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Chapter 754

Chapter 754 Votes accumulate in the future

The news of building a zero-pressure society caused an uproar and received close attention and discussion both inside and outside the company.

Nisto is a model of employee cooperation system, especially in terms of income distribution. The company has never raised funds from investors, so there is no need to pay dividends to shareholders, and it only focuses on improving the treatment of internal members.

Taking the Chiquan Steel Company acquired by Nisto as an example, the original shareholders and investors had a monthly salary of 27 million, senior engineers had a monthly salary of 20,000, workshop managers had a monthly salary of 6,000, and front-line workers had a monthly salary of less than 3,000.

After three years of merger and operation, and after many internal salary discussions and adjustments, the subsidiary's current monthly salary of senior engineers has been increased to 60,000, the monthly salary of workshop managers has been increased to 30,000, and the monthly salary of front-line workers has been increased to 18,000.

Under the auspices of Nisto, the salary and benefits of all internal members have increased significantly, far beyond the past. Free health services have been basically implemented, and ordinary employees can also receive medical treatment at the leadership level, and world-leading equipment has been designed.

and workplace safety standards to ensure employees are protected from danger, and every employee has a voice and a way to influence decisions.

We sincerely unite the 10 million employees in the northern archipelago, and finally create a special "mega enterprise" like Nisto Company.

As of November this year, total revenue reached 30 trillion. Of all corporate expenditures, 50% was used to improve employee salaries and benefits to ensure that employees' lives are maximized.

Joining Nisto Company and working for a lifetime is the highest pursuit for most people in the Northern Islands.

Similarly, Nisto has also been criticized.

The Nisto Company monopolizes more than 70% of the industries in the northern archipelago. It is like a big hand that intercepts all sources of supply and uses it to enrich their internal employees, making the people of the Nisto Company an essentially "nouveau riche" class.

"According to the currently announced economic model, the first phase of the project will cost 12 trillion yuan, which means a reduction in internal benefits. I reject this obvious squeeze and hope that no one will propose such a whimsical strategy again."

The company is thriving inside, but ordinary people outside the company are still insulated from these benefits. Bubble is the most obvious example.

"This is 'face'. If you vote in favor today, you can tell others in the future: In this vote, you support a zero-pressure society and are willing to help those in need. You are a virtuous person, thereby achieving a higher social status."

Evaluation, and being looked down upon by others. If you vote against it today, you will live under pressure for the rest of your life. Others will say, 'Look, I heard that this guy does not support a zero-pressure society and is a selfish ghost.'" Xu Yang said.

"I don't want a pay cut, nor do I want to see my house become worthless." Du Qianqian voted against it with dissatisfaction.

Xu Yang's approach is to build a zero-pressure society, open up the barriers between inside and outside, so that the general public can also enjoy benefits suitable for this era, and let Nisto truly serve the people.

Within the Nisto company, members of the agriculture, construction and transportation divisions came together to oppose the move and became the stronghold of the opposition.

This is the most public matter worth discussing at the annual meeting and by far the most eye-catching topic at Nisto.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Cui Junyou laughed at home.

Even the most dim-witted person has heard that a huge vote will be held today to decide the future of society as a whole.

Rosia kept browsing the information beside her: "I don't even know which way to vote. If you agree, the profits from selling meat pies will increase! You can get the goods for free!"

If the people at Nisto agree, then let's do it.

The opinions of ordinary people in society also continue to affect the voting tendencies of internal members of the company.

News about the zero-pressure society has also become a hot search topic, and relevant content is being discussed in all aspects of society.

"Once the zero-pressure society is passed, we can all easily obtain free services to meet everyone's basic needs and improve everyone's quality of life. This is not an either/or question! Our destiny is common! We

Our children, parents and friends do not necessarily work at Nisto Company, and they are still worried about these things. Our efforts at Nisto Company will help other people we know well and benefit the entire people of the archipelago!"

The people of Nisto Company began to decide the fate of the company.

Such a structure is not balanced and will lead to a new civil war sooner or later.

Within Nisto, only 47% of people support it.

"Another classic strategy with low returns and high costs, which shows that incompetent management is the first factor affecting the prosperity of Nisto."

No matter how much anger or good yearning there is, it will all be resolved at the vote.

On the negative side, the "zero-pressure society" plan will also bring a strong burden to Nisto. This is self-evident, which requires Nisto to find new economic growth points to avoid stagnation or even regression.

"I don't want to spend my money with anyone outside the company; I hope you don't either."

"As I said, 'public services' should have been free. Even if it is not today, it will be realized in the next 100 years. We are just bringing it forward. What is there to make a fuss about? Why are your ideas so backward?"

"Free service will inevitably lead to a decline in product quality and overcrowded services, you know? You are a bunch of illiterate people."

Polls show that 93% of people outside Nisto support the "zero-pressure society" plan.

After 30 minutes, the number of support votes reached 1 million and the number of opposition votes reached 950,000.

For them, this is the second major life-and-death matter after the original war against Xin Xisheng.

On January 1, 153, voting officially began.

"...This is even more outrageous than the magic that changes reality." Wasp watched the news with interest.

In the development of Nisto Company, obvious internal and external differences have emerged.

Most of the high-income departments, such as the synthetic human manufacturing department, are opposed to it because they are worried about the devaluation of private property.

Confusion, arguments, and confrontations will all be resolved today.

There is no more ambitious social reform proposal than this. Who knows what kind of changes will occur in society with such benefits?

Has the pressure of life been relaxed since then, spiritual freedom has been gained, and happiness and creativity have increased? Or has people become more lazy, leading to a major regression in society?

"Oh! A zero-pressure society? The righteousness is indeed on our side." Katsuragi Asa sat on the dock of Anjiu City and smoked. The strong mechanical iron arm was full of traces of modification.

"Saving money: Everyone's annual income will be reduced by 10,000 yuan. But food, housing and transportation will be free."

"I live far away and have no money to buy a car. I am exhausted just commuting every day. If there is free transportation, I will definitely support it!"

"What are you thinking about?" Falosa asked.

"Nisto Company has a monopoly position in the northern archipelago. We should share the monopoly benefits we have obtained with others instead of continuing to plunder them."

"Our company Nisto has not been exclusive since its inception. Other members of society should also receive social benefits."

Among them, employees in the agriculture, transportation, and construction sectors were particularly opposed. They protested strongly, believing that this was a betrayal by the company. After the reform, their interests were the most severely damaged and their income dropped the most, which was the most disadvantageous to them.


Why, why were they the ones who were harmed? These people of Nisto, the angriest company, expressed their indignation in an excited way, causing quite a turmoil within the company.

In any case, Nisto will increase its expenses significantly.

Before the annual meeting, relevant news had spread, and both the pros and cons had gained considerable supporters.

"What do we need so much money for?" 102 voted in favor readily.

Free house, free food and free transportation.

"Confused and scared, I hope we won't discuss the zero-pressure society anymore. I feel very sad after reading this..."

"Thank you, Province Liuxia!"

"What affects people's decision-making is not necessarily economic, but also social factors." Xu Yang said.

All social experts also gave their own opinions.

Xu Yang flipped through some particularly popular content, each of which had millions of likes.

It would be great if we could improve the living conditions of mankind and build a new world without oppression...


"The side that agrees will win by a narrow margin." The multi-eyed demon made a prediction at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be achieved through an order. A general referendum must be held at the annual meeting for all Nisto people to decide.

"I think this is great and fits my imagination of the future world. Please, please pass it!"

The 24-hour vote will decide whether to pass the "zero-pressure society" plan.

This kind of strategic plan that will affect the next 10 years is put on the discussion agenda.

"No company has ever dared to promote such a large-scale social change like Nisto! This alone is enough for me to brag about Nisto for the rest of my life!"

Before the vote, members at all levels of Nisto Company made sufficient speeches based on their respective positions to ensure that most members could understand these views.

Faced with this tense vote, everyone inside and outside Nisto Company was on tenterhooks.

On the positive side, the "zero-pressure society" plan will free people from the drudgery of life. A burden-free society can reduce the cost of human survival and give people more opportunities to pursue the things they yearn for. This is the gateway to humankind.

The first path to ultimate freedom.

"I support a zero-pressure society because I am still trying to save money to buy a house... If this can be achieved, the burden will be much lighter."

The vote will be held one month later, on New Year's Day, January 1.

"I think it can pass because this is what everyone wants." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang is in charge of such a giant enterprise, and he himself is always thinking...

"Is it still too late to rush back to Beijing to vote?" Niederreiter quickly dressed and planned to go back from Jialongpo. He wanted to agree and agree again. "It must be in time!" Weier supported by the side.

When the voting channel was launched, 600,000 people voted immediately, with 220,000 in favor and 380,000 against.

"Is this kidnapping?" Falosa pondered this complex phenomenon in human society.

"People who voted against it were very happy, but people thought twice before agreeing." Lila observed the details of the vote. She neither voted for nor against, and made response plans for both routes.

"No matter what the voting result is, I will always support Nisto. It has saved too many people."

One vote accumulates one vote.

Xu Yang is ranked in order of popularity. Generally speaking, the opposition is still relatively strong. Moreover, there is a resonance effect, that is, the opposition groups with the opposition groups, the pro groups group with the pro groups, and both sides are facing each other from a distance.

After a month-long discussion, the day of voting finally arrived.

Will Nisto Company focus on the corporate cause or the progressive cause? Xu Yang secretly thought. It all depends on this vote.

Related news spread like wildfire.

Xu Yang observed the voting situation. The votes on both sides were waxing and waning, like a pair of racehorses chasing each other.

Does this company belong to the corporate system or to social progress?

"If the zero-pressure social strategy is adopted, it means that Nisto Corporation has really become a warrior who harms himself in order to benefit others..." Kirino Reiyo commented.

"Interesting, so interesting. Not only can machines iterate, but the form of society can also iterate and upgrade, spiraling into another even stranger state." Miyari Kazama agreed.

The popularity remains high, and people inside and outside Nisto Company are paying special attention to this issue, because it will bring about earth-shaking changes to the social structure of the northern archipelago!

According to the latest survey, 9.8 million of the 10.11 Wannisto employees are willing to vote.

"Can't synthetics vote?" Miying poked at his phone, "It's so unfair."

"It must pass. If it doesn't pass, it would be too cruel! It means that Nisto Company is just like other companies, it is just a profit-seeking monster!"

On the voting day of January 1st, almost everyone from the northern archipelago came to watch the voting process, wanting to see whether this resolution would be passed.

"A company is a company, no matter how nice it sounds, it is still a company."

"Xu Yang..." Xiaojiao Zizi stood on the edge of the office and touched the glass window, "Xu Yang... Xu Yang..."

Those who voted against the bill started working harder in the afternoon, and at 2 p.m., the number of votes reached 2.3 million in favor and 3.09 million against.

"I knew it, I knew the senior was great!" Li Xiaomin was surprised. He was wearing a white T-shirt and pushing the cradle of his second daughter.

If this continues, the northern archipelago will eventually split into two societies, one is a common welfare society for employees within Nisto Company; the other is a dull society outside the company, with no prospects at all, and there is no other way but to work for Nisto Company


"That's it..."

Most members of other low- and middle-income departments support it because it can reduce their burden, and they are extremely numerous, accounting for 5 million. There are also many people who are passionate about progressive causes and also choose to support it.

The "zero-pressure society" plan has become the hottest word in the northern archipelago. From 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., most media news has been changed to interviews on the zero-pressure society vote.

"In order to participate in the largest social experiment of this century, I rushed back to Beijing from overseas to vote, and I voted in support. Once the zero-pressure social plan is passed, our hometown will become an exceptionally happy land on this planet. According to statistics,

On average, each person spends 2 million on food, travel and housing in his lifetime. If this plan is passed, think about what people will do with the extra 2 million." Taro Tanaka finds it very interesting. As an honorary scientific officer

And vote yes.

The clock is ticking towards voting day.

"The purpose of Nisto's establishment is to develop every member of this organization, but now, we have to sacrifice our interests to meet the endless public service needs of the entire society. Is this the biggest degeneration?"

How can I break out of the loop?

"Nisto has already listed such a beautiful aspiration and voted it down in a referendum, which will make Nisto a laughing stock. Many people will support it considering this," Xu Yang said.

"For the vast majority of people in the company, voting yes is the greatest and most selfless thing they have ever done in their lives. It is enough to make up for all their past guilt and feelings of weakness," Falosa said.

"Of course, for those who voted in favor, they have now become part of a great cause! In the future of life, every time I think that I chose yes in such a decision, I will be excited."

"The human heart..." Falosa sneered, "This is the difference between humans and machines. Humans not only focus on interests and rationality, but also consider these vanities, decorate their choices with delusions, and then naturally move towards the so-called 'noble' side. It turns out that

This is the reason why they agree. The moment they vote 'yes', they feel like they are gods."

(End of chapter)

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