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Chapter 736: The Balance Begins to Tilt

Chapter 736 The balance begins to tilt

On Saturday morning, Xu Cheng kicked the quilt while sleeping in, and Xu Yang helped her cover the quilt.

After he washed up, he checked the communication channel. As always, there were many pending matters at hand.

Xu Yang himself has a character that remains calm despite the collapse of the mountain, so even if it is a difficult matter, he will remain calm and deal with it one by one. Lila communicates with Xu Yang remotely to discuss major issues.

"Master, good morning." She communicated with Xu Yang in a calm manner, but her words always contained concern for Xu Yang.

"How do you feel now?" Xu Yang asked.

"Most things are diverted to various departments, organizations and committees to deal with. The top priority is external events. The first is about the transportation status of 'Flyshen'. Before Hyperion can successfully develop it, we must ensure that the Feisen processor

Safety." Lila said.

The "Flying God" series of brain processors developed by Scarlet Transformation Company are the most advanced in the world. Even the Lighthouse Core dare not say that it can compete with Scarlet Transformation.

Although the "Flying God 4" currently installed by Xu Yang was a product 13 years ago, it is still at the top level in the world and maintains his superb computing power.

"The war in Tequilan Continent may have affected transportation. In order to support the colonel's war, Scarlet Transformation also put in a lot of effort." Xu Yang speculated.

"Yes, Scarlet Transformation Company wants to send the processor to us, but it is difficult. The Caddis Islands are located on the back of the planet. The probability of ocean transportation being intercepted is too high. Seven Seals may steal intelligence and steal the processor at any time.

.The only good news is that what they provide will not be 'Flying God 6', but 'Flying God 7'."

In order not to die silently in the silent depression, some people will be inclined to take a risk. However, the company has already made a plan and will vigorously attack the colonel.

Sylvia de la Cruz, the current powerful witch of Scarlet Transformation Company, has great confidence in Falosa.

"Once the deal is concluded, we will launch more satellites to maintain the security of network communications and ensure that communications can be guaranteed under extreme conditions," Xu Yang said.

The quality of communication with Tequilan Island is very poor, and we basically have to rely on Scarlet Transformation Company to forward it from there.

At that time, the balance of victory in the Cold War will be tilted towards Nisto.

As the order in Tequila Continent collapses, more and more people join the ranks of the awakened and recognize the reality.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Yang nodded.

"Assist Scarlet Transformation to build a network barrier...Yes, they will definitely be very grateful." Lila understood.

After joining the witch god Falosa, the friction between them and the core of the lighthouse has become more intense in recent years, and they are in a marginalized position in the corporate structure.

"The message sent early this morning was mutually verified with the previously intercepted coded messages, confirming the accuracy of the previous information. In a decisive battle on the northeastern coast of Tequila Island, the colonel successfully prevented a large-scale landing of more than 150,000 people. Although there was no

The fleet was able to pursue the retreating ships, but still annihilated most of the physical and machine forces on the beach. It was a glorious victory worthy of being recorded in history, but it is a pity that no newspapers will record it." Lila reported.

The colonel's speeches and writings have returned to people's desks, his power has been spread word of mouth among the people, his flag has once again flown in military camps and cities, and more importantly, his ideas have been adopted by many Tequila people.

Serve as a model.

Tequilan Continent! Xu Yang knew very well that Tequilan Continent was bleeding.

Lila drafted a contract and made suggestions to Scarlet Transformation.

One company after another announced its permanent withdrawal from the Tequila market, quickly fleeing from the angry Tequila people.

The continent already has a serious divide between rich and poor. The poor are everywhere, and the unfair distribution of wealth makes people feel resentful. Coupled with the turmoil caused by the economic crisis, the order of Tequila Continent continues to deteriorate. The unemployment rate is extremely high, the people are in dire straits, and people are suffering from poverty everywhere.

The Tequila Island strategy comes first, it is the most difficult and the most significant.

Nowadays, Tequila Island has indeed become a data black hole. Due to the role of the "Bolivarian Barrier", the war there is silent. Once corporate drones enter, they will lose their way because they cannot navigate, and hackers have nothing to do.

"Yes, Master, I will arrange corresponding support immediately. I will report to you tomorrow." Lila said.

This matter is also a critical matter of life and death. The Scarlet Transformation can still avoid large-scale attacks at present, mainly because they maintain a neutral position and continue to trade part of the implant technology, which is equivalent to "supplying" technology in exchange for safety.

"What do you want to offer in return?"

No matter how powerful information control is, it is useless because everyone can see the chaos happening around them!

It was in this environment that the colonel returned.

There are currently only two versions of the Sea of ​​Hillis system in use in the world. One is an improved version obtained through internal transactions between giant companies, and the other is the prototype obtained by Xu Yang at the World Hacker Conference.

The West Coast Treaty Organization is not a good person. They will use the Sea of ​​Hillis to merge member network security plans, and all companies that join them will have their privacy scrutinized.

The colonel made people realize the meaning of resistance, taught them the tactics of resistance, and inspired their fighting spirit. Wearing an old military uniform and an old military cap, the colonel was thinking about how to fight against the corporate intervention troops that were landing from all directions all the time.


In the past few months, due to the delay in the economic improvement, the scale of the great struggle called by the colonel has continued to increase, and it has become a fire that spreads across the prairie fire.

He made full use of his rich guerrilla experience in the enemy's advance and our retreat, and his rich guerrilla experience in pursuing the enemy's retreat, and fought fiercely with the company's intervention forces on the vast land of 19,040,000 square kilometers in Tequila Island.

Although it is a prototype, its source code is the same as the improved version. Nisto Company has also continuously optimized it in recent years. Rinyin has been soaked in the Sea of ​​Sylis for a long time, and provides the iterative upgrade of the Sea of ​​Sylis.

A lot of help.

The conflict cannot be resolved.

Nesto Corporation and Scarlet Transformation must work together.

Tequila Island's anti-corporate war...will be long.

"Yes, we will provide them with a large number of guns and ammunition. Nisto Company will become an arsenal for all progressive causes." Xu Yang agreed.

As soon as he returned to the land of Tequilan Continent, the colonel devoted himself to the most violent cause. With the return of the colonel, Tequilan Continent experienced earth-shaking changes.

Since its destruction of Zangoth, the so-called "mandate of destiny" has become an important factor that must be considered in all strategic plans.

"The Colonel is our most skilled ally, and we cannot let his struggle go in vain... In addition to weapons, we also need to send the war witches to join Niou's security personnel and reorganize them into a mercenary organization to support them. Let them go to Grancha.

Log in." Xu Yang nodded.

The colonel's army has expanded from a few thousand to tens of thousands, and now there are hundreds of thousands of people who are willing to follow the colonel's orders. Although they are actually just scattered resistance armies from various places, when they are gathered together, they become a force.

The fiery power that cleanses the world!

However, if it is put on the enemy list by the West Coast Treaty Organization, it may not be able to support it for long, so it still needs to develop its own defense.

However, the economic crisis is not over yet, and the company is also poor. Xu Yang closed his eyes and analyzed silently. If the West Coast Treaty Organization falls into a quagmire of war in Tequila Island, it will be in internal chaos.

This prevented them from obtaining the technical authorization for Sea of ​​Cylis.

As Xu Yang expected, Scarlet Red was greatly surprised by the transformation and agreed to the cooperation plan without hesitation.

Due to the existence of the West Coast Treaty Organization, there is less and less outer space left for Nisto Company, and they have to launch rockets before they break up. At the same time, they can also monitor the operation of the "Destiny" weapon system.

They provided Feishen 7 to Nisto Company, and Nisto Company gave them the construction method of Sea of ​​Cyris.

This is an important strategy for both sides to survive the crisis so as to avoid losing their minds.

She longs for the day when the Witch God can come in person and destroy the core of the lighthouse, burning New Taixi to ashes, so that the Caddis Islands do not need to worry about the threat from the northern continent.

"The next step is to support the colonel's war... We have to expand the scale of sea transportation." Lila said.

From north to south, from mountains to grasslands, the colonel organized people to fight bravely.

He called on all struggling, confused, and distressed people to risk their lives and fight to the death. The only thing that can be done is to unite and fight, and use the strongest will to fight against the corporate system! There is nothing left to lose, so shed your blood and resist everything.

The source of suffering!

The West Coast Treaty Organization has the ability to project troops and machines, and the colonel is currently trying his best to resist elite intervention forces from all over the world with his poor troops.

Companies compete to orbit the planet and launch artificial satellites.

Lila disconnected the link and returned to her busy work. She wanted to do her best to share the pressure for her master.

Naturally, it is difficult for the colonel's troops to fight against the company army funded by the West Coast Treaty. Based on this, the Nisto Company is also constantly transfusing blood for the colonel's resistance. Once the colonel's rebellion is extinguished, Tequila Island will enter a long night, and there will be no more

Dawn can be said.

Apart from these two major Sea of ​​Seas systems, Gaoge Jiuzhou and Tianshu are special cases. The network firewalls laid in their territory are already very high, and they have become a system of their own without the need for new systems, so they are very safe now.

In an extremely unjust and inhumane society, companies protect the interests of a small number of rich people, making the vast majority of people become victims of the corporate system. Companies have no ability to solve the economic crisis and only know how to constantly harm the interests of the poor.

"It would be best if we rely on sea transportation to succeed, but we can't take it for nothing," Xu Yang said.

"It's really surprising. It just passed the implantation test early this morning. Its performance and safety are top-notch. It can be said to be the most advanced and developed product of Scarlet Transformation Company. In order to overcome the difficulties together, Scarlet Transformation Company cooperated with Scarlet Transformation Company as soon as the research and development was successful.

We are in contact and trying to allow us to use this product. At the same time, they will delay the launch of the Feishen 6th generation to prevent other companies from taking advantage of the Feishen series." Lila said seriously.

She brought back some research manuscripts of Queen Sheila from the Scar of the World, and is currently working day and night to decipher the contents and inherit the knowledge from the fifth queen.

"The most appropriate reward is... the Sea of ​​Hillis." Xu Yang said firmly.

Countless people take up guns to resist every day. The colonel's followers are active in rainforests, mountains, and wilderness. They are not like Zangers who can be destroyed with one shot.

"This is the best way." Lila understood.

At first, there were just spontaneous, small-scale conflicts, and then there were public clashes and attacks on company security. Chaos broke out in cities one after another. Then, factories were shut down, transportation and logistics were blocked, and production could not be continued.

The Gran Chaco area that A40 conquered in Tequila Island was particularly critical. It became an important maritime port, transferring massive amounts of small arms, ammunition and drones. Currently, A100 manages it there.

Since its establishment, the main economic initiative of the West Coast Treaty Organization has been the issuance of Thai dollars, while the military initiative has been to crazily suppress and strangle colonels.

But more military companies and mercenary organizations were funded, landing from all directions and destroying the colonel's career.

By then, the two oceans on both sides of New Taipei that the people of New Taipei are proud of will no longer be able to protect their safety, and the existence of the colonel will be like a sharp knife piercing the heart of New Taipei.

The current version of Nisto is indeed half a step behind the internal version of the giant company, but it is still precious and can withstand attacks. Xu Yang thought silently. And this is an important means to maintain freedom.

"Seventh generation flying god?" Xu Yang was surprised.

"We can only let the overseas Chinese work." Xu Yang decided.

Falosa can command the giant beasts in the sea to move from the deep sea and quietly bring the processor to the northern islands. However, they are a bit stupid and need to be handled carefully by Falosa.

Nisto Company will also secretly exert force. Storm Queen and Huang Quan Lei Shen are both ruler witches who can change the situation on the battlefield. Once they land in Tequila Continent, the colonel's pressure will be reduced a hundred times.

When all of Tequila Continent is recovered, the Colonel will be able to force the West Coast Treaty to recognize his status, and Nisto Company will also find the most powerful ally in the Western Hemisphere and establish a land connection with New Taipei.

An important factor is that the colonel gathered engineers and technicians from Tequila Continent and built an electromagnetic interference array called the "Bolivar Barrier" to shield all signals from inside and outside Tequila Continent as much as possible.

Scarlet Renovation Company is located in the Cadiz Islands south of Xintai Xizhou, less than 1,000 kilometers away from the core of the lighthouse.

He tried to fight a war without signals with the company, letting the company's troops fight while deaf and blind, turning Tequila Island into a silent cemetery with no return.

After explaining some things to Lila, the major event was finalized.

He united people's will, and many people took action.

Unable to establish the protection of the "Sea of ​​Hillis", Scarlet Transformation's current network security is in danger. Several incidents of technology being stolen by hackers have significantly increased network security costs.

Therefore, we must support the colonel's cause in Tequila Island until the West Coast Treaty is defeated, defeated, and impoverished. If they still cannot defeat the colonel after spending huge sums of money, they will also have internal differences.

It is necessary to deal a heavy blow to the enemy and establish an advantage when the world economy is in decline in the past few years. Otherwise, in a few years, when the economy comes out of the downturn and the West Coast Treaty Organization develops advanced technology, the current opportunities will be gone.

Having thus clarified his thoughts, Xu Yang opened his eyes.

After today's world events are resolved, he will continue to take care of his children.

(End of chapter)

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