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Chapter 732 Building a Home with Bare Hands

After a loud noise, the magic lightning cannon exploded.

The cyber monster personally stepped forward to block the scattered frame fragments, lest they fly around and injure the rat man.

The splinters slammed into the Punishment Emperor, and then bounced away quickly. Now the ground is full of low-quality copper parts and metal scraps, but the frame and star molybdenum are still there, shining with a bright purple light.

The white rat man looked at everything in front of him and laughed sharply.

It quickly kept drawing on the drawing behind it, adding details, and was already considering an improved plan.

"This has great potential." Observing all these wonderful reactions, the Cyber ​​Monster helped the White Rat Man revise the details on the drawings, optimize the mechanical structure, and instruct the White Rat Man on the drawing specifications so that other rats could understand it.

At first, the white rat man was not satisfied with the pointing of this "big iron block", but then he realized that what this guy said made sense, so the efficiency of revising the drawings was greatly increased.

"The best metal, use, use! Gather the metal, dismantle it from the tank, and start work! We need more star molybdenum! We need it!" The White Rat Man murmured to himself and continued to draw its ambitious war machine.

The main reason for the current failure is that the material is too bad and cannot withstand the powerful energy in star molybdenum.

"This cannon seems amazing." Sally looked at the design drawing of the lightning cannon.

Most of the villages are very poor. In addition to agricultural products and wild fruits, what they trade are trial products, samples and other technical gadgets sent to the village by company representatives, such as refrigerators, color TVs and flying skateboards. Salesmen will also

Help them pull the wires.

"This weapon will shine in the civil war in Reshu Continent." Cyber ​​Monster speculated on its prospects. "The lightning cannon's penetrating power and destructive power are unparalleled. It can destroy fortifications and provide air defense. It is also very easy to carry.

Three or four ratmen can take it away and move it, even through tunnels, which is something that the artillery of those warlords cannot do."

In the village, if someone can successfully go to the New World and come back with a bamboo basket full of novel supplies from the trade, he will be surrounded by the villagers and praise him. If someone exchanges a printed T-shirt from the New World

T-shirt and a pair of jeans, you will immediately become a trend-setter from all over the country.

Outside on the farmland, a huge two-headed ox was pulling a plow.

Cyberdemon and Sally leave the shooting range.

Rats...can't surrender to life!

"That's how it should be." The cyber monster said.

This two-headed cow has swollen muscles all over its body and looks much stronger and more powerful than an ordinary cow.

While other forces remain on the sidelines, the various settlements within the New World Front have become important trading points in the interior of Reshuzhou.

As warlords and corporate armies resumed colonization and plunder in the interior, local villagers became increasingly dependent on the New World.

They are still in the hierarchical concept of family, clan, and tribe, so they always come with their families. Sometimes after two or three families move in, an entire clan or tribe will start to discuss whether to move collectively to these "

Go to the "New World" stronghold.

According to drone detection, their largest settlement moved to the western rainforest area, using the dense jungle to cover themselves. These wizards retain many voodoo methods and ancient spells, and are also a group of spellcasters that cannot be underestimated. Cyber ​​demons

Pay close attention to this.

They will eventually regain the inheritance of their ancestors and return to the land where they have lived for generations.

According to the cyber monster's reconnaissance, it discovered that the dark wizards were also divided in the chaos.

Therefore, every time we go to the market, it is very lively. The black people from the village have really never seen the world. Every time they come, they feel like they are on a pilgrimage or visiting a fairyland. They always point out the surroundings.

Only in this way can they avoid being enslaved and killed.

"Can you connect and sense all the rat people?" the cyber monster asked.

If there were any knots left in my heart before, they are all broken now.

"It's on purpose." Sally said proudly.

"I will help them... They are frustrated in the place where they originally lived, and are afraid of the changes in themselves... Then come here, come here to find your new life, in the vast world of Reshu Island...

There's still a lot to be done!" Sally was very happy.

"It looks so...unique," said the cybernetic ghost.


"Can mice walk?"

"Anything new to try?"

"Wow, it's just like in the dream."

In order to avoid wild beasts, warlord slave raiding teams and various bandits and mercenaries, it is undoubtedly a better choice to defect to the new world.

After that, the cyber monsters continued to control nearby flying drones. They had functions such as reconnaissance, messaging, propaganda, and signal relay, connecting scattered nearby villages and the New World Fortress.

Every Saturday, black people from nearby villages carry out business with their hands and shoulders, or use simple vehicles, horses, cattle and camels.

"The people from Nisto Company are here!"

"I was still scared of some of my novel attempts, but now that I think about it, they probably all make sense." Sally said with a smile.

"This is so high..."

This place seems like a bright light in the depths of Reshu Island. They dare not go to the coast because they will be caught by the white warlords and colonists if they go there. Therefore, if they want industrial products, they have to go inland.

Looking for a new world.

Many black people would hang around the area even after the transaction was completed, and some simply stayed here.

"Yes, it calls itself 'Two Teeth' because it only has two incisors. Some of the rat people gave up their previous names after joining us and called themselves by names such as teeth, tail, hair, odor, etc. Others

Some of them still retain their original names." Sally nodded.

The Rats and Rats were born at the bottom and have no abilities. They live in groups in shady places. Now there are more and more Rats and Rats all over the world. Sally can hear their cries every moment, and she is willing to take care of their dreams.

Let them get a little comfort in the dead of night.

Most of them adopt a reclusive attitude. After all, the witch wants to eliminate the wizard and the company wants to use the wizard. It is not appropriate for the wizard to show up at this time.

Under the control of cyber monsters, drones flying around have become messengers in the new world, connecting villages and tribes together.

They discussed with Erzha about the lightning cannon. Erzhi was very satisfied and thought that Sally was entrusting him with an important task. So he became more confident in building the lightning cannon and returned to the cave with the blueprints to study it.

"It seems that in the next ten years, the rat people will gather into another great tide. As their leader, you can do many, many things." The cyber monster said.

The most eye-catching thing is its two huge bull heads, which are bifurcated from the neck, each looking to the side, looking dumb.

At the same time, cyber monsters continue to release robots from the coast. They are very enthusiastic about the concept of "autonomous machines" and pursue the construction and expansion of their own mechanical facilities to expand the number of their own kind. Therefore, they will travel across the mountains and ridges to the inland to join new

World Front, improve the automation productivity of each settlement.

In addition, Sally has also strengthened a giant mole. It grows to more than 3 meters in size, has wrinkled skin all over its body, huge teeth, and sharp claws. It is currently digging holes underground for the Rat Man, looking for valuables.

of mineral veins.

Many black people lost their tribes and lands during the colonial wave, or had relatives and friends captured or killed by white troops. They would also join the new world and actively choose to participate in military training, practicing how to shoot and how to operate complex military machines.

, eager to one day take revenge on the white colonists.

Sally nodded vigorously.

"Is it intentional or accidental?"

Even if some villagers come from market towns with electricity and large-scale workshops, they will still be surprised by the scenery in the New World area.

"Well, they trick the weaker ratmen into volunteering for experiments, and sometimes I have to clean up the mess. So I'm going to figure out how to make them more organized. Maybe I should make a law, but mostly

Rat people don't understand." Sally mused.

The cyber monster's words are also very important to Sally, even a few words can make her feel more confident.

"Better than human gadgets, yes, yes. It should be. Very smart, me, me!" The white rat man was satisfied with his plan and was overjoyed.

After pulling the plow, the two-headed oxen went to the trough to eat. One head ate fodder and the other drank water.

Because of the original Trace of the World, the nearby geological structure has suffered many distortions, fractures and laminations. A large number of mineral veins have been deposited in specific areas. As long as the direction is right, a considerable amount of raw metal ore can be dug out, providing mineral resources for the lakeside shelter.


"Does this scientist have a name?" the cybernetic ghost asked Sally.

After they had eaten and drank enough, the two-headed cows took a walk on the streets of the lakeside shelter, staring at the newspapers and posters on the walls, making undulating mooing sounds, as if they were making comments.

"A question: From your 'feeling', are the number of rat-men increasing or decreasing?"

"The cow has two heads?" Everything was very new to them.

This afternoon, three large shuttles arrived near the lakeside shelter.

The two-headed cow looked at her with a complicated expression.

"It has increased dramatically." Sally said in a serious tone. "Under those dirty buildings, in the subways and sewers of major cities around the world, and in cheap rental houses, more and more people are unemployed.

The desperate, poor... turned into rat-men, grew hair, bent their bodies, howled and screamed in their dreams, and turned into swarms of rats."

"Probably, it's as if I am the co-owner of the entire rat race..." Sally felt that her potential was endless.

Without anyone to direct them, they used their subjectivity to go fishing on the lake, or to reclaim wasteland, plant bananas, pick wild fruits, and use their excess labor income to exchange for industrial products.

A part of the star molybdenum will be transported back to the northern archipelago for research. Since Reshu Continent is too far away, it is mainly developed by the rat people nearby.

Sally thought for a moment and felt that this made sense.

"A trademark of Nisto!"

"I'm so scared. I've never considered this kind of thing. I think that if it affects the whole body, it will affect all the mice. But I will try it in the future to make them... love cleanliness? Love partners?" Sally

Many new ideas come to mind.

"The rat people rely on pheromones to decide right and wrong. Maybe you can modify the development of the entire race, such as adding a pheromone to all rat people that strengthens cohesion." Cyber ​​Monster suggested.

As technicians and scientists among the Skaven, they devote themselves to their efforts day and night, and continue to show madness and anxiety until the weapon becomes a reality from the blueprint.

"Follow me!" Sally led the cyber monster to the farming area.

"There must be drawbacks to what the white rats do," said the cybernetic ghost.

The company's sales representatives frequently gave these things to the villages, hoping to cultivate the consumption habits of these indigenous people. As a result, the villagers resold these things to the New World in exchange for more practical products, such as grain seeds, bicycles, clothes and shoes.


"It just changed. I tried hard to use the power of life force on a cow to make it super strong, but I used it a little more and a new head popped up!"

"finally come!"

After the shuttle landed, it naturally attracted many people to watch.

There are also a large number of survivors stranded here. They are eager to leave, and they can't help but secretly hope that these shuttles will take them away.

The shuttle door opened, and a medium-sized witch wearing sunglasses peeked out, as if she was very cautious.

"Everyone from Nioh's security, come up! Your strength is wasted here." She ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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