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Chapter 740 Print out the boyfriend

At this moment, Wei October is playing with her baby dragon in the desert of the Near East.

The baby dragon is only 20 centimeters long. It cannot move under its mother's claws. It is covered with pitch black scales, but its eyes are golden. It is sickly, incredibly small, and extremely thin. It is probably contaminated by the undead aura of Wei Shiyue.


Fortunately, thanks to the strong vitality injected by Xu Yang, the probability of this child surviving to adulthood is still very high.

This black shadow baby dragon was her greatest treasure. Wei Shiyue wanted to raise this child by herself, so even though the child had been hatched for a long time, she never thought of contacting Xu Yang.

Unless she wants a second one...

Based on this, Xu Yang, who was far away in the northern archipelago, could only imagine the appearance of the young dragon.

Xu Yang thought of the thousand trees growing with leaves and the young dragons born in October, and felt very strange.

Is this what blood inheritance feels like? It’s like practicing a trumpet in the game. The wishes that you have not been able to realize and the things that you cannot do can be completed by the children.

"Congratulations, master." Lila said softly.

"Do you also want a child?" Xu Yang lifted Lila up with both hands.

It should be enough to install a pregnancy module on Lila and extract the genetic information. Who said Xu Yang can't let the machine take maternity leave?

"Ah - Master..." Lila felt infinitely favored, and the circuit editor felt happy, "...but Lila doesn't need a child, Lila just hopes that she can always be with her master."

"Oh, my baby Lila..."

After being gentle with Lila, Xu Yang packed up and left.

The next step is regular inspections by the scientific research department.

Science is the basis of progress, and it requires regular contact with Miyazaki Kazama.

In addition, Miyari Kazama mentioned new excellent weapons.

"We have cracked a lot of technology seized from Blackfire Innovation, and now we can say that we have made rapid progress in weapon design!" Kazama Miyazaki was very excited and eager to show Xu Yang something.

Her job is to constantly design, manufacture and develop weapons, and defeating the Blackfire Innovation has provided her with unlimited materials and blueprints.

The world's most famous arms dealer fell apart, leaving behind a large number of technological achievements. After Nisto Company settled in the Taiya Islands, it also accepted a large number of technical files. Such good things do not happen every day. Kazama Miyari

I have been working extremely enthusiastically every day for half a year.

"If I were to say that the advanced weapons that impressed me most about the Black Fire Innovation were the bullets that restricted the witch's movement and the ion sword." Xu Yang said.

"Ion swords require the magic power of a specific witch to make some, which is more complicated. But for the bullets you mentioned that can restrain the witch, we already know the production process, and it has been greatly developed!" Kazama Miyari said excitedly


She took Xu Yang to her weapons design workshop. A unique tapered black bullet was placed in the testing area, with exquisite patterns carved on it, symbolizing the bullet's extraordinary power and distinguishing it from ordinary copper bullets.

Falosa was hit by such an anti-witch bullet at the Bronze Titan Excavation Site, causing her to lose her magic power. She did not regain her strength until she devoured the flesh of a god, which shows the powerful power of this kind of bullet.

"It is made of night silver." Xu Yang observed the black appearance of the bullet.

"That's right! This is the way to progress. We have completely innovated and transformed the technology of Black Fire Innovation. Originally, Black Fire Innovation used copper bullet cases, but now we use the magic material 'Night Silver' to make bullets!" Feng

Mamiya said confidently that he was confident in his arms design.

"I remember that although the Black Fire Innovation used this kind of bullet to restrain the extraordinary, it often failed." Xu Yang pondered.

"Yes, the principle of this weapon is 'poison'. The Black Fire Innovation once collected occult props from all over the world and used them. This 'poison' is one of the weapons they found. We have optimized the formula. In addition to the black fire found

In addition to the anti-magic toxin, the poison master's incurable poison was also added. I named it...'God-killing mercury'!" Kazama Miyari said confidently.

The Black Fire Revolution once searched for occult items on a large scale, and this was one of the results. It turned out that they relied on some kind of poison to paralyze and dispel the magic power of Falosa? Xu Yang nodded.

Now with Poison Master's ultimate toxin, coupled with Night Silver's powerful penetrating power, this kind of bullet is enough to kill supernatural entities.

In this way, when fighting against ordinary Mystic Familia and supernatural threats, both Secret Guard operators and regular soldiers can use "God-killing Mercury" to effectively annihilate the enemy, and they no longer have to be passive as before.

Just like the Suzukawa Kii incident, if they had installed Gods Mercury at that time, the damage would definitely be reduced by more than half. After being attacked by such bullets, even Suzukawa Kii can no longer multiply at will.

"Well done." Xu Yang said approvingly, "Inheriting Black Fire's innovative military technology, our military technology may have caught up with the level of giant enterprises."

"I will design the best products for our war machines!" Miyagi Kazama nodded fiercely.

Her design blueprint also includes munitions specifically designed to support the colonel, such as mobile electromagnetic interference vehicles, individual anti-armor rockets and disposable missile drones, etc., which are all special warfare equipment that facilitates the use of small to defeat large forces.

Xu Yang is very satisfied with these brand-new weapon products. Most of them will be sold overseas and adapted to the synthetic human industry of Nisto Company. Currently, Nisto Company produces 30% of the world's synthetic humans, so much so that there are rumors overseas about Nisto.

The synthetic humans produced by the company are full of surveillance chips, secretly stealing the world's information.

"As for the star molybdenum deposits shipped from Reshuzhou, we are still in the process of studying its properties. Do those rat people actually dare to transform it for practical use? It's unbelievable." Kazama Miyaori sighed.


"They look at problems from a different perspective than us, and may develop technological trees that are different from ours," Xu Yang said.

"Speaking of the technology tree, it's a pity that some special blueprints are lost or snatched away by other companies. Such as space carrier-level energy shield generators, invisible guard armor, 'Lost Soul' and other advanced firearms blueprints, etc.

." Kazama Miyari sighed sadly.

The main thing was the good thing done by the comedian. Xu Yang thought secretly. If it weren't for the interference and attack by the comedian, he might have been able to take away all the information in the chaos of the Taiya Islands.

Xu Yang also did his best. He deliberately replaced part of the information, changed some experimental parameters, and then erased his own traces, making the comedian mistakenly think that it was real information and brought it back. Judging from the comedian's reaction, it did play a certain role.


"There are also some witches, such as those who can create dimensional gates in different spaces, and the children of phantom light... we have not found them all." Xu Yang shook his head.

After the collapse of the Blackfire Revolution, its legacy was quickly divided up. The surrounding companies all made military progress to varying degrees, but the Nesto Company did not take all of it.

Since Nisto Company already has five air carriers, namely Orochi, Yokozuna, Konjima, Baraya, and Hanzo, it really does not have the military expenditure to maintain a larger fleet. The nine air carriers developed by Black Fire were also purchased by other companies.

Go and bid for other companies eager to strengthen their own security.

The practicality of such deadly weapons as space carriers is also under further consideration, and they are likely to be retired one after another because they are too expensive. Moreover, after losing the source of "inflammation metal", the defensive performance of new air carriers will be greatly weakened.

"The good news is that the Quantum Warrior's reshaping process has reached the final stage. Once we successfully 'produce' him, I will report to you as soon as possible." Kazama Miyari said.

Her eyes sparkled with bloodlust. Miyari Kazama was happy to create living weapons, and Quantum Samurai was an excellent carrier.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Yang nodded.

"By the way... you often go to the Quantum Institute, how is Xiao Ai doing lately?" Kazama Miyari couldn't help but talk about personal issues.

"She is a lot more cheerful because I have been allocating funds for quantum computer experiments... and the progress has accelerated."

"Thank you for your help for Xiao Ai." Kazama Gongri quickly bowed to Xu Yang, "Thank you for your strong support for her career!"

"This is what I should do. If the quantum computer Hyperion can be completed, the entire Nesto company will benefit immensely." Xu Yang said hurriedly.

"And I will continue to manage the scientific research department to ensure that the mistakes of the past will not be made again!" Kazama Miyari said seriously.

"Thank you." Xu Yang greeted Kazama Gongli.

After saying goodbye to Kazama Palace, Xu Yang saw that it was time to get off work, so he bought an expensive 3D printer as a gift, and then returned to Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng has become accustomed to Xu Yang's disappearance. She watches anime at home when her father is away. She already has her own small bookshelf and peripheral collection cabinets filled with her favorite fantasy works.

"I'm back." Xu Yang opened the door and went in.

"Dad is back!" Xu Cheng quickly got up from the back room, ran outside and hugged Xu Yang's legs, looking up at him with wide eyes, showing an expectant and cute smile.

"I'm bringing you a gift." Xu Yang picked up a heavy 3D printer from the ground outside, "Let's pack something to play with."

"Wow!" When Xu Cheng was a child, he saw a 3D printer in the corner when he was staying in his father's office. At that time, he was extremely envious. No matter what his father wanted, he could make a molded prop with just one click.

Xu Yang put it in an open corner of the back room, put the instructions and several large bags of environmentally friendly plastic on the ground, and let Xu Cheng play with it.

He himself tried to track down the most difficult hacker currently, "The Comedian", and wanted to find out the details of this guy.

Comedians have some habits that are as glaring as their signatures.

The comedian often provokes cyber monsters and publishes a series of targeted rumors on the Internet to express her contempt for cyber monsters. She mainly posts them in the free communication program "New World Agency", and she has appeared in countless discussion groups.

"Ah, it's so funny. I'll give you a glimpse of the great achievements of the cyber monsters."

"Show UUS how I reproduce the network intrusion program designed by the cyber monster."

"This cyber monster is really messing with my website while I'm sleeping."

After discovering that no one replied, the comedian tried some tricks, thinking that his post had been blocked. As a result, even though the comedian pinned his post to the top, few people were willing to reply, which made the comedian even more extreme.

It seems that the comedian is going to have a fight with him. Xu Yang secretly thought. Some of the words used by the other party are feminine, maybe the real person is a beautiful girl.

After continuously narrowing the scope of the search and looking for clues, Xu Yang speculated that the comedian was a woman aged between 20 and 40 years old, who was probably born in the Eastern Hemisphere. More information needs to be further explored.

Xu Yang knew that the comedian would dig deep into him, so he made multiple disguises. Anyway, he had multiple identities and existed all over the world at the same time.

Even if the comedian reveals one of his true identities, his other identities are still safe.

In the previous confrontations, the comedian was familiar with Xu Yang's methods, and now it was up to him to see which side could come up with new techniques to threaten the opponent's base of activities.

By ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Cheng, who was amusing himself, had already made a gray cloak with a 3D printer, quickly put it on his body and ran outside.

"Quack!" She pointed proudly at the entire plastic sheet covering her body, eager to hear her father's praise.

"It feels like flying." Xu Yang looked at her and said in surprise, "How did you do that!"

"Quack!" Xu Cheng ran around waving his cloak.

When he went to bed at night, Xu Cheng was still making gestures.

"Quack." Xu Cheng looked at the 3D printer in the corner of the room while sleeping.

"What do you want to create?" Xu Yang turned off the light.

"Boyfriend!" Xu Cheng said happily.

This chapter has been completed!
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