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Chapter 77: A New Era of Rat People

More and more rat people and giant rats gathered together and successfully passed through the central structure of the Shenkong Building and reached the surface.

Their figures were exposed to the sun one after another, and were transmitted to all parts of the world by network signals. Most online media and TV stations were broadcasting the images recorded in Anjiu City in real time.

"Look, such a large group of rat people!" the host exclaimed, "We humans are not alone! All the rumors about the rat people are true. The end of the rat tide does not mean the extinction of the rat people. Now let's

Let’s go down and interview this beautiful rat lady.”

"They don't seem to have any ill intentions." Farosha looked at the scene on the screen. The host of Corner House TV was leaning down, and the propeller was roaring.

Xu Yang was not surprised that the company was going to take advantage of the Rat Man.

"If Sally is promoted as an Internet celebrity," Xu Yang observed, "and cultivated into a tourist mascot of Aizu City, the benefits will be amazing, and the money earned will be enough to rebuild three or four Aizu Castles."

The TV station shuttle moved downwards, and the camera footage got closer and closer to Sally.

She was intoxicated with the joy of reaching the ground. She opened her eyes, which were filled with bloodshot eyes. Seeing the humans approaching step by step, she became angry and anxious again, and made a sharp squeaking sound. The aftereffects of taking the stamps were clearly visible, and her cheeks were sunken.

, looking confused.

"Wow," the host said quickly, "Hello! Dear Ms. Rat, we are from Corner House TV. We don't mean any harm. Please don't attack."

"Survive." Sally circled around her tail and looked at the large group of company security team members who were preparing to attack. "We have to survive."

"Please introduce yourself to the camera," the host said, "What is your name?"

"Sally, Sally..." she repeated.

"In everyone's mind, rat people are very human-like creatures. Where did they originate from?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Sally looked very uneasy in the sunshine, "I don't know."

"She looks very weak!" the host yelled, "please send a medical team!"

A medical drone flew close from a distance. It was shaped like a diamond-shaped white metal block.

Approaching Sally, the medical drone raised a cone-shaped multi-section scanner from the center, quickly checked Sally, and then stretched out a metal tube from the bottom.

Sally stared blankly at the machine.

"Don't be afraid," the host said, "This is an advanced treatment drone produced by Jingyuan Pharmaceutical Company. It is good for you. Please come closer."

The mice looked at everything in front of them angrily. If something happened to Sally, they would risk their lives to avenge her.

Sally got closer to the drone. It extended a needle from a metal tube, pierced Sally's upper right arm, and injected some kind of medicine into her. Sally frowned at first, but soon her expression became soothed, and the medicine seemed to improve her.


The drone circled away. The host turned around and communicated with the staff around him, smiling happily. He wondered what kind of medicine had been injected into Sally.

Sally, Sally, the leader of the mice, the young prophet, the witch, the saint.

She raised her head and took a deep breath into the sunlight shining on her face. When she opened her eyes, she looked much healthier, not as depressed and tired as before.

Xu Yang saw unprecedented health and vitality in her.

Still in the sun.

It seems that the rat people have no conflict with Anjiu City. Once the bomb left by Mateo is defused, things will be completely different, and the rat people will get a new future.

However, Lila frowned and had not yet completely locked the location of the bomb.

"The drone report shows that you need more care," the host said with a smile, "Are you interested in becoming the image ambassador of our Corner House TV station? We can provide you with good medical and accommodation services to help you quickly join the beautiful warmth

of human society.”

"What should I do?" Sally was confused.

The host quickly asked the assistant on the shuttle to come down, took out a pile of reports printed on the ink screen, and handed them to Sally.

"Just sign here," the host persuaded diligently, "We will provide a low-interest loan to help you solve various problems you are currently encountering."

"Where are the other rat people? What should we do?" Sally looked at the group of rats behind her. There were thousands of rats with different appearances.

"We will provide them with the best and most suitable positions," the host said in a very kind tone, "please rest assured that this is a colorful society, and we are willing to accept our new companions on this planet with an inclusive attitude. About you

We are very curious about your ecology, social conditions and past! All the information about you is fascinating. It can open up a variety of new disciplines. Being able to accept a group of rats is also a brand new chapter in our history.


"I... hurt many people," Sally said blankly, "Do you also forgive me...?"

"Don't worry," the host explained, "We heard that Aizu City has suffered a certain degree of damage, but this is within an acceptable range. As long as you work hard for the TV station, Kadoya Media will set up a special fund to comfort

And repair the damaged residents and buildings in Aizu City to ensure that the differences between us are bridged to the greatest extent. Our company leaders have confirmed this in the conference call a few minutes ago."

"Yes, yes, thank you! Thank you!" Sally couldn't help but say, "I can work, I have magic power, I have two kinds of magic power, the first one..."

She raised her hand. In an instant, the TV screen became blurry. It seemed that the signal was interfered with. Xu Yang vaguely saw the TV station's shuttle crashing down. This was Sally's first magic power, summoning electromagnetic pulse.



The host yelled and hugged the door of the shuttle. The propellers stopped spinning for a while. After a few seconds, the signal returned to normal. The shuttle had hit the ground, forcing the host to jump down early to avoid being smashed to pieces.

"Huh...huh..." The host was helped up by two special operations team members next to him.

"The other kind of power is life." Sally stretched out her hand to the host, and the camera turned to the host's handsome face.

"Aha..." Before the host could realize what was happening, the cosmetic prosthesis on his face peeled off due to rejection, revealing the ugly face underneath that was greasy and covered with scars.

He was startled by his appearance in the picture and was at a loss. He had not seen his original self since he was 20 years old. But as Sally used her magic, his face quickly became younger again, wrinkles disappeared, and his skin changed.

Bai, the whole person is full of energy and the body is getting stronger.

In other words, it is the magic power of rejuvenation or strengthening of vitality.

"It's amazing! Not only is a witch born among the rat people, but also two extremely rare magic powers - directional electromagnetic pulse and life force manipulation." The host recovered from the previous panic and became very excited, "Miss, you will

She will be the most dazzling rat witch in the local area! Please sign here."

Sally wrote her name tremblingly on the ink screen.

"Congratulations, this is the beginning of a new future for the rat people!" The host shook hands with Sally happily, "We will no longer hurt each other!"

"oh oh!"


"Very good!"

"Reconciliation!" The crowd of Anjiu City and the Ratmen all cheered.

Sally smiled and shook hands with everyone who came to greet her. A new era for the rat people was coming.

This is how the Rat Man's story comes to an end. Xu Yang thought to himself. It is a good result, and the anonymous number can return to the ground normally.

"This is interesting." Falosa was amazed when she saw everything ended. "The power outage and the rat infestation ended in this way."

"The most important thing is that Sally will expose Mateo's matter," Xu Yang nodded. "The Black Fire Innovation will become the target of public criticism again."

Only the "dirty bomb" buried by Mateo remains.

"Has it been located?" Xu Yang asked. If there is only one bomb, it can be easily deactivated. Just send a message to the company personnel stationed inside and ask them to deal with it.

Lila spent a lot of effort searching the Shenkong Building, searching it from head to toe, and found a total of 7 suspicious packages. They were all equipped with sophisticated systems for isolation and scanning, and they had to be visited in person to crack them.

"I found a total of 7." Lila murmured, "They vary in size, yield and charge, but they have all triggered a countdown. Master, we should retreat immediately. There is no time to dismantle them all."

7 pieces...

Nothing can survive.

Xu Yang trembled all over and his scalp felt numb.

These bastards of the Blackfire Revolution—

Not caring too much, he immediately cut into the main security system of Shenkong Building, sounded the evacuation alarm, and at the same time played the recording advising to evacuate on every playback device, asking everyone to go as far away as possible and not to stay for a moment.

Lila pulled the joystick hard and pushed the Anonymous backwards.

The piercing sirens sounded, causing the power armor soldiers on the ground to retreat one after another. The security personnel in the building also found suspicious objects similar to bombs. They panicked but were unable to dismantle them.

The Corner House TV station is still sending people to interview Sally. The giant rats and rat people are surrounding her, looking forward to the bright future promised by mankind. There are crowds of citizens watching, constantly using their mobile phones to record the historic scene in front of them. The building has not yet been closed.

The warnings were believed to be true.

Mateo and two witches hid in a safe house a few blocks away, watching all this coldly from a small video terminal. The timer in its mind moved slowly, synchronizing with the countdown on the bomb.

it's over.


The screen was cut off, the communication was destroyed, the Shenkong Building was shattered, white light shone, like a small sun rising underground, the strong light blinded him, heat waves and poisonous gas surged out with the explosion, fire raged, and the shock wave crashed over.

Everything around him was overturned, and the Anonymous was also hit hard. He fell on the hatch cover, and the loud sound almost broke his eardrums.

The world is spinning.

Thanks to the nano-armor, Xu Yang became more agile. He stood up on the hatch cover without hurting himself. He found that the Anonymous had been turned upside down, and debris was scattered on the hatch cover, making it a mess.

"Farosa? Lila!" Xu Yang shouted.

No one responded for a while.

He looked outside and saw raging fire burning through the Shenkong Building, poisonous gas filling the air, radiation concentration exceeding the standard, and all flesh, flesh and dreams disappearing from it.


Chapter 77: A new era for the rat people

This chapter has been completed!
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