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Chapter 806 Meeting the Divine Dragon Panyuan

Chapter 806 Meeting the Divine Dragon Panyuan

Away from the creepy second floor of Longmen Mansion, Lu Jing walked down a black rock ridge and turned on the recorder again.

"...Going down from the Longmen Mansion is the bottom of the weak water. The visibility is very low. There used to be hazy skylight that could shine through the weak water, but now there is no more light..." Lu Jing said softly as he moved forward.


"No need to record it, be careful of enemies." Wang Jingxuan said neatly.

Lu Jing lowered her head to check the road in front of her. This was one of the few things she could see clearly.

There was a path in front of her, with stone walls on both sides, leaving only a wide gap that could accommodate two or three people walking together. It did not go straight forward, but zigzagged.

Such a primitive rock and soil road should be rugged and difficult to navigate, but Lu Jing felt that it was smooth and flat under his feet. Why?

Lu Jing suddenly understood that they were by no means the first ones to come. Hundreds of generations of ancestors had passed through this tunnel and flattened the ground with their own straw sandals and feet. Lu Jing listened to his own footsteps, as if he was hearing

Echoes of history.

Li Qingyan was seriously injured and followed lazily. No one rushed her. Wang Jingxuan stopped at the exit of the tunnel and motioned to Lu Jing to check the mural on the wall.

Looking in the direction of Wang Jingxuan's finger, Lu Jing saw many murals carved on the rock wall. After many people painted them, the whole painting was quite perfect and the paint was bright. Lu Jing suspected that someone had just come here to renovate the murals a few months ago.

So exquisite.

Lu Jing stared at the mural in silence. People tried their best to draw a giant dragon, which was probably Pan Yuan. It walked through the clouds and had an extremely long body. However, it was not the protagonist of the mural. Most of the content of the mural consisted of human disputes and fighting.


Like walking on the world's most difficult balance beam, she moved on the thick front paws of the giant turtle. She felt that her feet were stepping on some kind of wet living thing, and the feeling made her feel cold from the soles of her feet to the top of her heart.

Lu Jing walked forward holding her rifle, feeling her throat getting dryer. She heard the loud sound of weak water rushing to the bottom. Only then did she notice how violent the sound was. She had never heard it clearly before.

It was because he had been half deafened by the loud noise of weak water.

Lu Jing looked back at Longmen Mansion. It stood on the cliff behind them. It was still magnificent. Flowers, trees and other courtyards were growing endlessly. There was no end in sight. If Lu Jing had not known that there was no one there, Lu Jing might have left Longmen alone.

The mansion is regarded as a rare mirage city.

They held their breath and waited quietly for the giant turtle mentioned in the inscription to appear.

Although all her memories of there fell apart under the influence of longevity sugar, Lu Jing wanted to go back and see her true friends.

Wang Jingxuan did not move.

Lu Jing really hoped that this was just a nightmare and that she could see the person she wanted to see after waking up.

The power of Changshengtang kept Lu Jing in an inexplicable state of half-dream and half-awakeness. This drug prevented her from having the slightest idea of ​​independence and resistance, and slowly destroyed Lu Jing's mind.

The black pool was right in front of them, this was the bottom of the real weak water.

"Let it go." Wang Jingxuan nodded. She reached out to help Li Qingyan at this moment, obviously not intending to bleed herself.

The giant turtle swam to the shore where the Dragon Palace was located. It slowly stopped, like a giant ship docked at the dock.

Her expression was very strange, as if she was mixing great fear and great calm.

"After walking these thousand steps, you will reach the Dragon Palace." Lu Jing gritted his teeth and helped Li Qingyan go up.

After they descended to the bottom of the weak water, they dropped their own blood on the five-color soil, attracting a giant turtle to carry the ancestors across the water to the Dragon Palace.

Lu Jing could still hear Wang Jingxuan crying at first, but after a while she stopped crying, which made Lu Jing admire Wang Jingxuan's courage.

The sound of rolling waves sounded, and the giant turtle slowly retreated behind them.

"No, I'm sorry, Sister Lu, I'm too nervous!" Wang Jingxuan almost cried in fear, and quickly backed away, "You should eat the candy first, otherwise, it will eat us!" After saying that, she turned towards the steps.

Run upwards and reach the Dragon Palace itself.

Lu Jing looked at her in confusion, but then turned his attention to the Dragon Palace itself.

Lu Jing couldn't move. She swallowed, used her digital mind to restrain her rationality, and then walked in the direction of the giant turtle.

This epic creature living in weak water slowly disappeared into the dark waves and was no longer visible. It also meant that Lu Jing and the others had no way to retreat and could not return to the ground. This side of the bottom of the weak water

But without an altar, they couldn't let the giant turtle help them swim back.

Lu Jing felt that she was back-to-back with some kind of prehistoric biological machine. She could feel the giant tortoise's incomparable heart pumping, sending massive amounts of blood to all parts of its body, supporting the giant beast's swimming.

People have wishful thinking and believe that their complicated rituals brought good weather from Pan Yuan's prayers. This is not the case. Everything is just the law of nature.

"Is that... where Pan Yuan really sleeps?" Wang Jingxuan stood on the grass by the water and looked out.

Pan Yuan, we are here to find you. Lu Jing thought to himself. If you are really the god who controls Xia, then you should show up and help us.

The dragon bird guards roared and rushed towards Lu Jing and the others.

Finally arrived in front of the destination.

Through the darkness, Lu Jing saw the wonders of Shuiyu Island in the distance.

She wants to return to the Northern Islands.

The giant turtle turned around and swam towards the bottom of the weak water. The sound of its huge limbs paddling through the flowing water was like a giant wheel engine.

I want to meet people who won't give up on themselves.

As Dingwen said, the giant turtle appeared. Its existence made Lu Jing feel insignificant. It was nearly a hundred meters long, with a carapace as tall as a city. Its skin was filled with terrifying muscle nodules, forming an extremely ferocious shape.

The lines were just because the darkness was too kind, and Lu Jing could not clearly see its terrifying appearance.

It was also when she looked back from here that she realized how far the three of them had traveled together. The distance was at least 50,000 to 60,000 meters.

"I want to find a way to decipher what is engraved on this tripod." Lu Jing transcribed the secret text on the tripod using the Bagua code, and then used a communicator to send two copies to Xu Yang and Lu Sizhou's camp.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a sound of flapping wings, and a monster with the head of a dragon and the body of a bird flew over and hovered above their heads for a while.

A terrible thought emerged in Lu Jing's heart.

Just like before, not long after, both sides sent the same explanation, helping Lu Jing decipher the secret text.

Lu Jing wanted to move, but she was so scared. Her cold body seemed to be stuck in the crack of the giant tortoise's carapace. She held the crack with both hands and crawled out desperately, and then helped bring the weak Li Qingyan out, while Wang Jingxuan

He was the first to climb off the tortoise shell.

Passing through the tunnel painted with murals, Lu Jing saw the stone corridor disappear in front of her, replaced by a vast expanse of grass.

Even Lu Jing herself was crying secretly. She was confused, painful and depressed.

"We are going to let out blood and attract a giant turtle. Do you agree?" Lu Jing turned around and asked.

It was not a large-scale classical garden and courtyard cluster like Longmen Mansion, but a spectacular palace.

"It is likely that ancient people offered sacrifices to Pan Yuan here." Wang Jingxuan carefully inspected the altar.

It raised a forearm from the deep water. Its right front paw was as wide as a road, and its fingertips were as huge as an industrial crane.

Their footsteps landed on the white palace steps.

Sent down by Miss Lu, he went deep into danger, passed through the vast Longmen Mansion, and finally came to the bottom of the weak water.

She groped in the darkness and followed the path trodden by her ancestors before, and found an altar. In the center of the altar, jade cups were used to enshrine five-color soil.

Secret text.

Lu Jing stretched out his hand to the cup and basin containing five different colors of soil, cut the palm of his hand with his sword "Bafang Zhenjin", and dropped some blood on each of the five colors of soil.

"...I have to take longevity candy." Lu Jing took out the candy pills from his pocket and turned to look at Wang Jingxuan, "I need a sedative... Jingxuan, give me the sedative quickly!"

At that time, her mission will be completed, and people can truly rest.

They looked at the dark water with vigilance, couldn't help but retreat, and prepared for battle.

But she knew that as long as she had sedatives, she could hold on for a while without going crazy until she could see Pan Yuan himself.

It is hard to imagine that under the weak water, in the dark place, there is a patch of luxuriant grass, like a green carpet waiting to be trampled on.

Li Qingyan stood there with difficulty, breathing weakly.


The harsh sound of water breaking sounded!

Wang Jingxuan also swallowed. She looked completely frightened, but did not run away. Lu Jing was surprised. Based on her understanding of Wang Jingxuan, it was impossible for Wang Jingxuan not to run away.

"Gah!" The dragon bird guard rubbed the two weapons in his hands, emitting a faint electric light. I am afraid that one attack could defeat Lu Jing and the others.

Wang Jingxuan still showed a strange confidence and calmness, not as timid as before; Li Qingyan was exhausted.

At the edge of the giant turtle's shell, Wang Jingxuan had to launch a grappling hook to hoist her and her teammates up one after another. The turtle's shell was so big that the cracks in the shell alone were enough to fit a person into it.

They saw a huge mountain-like shadow rise in the darkness. At that moment, Lu Jing's body couldn't help but tremble violently. Her tense nerves almost burst. Boundless fear spread in her mind, almost overwhelming her.

Courage is completely subdued.

After reading and interpreting the contents of the Ding Sutra, in addition to praising and praising Pan Yuan, Lu Jing also learned about the methods of the ancestors crossing the water.

"We're here." Lu Jing looked back.

It has a human body shape, holding an ax in its left hand and a yue in its right hand. Both weapons are terrifying in shape.

Wang Jingxuan and Li Qingyan also slowly climbed onto the giant turtle's front paws and followed Lu Jing's footsteps. Lu Jing didn't know how they mustered up the courage to move towards such a monster.

Lu Jing looked around for a suitable boat for swimming. They had to find a way to get to the Dragon Palace.

Lu Jing, Wang Jingxuan and Li Qingyan each found a crack in the turtle shell and lay down in it, as if lying in a chitin coffin.

After about a few minutes, the bottom of the weak water began to tremble slightly, as if there was something huge swimming in the water.

"You - you took... all the sedatives along the way?" Lu Jing's body leaned forward.

"Let's... go up." Lu Jing walked towards the giant turtle's front paws fearfully.

Heaven and earth are unkind.

Under Panyuan's slender and huge body, people conquered each other on the land. They hunted, built altars, and built cities, while Panyuan soared in the clouds and mist. Its eyes were carefully carved into a three-dimensional shape, as if it was staring at everything passing through the tunnel.

man of.

The real...Dragon Palace!

It is necessary to climb thousands of white jade steps to reach the gate of Dragon Palace. The main hall on the front is magnificent, and the surrounding auxiliary halls and side corridors are even more solemn. The red walls and gold tiles are the highest-level color matching style and are only used in

The imperial family.

Its entrance was sparkling and illuminated by countless lights. The cornices at the top of the palace were very curved, with lanterns hanging at the ends. The candles were extremely beautiful and kept swaying, as if waving their hands to attract Lu Jing and the others.

In an instant, Lu Jing realized how ridiculous his idea was. Look at the mural here. Doesn't it tell the truth? No matter how people on the ground argue and fight, Pan Yuan will never go down to the ground to exert influence.

There was an unnatural calmness on Wang Jingxuan's face, as if great terror and some strong tranquility were intertwined in her body at the same time.

Lu Jing felt a surge of anger in her heart. She wanted to chase Wang Jingxuan, but when she turned around and saw Li Qingyan who was extremely weak, she stopped again.

She felt miserable and no one could save her.

Lu Jing pushed Li Qingyan away, then chewed another longevity candy and swallowed it.

Now, Lu Jing is immortal.

(End of chapter)

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