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Chapter 720 Descending Five Thousand Meters

Chapter 720 Five thousand meters down

"Jump off the Scar of the World! How reckless!" Earth Spider was shocked by this suggestion.

"Both the company's expedition team and the people sent by Otovan have gone down very deep. We can't catch up using conventional methods. The golden soul will definitely fall into their hands." Liwu Hat said seriously.


"If we find the Golden Soul, are we going to destroy it?" Earth Spider tried to confirm.

"Yes, the Corporate Alliance took in the Golden Soul during the world operation of 'Hunting Mystery', right here at the bottom." Liwu Hat confirmed.

"The company alliance is so awesome, no mysterious monster can escape their custody." Earth Spider nodded frequently.

"The current Golden Soul is still very weak. This is our only chance to destroy it. Once Otovan releases the Golden Soul... Look, the trace of the world was created by the Golden Soul himself. It is not difficult to imagine,

It will be very scary when it is completely unblocked!" Liwu Hat said seriously.

"Then who hired us? How much money did we do this job for?" Tu Spider was puzzled.

"It can be said that he is hired by everyone." Liwu Hat sighed.

"What do you mean?" Earth Spider asked.

"You guys helped me bring this with me!" Tu Spider was very surprised.

It put the card into its storage box, which was originally used to hide the mop.

Just like taking an elevator descending at high speed, the earth spider felt itself descending rapidly!

Although the president's gravity shaft reduced her falling speed and fear, her heartbeat was still unavoidable.

"Everyone, please put away all your belongings that involve money and keep them in the camp. Don't touch them again." Liwu Hatao instructed.

Her terrifying magic power roared out, casting a vertical purple vertical vortex in the air, and then Liwu Hat took the lead and jumped into the Trace of the World himself!

"How much, how much? How much money do they give us to kill the Golden Soul? If it's less than 5 million, we won't accept it." Earth Spider was curious.

The deepest point reaches 10,000 meters, and the canyon they are currently facing is also 5,000 meters deep.

Yijin Zhentian nodded.

"Are there any monsters or exploration teams from other companies?" Liwu Hat asked.

See you below…

It must be gold, after all, the golden soul itself is hidden here.

It's so terrible...the mark of this world.

Gradually, she felt two emotions of boredom and terror intertwined in her heart, because it was so deep that it would take ten minutes to reach the bottom in free fall. Now relying on the gravity shaft, it would take about thirty minutes to reach the bottom.


Her body stopped falling, and she only felt the pain of tearing her arms.

"We're going to get rich!" Izumi laughed loudly.

About 20 minutes later, Izu Shinten flew up, looking a little tired.

There was danger, and it was an extremely powerful danger. She looked down and saw only the golden light at the bottom.

The emotion of terror overwhelmed everything.

Personally jump into the trace of the world that is thousands of meters deep...

According to the battle plan, Izu Shinten flapped his wings and quickly fell downwards, disappearing into the darkness.

But there is always... there is always a thorn poking her!

The earth spider suddenly woke up, spider sense!

She quickly sprayed out spider silk towards the side of the rock wall, and the highly viscous spider silk quickly caught the rock, almost dragging her body down!

"Well, I'll see you down below!" Yijin Zhentian gave a victory gesture to the earth spider, then spun around and swept down quickly, disappearing without a trace.

He kept falling, and he didn't know when he had submerged into the infinite darkness. The others were far away from him, as if they had already been swallowed by the darkness, and the earth spider was next.

It's very hot...under the ground, it's as if there is magma at the bottom.

"My money!" The Earth Spider jumped forward and fell into the gravity shaft.

Although I was mentally prepared, my heart was still beating fast when I stood on the edge of the cliff.

"Because you said it was something useful to you, and you also helped us a lot, so you won't leave your things behind." The raw-peeled demon put his hands in his pockets.

Fortunately, it's a spider, so it can move straight up and down relatively smoothly.

As a high-level witch, although she cannot resist bullets, she can still withstand high temperatures.

"Yes..." The Earth Spider put on a one-piece suit woven with neoprene and insulating fibers to keep it as dry as possible and to prepare for the high temperature.

She fell from a height of nearly 5,000 meters! If a person falls from a height of several meters, his bones will break, but now he will be shattered into pieces when he hits the bottom!

"Let's go!" Yijin Zhentian flapped his wings and looked at the remaining people, "Whoever is braver, I can carry him down?"

A high-ranking witch is comparable to hundreds of soldiers, and the ruler is even more invincible with human power.

The cliff is vertical, like a knife cutting an axe. The destructive power during the fierce battle must have been terrifying. However, with the weathering of thousands of years, the traces of brutal destruction have softened, and the edges and corners are no longer so frightening.

"The Fifth Queen Sheila once established a very glorious civilization in the entire Dongreshu Continent. The entire civilization was destroyed because of her battle with the Golden Soul. I am afraid that we will see the remains of many ancient buildings underneath, all of them smashed.

Broken in the deep pit." Liwu Hat said in a deep voice.

"What will be underneath?" Earth Spider looked down.

"Huh." Mu Mian, on the other hand, closed his eyes and jumped forward.

"Ah, we are all extremely poor." Ippanti said lazily.

We're almost at the bottom? At least it's not endless darkness down there.

At this moment, the Earth Spider felt that its falling speed had greatly accelerated! It was completely weightless!

The president's gravity shaft disappeared!


As if falling towards the center of the earth.

Under the control of gravity, her falling speed was very gentle. It didn't look like she would fall to death, but her body also disappeared quickly.

In order to avoid being bewitched by the golden soul, Earth Spider stuffed the cash card into the cyber monster.

One thing can be confirmed.

He wasn't retiring in Jialongpo, basking in the sun in his apartment, or teaching ninjutsu to little fools; he actually became a jounin and was admired in the village, with eight giant spider legs growing out of his back, and his physical fitness was also improved.

Just as invulnerable as a real spider.

"Based on geological conditions and geothermal history records, for every kilometer of descent in the Trace of the World, the temperature will rise by about 10 to 35 degrees Celsius," said the evil ghost staring into the abyss, "so when we reach the bottom, we will face

An abnormal area with an average temperature of 60 to 100 degrees Celsius. It is extremely hot and dark. I have prepared corresponding one-piece thermal insulation suits for you. Put them on before I go down."

The closer you get to the bottom, the more you will have the illusion of a golden land.

Earth Spider turned to look at the camp and found that the cyber monster was also there, currently in the cleaning robot, and nodded to her.


She stretched out the huge appendages from her back and thrust them into the cliff, like a climber's pitons, firmly fixing herself on the cliff.

There are countless robots available for Cyber ​​Monster, so this one doesn't matter. Just run forward and jump down.

"Five million? 500 million!" Li Wu hat raised his arms, "This is the largest order we have received since the establishment of our company! I said you will definitely make money when you come to the Golden City!"

Just looking down at the deep darkness, she felt her legs were weak, her heart was panicking, and her brain was dizzy. Even the bravest person would not dare to look directly at the traces of the world.

"It's too deep down there, it's too dark, and as the raw ghost said, it's very hot. We have to stay focused." Itsu Shinten looked solemn.

The earth spider hurriedly sprayed out a large amount of spider silk, constantly guiding itself towards the rock wall, and at the same time, its body quickly hit the cliff due to inertia.

"The scale of our company will be expanded! The business scope will be wider! The equipment will be more luxurious!" Riwu Hat waved vigorously, "From now on, the sign of Nioh Security will be resounding throughout the world, no worse than Nisto Company!"

Traces of the world!

"Get ready." Liwu Mao walked to the edge of the cliff, shouldering her giant sword, rolling up her sleeves, and waving her majestic arms in the air, as if to cut new wounds on the scars of the world, "'Gravity


Earth Spider looked at his teammates around him.

The earth spider stands on the edge of the cliff.

The earth spider was stunned.

The round trip is nearly 10,000 meters, which is quite a load for her.

She couldn't help but keep looking at the bottom, where there were several spots of light shining. What were they? Gold? There was gold underneath the World Trace?

"Everywhere in the world has discovered the big changes in Zangus, and believes that the Zangus chaos will seriously affect the stability of the world's gold, so a 'gold talks' have now been established. Before various companies formally negotiate to resolve the Zangus situation, they

We collected some operational funds and hired people to solve the situation and kill the Golden Soul from the root. Obviously, we are the most powerful mercenary organization in the vicinity." Liwu Hatao said with a hint of pride.

Earth Spider and her teammates are preparing to go into the pit.

The bottom of the trace of the world is lightless and scorching hot, accompanied by unknown dangers.

"Time is of the essence, I will fly down directly for reconnaissance, and then you guys jump down directly." Izu Zhentian nodded, "Since you are here now, we can go down without any worries."

But then I thought that I had just stuffed the cash card into the cyber monster!

It's a pity that the ruler Huang Quan Lei Shen is not here. If he were, he would be more confident in dealing with the Golden Soul. Earth Spider secretly thought.

No need to fight to the end, Tu Zizi is now dreaming about moving to Jialongpo and living in a single apartment.

The earth spider has hairs all over its body.

"Thank you very much!" Earth Spider bowed to her.

"I don't care." The raw demon jumped down into the gravity shaft created by the president, even falling with its head on the ground and its feet upward.

There wasn't even a sound. Earth Spider tried to make a sound, but her throat felt clogged.

"Let's go, no matter what dangers lie ahead, we must overcome them together." Liwu Hatao came to the edge of the cliff.

Why jump into the Scar of the World! It’s too dangerous!

She carefully used her appendages to climb down the cliff, while always ensuring that there was a sticky spider silk attached to her abdomen and the cliff, which worked like a safety rope.

Earth Spider kept dreaming in a hazy state, as if being dragged into the future by hallucinations. She dreamed of her most ideal life state.

Especially the extremely violent president Li Wumao. Tu Zizi has seen her tear apart an armored vehicle with her hands.

"Me too..." Tu Spider touched the huge cash card with more than 2 million in his pocket, which was given by Sally.

President: Liwu Hat (Gravity Control by the Ruler)

Combatant: Izu Shinten (supernatural creature "Angel")

Investigator: Ippanti Kamen (high-level paper transformed into magic power)

Medic: Skin the Devil Alive (high level "Operating Room" magic power)

It's really a solid lineup.

Wait! Why do you default to having the courage to jump?

And why did it all go down!

What if everyone falls to death!

It's so deep, it's impossible to tell whether this gravity shaft is safe or not!

"By the way - you can fly, you can take us down, so we don't have to fall freely." Earth Spider looked at the big wings on Izu Shinten's back.

"Great!" Tu Zizi was so confused that he almost forgot that he was also a person with retirement funds, and started to have fun with them.

"No, there is no light in such a deep place, it is hot, and geological activities are violent. Apart from insects, it is hard to imagine that anything can survive. Other companies have not reached the bottom yet. Only the influence of the Golden Soul is particularly strong. I just

After staying down there for a while, my mind was filled with information about getting rich." Izu Zhenten pressed his forehead.

Then... destroy the Golden Soul and end this chaos!

Thinking that I already have 2 million in retirement funds, I shouldn't risk my life.

At first, light could still be seen around her, but then she escaped into infinite darkness.

She raised her head unconsciously and was shocked to realize that she was already thousands of miles away from the light from the exit!

President! It’s killing people! Tu Zizi has 10,000 dissatisfactions against the black hat in his heart.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, she finally got close to the bottom.

Only then did she see clearly what it was.

What she saw instantly stopped her breathing and her blood almost froze.

It was the Liwu hat that had been turned into gold, Izumaten, Ichiga Mian, and the uncooked demons.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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