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Chapter 797 Hold a Charity Meeting

Chapter 797: Hold a charity meeting

After the business meeting, they held a simple lunch reception.

Memnon was indeed a very enthusiastic and cheerful entrepreneur. Not long after, he and Xu Yang found a corner to have a drink together and planned to arrange a charity celebration.

"Do charity! Let's do charity together, Commissioner Xu." He kept pouring wine for Xu Yang.

Many of the wines are famous wines he brought from the west coast, from the world's best winery, Chateau Binfert in the Etienne Valley.

The Etienne Valley is located in the Gaul region of Western Europe. In Falosa's memory, Xu Yang took his wife and daughter to live there in seclusion, and it is now a famous wine-producing area in the world.

Although there is no real connection between reality and memory, Xu Yang could still think of bits and pieces of the Etienne Valley as he shook his wine glass.

If the vines planted with Madame Madusa back then were true, they would be very prosperous now.

"Charity?" Xu Yang drank a glass of wine.

The mellow red wine slowly penetrated into his spleen and stomach, and a wonderful taste rose from below, as if hundreds of people were fanning the flames in Xu Yang's body at the same time, cheering crazily.

"Yes, high-end events are very popular on the West Coast and Thailand, charity fundraising. Many wealthy people gather together, bring some charities, foundations, artists, singers, performers, and then auction things - all

Are they kind-hearted people who haven't done anything like this in Beijing?" Memnon asked.

"The northern archipelago is very different from the west coast," Xu Yang said casually.

"Just like yourself? Mr. Memnon? Have you bought D2?" Xu Yang poured a glass for Memnon.

"It's just like what a saint would say, here's a toast to you!" Memnon clinked glasses with Xu Yang, and each took another gulp of wine.

"Yes...someone originally suggested not to do this, but at least half of them opposed it." Xu Yang sighed.

"That's the problem," Xu Yang said, "We work hard just to be able to lie down, not to 'keep working hard.' Bloodshed and sacrifice are all means. We can't let people struggle for so long and then lie to them and say: Fight one more time."

Yes, it will be better in the future. No, no, that is too bullying. We should say: This generation has paid too much, it is time to rest. Let us stop, collect the results, and then divide what we have got.

Come out and distribute it to those who support us and believe in us along the way. We have studied too much how to make things, but people have always avoided talking about how to distribute things... No, we cannot avoid talking about it!"

"If you really realize a good society, people will be tired of it! It will feel boring. You should tell them that a good society will be realized in a hundred years, and they should continue to struggle now." Memnon said enthusiastically.

Today, all commercial routes and academic routes have been defeated by AI painters. Artificial intelligence has exhausted all human painting categories. Even very young children can input a few words to generate master-level paintings.

Creation makes those young painters who have painting ideals lose their enthusiasm, and comics and illustrations are the hardest hit areas.

"Me? I'm a serious person." Memnon said restrainedly, "I love anything that can make money. Entrepreneurship can make us achieve great things, especially on the west coast. You must always keep an eye on business opportunities. Of course, the northern islands are also good.

, there are opportunities to make money everywhere. But we are making money in a chaotic metropolis, and you are making money in an orderly metropolis."

Many guests had already arrived. The first half of the banquet was filled with dances, songs and lively performances. Famous girl groups, comedians and singers from Beijing all took turns performing on the stage.

Memnon is very satisfied with the current situation of the two of them. This is a rare occasion in the world, where two powerful people drink famous wine and chat casually together.

"It's hard to say..." Xu Yang drank slowly, "I think our biggest characteristic is...delivering results. Because we first unite a group of people and tell them to work hard and fight for a fair outcome.

Society, let’s move forward! Afterwards, we won and worked hard to fulfill our promise. Although this was at the cost of harming our own interests, we still accomplished it and we will never lie to our own people.”

Xu Yang was immediately attracted by this painting. The human face in the carrot has an indescribable sense of depression and alienation. It perfectly depicts the isolation and emptiness of modern humans. This kind of painting contains the artist's personal philosophy.

It is impossible for AI to reproduce it.

"I have to stop before they knock my bones and suck out my marrow." Memnon shook his wine glass, "I am just a watchdog and will be killed when I get old. So I plan to... retire as soon as possible, maybe leave in three years.

Don’t ask for anything, return to the West with dignity, spend the rest of your life on a small island, maybe be an olive farmer, at least it’s better than death.”

Senior managers from many companies were invited to attend, and the competing items they auctioned were mainly their respective art collections, all of which were famous pieces, as well as some miscellaneous items that Xu Yang put up.

In order to compete with artificial intelligence that is proficient in painting, most of the paintings are quite bizarre, pure stream of consciousness or absurd art, which makes people avoid them. Artists can only live a relatively failed life.

The grand event of this party was recorded and broadcast live, attracting many people to watch, especially the loyal fans of the performers, who were even more fascinated at this time. It is rare to see celebrities gather together for such an event.

He himself hadn't had the opportunity to drink casually with anyone in many years. Memnon was surprisingly friendly and talkative.

In the northern archipelago, what is now emerging is the term "200 million total middle class", which means that the 200 million people in the northern archipelago feel that they are not poor, but small middle class.

The west coast is full of shootings and killings, extremely cruel and dangerous; while people in Shangjing and other cities are friendly and peaceful, living a leisurely life.

He himself is not keen on it, and Lila doesn't like this kind of thing either. Ye Zi is the only one who can hold related activities, but she mainly held activities in Jialongpo before.

"Selling well? Of course it's good! There are too many people on the West Coast, tens of millions of people with spending power. They have all made a fortune from the scraps of materials coming in and out of Xintaixizhou. They are rich... Think about it, the entire Xintaixizhou

Only an area on the west coast is open to the outside world. The people in this small area are as if they are blessed by heaven. If they risk their lives and go into the inland to scavenge, they can become millionaires by just picking up some scraps. This is the land of dreams! So,

Don’t these lonely, sensitive, precarious New World explorers lack the company of D2s?” Memnon said while drinking.

"The Lighthouse Core Company sent a supervisor, and 'that organization' also sent people to monitor me. The situation is very complicated." Memnon raised his glass, "However, the human spirit is like this. When the situation is the most tense, we can actually

It burst out with great courage. I used to be afraid, afraid that one day I would be silenced - yes, even if I am a billionaire in the eyes of the world, it would be easy for them to kill me. But now, I am not so afraid, ha! Experience

After experiencing so many interesting things, death is nothing."

Memnon thought to himself that he could not do such a thing.

He stared at his own painting, a sad face in a purple carrot, the blood of his heart, the essence of his artistic contemplation.

Although he had just arrived, Memnon had already learned about the new social aspects of the northern archipelago.

There are less cases of mutual discrimination, oppression and contempt. Anyway, everyone is living the same life. With the improvement of social atmosphere, people's pursuit of music, art and physical exercise has also increased, focusing on self-improvement.

After all, it is a zero-pressure society. You can maintain a decent life by doing anything, and the public security is surprisingly good, because the poor have no need to commit crimes.

The painter is doubtful.

"Try it." Xu Yang wanted to help him, "I'm a staff member working here. We quietly took this painting away and auctioned it at the exhibition, but we didn't say it was your painting, but we said it was

How do you like the painting I painted?"

On one side of the ocean, it is an extremely cruel world where people need to work hard to survive. People plot against each other, fight and strive to climb up. It can be said to be a moral depression; while on the other side, sheep are like little sheep.

Like a circle, many people seem to have never suffered a loss in a long time. They are relaxed and free and easy, like a model in the world.

"My art is meaningless! No one will buy it!" lamented a fine art painter, leaning next to his painting.

In addition, artificial intelligence seems to be standing still because it has devoured human artistic achievements. While they are waiting for the emergence of new art masters, they are crushing the value of small painters.

"Yes, the Lighthouse Core..." Xu Yang thought thoughtfully, "The Lighthouse Core will use us."

"I can't do it. On the one hand, I don't have the courage, and on the other hand, I don't have the final say on the West Coast." He sighed.

The entire painting art industry has no successors. The misuse of AI has destroyed the confidence of painters. Whatever they create will be immediately taken away by AI and they will create tens of millions of soulless imitations. When people first look at AI paintings, they will

It's amazing. After watching tens of millions of pictures, I feel extremely bored, bored and even scared.

"You know too many secrets, the secrets of the lighthouse core, the secrets of New Taixi Continent, the secrets of Night Gate Technology..." Xu Yang suddenly realized the danger in Memnon.

There is also an exhibition area where many frustrated artists display their paintings.

The carefully drawn picture has an absurd side face, as if growing together with a carrot.

Thinking of this, Memnon asked again: "How did you make this place like this? I heard before that all high-rise buildings are concentrated here, and there are unfinished buildings, gangs, ronin, killer ninjas, thieves, and hackers everywhere.

, Mechanical Warrior..."

"D2 synths sell very well on the West Coast..." Xu Yang leaned against the bar.

Xu Yang's wine glass was empty, and Memnon refilled it for him, as if he were a conscientious waiter, pouring out a symbol of wealth.

As soon as Memnon arrived, Xu Yang felt that he could indeed hold one.

From the "West Coast" to "Shangjing", Memnon feels like going from hell to heaven.

"Respect the human spirit." Xu Yang raised his glass and drank with Memnon.

A few days later, people were drinking and drinking at a charity party held by Memnon.

"We won't be like this." Memnon shook his head, "Commissioner Xu, we will inform the employees to continue working hard and move towards greater goals, otherwise they will not work hard."

"That's great, that's great. I'll treat you this time." Memnon cheered repeatedly, and then poured Xu Yang another glass of wine from his large glass flask.

"Nisto has never held this kind of...'charity party' since its establishment..." Xu Yang admitted.

"Of course..." Memnon sighed.

After all, he has a lot of things that can be put up for auction. If he doesn't clear the inventory, his corridor will be full. What's more, some things will be regretted ever since they were bought, so it is better to hang them up and sell them to the wrongdoer.

"The painting is very good." Xu Yang praised, "This is the real art, the last refuge of mankind."

The painter nodded and was moved by Xu Yang's words. He felt that Xu Yang had artistic qualities. He looked around for a while, then wrapped the painting and handed it to Xu Yang.

"How much can it be sold for?" He quickly followed and asked at the same time, "How many thousands? Tens of thousands?"

"Several hundred million." Xu Yang carried the painting to the exhibition.

(End of chapter)

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