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Chapter 774 Anonymous Forum Upgrade

Chapter 774 Anonymous Forum Upgrade

Although there is a strong person like Jin Yuxiu sitting in Jialongpo, Ye Zi will still feel flustered. Xu Yang thought to himself.

He sent someone to pick up Ye Zi, and then dealt with the collapse of Wuxiang's relationship.

The once prosperous cameraless organization is now torn apart, with surviving members blaming each other, the entire forum in a state of chaos, and facing the end of the station being disbanded.

Xu Yang failed to fully cooperate with them. Although they tried their best to support Nisto Company, they were still a group of people who went their own way. There was no unified dispatch, no superiors and subordinates at all, and they were not closely connected with each other.

Since the Seven Seals destroyed it, most of the survivors washed their hands in the golden basin, while the others went into exile to the "New World Organization", an anonymous forum established by Xu Yang, to make further plans.

Xu Yang climbed up to observe the discussion thread established by the cameraless exiles.

"It's so scary. When those big companies really want to eliminate us, it's like swatting a bunch of bugs!"

"We have no power to resist...hackers are too vulnerable."

"Many people were killed or captured... we don't even know where they were taken."

"Now we can only hide ourselves. It's a pity that no one is organizing so much information and technical documents."

As the administrator of the New World Organization, Xu Yang provided these exiled hackers with an additional server, named the "Black Library", which had a large capacity and was specially used to store knowledge for them.

It is completely anonymous, cannot be tracked, and has strong encryption. Due to these convenient features, there are more and more users of New World Organization.

Ye Zi was wearing a black uniform, sunglasses, and his hair was combed into a ponytail. The two waitresses were holding Qian Shu and waiting behind him. Qian Shu seemed to be quiet, not crying or making trouble.

Not long after, someone signed up, and Xu Yang found that there were quite a few people there, including real technical elites.

"Without the mysterious administrator who keeps running it behind the scenes, we don't even have a secure system in the world that can discuss things." Hackers leave a lot of anonymous discussions and share the knowledge in the black library.

Naturally, I am also very satisfied that there is still such a place in the world where I can hide.

It was in a corridor that she met Farosha.

Whoever grasps Niu Niu's preferences can attract a lot of people.

As long as some hackers are willing to join, it's enough. Xu Yang secretly thought.

"However, there is still this forum, New World Organization, where we can continue to share encrypted communications and other hacking techniques. We will gather everything we can find here, and people will find ways to learn from it later."

A hacker suggested.

To some hackers, the offer is tempting.

They ate in a single dining room.

Under Xu Yang's coordination and organization, in addition to the black library that stores hacker knowledge, there is also a liaison group that specializes in organizing progressive cause resistance.

“The new library system is so convenient! You can find everything!”

Xu Yang supports an automatic sorting system and scanning program in the library to ensure that the files uploaded by hackers are safe and can be automatically classified into appropriate directories.

Due to long-term disrepair, the deep network has been eroded by countless native viruses and out-of-control AI, turning it into a dangerous place where people will encounter trouble once they enter.

Including "Progress Library", "Monument of the Immortal", "Great Walking Plan", etc., they are all composed of people from all over the world who love tower rushing. They share their experiences in their respective groups every day.

"It is impossible to reconstruct the cameraless gateway, everything has passed..."

The synthetic robot walked over in traditional clothes, its clogs making a slight clicking sound on the floor. It brought the dinner plate between Xu Yang and Ye Zi, greeted them with perfect etiquette, and then left.

Xu Yang also didn't expect that the forum he created would be so popular today.

Many corridors and rooms were originally the private rooms of "nobles", but now they have become game rooms and office spaces for employees, which are a hundred times more lively than in the past.

Their discussion threads mainly include sections such as asking for help, skill sharing, and resource allocation. Because there are so many people, it is easy to find people who can help. Programmers will also share some simple software, and doctors will receive free online consultations.

Each class has "one hour of voluntary work" every day.

Demoralized hackers accumulate a large number of venting and complaining posts in discussion threads.

"Network Association" is a collective organization that is very active in New World Organization, with more than 250,000 members. This is a group that adheres to the principle of free association. They establish collective accounts, donate funds internally, and share their skills and resources for free.

, most of the members are hackers, social activists, artists and other people who pursue the principle of equal cooperation.

"Yeah...'Xisheng R&D Center'..." Ye Zi thought of what was once the most powerful scientific research institution in the Eastern Hemisphere. Now most of its members have joined Nisto Corporation, and their identities have completely changed.

The New World Organization established by Xu Yang was originally just to share traffic pressure, but now it has basically replaced the Deep Anonymous Network.

"Your researchers had related designs many years ago, until we had the determination and strength to officially put them into production." Xu Yang ate with chopsticks.

Because Xu Yang often hugged the little fool in the past, Xu Yang was also very comfortable holding Qianshu. She lay lazily in her father's arms and winked at him quietly.

So most users are looking for benefits.

As they uploaded documents one after another, this server became the only remaining library of hacker skills in the world!

"Xisheng had already shown an obvious conservative attitude before he was defeated. Especially in the years when his mother was 'about to die', everyone only wanted to fight for her mother's inheritance and did not care about the company's management. It was obvious that Xisheng felt hopeful.

Sheng had become a rigid and empty shell at that time..." Ye Zi sighed.

"The anonymous server here is a bit more advanced than the cameraless gateway, with free traffic and encrypted channels!"

Not only hackers, but also social activists from all over the world who hope to resist corporate power actively share and exchange their struggle experiences in anonymous systems.

There is also the "Torch Pioneers", the latest group that has emerged with great momentum. This is a gang of demolition geniuses who advocate destroying the world together through self-destruction, taking away some corporate buildings, innocent civilians and company property.

More people still use New World Organization to do anonymous interactions, post content that is inconvenient to post on public media platforms, upload and store various film, television, and animation resources.

After all, hackers are a free and unrestrained group of people, and they may feel that providing services to a company is tantamount to betraying their long-standing values.

The meal included lobster, tempura, and salmon sashimi on a maglev plate, garnished with asparagus and cherry tomatoes, and another bowl with broccoli, mushrooms, and perfectly trimmed crabmeat, plus 250 grams.

High quality steak, melted fat.

“It’s great to be able to learn hacking skills here!”

Falosa's eyes were cold and her demeanor was impeccable.

They can strengthen Nisto's cyber defenses, support our efforts to manage and adapt the digital world, and expand Nisto's much-needed cyber security talent pool.

"She is nothing like Xu Cheng." Xu Yang said, "Xu Cheng often moves or mumbles in my arms."

He immediately ordered people to arrange the contact work to ensure that they could join the job smoothly.

Nisto Company inherited the industries of the northern archipelago with an absolutely cutting-edge attitude, swallowed up the nutrients of Xisheng, and became the dominant player in the Eastern Hemisphere today.

In the afternoon, Ye Zi and Qianshu arrived.

After finishing the meal, Ye Zi took Qianshu out for a walk and continued to observe the changes that took place in Nisto's headquarters.

But Xu Yang knew that more people would still wait and see.

After the terrible snow disaster in the first year, people became much more proficient in dealing with it in the second year. Many northern cities were evacuated, and more heating pipes and cold protection measures were added to Beijing.

"Who will build the knowledge base? Who has the authority and prestige?"

Some contents that were originally banned and lost are now being collected and shared by people with lofty ideals.

Ye Zi and Xu Yang both had their own emotions when they thought about this journey.

"Xu Yang!" She came over and kissed Xu Yang, "We're finally here."

People who have been influenced by corporate thinking for a long time accidentally enter these groups and will be immediately surprised, shocked and frightened, because these people want to uproot the company.

"One person transfers a little bit, and this hacker knowledge is priceless!"

"It's too cold here, go to the room quickly." Xu Yang led them away from the cold January weather.

“I really don’t know who is behind this anonymous system!”

Any young person who aspires to become a hacker will quickly come into contact with the Black Library, and eagerly download and study the instruction manuals contained therein.

As for resource allocation, they plan to use the "donations" raised to purchase some scattered small pieces of land around the world, use solar and wind energy to provide electricity, and use hydroponics and other advanced agricultural technologies to produce resources, thus leaving the servitude of the company.

They were tired of living in the shadows and could return to living in the sunshine by heading to Nestor Corporation.

In addition, Xu Yang also saw other discussion threads with relatively large movements.

"Let's establish a plan to restore the hacker knowledge base! Although most of the skills in the past have been eliminated with the establishment of the Sea of ​​Seas system, some knowledge is still critical."

Many companies want to shut down or eliminate the New World Organization, but after all, the main server is in Xu Yang's workshop. As long as they are not defeated or killed, the New World Organization will last forever and provide everyone in the world with a

A space for free and anonymous discussion.

"Let that silly kid make his own noise, Qianshu should be so quiet." Ye Zi has always disliked Xu Cheng.

Xu Yang went to the parking corridor on the middle floor of Nisto headquarters to pick them up.

"When I saw her reflective fingers, I realized that it was a synthetic human. The level of manufacturing and designing synthetic humans by Nisto Company is also getting higher and higher." Ye Zi nodded.

The latter are like a group of flames that accidentally pop up around the world. They share progressive books, music, history and valuable sports experience safely in an anonymous system.

The current front-line network security personnel of Nisto Company are basically all with a professional background. These hackers who have been in society for a long time and are accustomed to committing crimes have rich experience, and their help can provide valuable hacking experience.

The city is covered in snow, with few pedestrians and only white shuttles moving among the snowflakes.

"On the one hand, it is to encourage Mr. Taro Tanaka to transfer his 'talent' from manufacturing combat robots to household robots. On the other hand, it is also to intercept a large amount of Nozomi's research and development data from the terminal here. It is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of your family.


Because New World Organization has no advertisements, fast access speed, and large capacity, Xu Yang found that its users have exceeded 650 million.

The "Digital Ascension Army" has members from all over the world, and the concept is quite crazy. It advocates that members collectively ascend digitally, upload it to a server, build a utopia-like happy environment, and then use a spaceship to launch their group of people outside the star sea.

From now on, I will not care about worldly affairs. They are currently donating money. Xu Yang estimated the speed at which they can raise money. It will take about 500 years to get it all together. It is still very promising.

“After the cameraless system collapsed, I thought there was no place to learn new skills.”

Stand on Xisheng, and then go one step further to project power into space.

"Come on! We are here to rebuild the hacker's knowledge base and fill it in volume by volume!"

Xu Yang also uploaded a recruitment notice in the black library, pointing out that Nisto Company is looking for experienced hackers.

Even though he had thought about it many times, Ye Zi still couldn't say it when facing Farosha.

She relied solely on instinct to say "...I'm sorry."

Their eyes met, and Ye Zi's hand shook, almost knocking Qianshu to the ground.

"?" Falosa glanced at Ye Zi and Qianshu, "Who are you?"

(End of chapter)

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