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Chapter 765 Launch a rocket into the sky

Before Elodie came back with the news, Xu Yang and Lila arranged follow-up plans.

He sat in his leather chair and took in the new experience in his mind.

Previously, Cui Junyou not only replaced Xu Yang's brain processor, but also took this rare opportunity to completely clean the dust and replace the radiator.

Cui Junyou also officially announced his retirement. Xu Yang was his last customer. He said that he was very lucky. His last customer was Xu Yang, so he had nothing to complain about in his life.

Now, Xu Yang feels a hundred times more energetic than before! His thinking is even more agile, his running speed has increased, and his whole body is no longer as hot as before.

As Xu Yang returned to information monitoring with a new implant, no more attacks took effect.

The entire Sea of ​​Hillis, from Jialongpo, to Nisto Company, including the subsystem of Reshuzhou, is now in Xu Yang's restoration plan, and it is expected that it will be restored to its original condition in another month or two.

It cannot be said that there is 100% operating efficiency now, because many sites have been completely destroyed and reconstruction will take time.

He also returned all the supercomputers. Computer No. 1 was handed over to the Multi-eyed Demon. It had some private matters to discuss with Xu Yang. Xu Yang promised to see the Multi-eyed Demon alone when he was free. Machine No. 2 was handed over to the Multi-eyed Demon.

He returned to the World Earthquake Forecasting Association and continued to work on reducing earthquake damage; Unit 3 was returned to the laboratory. Its computing array was still very unstable and its scale had not reached expectations. It was just used to make up numbers.

"The restoration plan of Nisto Company will be divided into three phases." Lila quickly took out the report and made the plan with the magnanimity of the president.

When it comes to solving operational matters, she has ultra-high efficiency that no one else can match.

“First,” she continued, “assess the damage and repair damaged sites, machines, equipment and infrastructure in order of importance and priority.”

"Second," she added, "coordinate with all departments and personnel at all levels of Nisto to quickly restore basic services to normal operations. Provide everyone with official notices to explain the harm we have suffered and publicize the information security threats we currently face,

Explain a series of measures that will help fill the loopholes and prevent similar incidents from happening again, emphasizing our determination to protect information security."

"Third," she said, "assess the damage to the personal interests of all residents and make targeted compensation. Nisto will be responsible to the end to ensure the satisfaction of residents within the territory."

Immediately afterwards, Elody came back with compensation and an agreement.

"Everything is done and the contract is signed with them." Elodie proudly handed Lila a high-level diplomatic memorandum.

"There are still some debatable contents here, but our future development direction has been determined: heaven." Lila understood.

"Finally there is room for us." Xu Yang was very satisfied.

Outer space also has a first-come, first-served attitude. Without any coordination and supervision, Western companies have already filled the sky with advanced weapons, space stations and various satellites.

Now that military and diplomatic progress has been made, it is Nisto's turn to deploy its own satellites and space equipment.

Especially against the Destiny, the West Coast Treaty's ultimate railgun system that can crush Zangus into dust with one hit.

As long as the Mandate of Destiny is destroyed, the West Coast Treaty Organization will not be able to use it to threaten and massacre the rebels on the ground, and Nesto Corporation will also declare the destruction of the enemy's air and space supremacy.

"We can consider deploying our space weapons, satellites, space laboratories, residential stations or detectors." Lila analyzed.

Open up Nisto's own cosmic realm! I hope to reach cooperation with the dragon clan on the moon. The two parties can use this artificial celestial body that is about to be launched into the sky to reach a deeper alliance. Xu Yang secretly said.

It would be great if we had unified the world. Xu Yang felt a little excited. We could build an orbital elevator directly to the moon, which could easily support transportation between the earth and the moon.

Use tens of thousands of tons of carbon nanofibers to make "ropes", and then use electromagnetic ejection to launch goods or people to the moon... That would be a great miracle project for human civilization.

Unfortunately, due to obvious differences and contradictions, it is impossible to build such a big project, unless the earth is going to explode or the sun is going to explode, then maybe mankind will be a little more united.

Now there are only corporate people on the surface who are divided and hate each other. All Xu Yang can think about is launching a large number of signal satellites into the sky to support the interests of Nestor Corporation.

The West Coast Treaty Organization has 150,000 satellites in the sky, supporting prosperous and obstacle-free communications, navigation, data collection and detection. This number of satellites alone has established the threat to the Western world. Eastern Alliance also has 20,000 satellites .

Nisto currently only has 500 satellites in its possession, and the gap is still huge.

"We plan to build a manned space station in space during this five-year truce period." Xu Yang decided on his plan.

Nisto's... manned space station!

This concept makes both Lila and Elodie find it very challenging, but at the same time they are looking forward to it.

"A space station is large enough to support the dragon's temporary landing in human form, and can also carry our attackers." Xu Yang described his plan, "When the launch is successful, we will send the assaulters to our space station, and from The dragon on the moon also arrived at the same time, destroying the destiny weapon system in orbit with one last move."

"It's so reasonable for dragons to fly in space. Why don't you talk about the cosmic amoeba?" Elody said.

"Okay - this space station can also help us launch more satellites, serve as a platform to carry weapons and launch rockets, and can also test deep space exploration technology. It must also be modular to facilitate future upgrades and transformations." Xu Yang Thinking.

"I understand, I will make arrangements." Lila nodded.

"Hey, uncle." Elodie waved her hand, "And that very powerful and said to be great guy, Maverick the Titan, committed suicide."

"Maverick? I never thought someone like him would commit suicide." Xu Yang pondered.

"You know him?"

"Just like many famous hackers, they had a short period of fame, did a few cases and were taken over by big companies." Xu Yang shook his head, "I didn't expect that he would be my opponent, and now he has committed suicide. .Um……"


"I don't believe he committed suicide." Xu Yang raised his head.

"You are very good at calculations, aren't you? Can you calculate these things? I also think that one second he hesitated to die, and then he shot himself and died like a pustule." Elodie was curious.

Xu Yang closed his eyes to collect information.

"Who is in our intelligence department on the west coast?" Xu Yang asked casually.

He could look it up, but he could also test whether Elodie was familiar with the records.

"The strongest one is on the west coast. She is very brave and her skills are getting better and better." Elody said.

"...Then I'll send her to find Maverick's family, maybe she can find some clues." He said.

"What do you expect to catch?" Elodie scoffed.

"You can't be like this." Lila took Elodie away.

With Lila holding her armpits with both hands, Elody, who was 1.5 meters tall, was forced to leave the office with her feet dangling in the air. She seemed quite happy.

Which one is happier, Elodie or the comedian? Xu Yang thought to himself.

Falosa used to be quite humorous, but now she can't be happy anymore, and she doesn't know why.

However, it would be better for Farosha not to be so arbitrary...

On the other side, the west coast.

There is a row of high-end residences near the beach on the south coast, commonly known as Infiniti Apartments, which are rented out by the same real estate company.

Some of them were set on fire and looted during the "Black Tide" data attack, so half have a dark and damaged appearance, while others still maintain a delicate appearance. The company provides private courtyards surrounded by high walls, allowing residents to cultivate gardening.

With the emergency support of the "Nangang New Shield" security company, these luxury high-rise apartments are closely protected, and some military drones are suspended in the sky to maintain the safety of apartment residents.

At this moment, on the 22nd floor of the apartment, a young woman with short hair was packing things in a beautiful apartment room.

Wearing a crisp gray formal suit, she looked like a gray nitrile shark.

"We should get out of here as soon as possible, madam! It's not safe here!" A soldier wearing a Nangang New Shield uniform knocked on the open door.

A retro nameplate with the word "Nakamura" hangs at the door.

He put his hand on the trigger and stared at the woman.

"I know - it only takes a moment." She kept rummaging around the room, occasionally opening the hidden box on the wall and searching for the encrypted safe.

She also kept taking out electronic devices from the room and stuffing them into her handbag, moving in a hurry.

She ended up in a room where the soldiers outside waited too long and finally went inside.

The apartment is clean, bright and has easy views of the large beaches that the West Coast is famous for. It has a fully equipped kitchen and multiple bedrooms, and is obviously intended for families, but most of the rooms have been empty for many years.

From the luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows on the other wall, you can see many charming landscapes. Parks, skyscrapers and giant commercial buildings form a luxurious and luxurious landscape.

The soldier saw her sitting under the wall of the master bedroom, with a data cable connected to the back of her right ear and the square interface on the wall.

He took out his gun and aimed it at her.

"Follow my instructions, little girl, or you-"

She raised her hand, and a silent high-speed bullet was fired from under her sleeve, but it seemed to bounce off the soldier's armor.

She tried to get up to avoid it, but it was difficult to move because of the cables connected behind her ears.

The soldier stepped forward with an aggressive gesture and covered her, staring at her with his greedy eyes.

"You are Maverick's daughter, Rachel," he said.

"This is just a fake name." She hugged her knees with her hands, "Are you interested in me?"

"Of course, I want you." He reached out and stroked Rachel's cheek. "When you finish downloading your father's legacy, I will take you to where you should go."

"..." Rachel stared at him.

"Take my finger," he ordered.

She complied, running her tongue over the soldier's gloves and clasping her teeth lightly.

Then she closed her eyes and slowly waited for the information in the wall to be transmitted to her mind.


With the windows broken and glass flying, a heavily armed commando burst into the room.

"Get away from her!" the commando shouted.

Rachel raised her hand, and the soldier turned and fired.

A series of bullets hit the commando's body. Under the attack of the two men, his body was covered with dense bullet holes and he fell down covered in blood.

More drones approach the room.

"It's over." Rachel unplugged the cable and rushed outside.

The soldier let out a hoarse laugh, led Rachel up the stairs and rushed down to the apartment.

Shortly after leaving, they heard a lot of movement from the apartment upstairs, as if many people suddenly broke into the room.

"I'm glad you stayed calm, it would be annoying if you kept shooting at me." The appearance of the soldiers kept changing, from male to female, from old to young.

"I know you are not hostile."

"My surname is Du." Du Qianqian said.

"I have many names. Rachel, Akina Nakamura, 'Akira'."

"I only know that you are Maverick's daughter, and I want to take you to a safe place." Du Qianqian walked quickly.

"You are a hopeless and pathetic pervert. I don't like your bad taste, although your fingers are sweet and soft." Rachel said.

"I'm hopeless? Many people say that. What's the use?"

"Based on my knowledge of psychology, I reasonably infer that you had a miserable childhood and no family ever loved you."

"If you can't speak, don't speak." Du Qianqian said.

"And I have a very good father, a strong and reliable man who has never treated me badly from beginning to end."

"But your great father committed suicide and died like a manic animal." Du Qian moved to prepare the vehicle for departure.

"I know everything, so I don't care whether you are from Gaoge Jiuzhou, Nisto Company or Rose Medical; I only know that my father died just like you said, like a beast who doesn't know what is called, and now there are a group of

People want to destroy the traces of their existence. So, no matter who caused it, I will take revenge for it." Rachel walked down.

"Even if you have to fight against the whole world because of this." Du Qianqian said in a deep voice, launching the shuttle that had been hidden in advance.

"We are forced to fight against the world when we are born, and I never complain." Rachel said lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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