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Chapter 760 Network War Program

This was not the first time that Xu Yang had been operated on, but Cui Junyou still felt anxious.

The arrival of Xu Yang changed his life and the face of the entire society. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was a great kindness to Cui Junyou.

Before, he was just a useless old man, constantly howling and hitting the wall, watching the world lose its light bit by bit. However, as he aged, he finally saw the flame of hope burning.

Xu Yang held high the ideals of millions of people and made them shine in the world.

The last thing he wanted to do was to disappoint Xu Yang.

Since his wife and daughter were taken to Beijing, Cui Junyou has been troubled by family affairs and has not done any work for a long time. Today is the first time he went under the knife after many years.

"It's time to anesthetize." Cui Junyou prepared a powerful anesthetic.

He had to completely shut down Xu Yang's digital mind and put him into a deep sleep, otherwise he would not be able to replace the brain processor.

"Wait a minute..." Xu Yang still has a lot of things to prepare.

He left behind the automatic defense program, activated a series of plans, slowly turned on all network protection protocols, and maximized the protection and self-checking capabilities of the Sea of ​​Hillis system.

Once he falls asleep, Nesto's cyber defenses will be at risk.

"What's wrong?" Linyin noticed this series of actions and sent a letter to Xu Yang from Jialongpo.

"The enemy is likely to attack me while I am undergoing surgery. I must be prepared for protection." Xu Yang responded quickly.

"That will be very troublesome," Linyin also became more vigilant. "We don't have many people to defend the Sea of ​​Hillis. Apart from me, they don't have actual combat experience."

"That's all we can do, I will come back as soon as possible." Xu Yang said.

"...Understood." Linyin prepared for defense.

Maybe something terrible will happen. Xu Yang thought silently. After shutting down, an attack is likely to break out. But he must also install the "Feishen-7"...

Then let them do it.

Afterwards, Xu Yang put the ebony ring next to him and accepted the injection provided by Cui Junyou. A strong sense of sleepiness surged into his heart, and his muscles and nerves completely calmed down. This was the first time in many years that he had completely shut down.

After the anesthetic took effect, Cui Junyou turned off Xu Yang's power supply and terminated the power supply system of his implant.

Xiao Xu is right, even if he is offline for ten minutes, it will be troublesome. Cui Junyou secretly thought. Enemies are everywhere. Those who want to infiltrate and destroy the great cause are a group of thieves, and they will definitely wait for this time to strike.

Thinking of this, he took the time to perform surgery and upgrade Xu Yang's brain processor.

Picking up the "Feishen 7", top veteran experts like Cui Junyou know its value.

This small processor can convert a person's vast thoughts into photoelectric signals of the same order of magnitude. Everyone's brain is extremely complex, and only a special brain processor can truly turn the human brain into an advanced computer.

Feishen 7th generation is the best among the best. After Xu Yang installs it, it will be no problem to deal with other hackers.

Cui Junyou mustered up the courage to attack this boy's precious head and open Xu Yang's skull.

Swing the knife, cut, replace parts, and replace the original Feishen 5.

He suddenly had a terrible feeling of being powerless.

——Cut the blood vessels!

Cui Junyou quickly raised the scalpel.

If the knife was just 1 millimeter away, there would be massive bleeding.

He took a deep breath, regret welling up in his heart. This surgery used to be so easy!

In the past, he could replace people's brain processors with his eyes closed. So many surgeries, so many incisions, just this one, this time...

Looking at the bloody organs that almost turned into a mess in front of him, Cui Junyou realized that this was the last time he would perform surgery on someone in his life.

The future should be left to young people like Niederreiter, he really can't do it anymore.

Cui Junyou gritted his teeth.

Live with my last and most proud craftsmanship!

With this idea in mind, he tried his best to replace the processor for Xu Yang.

The surgery continues.

Split, fill, repair, replace.

He found that his hands no longer shook and his thoughts no longer wandered.

This was his final work.

Shortly after Xu Yang went offline, anonymous hackers and professional network attackers immediately began to invade Nisto Company, Jialongpo and Reshuzhou.

All three locations were hit by extremely large-scale information attacks.

Rinyin, who was sinking in the Sea of ​​Hillis, also received a large number of messages instantly, and every website on the Internet was attacked!

This kind of attack is extremely difficult to defend against. In almost just a few seconds, they deployed a huge attack network array and invaded the Sea of ​​Hillis with a large amount of high-threat malicious traffic and information viruses.

He must be as good at defense as Mr. Network Supervisor. Linyin quickly followed the previous preparations and quickly strengthened the Sea of ​​Seas system.

As the strongest network defense project currently available, it can do its best to intercept attackers so that Nestor will not fall easily.

Even so, it was still greatly affected.

All Nisto's websites were forced to shut down immediately, otherwise any online user would risk leaking information.

Under Linyin's warning, all drones in the Nisto company were forced to ground their flights and were urgently recovered at various sites. They were immediately guarded by armed personnel. The loss of control of any drone would lead to unforeseen consequences.

s damage.

What's worse is the synths. All synths in the territory must suspend the project at hand and put down their weapons to avoid being hacked and killing each other.

Information garbage spreads rapidly with network cables and signals, and smart vehicles, advertising screens, and personal terminals have all been invaded.

Nisto's network security defense department also quickly went online.

They have mastery of the Sea of ​​Hillis but are not proficient in it, because the technology itself is difficult to learn, and "digital mind" is the bottom line requirement. Nestor has only collected and assembled 8 digital minds in the past few years.

It can arm 8 staff members, unlike the West Coast Treaty Organization, which can produce digital minds at will and distribute them to its attackers.

These eight Nisto cyber security staff serve as secondary defenders, trying their best to defend Nisto's infrastructure such as power, transportation, civil communications and other key units.

For these people with insufficient training time, this attack... was too cruel. One of them was destroyed by a large-scale attacker as soon as he came online. He quickly disconnected from the others and declared himself brain dead.

Rinne identified most of the attackers.

Many of them come from those companies that failed to attack Nisto Corporation, such as Proterra Network Security, Golden Shield, Symantec, Starring Network, Digital Ark, etc., as well as those who have been responsible for the work of the Sea of ​​Cylis in recent years.

New companies such as Anwang Planning.

They are here specifically to avenge the hackers who were killed by the cyber monsters, and to rebuild their own reputation.

These companies are inherently located in the Western Hemisphere, serving the West Coast Treaty Organization, and have no fear of retaliation or sanctions from Nisto.

Now, they took advantage of Xu Yang being offline to launch a brutal information attack.

Some neutral hackers have also begun to try to challenge the famous Nestor Company's Sea of ​​Silis.

When countless hackers attacked Nisto Corporation, they were devoured by cyber monsters.

Now that cyber monsters have landed on Reshu Continent on a large scale, other professional information companies have begun to attack Nisto Company. They are determined to launch an attack and do what their predecessors failed to do.

The Phantom Pain Flyer, the Night Lone Walker, the Black Hat Legion, the Crypto Heroes... a mess of hacker organizations are all attacking at this time.

Linyin worked hard to respond to the intrusion detection system, intercepting and swallowing up various hackers and professional network workers in time.

If a cyber monster is like a behemoth, a winged, constantly swimming large beast with infinite dimensions, Rinne's incarnation in the cyber world is more like a pure white slender monster, close to a fox or a she-wolf.

A hybrid that crushes rash intruders everywhere.

It was top secret that Mr. Internet Supervisor underwent surgery, but they, whether they were companies or individual organizations, seemed to be able to predict or steal the news, but they actually launched such a uniform and large-scale invasion in an outrageous manner!

Linyin was very surprised. She had no idea how the enemy knew the news.

It's really hateful to pick a moment like this to attack.

Over the years, Linyin has also been attacked here and there, but she was able to drive them away or eliminate them.

Nowadays, the volume of attacks is so huge that it exceeds the load of Sea of ​​Hillis. Even small hackers who have no chance can get in and look for opportunities, increasing Linyin's burden.

She desperately found that it was impossible to intercept these attackers on her own.

Nisto's valuable technical files, user data and key information are all in great danger at this moment.

Linyin had to forcibly destroy some of the compromised sites and completely abandon all information files in the area to prevent them from being taken away by the attackers.

There are still many people who suffered losses in the chaos, and their happy lives were instantly cast a shadow.

At this moment, Linyin received new messages from the reliable channel left by Xu Yang.

"Open up part of the outer defense area to us! Network supervisors from Nisto! We are the ones with no camera!"


"Yes, wherever there are damn corporate dogs, we will be there! We are going to beat the crap out of them!"

Since they used the special channel left by Xu Yang to communicate, it meant that Xu Yang trusted them.

Linyin agreed to let the hackers go to fend off the enemy.

After receiving permission to participate in the war, they acted quickly.

Hackers with no camera connections are hidden all over the world. When Nisto was attacked for the first time, they had no chance to show off their skills, but now they are all involved.

From all corners of the world, all hackers who are interested in helping to protect Nisto are determined to attack.

From big cities like Lundenim, West Coast, and Gialongpo, to well-known small towns like Massalia, Ooka City, and Chiba City, to hundreds of unknown small places, from the east to the west...

Hackers are everywhere and quickly start up and go online, ready to fight the company's power!

Hackers all over the world are involved in this storm!

"Fight the company dog!"

"I want to fight...I don't want to kneel!"

"Same as last time!"

"They attacked Nisto Company, let's hack their hometown!"

"Start the plan!"

“We can’t let Nisto Company fall!

"Nistor is our best hope!"

"If we don't fight this battle today, we will never have another chance in the future! If we don't win against them today, we will lose, and we will lose to them forever!"

This chapter has been completed!
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