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Chapter 809 Arrange for Lu Sizhou

Lu Sizhou leaned against the cave wall, holding the can of yellow peach that Xu Yang handed her, and opened it.

"You really know how to do it yourself. I thought you even needed help from others to open a can," Xu Yang said.

"I can also kill people." Lu Sizhou sneered, turning his back to eat the can, as if he didn't want Xu Yang to see him eating.

"Don't try to make small moves, turn around." Xu Yang said.

Lu Sizhou slowly turned sideways, raised her neck and poured the soup and pulp from the can into her mouth. She instantly stuck out her tongue and licked up the residue on her lips, moving very quickly.

"I don't have any tricks. You want to know how to restore Lu Jing to normalcy, right? It's easy. Liu Tianshi has Lu Jing's memory file. All he needs to do is let Lu Jing read it. Don't forget how precious the digital mind is.

Something." Lu Sizhou put the empty can on the ground and raised his finger to point to Liu Tianshi who was meditating in the distance.

"Is it equivalent to uploading and downloading memory files?" Xu Yang frowned, "The authenticity and security of the files cannot be guaranteed."

"Give me some more food, and I'll let you be responsible for supervising Lu Jing's memory reconstruction work." Lu Sizhou said slyly.

"Don't think too much. It's not certain whether Lu Jing can come out alive. What I'm more concerned about is, why are you targeting Lu Jing everywhere?" Xu Yang handed a bag of beef jerky to Lu Sizhou.

"I'm targeting Lu Jing? I'm saving her. I've saved her countless times." Lu Sizhou sneered.

Xu Yang's heart moved. Yan Qingyun? Yan Huairou's cousin.

It seemed like it happened a long time ago. Xu Yang recalled these things as if he was taking out a dusty book from his memory.

Lu Jing’s...past!

Lu Sizhou sat up straight. She closed her legs and put her feet to the side. Her posture was so well-behaved. It was hard to imagine that such a delicate and pretty woman was actually as cruel as a snake.

"You're not expecting any mercy, right? Lu Jing's mother... I forgot her name. She just wanted to find Xiao Lu and take her away. Lu Shibo used the witch management regulations to coerce other departments to hide Lu Jing. Lu Jing's mother just...

She kept writing applications, kept writing applications, stopped attending classes, and lost her home, so Lu Shibo sent a killer to kill her with one shot in the head. It was easier and less painful than dealing with Lu Kanyan." Lu Sizhou said this.

The tone was very relaxed at the time.

"The information I have here shows that Lu Jing's resume is very simple. He was selected for training because he showed the talent of 'anti-magic', and finally became your maid in green. During this period, he was seconded to the northern archipelago for 4 years." Xu Yang checked the database.


She looked at Xu Yang with lowered eyebrows, a blush on her face.

"Now that my troops are here, you can treat me squarely. Mr. Xu, without the support of Tianshu Zhuwu, you can't move here." Lu Sizhou folded his hands in front of his chest and regained his former calmness and solemnity.


"Not enough." Tianque's attendant raised the main battle rifle in his hand, "Mr. Xu, although the mechanized ancient monks are strong, we will not be afraid."

Xu Yang sighed.

"Lu Naiguang has been transferred away for many days, and now Yan Qingyun is in charge of unit 16." the soldier reported.

"You, jump down." Lu Sizhou pointed at a soldier casually.

"Wait a minute -" Xu Yang raised his hand, "Is this how you treat your subordinates?"

Xu Yang checked the status of these armed men.

"Help me, Mr. Xu." She said softly.

Get off the Storm Queen from the shuttle.

Fight with Mr. Xu? They really don’t have that ability.

"As I said, I was saving her. I felt that Lu Shibo would attack Xiao Lu sooner or later, so I often followed Lu Jing and promoted her to a maid in blue. The most important thing was to send her to the northern archipelago, away from Lu Shibo's family.

Poisonous hand." Lu Sizhou said slowly.

He knows that Yan Huairou is the ruler witch. She and the Yan family support each other. The family protects Yan Huairou from suffering like other witches. Yan Huairou uses her super strength to help the family expand the interests of the group. Wealth and power represent each other.

Here, to this day, the Yan family is deeply rooted in Tianshu Manufacturing Group. Yan Qingyun is also a member of this huge family, which means that he does not have to give Lu Sizhou face.

"...How did you kill him?" Xu Yang frowned.

He glared back at Lu Sizhou.

"Not enough. Mr. Xu, it seems that you are really going to fight with us, but what we are least afraid of is fighting." Tianque's attendant said calmly.

"...That's enough, that's enough." Tianque's attendant stepped back.

An expression of begging...no, pleading.

Lu Sizhou looked at one of the monks fiercely.

Bullets whizzed down the shield around Liu Tianshi, constantly weakening its protective power.

"Lu Naiguang is so angry that he sent you to kill me Wei Feng. He is really not afraid that I will step on his head." Lu Sizhou shook his head and chuckled.

Lu Sizhou walked forward and looked at the practitioner controlled by Xu Yang.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tianshi took action first.

"You just treat her as a tool for missions. You did it before and you do it now." Xu Yang shook his head.

"He is Lu Jing's father, his name is Lu Kanyan." Lu Sizhou couldn't help laughing, "Lu Jing... Lu Jing thought she was an orphan, she thought she had no father or mother when she was born... Hahahaha... she

...She never knew what Lu Shibo had done, and she said hello to Lu Shibo respectfully when she was in the company."

"This director is not worthy of death. What is his relationship with Lu Jing?" Xu Yang asked.

After the analysis, Xu Yang realized that Lu Shibo was a terrible guy. After this, Lu Sizhou was completely trapped in a cocoon. Lu Sizhou originally had great hope to unseat the old Lu Shibo and become the leader of the group, but now he has ended up in this situation.


"Wait a minute!" Xu Yang raised his hand, "Please give me some face."

"That's it! It's the one who used prophecy in public, saying that I would replace my father. So it can be controlled remotely? The prophecy is also fake!" Lu Sizhou quickly looked at Xu Yang, "You are the one controlling it.

?You can make good calculations."

When Liu Tianshi wanted to protect Lu Sizhou, he turned the fan all over his body, making the carbon fiber Taoist robes rustle. He swung two shining golden flying swords and shot them at the crowd. The soldiers did not give in and immediately opened fire on Liu Tianshi.

At this moment, multiple cyan four-copter drones flew in from outside, and they came in with cameras on their heads to take pictures.

Xu Yang greeted him and then nodded in the direction of the shuttle.

"Yes, they are all protecting her." Lu Sizhou smiled, "After all, Lu Shibo originally wanted to kill Lu Jing."

Once they make a move, she will use strong winds to drive weak water, flooding the entire cave and destroying everything!

Storm Queen! The Tianque attendants and other armed personnel present were all in turmoil.

"Yes." the soldier reported.

"There is no way. I am Lu Jing's protective umbrella now. If I fall, she will be finished sooner or later, so Lu Jing has to work hard for me. It's fair. Lu Shibo will not let Lu Jing live well and find out the cause of her parents' death. Lu Kanyan

His death was considered a shock, and no one dared to say publicly since then that 'Lu Shibo relied on the power of Longmen Mansion to get where he is today' or something like that." Lu Sizhou said coldly.

Except for the elite troops like Tianque's attendants who still seemed inscrutable, the other soldiers gave him a strange feeling, as if they had another mission. They deliberately stayed away from Lu Sizhou and focused on the mission at hand, as if they had received orders.

More important than Lu Sizhou's safety.

Several electronic monks walked down from the purple platform. They did not disturb the hundreds of companions who were focused on meditating. They just walked quietly through the stone corridor and walked to the outside of the waterfall cave, bowing to them.

"It depends on the situation." Xu Yang returned to the Shenhui.

Lu Sizhou laughed so hard that tears almost came out.

Accompanying them were more than a dozen other armed personnel, who quickly moved supplies from the two light drones and tried to set up a temporary reconnaissance camp.

Xu Yang turned his head and waved to the Shenhui, and Zhixingniang considerately activated the shuttle's armed system. The advanced floating cannons rose off the plane one after another, forming an artillery array with no blind spots for firepower.

Lu Sizhou opened the bag containing beef jerky and tasted it slowly, looking up at Xu Yang's expression from time to time.

Xu Yang didn't like Lu Sizhou at all, so he planned to see Lu Sizhou suffer first.

Xu Yang shook his head.

In an instant, Xu Yang saw an expression on Lu Sizhou's beautiful face that he had never imagined.

"So... Lu Jing has been working under Lu Shibo, whom she has a blood feud with... working as a maid for the enemy's daughter?" Xu Yang felt resentful.

Xu Yang secretly thought no, if Liu Tianshi fell, there would be no hope for Lu Jing's recovery.

"Tell me everything, please." Xu Yang said to Lu Sizhou seriously.

After the drones arrived, two more light drones came through the mist, and several Tianque attendants jumped out of them.

"Are these monks enough?" Xu Yang asked solemnly.

"...Which unit are you from?" Lu Sizhou asked softly, "Is it still the West Pole-16 unit?"

"It's very simple. Doesn't the director like to joke? Lu Shibo bribed one of his company people and installed an alloy black hand on him. That day, the director was still joking with everyone as usual, but the company man pretended to be impatient and couldn't help it.

, struggled with him, threw him to the ground, punched and kicked him. The prosthetic body could break the table with one punch, but what would happen if it hit the human body? I heard that the floor was covered with blood. Medical personnel arrived at the scene

At that time, there was nothing we could do. The people in the company also committed suicide by jumping off the building, and they did it very cleanly. This was Lu Shibo's little trick at that time, and now he is even more terrifying, so I will never like him. If I were to be the chairman, I would do it

Even more... beautiful. Lu Shibo, you will always be like that." Lu Sizhou smiled.

"About 20 years ago, my father had already risen rapidly in the company. At that time, his boss, the financial director of the branch, always valued Lu Shibo, promoted him several times, and worked on many earth-shattering projects together. Director

This man has a humorous temperament, is optimistic and cheerful, and does not look like a corporate person at all. At the wine table, he often praises my father in an exaggerated way, saying that he has far-sightedness. He is like a time traveler, or there is a time traveler around him.

The same advice. You also know that Lu Shibo used Longmen Mansion to make profits for himself. What he was most afraid of at that time was that people would find out the truth. The director was so talkative that he almost killed Lu Shibo. So not long after, Lu Shibo's position was high again.

A few floors later, he killed the financial director." Lu Sizhou said leisurely, as if he was describing not his own father, but a stranger.

This monk looked crazy, was covered in bright yellow clothes, and was covered with talismans and scrolls.

"Is it enough now?" Xu Yang asked.

The soldiers and Tianque's attendants stopped temporarily and turned to look at Xu Yang.

Upon hearing that these people were loyal to the Yan family, Lu Sizhou quickly took two steps away from these "company troops". The Tianque attendant next to him stretched out his hand to stop Lu Sizhou from making any rash move.

She raised her hand in the direction of the weak water waterfall, and the pale flow was bound by the swirling wind, forming seven or eight giant waterspouts! She looked at the dozens of soldiers with an indifferent expression.

He stood in the middle of the waterfall cave. One side led to the noble platform where the electronic monks meditated, and the other side led to the endless weak water waterfall. Little Lu Jing was still risking and suffering at the bottom of the weak water. When he thought of this, he

He had to continue to fish out information from Lu Sizhou's mouth.

"Come here, come here!" Lu Sizhou quickly ordered, and eight Tianque attendants quickly moved to Lu Sizhou's side.

"What about Lu Jing's mother...Mr. Lu Kanyan's wife?" Xu Yang asked with a frown.

"What do you mean by your troops? Do they listen to you?" Xu Yang said deliberately.

Lu Sizhou stood up quickly, glanced at Xu Yang, and showed a relaxed smile: "They are coming to see me, are they forming an alliance?"

"...Why, who are you?" said the leader of Tianque's attendants.

"Is my shuttle enough?" Xu Yang said.

"The remote control is not mine, it was given to me by someone else. I guess your father arranged everything for the purpose of driving you to a dead end. If you were in a civilized world and the leader of an enterprise, your father would really care.

I can't help you. But when this cultivator personally said, 'A beauty gets a pearl, a kingdom changes hands', you were put on a fire and had to organize a 'Dragon Slaying Conference'. According to the prophecy, he wanted to invade the Longmen Mansion.

, a desperate comeback, it turns out that there are not many of your own people at all. The only one who is really willing to help you, Lu Jing, was also sent to the Jedi to explore the way by you. As for yourself...it was completely arranged by your father. Lu Sizhou, you

I have always looked down on your father, but now it seems that you are too young, really too young, and your father is as easy to deal with you as pinching an ant." Xu Yang sighed.

"My surname is Xu." Xu Yang pressed the "remote control" given by Yan Huairou to serve as a tips bag.

Seeing these top security personnel, Lu Sizhou's expression became visibly more relaxed.

The notorious ruler witch is unrivaled.

Lu Jing...a child with a sense of justice, he first drove a shuttle to attack Mireya and the others from behind, and made great contributions in the battle of Suzuki Spring.

Hearing Xu Yang's words, Lu Sizhou breathed heavily and looked extremely calm.

Xu Yang knew that this was the first time Lu Sizhou had been disappointed with his abilities!

Tianshu Products will always belong to Chairman Lu Shibo. As long as Lu Sizhou doesn't hide her fangs, she will definitely lose.

"Ah, that's it...Mr. Xu." Lu Sizhou said softly.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have no cards to play." Xu Yang said.

"Not necessarily." Lu Sizhou walked towards Xu Yang, almost face to face. She arranged his collar with her hands, "What if I want to be your woman?"

This chapter has been completed!
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