly skilled prosthetics doctors can handle them.

It can only fill Xu Yang with anesthetics, watch him die from damaged implants in his body, and use gentle electronic sounds to provide hospice care.

"You keep staring at it..." the witch said, "...is it useful?"

"there must be……"

Xu Yang quickly walked to the control panel of the automatic doctor and pressed the button to open the hatch.

A prompt appears on the screen, requiring the wounded and auxiliary medical staff to enter immediately. The auxiliary medical staff is optional and can handle the situation completely independently.

The interior space of the equipment is very large, with a white operating chair made of aluminum alloy in the center, surrounded by standby robotic arms, injections and lighting, as well as medicine cabinets, operating lights, health monitors, etc.

Hope is here.

"Let's make a deal." Xu Yang turned his head and looked at the witch.

She looked confused and was shaking constantly.

"Are you a member of the Council?" the witch asked.

He could die from trauma complications at any time, and Xu Yang didn't have much room for maneuver.

"The Witch Council? I don't know, it's an ancient thing. I can help you survive," Xu Yang said, "but you also have to help me survive."

"I agree……"

"You go in." Xu Yang turned around and ordered the witch.

"...I..." The witch's face was wet with tears and her body was covered in blood. She staggered and slowly approached the automatic doctor, "What is this?"

"This is an automatic doctor. It can save your life." Xu Yang leaned against the door of the automatic doctor and gasped, "I'm saving you... You won't be ungrateful, right?"

The witch stood at the entrance. The dazzling operating lights, robotic arms, and digital screens inside frightened her. She had never seen anything like this in her life. In other words, everything she had seen since she woke up was extremely strange to her.

"Don't worry." Xu Yang comforted in a hoarse voice, "Nothing will happen. Don't worry...sit on that chair...close your eyes. I will give the order and ask it to cure you. It will

It's a modern thing, a tool, it won't hurt you..."

Being so close to the witch made Xu Yang feel the same fear as before.

He felt horrified when he thought of the situation in which she had casually killed people just now, and now that he was extremely weak, his body also trembled. What if I saved a monster?

The witch tilted her body, looked at Xu Yang, and kissed him on the face.

"Are you afraid of me?" She looked a little sad, "Why is everyone so afraid of me?"

"I won't be afraid of a dead person, you...live." Xu Yang pushed the witch into the automatic doctor, and she swayed and sat on the operating chair.

"The wounded are in position, please close the hatch and select surgical mode." The automatic doctor announced.

Xu Yang tried his best to close the hatch, selected the automatic detection and automatic surgery modes on the outside panel, and then pressed start.

He was completely exhausted, and there was slight pain all over his body.

These devices and chips were buried deep in his flesh and blood, causing him pain, but they were the foundation for his livelihood. In fact, he really didn't want to wake up with these chips and circuits every day.

During these years in the company, he has been racing against machines, trying to figure out how to keep up with the machines in his output to avoid being replaced by various software. However, a new AI can push him into a desperate situation. Advanced artificial intelligence can not only help the company

It can solve major decision-making problems and also check the company's security situation, causing it to lose its existence value in an instant.

In other words, if you are eliminated, what does it have to do with you?

I've tried my best.

Unprecedented fear pervades my heart. Before, I could use my digital mind to show off my abilities, but now I am completely powerless against everything.

The embrace of the company has never been so missed, even if it structurally killed their father, mother, and then themselves. Many people are willing to stay in the company and enjoy a short and successful life just to avoid this kind of danger to their lives. What is the company?

What's the difference? You have food and drink, but is it just a loss of life? You can die very quickly outside, let alone a fugitive. The company will not let the traitor go. The trial will come at any time. Accept the punishment, dig out the brain, and make it into a matrix.

The company continues to serve healthily for 5 hundred years...

While thinking wildly, Xu Yang heard the sound of the pulleys of the robotic arm lifting and lowering, the hum of equipment operation, and the sound of electricity coming from inside the automatic doctor. The control panel was also temporarily locked, preventing external control.

"The injured person's race detected: Witch." The automatic doctor began to play electronic sounds related to diagnosis and treatment.

"The status of the casualty detected: high sedation, massive blood loss, systemic critical pathological condition."


"Quiet." Xu Yang felt dizzy.

The automatic doctor stops broadcasting.

His body felt hot and cold.

Am I going to die? He suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of helplessness. Xu Yang sat on the side seat of the shuttle, leaned back, and felt the touch of the soft leather under his body.

Why are we born, what is the value of life, and what is behind death? Is it true that those who escape from Gaoge Jiuzhou will not survive? With these 100 million funds, can we solve the countless troubles caused by losing our corporate identity? Fake identities,

Fake names and fake files are extremely troublesome. Even people on the streets have to find ways to find a scam company to rely on, and who can I trust? They took me in for money, and betrayed me for money. There is a lot of money, but it’s okay.

Hot to the touch...

Countless worries hit him as his body became weak. Xu Yang didn't know whether he fainted or fell asleep. But when Xu Yang regained consciousness, he found that the witch had come out of the automatic doctor.

The automatic doctor also removed all the tattered fabrics on her body that hindered the treatment. Now she was naked and looking at herself nervously.

"Are you okay?" asked the witch, "this thing really cured me!"

Wait a minute...The witch's body is too hot.

It is better than a thousand words and can be seen at a glance.

This sudden visual impact almost knocked Xu Yang into coma again. He lost control of his body, leaned back, and slowly closed his eyes.

The witch anxiously came forward, sat next to Xu Yang, and shook his head: "Don't faint!"

too close--

Being pressed against the witch's soft body is better than being wrapped in fine silk, her body temperature, smell, hair...

"Huh..." However, Xu Yang was in so much pain that he had no time to feel it, so he could only close his eyes in pain.

There are three main implants on his body, all of which are independent devices and cannot be controlled remotely.

The first one is located in the brain and is the central processor, main circuit board, driver firmware and brain signal converter of the digital mind, which are the main components of the digital mind and are directly connected to the brain nerve center.

The second one is located on the right wrist and is a data signal chip. It is used to send and receive signals. It can transmit data via wires or connect signals to the outside world wirelessly. It also integrates some data processing capabilities, but it is far inferior to the numbers in the brain.


The third one is the bionic circuit bundle, which is located inside Xu Yang’s spine and is basically connected to his spine. It can power and transmit signals to all other implants. It can be said that in order to install implants, the bionic circuit

It is mandatory and is the basis for all other implants.

Correspondingly, the bionic circuit cluster will not be damaged because it is already symbiotic with Xu Yang's circulatory system and has not been destroyed by electromagnetic pulses.

What was broken was the digital mind in his brain and the signal chip in his hand. Xu Yang felt a splitting headache, and there were stabbing pains on the inside of his right wrist. He was willing to pay any price to relieve the pain for a moment, even if he had to swallow a bunch of anesthetics.

It's been a long dream without waking up.

The damaged implants were like time bombs in Xu Yang's body, damaging his normal physiological functions and eventually detonating.

They will not hurt the human body when they are well packaged, but now the situation is completely unclear. The electromagnetic pulse has completely turned them into scrap metal.

Xu Yang took a deep breath, endured the pain, and waited for the strength to speak to return. The effectiveness of the previous treatment needle had expired, and the suffering returned.

The witch said nothing, and the shuttle was eerily silent.

"Help me," he said, "get the medical kit... from the floor."

She looked down at the boxes scattered on the ground, hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and handed it to Xu Yang.

"This is the 'deal'." She said, "You said so."

Xu Yang picked up the last remaining needle in the box and inserted it into his chest.

"It's not over yet," he said, "I want to see your witch power."

This chapter has been completed!
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