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Chapter 738 The Dying God

After about ten hours, they had fun over and over again until they felt quite comfortable, as if two sugar cubes melted in hot water, and everything from bones to blood spread out. The secret room was very warm, so hot that it made people uncomfortable.

It's winter now.

The sheets were restored again and again, and Falosa asked Xu Yang to stay in them every time because she did not want to take care of them.

Xu Yang likes those small details - Falosa's high-frequency contraction and swallowing, she seems to have a small galaxy of her own. If Xu Yang hadn't been experienced, he would have been uprooted. This is very dangerous, but he likes it. They

The nerves are connected together like wires, joyful, free and sticky.

Xu Yang's hands were wrapped around her creamy and tender shoulders, the golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, and twenty-four candles were brightly lit, making him feel like he had returned to the Middle Ages.

"My love, my lover, my Xu Yang..." Falosa gently clasped Xu Yang's neck with her hands, and then kissed him. Pure love was so beautiful that it dissolved all resentment.

Falosa could feel that her strength had increased significantly with Xu Yang's injection, and she was gradually moving towards the rank of queen. She needed him even more now.

Xu Yang read many details from her soft kiss, including her ups and downs of emotions and ever-changing thoughts.

Her divinity did not strip her of her lover's ability, or she insisted on keeping her own ability just for Xu Yang, only Xu Yang.

They took a bath, and then Xu Yang changed Falosa's clothes, making her attract as much attention as a real queen and princess, and then put a colorful cloak on her. But what she cared about most was the ring, the expensive one Xu Yang gave her

The diamond ring is now on her ring finger as a symbol of engagement.

Falosa was dazzled when she saw this big diamond ring.

"Are we that many?" Xu Yang recalled the past.

The first blood was dark green, like some kind of foul-smelling branch or pus.

As a powerful weapon used to kill gods, most of its power was lost in the process of killing the ancient god Orxian, and it needs to be sharpened again.

"If I had known, we would have spared Mai Ka and not killed him." Xu Yang said.

Falosa's realm.

"What is it waiting for?" Xu Yang noticed the clue.

After the original destruction of the source, Falosa once gave a fragment of the throne to the co-ancestor of the blood descendants. It seemed to have learned extra power from the fragment, and now it has become more powerful, vaguely controlling the night of the Western continent.

the meaning of.

Then, the last one is needed. Xu Yang thought silently. It is difficult to meet the conditions for a life that is not dead but has divinity. We have defeated many powerful creatures, but none of them have divinity, such as Yama,

Its power is equivalent to that of the most powerful and terrifying monsters, but it has no trace of divinity.

"I don't want you to take risks-" Xu Yang emphasized.

Xu Yang observed the god-killing weapon. It is also known as the "Blade of Subversion". It is an artifact that can change the order and reshape the world. Now it is shining with an ominous black light.

"What to do?" Xu Yang sat next to Falosa.

Edis, the immortal reborn, and Dernai, who rules the angelic legions, are both the most powerful beings among the ancient mystics, and currently stand on the side of the Seven Seals.

"It's difficult. It's very difficult to maintain a state of dying but not yet dead. We simply don't have the ability to keep Mai Ka in a half-dead state. Only these three supernatural beings happen to be 'dying but not dead', and this state can be

Long-term preservation has become an attribute of themselves, so it can promote the evolution of god-killing weapons. If I knew how to make a dying but not dead god, I would directly beat Sally into that state." Farlow said.

Sha murmured.

"Someone can actually defeat one of your clones?" Xu Yang was surprised.

"The gods who are dying but not dead..." Xu Yang observed the god-killing weapons.

The death energy in Weiyueyue's body may be enough to make her in a state of death, but it is difficult to find her. She is arrogant and a loner. She has long since disappeared and has been disconnected from all business for a long time. Nisto

No one in the company could find her. And even if they were found, it would be impossible for her to cooperate with Farosha.

"Tell me about it." Xu Yang comforted her.

"——Swallow the dying Suzukawa Kii. She is drifting in the small galaxy, suffocating, suffering, and curling up. She is dying all the time, and constantly creating new cells to divide herself. In the infinite

Waiting for death in torture. I extracted blood from her body and now give it to you, so that you can kill all beings that can regenerate."

Falosa's eyes sparkled with tears. When was the last time she cried?

Xu Yang wiped away her tears. Undoubtedly, he was almost completely transformed at the beginning and had the best chance of immortality. However, becoming the god of digital machines would abandon his emotions and cut off all ties with the world. Compared with the so-called infinite lifespan and power

Than, he chose Farosha, and he knew he was right.

After devouring the blood of three dying gods, the god-killing weapon showed its sharp edge and shined with intense light.

"According to the manuscript left by Sheila and my deciphering, I need four, four divine creatures who are dying but not dead. I want to drip their blood on it, so that the god-killing weapon can show its true appearance.

Understand and kill any divinity."

"We still have the ability to hold on to the happiness of the moment. And sooner or later we will rescue Sylphy." Xu Yang persuaded Falosa to get over her heartache.

"Are you worried that I will be killed? It doesn't matter. As long as it is for our happiness, death will not threaten me. I will go to the battlefield. There is no escape this time. I am not afraid of death." She said.

Only the lords of the forest who are about to die, Orsenian and Suzukawa Kii, swallow dewdrops and possess divinity, so that the aura of death lingering on their bodies can be used by god-killing weapons.

They left Falosa's bedroom and walked deeper into the secret passage, passing through a rock corridor covered with golden and red carpets. The walls on both sides gradually disappeared, and the transition zone was filled with stars. Then Xu Yang saw patches of stars against the dark background.

The vast galaxy.

She walked towards the god-killing weapon and fired it.

For some reason, when talking about the dying god, Xu Yang always had visions of "Moonfire" Mond being beheaded by Wei Shiyue with a big ax. The daughter will one day kill her father, Mond

De made many predictions, but this was the only one he didn't believe.

The second blood was dark, like some kind of nightmare memory from the deep sea.

The third blood is pale pink, like some kind of vulgar cosmetics.

"At the bottom of the Trace of the World, under the guidance of gold, I found some ancient scrolls left by Queen Sheila. Those manuscripts gave me some useful inspiration. I realized that the God-killing weapon had been tampered with, and it was after killing

It is not that powerful after the gods. The other mystics deliberately weakened it before giving it to me to prevent me from using it to counterattack them, so it is not really a god-killing weapon unless I use it from 'Check-But-Not-Dead'

The gods took blood from their bodies to feed it." Falosa stared at the god-killing weapon.

"I hope we get married as soon as possible. If there weren't so many things that continue to bother us, we would have gotten married long ago. Unfortunately, the wedding is incomplete without Sylphy's witness." Falosa looked down at her ring.

"Sally is already pitiful enough. If she is beaten until she remains in a dying state for a long time... all the rat people will lose their leader and they will all go crazy." Xu Yang said.

"The answer is, three copies have been collected." Falosa said, "One of them comes from the Lord of the Forest."

Falosa noticed Xu Yang's gaze and turned back to meet his eyes, as if she could sense his thoughts.

Here, Falosa enshrines her god-killing weapon.

"It's not a simple matter, it's a rather complex project. It's a plan. It's a plan that can help me defeat the enemy. You have to help me." Falosa said slowly.

"——Devoure the dying Orsian. It was killed by you, but its remains are scattered all over the world. It should have died, but because it was too powerful, it still lingered. I learned from it in the sea

The blood is extracted from the corpse in the body and is now handed over to you, so that you can kill all the beings whose ancestors came from the ocean."

Falosa's clones have performed many excellent things in the past, and even one clone can handle many tasks.

And the most important thing is that they are basically killed. After death, their properties are confiscated by death and cannot be used by god-killing weapons.

"...This is what scares me. One of my clones in Taixi was killed." Falosa sighed softly.

"In any case, the god-killing weapon is only the last one away from the real attack. As long as I find another god who is 'dying but not dead', I have the confidence to use it to defeat Edis and Dirnai." Fa

Rosa stared at the god-killing weapon in front of her.

Once the god-killing weapon is polished to its final edge, Farosha will appear on the truly highest-level battlefield and face the gods who are hostile to her.

"Help me do something." Falosa lowered her head.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Yang asked.

Xu Yang looked at Falosa and felt intense sadness. She had to step into the supreme battlefield to protect others and fight the most terrifying monster in the world. This was a noble sacrifice made by Falosa.

She should have held a wedding with Xu Yang after receiving the ring, declaring her attitude towards love to the entire world, and holding the most important ceremony in her life. Marriage is like a lock on love, a milestone in life, and a commemoration

Eternal emotions.

"I was killed by the vampires. Those escapist vampires active in the metropolis hunted and killed my clone. The situation was very cruel. Otherwise, I would definitely search from Taixi." Falosa sighed.


The living gods are full of power, while the dead gods have returned to the underworld. God-killing weapons can only draw power from the dying gods.

Falosa took out a narrow-mouthed glass bottle filled with dark green blood.

"I'm going to fire it again." Falosa stared at her god-killing weapon, "This will give me a chance to fight against powerful enemies like Edith and Dirnai."

"The Lord of the Forest once betrayed us." Xu Yang thought of this and felt doubly regretful.

The Golden Soul is also a bit close to dying but not dead, but it doesn't bleed, so it can't be absorbed by the God-killing weapon.

"...And I will help you find the last dying god and help you sharpen your god-killing weapon." Xu Yang promised.

Betrayal cannot come without price.

She showed a faint smile.

"No." Falosa interrupted him, "You once sacrificed for me. Back then, you could have become a truly free being and implemented your ultimate ideal. At that time, the world did not have such a powerful network.

During the defense project - if you abandon yourself and become a digital life, you will become a new god! Detachment, freedom, the rise and fall of civilizations will not change your eternity. But you are for me, just for me, in order not to forget me,

In order to come back to me, you personally chose to give up that opportunity... Listen - Xu Yang, it's my turn now, it's my turn to fight for you! Let me pay the same price as you!"

"——Swallow the dying lord of the forest. It was once sealed in the far north, drained of energy, waiting for death, exhausted, and lazy. Its recovery will take more than ten centuries. Now it is as fragile as the wind.

It was beaten mercilessly by me because of its rebellion, and it took a step towards death. I drew blood from its wounds and now give it to you, so that you can kill all existences that belong to nature."

"Yes, in order to show its sincerity, I asked it to hand over its own death blood." Falosa said.

"This is the area where my secret room is connected, right here." Falosa walked towards the God-killing weapon.

Falosa opened her palms toward the God-killing weapon.

Falosa closed her eyes as if she had made an important decision, then got up, put on her clothes, and walked to the depths of the secret room with Xu Yang.

"Where are your clones around the world?" Xu Yang thought of this.

From Lundenim, Gothenburg, Warsaw to Constantiniya, there is news about the reactivation of the blood descendants. In comparison, one of Farosha's clones was easily caught and eliminated. However, the vampire and the

The relationship between the "Seven Seals" is still unclear. It seems that it has not yet joined the Seven Seals and is in a neutral position.

"I will help you find an existence that meets the conditions of the 'dying but not dead god' as much as possible." Xu Yang said firmly.

"I love you." Falosa said slightly melancholy, "When we finish this battle, we will get married above the stars. Come and hold my hand in person and propose to me - you promise me

,Xu Yang, I want you to promise me."

Xu Yang stared at her hesitant expression. She now has too many things, love, power, subordinates, servants and followers, so that she can no longer be as unrestrained and willful as she used to be. Now Falosa has

Once she has awakened, she only needs to defeat her ultimate enemy. She is not afraid of death and will no longer run away.

"I promise." Xu Yang held Falosa's hand tightly, "I promise."

This chapter has been completed!
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