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Chapter 769 Maverick's Legacy

"In other words," Rachel Nakamura said cautiously, "it was you who killed my father."

"I don't know what to say, about Mr. Maverick Miller... I don't understand. To be more specific, I don't know whether you feel sad, sad or... scared about this matter? So I can only say...

The truth is honest, yes, I organized the counterattack. The data offensive that your news called the 'Black Wave' was also done by me." Xu Yang couldn't figure out Rachel Nakamura's temper.

"When I first heard that my father had committed suicide, my first thought was anger. I was angry that my father had chosen to die on such an unfortunate afternoon," said Rachel Nakamura.

"What does coincidence mean?" Xu Yang didn't understand. This woman was getting more and more puzzling.

"I originally had an insurance policy to sign, a train to catch, and several coupons that were about to expire waiting for me to redeem them. Even a cup of coffee is more valuable than sorting out my father's belongings.

"Rachel Nakamura said.

"You..." Xu Yang felt strange.

"It wasn't until I read the news about the Seven Seals from the documents left by my father that I felt that my father died at the right time, and the anger disappeared." Rachel Nakamura said, "The world is wrapped in three layers of history.

The history of the company, the history of the middle-level witch, and the deep history of the supernatural and occult. After reading the files left by my father, I felt that I was close to the facts and the truth for the first time in my life. This was more exciting to me than touching a stamp.


"Have you ever knocked on stamps? Can you quit?" Xu Yang was surprised.

"To be precise, I removed the content about it from my memory and only retained some necessary sensory memories to compare it with other events." Rachel Nakamura handed a document to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang checked briefly and couldn't help but nod.

Great...just what he needed.

This is one of the files left by Maverick. As a highly experienced hacker, he must have prepared a lot of back-up plans before his death to prevent something unexpected happening to him. Xu Yang thought to himself.

Thanks to Du Qianqian for rescuing this strange woman Rachel Nakamura from the West Coast, otherwise I would really be missing some key information.

"Is this one of the files you cracked?" Xu Yang checked and found that they were actually Maverick's work documents. They seemed to be shorthand written by Maverick while he was working. The content was messy and difficult to understand.

"Yes, my father left about 18780g of content in his apartment information system, including a virus program that was used to self-destruct browser search history and favorites. It also tried to delete a folder called study materials. I blocked

I got that virus because I had to check everything my father left behind, and any information could be valuable. Especially the folder called Study Materials, whose file names were divided by region, race, and some specific terms.

, This is very rare, I have never seen this kind of classification, and I believe I can find important clues from it." Rachel Nakamura said cautiously.

"Maverick has a daughter like you who will die without regrets." Xu Yang sighed.

"Yes. My father has always been proud of me." Rachel Nakamura nodded.

Xu Yang carefully checked the log deciphered by Rachel Nakamura.

"'60,30', Garden of Eden..." Xu Yang discovered the keywords mentioned repeatedly.

"The so-called 'Eden' is probably a quantum computer used by the West Coast Treaty Organization, which has the world's number one computing power." Rachel Nakamura said.

"I've heard about it too. Then this '60,30'... should be a coordinate." Xu Yang speculated, "It is located in Petersburg in the Great Northern Region. Judging from your father's diary, there is a link between Petersburg and the Garden of Eden.


"The date of this log was about 2 weeks ago. I think it is a technical connection. There are three possibilities. First, the technology for making the Eden quantum computer comes from Petersburg; second, the technology used to upgrade Eden can be used in

Petersburg is found; third, they will set up an Eden extension in Petersburg." Rachel Nakamura spoke as calmly as a robot reporting.

"Petersburg has been submerged in ice and snow, and is completely abandoned. The entire city has become a ruin on the ice and snow wasteland, but... I think the Northern Military Industry is conducting their quantum computer experiments there." Xu Yang speculated.

"Perhaps Severstal left prototypes or drawings of their advanced quantum computer in an important laboratory in Petersburg."

"Yes! The Northern Military Industry was also a giant enterprise before it was submerged by ice and snow. It would secretly develop its own quantum computer to serve their cryptography, medicine, military and intelligence... They had also recruited familiar people on a large scale before.

The quantum algorithm programmer... is in Petersburg. If we find information about quantum computers from the laboratory there, we will definitely be able to overcome Hyperion's research dilemma." Xu Yang was a little excited.

"I noticed an extra excitement, seven times more than when you saw my torso." Rachel Nakamura said.

"Of course - I once used a quantum computer to support my spirit, and that feeling..." Xu Yang tried to describe, "It's like you are above the entire world, and one of your thoughts can turn into a painting on the earth.

The entire world of quality and information is yours.”

"Yes, this is the experience of using stamps, and I'm glad you can use quantum computers as a meal replacement." Rachel Nakamura said.

"I have to find a way to send a team to Petersburg. I have to get more information and completely create Hyperion so that I can fight against the Eden System." Xu Yang pondered.

"I'm glad I could help you. I didn't think working with Nisto would be very interesting, but I found from my previous job that we would make a good working group."

"But your father...would he want his daughter to cooperate with the 'enemy'?"

"It's funny, we're discussing a dead man's opinion."

"……All right."

"You need extra support. I heard that the Great Northern Region is almost no man's land now." Rachel Nakamura said.

"We have many brothers and sisters there, a guerrilla force. They are the real shining red stars, doing arduous things." Xu Yang pondered.

Petersburg! We are almost arriving in Europe.

Starting from the northern archipelago, you have to go through the entire frosty wasteland and destroy all the scattered forces along the way. Due to the influence of the cold air, the entire Great Northern Region has become a barren wasteland, and the survivors are no different from animals.

It would be great if we took advantage of this opportunity and set out from the wasteland in the east to assist the guerrillas in regaining the entire Great North and establishing a shining, glorious new northern power.

"As far as I know, your attack on the Great North is likely to be a failure, because the intermittent cold waves will destroy anything you try to build." Rachel Nakamura poured cold water.

"Okay, okay, let's go and find Ye Zi to collect the reward. I believe you will need money very much. I will also send someone to follow you around this city to help you adapt to life in Beijing." Xu Yangshou.

No Rachel Nakamura.

He sent her away and began to consider when to send a task force to Petersburg.

Rachel Nakamura contacted Kojima Ye Zi and asked her for a reward.

Ye Zi transferred 1.5 million funds to Rachel Nakamura without hesitation.

"I found that she refused to talk to me and kept the communication between us at the level of money." Rachel Nakamura said to Xu Yang.

"Zi Zi won't talk to you if nothing happens. You are just an 'expert' and just a tool for her." Xu Yang casually insulted Rachel Nakamura.

"Very good, now that I have funds, I need a guide to take me around the city and let me know the general situation of the city." Rachel Nakamura said slowly.

"I think humans can't stand your temper and way of speaking, so I sent a very reliable and powerful robot to take you to experience life in Beijing." Xu Yang couldn't talk too much to Rachel Nakamura, so he sent her away.


There is probably only one guy who can compete with Rachel Nakamura.

On the other side, after 50 days of excavation and adventure, A40 finally dug out the famous sword "Sakura Shi" from the bottom of the mountain stream.

It killed a bunch of apes, white snakes, centipedes and mutants along the way. It was surprised that there were such pristine places in the world.

A40 carried a basket of old waste batteries and carried Yingsui back to the surface. Shura followed behind it and came into the sunshine.

"The ferocious aura is strong and the invincible Sakura is in your hands. It is like other weapons I have used. It is invincible in defense and cannot be broken, no matter how many tons of apes punch you.

, or monsters several stories high can hit you hard, but they can't damage it." Shura attached to the armor and followed A40 in a floating form.

"Awesome." A40 said.

"Your force is very powerful, but you can't survive with just swords." Shura turned to A40, "During the Warring States period when I was active, there was a general who was a swordsman and a master in martial arts, but he still

He was betrayed by his relatives and besieged by tens of thousands of people in his own room. He stuck hundreds of knives on the ground, sat cross-legged and waited. When the enemy rushed in, he raised the knife to kill, and when the knife was blunt, he pulled it out from the ground.

New, keep killing! Even a warrior of this level cannot avoid dying of exhaustion and being cut into a pulp by a group of illiterate peasants using spears."

If it were the previous A40, it would probably be bullshitting with Shura. But the current A40 is more cautious, because the enemies it wants to challenge are giants like the Quantum Warrior and A999, and it must not let its arrogance continue.

"So, how can we make martial arts play a greater role?" A40 asked humbly.

"There is a knife in your hand, and a compassionate heart in your chest. There is a difference between killing the enemy and those that shouldn't be killed. In battle, there is a difference between a must-fight and a need-to-fight. You should understand this kind of thing very well," Shura said.

"I guess you didn't abide by such regulations, otherwise you wouldn't have become Shura."

"Yes, if I can correct everything myself, maybe I can die with honor and loyalty. At least I won't let the person I love die in my arms and stab her with a knife in her chest. You can't do that again.

My mistake. Now you serve a new master. This is a good way to display your martial arts. If he sends you to the right battlefield, just like inserting a sword into a suitable scabbard, you will gain your reputation.

Give full play to your talents and there will be no regrets for a warrior." Shura said.

"I believe that my boss is a qualified lord and he will send me to the appropriate battlefield." A40 said firmly.

In the afternoon, he was sent to go shopping with Rachel Nakamura.

"I found that you are using an ancient weapon. Does this imply the conservative style of your factory settings?" Rachel Nakamura asked.

"What? Where is the enemy?" A40 asked.

"I don't understand what enemy you are referring to. It has nothing to do with our current topic."

"Nothing else works, I just want to know where the enemy is!"

"Your dialogue seems to be limited to specific sentence patterns. I can make modifications to allow you to obtain more additional sentences, which will make the communication between you and me more efficient."

"Wait a minute, you mean you know where the enemy is?" A40 asked.

"No. I didn't express it that way."

"Then where is the enemy? Do you know where the enemy is?"

Rachel Nakamura paused on the street.

She stared at A40 for about five minutes.

"I don't know where the enemy is," she admitted.

"Then you are really useless. Okay, let me find you a place to sleep. You actually don't even know where the enemy is, and you don't know why the boss brought you in!" A40 led the way.

Rachel Nakamura followed A40 and remained silent.

Before falling asleep at night, she stared at the ceiling.

Her lips trembled, and she tried her best to stop herself with reason, but she still couldn't help but say it.

"Where is the enemy...?" Rachel Nakamura said to herself.

This chapter has been completed!
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