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Chapter 726 After the Destruction of the City

Chapter 726 After the destruction of the city

The earthquake, tsunami, shock waves and sound waves lasted for at least a minute before slowly stopping, followed by endless sounds and wails.

The robot where the cyber monster lives was hit by the black wind, and its back was immediately covered with dust.

Zangus was destroyed.

Huge waves more than 300 meters high were set off from the sea, slamming heavily onto the hot wreckage of Zangos, cooling it rapidly. This process produced an extremely harsh scream, like thousands of cries.

The Cyber ​​Monster covered the Earth Spider and carried her back. It also took a look at Zangus after being bombarded.

The ruins of the city are hot, the air is distorted by the high temperature, and everything in front of you seems to be shrouded in a mirage. Looking from a distance, the entire Zangos has been compressed into a gray two-dimensional figure, which is terrifying and monotonous.

It is twisted like a piece of tinfoil, and like the surface of the moon, dead, stiff, stagnant, and covered with large and small circular holes to show the uneven degree of damage.

The impact brought instantaneous ultra-high pressure, shattering all materials and substances, leaving no buildings above the ground. They left silica-like ash piles in place, which are the ashes of Zangos.

The sea in the distance has been boiled, evaporating red-pink clouds into the sky, reflecting the four rainbows in the sky.

After the sea water loses its position, it leaves a very low wave valley, like a funnel, and the surrounding sea water fills it up very slowly. This process is very time-consuming, as if the sea water is also immersed in the impact just now and cannot extricate itself.

"You are an ancient witch who is known far and wide for being cruel, evil, and unscrupulous. If I hand her over to you, I really don't know how you will torture her." Ishtar said sadly.

"Yes, let's ask for the power of the witch god. Please! Please help us rescue Izu Shinten." The earth spider lay on the ground and performed the ritual of sitting down to Falosa.

"I'm not going to say I can't do something like this. I'm just very impressed. This is the first time they've dropped a weapon of this scale onto the surface." Farosha crossed her fingers expressionlessly.

"This can't be saved; it will grow out after another 50 years of practice." Falosa started, "We have to leave this dirty place."

Zangath was so completely destroyed that people preferred to forget it ever existed.

"Say something highly information-dense."

"They successfully launched the destiny weapon. It is used to threaten the world. It is more powerful than nuclear weapons and cannot be intercepted. Like nuclear weapons, they are the most threatening on the launcher and quickly prompt other forces to choose sides.

Taking the annihilation of Sin City as the starting point, the form of the game has become more advanced, and no one dares to cross the line and summon the wrath of destiny." The cyber monster said.

"...Our president agreed without hesitation." said the evil ghost.

"It's time to go back." Farosha returned to the operations camp.

Falosa stood on the gray hill nearby.

"So, you summoned me to save your companions?" Falosa looked at the three witches.

"The Thunder God of Underworld is missing." The Raw Ghost added, "Storm Queen is also missing."

"It's possible, but I have to take my original body out of the northern archipelago and land here in order to consume 70% of my power to restore the appearance of this city. In addition to leaving myself a gap for others to attack, I can

What did you get?" Falosa's eyes returned to the gray wreckage in front of her.

In an instant, Riwu Hat seemed to see everything sinking into thick blood, and then Izu Shinten's injuries disappeared in an instant!

"Zangus was blown into ruins like the surface of the moon, nothing is left..." Earth Spider told Riwu Hat and Izu Shinten.

"A fully armed queen is enough to crush you until you are trapped in Zangles, and I don't want my followers to be wiped out." Falosa stood up and walked towards Ishtar's camp.

"Ah——" Earth Spider shouted in a low voice, with the voice rising and falling, "Ah..."

This is the world-destroying strategic weapon controlled by the Seven Seals, codenamed "Destiny". It is a certain unknown energy beam launched from the star orbit. The annihilation of Zangos only lasts for a few dozen seconds.

"She ran away from the goddess Dirnai. If she doesn't return to her home, it won't work. Let her stay with me. I won't let her die. One day she will change her mind!" Ishtar was eager.


"I've reminded them, I've reminded them! But they don't want to leave. They don't want to learn how to love themselves and love others." Ishtar's eyes were red and tears streaked down her cheeks.

"How does that kind of power compare to yours?" the cyber monster said.

The damaged Izu Shinten was like a piece of rotten meat with all the joints dug out, and all the feathers were rotten, leaving only fragments clinging to the white bones.

"...I know, I'll go right away." Ishtar agreed.

Nioh's security team reunited and boarded an off-road vehicle to head to the lakeside shelter.

"The launch of the destiny weapon requires everyone's unanimous consent, so it will only attack those sinners who are anti-human, anti-society, and anti-civilization. Since you have never done anything wrong, what do you have to be afraid of?" Ishtar said.

"I won't talk nonsense to her, and the information I gave can save the future of a group of witches, so make a deal with me." Falosa said.

"Zangus killed 6,750,000 people in one attack without any casualties," Falosa said.

"So, Yijin Zhentian." Falosa raised her eyebrows.

"...I'll hand her over to you, but be careful, Dernai will definitely hate you even more." Ishtar turned and left.

"I want to see Sylphy." Falosa leaned forward slightly.

"She is now in the camp of Queen Ishtar." The raw ghost said calmly, "Our president has been protecting her and preventing her from being taken away."

"She's not here now," Ishtar said.

"As long as the people of Zangos stop doing evil and sign the contract, the disaster will not happen. Why won't they save themselves?" Ishtar wailed.

Halfway through the vehicle, they saw a white light approaching in the sky, and Izu Shinten quickly stood up.

The air around her seemed to have turned cold. She caught sight of Ishtar in the crowd, and Ishtar also saw Farosha.

"This kind of damage is difficult to recover from."

"Redemption? I thought we were going to fight..." Earth Spider said weakly.

“You, you——” Izu Zhentian shouted, “Azrael!”

"Don't doubt it, this is completely fair. Izu Shinten's essence is an angel, a supernatural being who escaped from the evil goddess. Her life is of infinite value. And I can't easily put Itsu Shinten

Redeem it." Falosa said calmly.

The cyber monster dragged her back to the operations camp 1 kilometer away.

"In the future, you will launch this weapon over any city and force the residents of the city to surrender." Falosa said.

"I can help you, and Niwang Security will be at my disposal for 10 years after the event is completed," Falosa said.

The people here have already responded to the sound and are heading towards the destroyed Zangos, wanting to see what happened in that city and why there was such a big noise.

Falosa whispered something into Ishtar's ear.

Near this simple tent, the Haunted Demon was feeding the horse, and the Earth Spider was rubbing his painful forehead, while Mu Mian was arranging his sniper rifle.

Immediately afterwards, Falosa left the camp in person, climbed up the hill, and looked at the destroyed Zangos in the distance, with the cyber monster standing beside her.

"Her halo is gone." Li Wuhao said hurriedly.

"What a pitiful angel to be sent to the cross!" The chain saw angel came back with four wings on his back, carrying his own red chainsaw, and wearing a halo.

"It's good for us to be alive." Liwu Hatao sighed, "This matter is beyond the scope of what we can handle. The Seven Seals are the most powerful and mysterious power in the world. Even I dare not discuss it too much."

The raw-peeling evil ghost established a communication with Liwu Hao in the camp and asked for the president's opinion.

When Tu Spider heard this, his heart tightened.

After exchanging a few words with the president, the raw demon nodded to Falosa.

"This must be...the God of Witches." Liwu Hat walked towards Falosa anxiously.

"Is this one angel the only thing that separates the hatred between Dernai and me..." Falosa said to herself.

"This is also a weapon of the Seven Seals. Aren't you touched at all?" Falosa asked.

Everything has been destroyed, leaving only some inexplicable fear, as if such a natural disaster will happen to the things he cherishes next time.

She came to the camp and took Ezu Shinten off the cross.

"Let's discuss it with the president..." the raw demon said nervously.

In almost two steps, Ishtar crossed the gap of several hundred meters and came to Farosha.

Selling the free Nioh Security Company to the God of Witches for 10 years in exchange for Itsu Shinten's freedom is a very high price.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't speak for about 10 seconds, as if she was searching and distinguishing the city of ashes in front of her.

"Hi! Hello! We meet again." Ishta greeted Farosha.

"As long as you join the Seven Seals, you will be able to see her every moment... It would be very suitable for you to reunite with old friends and get along day and night." Ishtar stretched out her hand to invite Falosa to join.

"I have important information to share with you, which is enough to be worth the life and death of this angel." Falosa said grimly.

They all walked towards the refugee camp.

"Then, let me listen first." Ishtar took a step forward.

"Relax, my children." Farossa said with a cold face, stroking Izuzhenten's forehead with one hand.

After hearing the secret conveyed by Farosha, Ishtar's expression changed slightly and she nodded.

"...That's all. Give Yijinzhenten to me." Falosa looked sideways at the angel Yijinzhenten who was crucified in the camp.

After several unsuccessful attempts, several witches summoned a clone of Farossa. At this time, Farosha had an unfathomable expression on her face, and used the law of recovery on the earth spider to reverse her burst.

Capillaries and damaged lens.

"I am not allowed to interfere with the starry sky, but they have become the representatives of the starry sky. This feeling is really disgusting." Falosa squinted her eyes and looked up at the sky.

After a week of torture, what was left on the cross was only a mutilated life form, almost missing its legs.

"Woo... ow..." Yijin Zhentian whined in a low voice, "My head... seems to be tortured in hell..."

Bones and flesh are restored, the trunk is reborn, and feathers are created from scratch and reappear in the human world.

She flew directly to the vehicle, picked up Izu Shinten from the seat, held her tightly and flew high into the sky to play.

Two stray angels finally meet again!

"What information did you give her to let her release Izu Shinten?" The cyber monster turned to Falosa.

"I told her a place, a place where she would definitely go based on her 'personality' and 'character', a place where the witch could be freed from her pain." Falosa said calmly.

The car drove all the way to the lakeside shelter.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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