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Chapter 811: True Dragon Appears

The jade steps in front of the Dragon Palace have been stained with blood.

Li Qingyan looked at what he saw in front of him with fear.

"Immortal Lu Jing", she has white hair and wields an anti-magic sword hundreds of meters long. She is filled with unparalleled power. Just waving the weapon casually will cause a bloody mess within half a kilometer. Those monsters

They kept emerging and were shattered by Lu Jing over and over again.

There are too many enemies, but Lu Jing is too strong.

The longevity candy seemed to have overdrawn Lu Jing's life, drawing out all her magic power for the next few decades and using it in advance. At this moment, Li Qingyan was afraid from the bottom of her heart.

Monsters from all directions rushed towards the jade steps, trying to prevent them from entering the Dragon Palace itself. Lu Jing was ready to attack, and charged out again. A single swing of his sword brought a large area of ​​​​magic, and the staggered magic jets disturbed them one after another.


These creatures were either killed with one blow, or fell to the ground and howled in pain, eventually turning into disappearing spots of light.

Li Qingyan sat on the steps and shouted to Lu Jing with difficulty: "Go in...!"

Lu Jing turned around and glanced at Li Qingyan, the look in her eyes frightened her.

"Go in? Where do you want to go?" Lu Jing was almost crazy.

"Dragon Palace—" Li Qingyan breathed hard.

"There are too many wild beasts here - watch me kill them all!" Lu Jing waved the Bafang True Gold in his hand crazily.

The sword itself was broken, but she didn't notice it yet.

The current Immortal Lu Jing actually just keeps pouring his own magic power, vitality and blood. Even so, the random bursts of magic power can smash most monsters into pieces.

According to Li Qingyan's observation, these monsters with double ribs and wings, dragon heads and horse faces are by no means entities. They are just magic monsters created by the Dragon Palace's magic barrier, so they can be countered by Lu Jing's power.

No matter how many Lu Jing kills, Dragon Palace will continue to generate new ones with energy.

Everything was seen by Li Qingyan. She didn't want to watch Lu Jing die of exhaustion. She had to let Lu Jing go to the Dragon Palace to have a chance of winning.

"Give me a piece of longevity candy - you enter the Dragon Palace." Li Qingyan said hurriedly.

She rarely spoke, so what she said now carried more weight.

Lu Jing remained silent and threw a piece of longevity candy to Li Qingyan.

She had as many sugar pills as she wanted, all given to her by Lu Sizhou.

Lu Jing knew that Miss Lu had no intention of letting her come back alive.

Then, Lu Jing doesn't want to live anymore. Anyway, this life is rewarded by Miss Lu, so he will fight for Miss Lu once.

Li Qingyan grabbed the longevity candy rolling on the jade steps, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it into pieces.

Power and madness invaded her body, and the magic meridians expanded at a sickly speed.

She felt that her wounds no longer hurt, but her spirit was broken.

The years accumulated on her body, making her feel unparalleledly powerful. Like Lu Jing, she also overdrawn her future strength at the expense of years and youth.

"Roar!" Li Qingyan transformed into a giant dragon.

At this moment, she could no longer transform part of her appearance, but completely transformed into a dragon, just like the mythical animal they defeated earlier.

Lapis gold scales, double claws, long tail, white mane.

Lu Jing and Li Qingyan passed by each other. Li Qingyan, who was in the form of a dragon, knew that this was probably the last time he would meet Lu Jing, so his eyes were sad and his eyes were filled with tears.

Lu Jingze was so arrogant that he almost cut Li Qingyan in half.

She let out a sickly, high-pitched scream, just like the lament that had echoed through Longmen Mansion before, and then ran into the Dragon Palace.

The witches were consumed like tools and ammunition. Li Qingyan was entrenched on the jade steps, feeling Lu Jing's sadness and madness at this time to some extent.

"Roar!" Li Qingyan rushed towards the group of monsters, biting and tearing them apart.

Eaten alive.

Lu Jing ran into the Dragon Palace, his hair covered with white hair, and he looked like a madman.

Her laughter echoed throughout the palace, enough to bring back the most terrifying memories to those who listened.

In the corridor deep in the Dragon Palace, Wang Jingxuan heard Lu Jing's scream, trembling and knelt on the ground, sending a distress signal to Lu Sizhou.

She heard the roar of dragon beasts not far away, and in the next moment there was the sound of them being slaughtered.

No guard could stop Lu Jing at this time.

Lu Jing's power has expanded to an immeasurable level, but this is also her last swan song.

Wang Jingxuan understood that without sedatives, Lu Jing would soon become like those old women in red, decaying but not dying, remaining in pain and despair for thousands of years.

She had to drag her until Lu Jing collapsed from exhaustion and turned into an ugly old woman. By then, I'm afraid Lu Jing would not have the shame to appear in front of others.

At the moment, Wang Jingxuan could only run madly towards the depths of the palace.

The power of Longmen Mansion can change reality. If she encounters the real source of power "Dragon Ball", she may still be able to survive. But if she is caught up by the crazy immortal Lu Jing, Wang Jingxuan will definitely die.

Life and death pursuit.

Lu Jing ran forward wildly.

She didn't even notice that there were hundreds of old women in red clothes everywhere in the Dragon Palace. They shrank and made way for Lu Jing, envious of Lu Jing's youthful flesh and blood.

When the old women in red saw Lu Jing's white hair with their humble eyes, they all showed tacit smiles.

Lu Jing will soon become like them.

"Wang Jingxuan! - Pan Yuan! -" Lu Jing roared crazily, calling out to the two creatures she wanted to see the most.

In an instant, she arrived at the apse.

Behind the Dragon Palace is an extremely huge body of water, like an abyss, with its edges made of white marble and shaped into horizontal and vertical shapes.

More than 900 giant ditches are connected to the pool. A huge golden dragon ball is enshrined on the waterside. The ball itself is placed on a silk cushion.

A beautiful woman acquires a pearl, and a kingdom changes hands!

The weak water of the Tianhe River finally flows here, and the flow never stops.

In this vast expanse of water, a startled dragon slowly rose.

It was a real dragon, and even Lu Jing, who was getting mad, was frightened by its power.

Wang Jingxuan took the first step and was already standing with his back to the pool, not far from the golden dragon ball!

Her legs kept shaking, and she couldn't help but turn her head to look at the real dragon.

The dragon's body is strong and smooth, and water flows from its huge body.

It slowly flew out of the water with ease and floated into the air. Its gorgeous long horns bifurcated at the end, showing a ferocious arc. Its scales were platinum gold, and its five claws were arranged all over the body, which was particularly well-proportioned.

The long snake-shaped tail hangs gracefully under the body, with a sparkling leaf-like mane trailing at the end.

It... was seriously injured.

Lu Jing stared at the wounds on the dragon's body.

Even though it exudes a noble aura, it cannot stop the fact that it is entering a state of death.

How could it be so seriously injured? Wang Jingxuan looked at the huge wounds on its body in surprise.

From the front of the chest to close to the tail, this wound almost split the dragon into two. It has not healed, and poisonous blood is constantly dripping from it.

Dying, not dead.

No matter how powerful it was in the past, this dragon is in the most vulnerable and disgraceful period of its life.

Wang Jingxuan turned to look at the golden dragon ball, then turned to look at the dragon's wound.

No wonder Lu Sizhou would be so bold as to invade Longmen Mansion, Wang Jingxuan was horrified. If Lu Sizhou was strong enough, he could indeed fight all the way here and directly complete the feat of slaying the dragon.

Although Long was seriously injured, his eyes still shone with an otherworldly look.

It stared down at the crazy immortal Lu Jing and the cowardly Wang Jingxuan, its eyes heavy and affectionate, as if it could see through their hearts and soothe their souls.

Even in his weak state, Shenlong still exudes a kind of supreme arrogance, and his whole body emits undeniable powerful fluctuations, enough to send out ripples of power in the air that deflect the air.

Lu Jing couldn't stand it anymore.

"Die!" Lu Jing roared and released a giant magical aura towards Wang Jingxuan.

Under the strange effect of longevity candy, the magic power on Lu Jing's body was so powerful that just by throwing it into a lump could kill someone.

The dragon in the air moved its claws slightly, and the magic power released by Lu Jing passed through a huge ripple and still hit Wang Jingxuan, knocking her into the water.

"Uh-huh——" Wang Jingxuan was hit with injuries all over his body.

After entering the water, Wang Jingxuan felt a huge pulling force under her body. She had no choice but to swim upstream desperately, grabbing the white marble pool wall with both hands and climbing up desperately.

She struggled to climb ashore, holding the injured and bleeding parts of her body, shivering.

"Why - why can't you protect me -" Wang Jingxuan scolded the dragon in the sky, "Why are you... so weak!"

The dragon changes its posture in the air.

Its once perfect scales now had a very deep wound, surrounded by other cuts. Some of its poisonous blood fell onto the steps next to it, instantly eroding horrific etching marks.

It is even so weak that it has difficulty making a sound, and may die at any time due to the decline of its vitality.

At this moment, Farosha had passed through the three-story Dragon Gate Mansion and was being killed all the way, covered in blood.

She dragged the half-dead Li Qingyan in her hands and threw Li Qingyan to the ground.

Lu Jing turned around and looked at Falosa fiercely.

Falosa noticed the magic power fluctuations in Lu Jing's body at this time, and she was also shocked. How could it be so strong?

Lu Jing is an "anti-magic" witch, so as long as Falosa gets a little bit of the anti-magic that Lu Jing throws around, her strength will be greatly reduced.

"Anti-magic", there is no doubt that Lu Jing is the nemesis of all witches. What's more, what's coming now is not Falosa's true body, but a clone.

The power of longevity sugar? Farosha secretly thought, it seems that it can be used.

But looking at Li Qingyan's appearance, even if he recovered using the law of recovery, he was still half crazy.

Li Qingyan was lying on the ground, making strange noises from her mouth. On the way here, she had been treated by Farosha with the Law of Recovery, but as a result, her soul was still damaged. The longevity sugar will indeed have endless consequences.

Lu Jing's madness... isn't that easy to cure. Falosa shook her head and decided not to provoke the current immortal Lu Jing, and that someone on the technology side would have to deal with it.

"Alright, Pan Yuan." Falosa raised the sword in her hand and pointed at the white-scaled dragon floating on the water. "I saw a lot of ugly old women in red on the road. I guess they gathered here in ancient times.

The witches who seek immortality are the ones who created the longevity pills and established a very powerful immortal worship in the Middle Ages, attracting generations of people to get lost in the Longmen Mansion."

The dragon in the sky nodded slowly.

"In my opinion," Falosa continued, "Longmen Mansion is like a huge storage bank, sharing the memories of the dead, so it can multiply and replicate itself infinitely, and it also stores books from all dynasties in this place.

Because they are all replicas of the memories of the literati who have died in Longmen Mansion for thousands of generations. Those pavilions, pavilions, flowers and birds, and courtyards are all extracted from the memories of the dead. They all want to come to Longmen Mansion to understand the power here.

Not everyone will succeed, and not everyone will get what they want."

"Roar..." The dragon roared lowly, as if praising Farossa for her wit.

"Now that the mystery of this place has been solved, Pan Yuan, I will just take a drop of your blood and take everyone else away. Excuse me, I will leave soon." Farosha walked forward.

The fourth aura of a dying god! Falosa looked at the horrific wounds on Bai Long’s body and felt quite expectant.

At this time, the God-killing weapon will also be completely unlocked.

Just when Falosa took the first step, the entire Dragon Palace suddenly fell into silence.

No... the whole world is locked in a stagnant state.

Falosa noticed a shocking force coming from top to bottom.


She raised her head and was surprised to find that the top of Longmen Mansion, where time and space met, had been lifted off.

Farossa saw it - golden cracks.

The crack continued to open outwards, becoming wider and wider.

Gradually, Farossa could see the star-like glow contained in its center, which was enough to make her retreat.

When the golden crack opened, Lu Jing was completely restrained by an overwhelming sense of dizziness and couldn't help but fall to the ground, while Wang Jingxuan fainted directly.

Farosha stared at the glow, which carried the bottomless depth behind it. She felt nervous, as if with the opening of this crack, a rift leading to the darkness and fear of the soul also opened in Farosha's heart.


The crack continues to open, as if it will continue endlessly! Until the edges on both sides are enough to accommodate the glow in the middle, the crack is of the right size, forming a huge window-like image, with the edges covered with layers that are difficult to use conventionally.

Means measuring thick dark gold substance.

Giant crack with glow in it.

This is... this is just an eye!

Pan Yuan's eyes!

At this moment, the clouds are clearing.

The real Lord Panyuan comes to Longmen Mansion.

The entire Longmen Mansion, the entire weak water, and the entire Kun Ruins are just a fragment from Panyuan's claws! Falosa felt this and couldn't help but tighten her pupils.

At this moment, Pan Yuan opened one eye and stared at the Longmen Mansion at the tip of his claws. Its power was so powerful that nothing could stop it.

Falosa stood there, holding the god-killing weapon behind her back, not for attack, but for self-protection. Forget it, run?

This chapter has been completed!
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