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Chapter 817

Chapter 817 It’s not you this time

Dirnai used all his powers and directly killed Mond and came back.

Half of her wings were melted by the flames of the moon, but her clothes were intact. The cross gun was stained with dragon's blood, and the other hand held Mond's dragon head. Mond's avatar is the most important, and it is composed of his soul. If he is killed, it is equivalent to killing him.

Beat Mond until his soul is destroyed.

"Father!" Pelagia roared and rushed towards Dernai madly.

Seizing the moment when Pelagia was distracted, the hostile Seraph immediately pierced her dragon scales with a flaming sword.

Pelagia roared fiercely and used her claws to push back Seraph. Her anger and pain turned into dragon flames and sprayed into the sky.

"Your father - is dead!" Dirnai threw Mond's head into the sky.

The severed head of the old Dragon King crossed an arc and fell heavily into the ash pit of Kunxu.

Mond's golden-white blood flowed gurglingly from his broken neck, and there was no life left in his wide-open eyes.

"Moonfire" Mondstadt, died in battle.

This confirms a point that has been pending in many people's minds...Below the True God, Dirnai is unparalleled!

"Father—Father—" Princess Pelagia roared and crawled towards Mond's head.

Diernai turned around and shot a restraint to the ground, blocking the space crack that Mond finally created and intercepting Pan Yuan's appearance.

Lu Jing took the information and found Lu Kanyan's office.

His heart was beating wildly.

Xu Yang, Falosa and Ishta all fell into the Kunxu abyss.

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, a loud roar of dragons came from the crack in the center of Kunxu.

At this time, Dirnai herself had fully revealed her divine glory.

Absence is the highest form of presence. It was the fleeing angels who left tiny cracks in Dienai's impregnable heavenly army!


There is a flaw in your heavenly army!

Following this pattern, Xu Yang calculated five flaws and five outlier angels in an extremely short period of time! Even if Diernai was re-creating angels, it was still not enough to create a powerful angel!

Xu Yang immediately sent the five flaws he calculated to Yaoguang!

Several more young and strong dragons were immediately attacked in groups, handcuffed with golden shackles, and dragged back to the main formation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Their eyes were blinded, their horns were cut off, and their limbs were chopped off, and they were taken as prisoners.

Dirnai tied up Storm Lady and 102, and then threw them to the ground hard, causing them to fall next to Falosa, screaming in agony.

The angels subdued the red dragon and sang joyfully under the leadership of Dirnai.

Xu Yang felt a rush of hot blood rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"Princess Yaotang!" Lu Jing was anxious.

This means that Qiyin and Tianshu products can project more regular fleets to enter!

Seeing that Storm Lady was defeated, 102 gritted his teeth, suddenly braked in the air, and turned headlong into Yao An.

In an instant, a giant shadow rushed out.

"Enough!" Dirnai's command resounded throughout the world.

The exhausted red dragon princess Pelagia finally found it difficult to return to her father. She raised her head high and let out an unbearable cry.

"Huh...huh..." Farosha's body went limp.

She took out a Holy Grail, dripped a drop of her own blood from it, and resurrected all the angels who died in the battle.


After the whip, Falosa screamed.


Dilnai whipped down again, piercing Farosha's body and breaking one of Xu Yang's arms.

There is also Edith fighting with Panyuan in the small world of Longmen. As long as the Kunxu rift is no longer damaged, Panyuan is destined to be unable to interfere with reality.

Be trained in swordsmanship and magic.

"Don't hurt them any more!" Ishtar begged Dirnai.

From which direction? In the cage of light and shadow illusion carefully woven by Keylight, Storm Queen tried her best to discern the truth.

"Eat my head!" 102 strengthened his head and hit Yao An's chest like a rocket headbutt.

Search for cyber monsters in Aizu City.

"Thanks to some cultivation modules on the ship, which can be used to quickly nourish biomass, I can manually synthesize the sedatives you need on the ship to prevent you from losing control again!" Weaver Star Niang quickly helped Lu Jing synthesize the sedatives.

Her heart is breaking.

Lu Jing put the information on Lu Kanyan's desk.

Seven Star Fleet.

Pan Yuan finally joined the frontal battlefield!

"And you!" Dirnai waved a golden whip towards Falosa.

"Too many people have died, not just on this battlefield, the entire world is being destroyed by the battle of the gods." Star Weaver reported.

Dirnai is obsessed with controlling thousands of angels, making them dance and fly in unison, thereby blocking the bombardment of human technology.

So, let's reverse time and space.

"The enemy Storm Lady has been taken over by me!" Yaoguang announced his victory and set an example for the entire Tiandong Agreement.

Dernai had enough power left at this time. Not only could he prevent Panyuan from being born, but he could also torture the fragments of the throne from Falosa.

She traced the fate line and followed a man.

Is this the full power of Dirnai, the goddess of good and evil? Falosa raised her head and looked at Dirnai in great pain.

He looked up at Yao Guang, who was flying through the air. Yao Guang was also frowning at this terrible scene.

Panyuan let out a loud dragon roar.

Someone should be standing in this position, and an angel should be flying in that position...

Dirnai unleashed her ultimate power, shocking the entire realm.

The desperate battle between Panyuan and Dirnai will tear the entire land apart. The death toll will reach 9 billion.

Countless golden lights scattered from their bodies, and closely connected with the halo above their heads to form a brilliant skylight array wall.

Lu Jing, who is responsible for revising the past, will definitely disappear.

Xu Yang kisses Farosha.

"Go away." Yaoguang didn't want to talk to Xu Yang.

"Stop hitting them. If you want to hit them, just hit me." Ishtar took the whip and fell in front of Xu Yang and Falosa, opening her arms.

"Already lost -" Farosha shouted, "What are you doing -"

"Thank you..." Lu Jing squatted on the ground, his fingers trembling, bandaging the wound of 101 who had lost an eye.

The unstoppable divine power completely bound the two witches.

She forwarded the information to Tianshu's Seven-Star Fleet without hesitation.

In Mr. Internet Supervisor's workshop, use that machine to go on a thought journey to Petersburg.

"Take care!" Xu Yang nodded to Princess Yaotang and Zhi Xingniang, then left the basement and walked towards Falosa.

Caught off guard, Yao An was knocked over in the chest. 102 immediately hugged her tightly and rolled her on the ground, tightly holding Yao An's neck.

The old wound on its abdomen collapsed completely, and blood gushed out.


Everything stopped and then went backwards. Lu Jing began to return along the timeline of his life.


The halo above her head exudes the brightness of the sun, her hair shines like pure white, and her eyes have the color of molten gold, but there are no facial features. The huge wings extend to one side, and the flowing dark gold cloak is billowing behind her.

The heavenly armor of victory enveloped her figure.

Her soul trembled violently, her chest cracked, and a golden fragment fell out, which was taken away by Dernai.

"——Yes." Lu Jing's voice was trembling as he accepted the document handed over by Xu Yang.

The largest act of destruction that human civilization can carry out...

Back then... the god who should have become a god was Dernai! Falosa was in severe pain all over her body. Sure enough... was she still caught?

This matter has nothing to do with Xu Yang. Farosha thought silently. At the same time, she got up from the ground with difficulty. It was just that she died in the battle, but Xu Yang could not die.

What is wrong with that subtle sense of disharmony...

In the basement, Princess Yaotang became increasingly sad and frightened when she heard the sudden death of dragons outside.

Lu Jing disappeared into time and space.

"Kneel down!" Dirnai struck with a divine power. Farosha's body sank, and she could only support herself with her two swords.

"The God Ascension Machine is something that belongs to me! First it was taken away by Olsen'an, and then you stole it!" Dernai held the fragment of the throne tightly and immediately read the infinite wisdom in it.

The Lunar Dragon Clan was completely defeated, with many dead and injured.

The stray angels——

"We will attack you with the weapons of destiny..." Ishtar shouted.

A large number of heavy bombers and long-range destructive weapons streaked across the sky, and huge kinetic energy weapons and missiles roared through the five tiny gaps in the heavenly military force and fell to the earth in dense masses.

"We must restart the timeline...but I don't know when it will be completed." It looked at the golden dragon ball at the tip of its tail with pain and worry, and its power was gathering slowly.

After completing everything, return along the timeline, retrace everything, know everything, everything is clear and clear.

It doesn't matter.

One of the phantom lights made her mistakenly think that the key light had rushed forward. On this ultimate battlefield where divine creatures were everywhere and the situation was extremely chaotic, it was difficult for Storm Queen to stay focused at all times.

"Die!" Storm Queen released a large storm beam at the keylight she recognized, and the endless storm hit the phantom.

Chainsaw Angel is not here!

"The damn one is you!" Keylight quickly moved to the top of Storm Queen's head.

If what Mr. Internet Supervisor said is true, he is her biological father.

"Huh? This is..." He reached out to the pile of documents on the desktop.

Pelagia moved forward desperately, and the grappling hook and golden chain made huge wounds on its body that were deep enough to see the bones.

If she is distracted and blocked, the entire heavenly army led by her will relax, and Kunxu will still be blasted through. Now it is——

Feeling the weight of Falosa in his arms, Xu Yang suddenly noticed that there was some kind of disharmony in the heavenly army.

She smiles.

"Huh...huh..." Falosa snuggled into Xu Yang's arms and closed her eyes, "I can still fight...wait for me...I just...have to breathe for a while...don't be impatient...oh


In an instant, she noticed countless long lights passing through the cracks and entering the gaps in Kunxu.

In the basement of Kunxu, Xu Yang couldn't help but clenched his fists when he heard Dernai's order and the sound of Falosa being defeated.


Lu Jing woke up from the table in a daze. She was drowsy and covering her face.

Her speed was the fastest in the world, and she immediately kicked down and hit Storm Queen in the head.

At this time, Farosha fought against Panyuan and Ishtar, but was attacked by Dirnai in a sneak attack, leaving little strength left.

Mondstadt was defeated, and the balance of the entire battlefield changed instantly.

Her magic circuit has been destroyed by Dirnai.

The spatial structure, which was originally as thin as a cicada's wings, finally cracked.

Connect with the cyber monster on an old game console. Drive a shuttle to attack and capture Mireya from behind.

Their wings, claws, heads and scales exploded in the power of Dirnai, and the survivors were attacked and slaughtered by angels armed with weapons!

Xu Yang endured the pain and shared the despair with Falosa.

Lu Jing leaned back on his chair tiredly.

She turned around and saw a familiar figure walking towards her.

Falosa struggled to use the Law of Restoration to repair her colorful cloak.

"Spit out the fragments of the throne to me!" Dirnai raised the whip in his hand and slammed it at Farosha.


Within one day, the patriarch Mondstadt and the eldest princess Pelagia were lost one after another. The remaining dragons mourned in unison and launched a suicidal attack on Dirnai.

Storm Queen lost consciousness for a moment, and the wind whirlwind around her was broken.


With a whip from Dernai, Falosa's figure in the air was instantly shot down.

Tianshu number, Tianxuan number, Tianji number, Tianquan number, Yuheng number, Kaiyang number, Yaoguang number.

The restrictions set by Dernai completely collapsed, and the land of Kunxu, which was already devastated, was torn apart by the attack of nuclear weapons.

"Always causing trouble!" Just as Yaoguang defeated Storm Princess, he noticed that Yaoan was beaten violently by 102, and immediately turned around to deal with 102.

"It will take 2 hours, Lu Jing, it will take another 2 hours... before we can go back to the past..." Princess Yaotang burst into tears, and the wound on her abdomen expanded.

Lu Jing held his breath.

I know my entire life, the origins and endings of all stories.

Dirnai led his angels to create a boundless formation. The angels flew across the sky and stopped the attack in time, using the power of the entire heavenly army to prevent these weapons from further damaging Kunxu.

Hearing the sound of Falosa suffering, Xu Yang could no longer hold back.

It felt like I had been dreaming for a lifetime.

Falosa's vision felt dim. She had never been beaten so badly in her life.

"Panyuan...if Panyuan wins..." She looked around, and 101 was nowhere to be found, leaving only the Shenhui and Zhi Xing Niang.

Hmm...any regrets?

Xu Yang hugged Falosa tightly, she was extremely weak.

She tried to open up a small galaxy, or slashed it with a god-killing weapon, but she was unable to complete it.


The dragon's blood spread all over the earth.

"I love you..." Falosa put her head against Xu Yang's chest, and she said infatuatedly, as if she completely ignored this battlefield, "I can't help but love you, I miss you so much, and I want to be with you."


"...Two hours..." Princess Yaotang lamented.

She found herself on the Tianshu, a huge space carrier sailing in the sky.

"...The meaning of Tianshu Production is to blow up everything. They can launch more than 1,900 high-yield nuclear bombs at Kunxu. This may be our last chance. If the ground is blown up, Panyuan will have enough space to drill.

Come out and fight with Dirnai, then you still have a chance." Keylight threw an invisible electromagnetic wave into Xu Yang's digital mind, allowing him to interpret the message transmitted by Keylight.

Yaoguang's heart moved.

"How much longer?" Lu Jing asked, "How much longer..."

Chase down the man, kill him, and recover the briefcase. She noticed that the effects of the world change were erased.

During the exploration in the Dragon Palace, the old women in red lamented the curse of immortality.

Dernai frowned and stared at Ishtar, and whipped her several times, until Ishtar was covered in blood.

Keylight immediately turned the transforming weapon in his hand into a battle ax and slashed at Storm Queen's torso, cutting her open from the right shoulder.

On the ship Haiyun, he was forced to be a puppet by Mireya.

"Bring out your lover!" Dirnay ordered.

Personal gods are fighting each other, planets are experiencing constant phenomena, the moon's gravity suddenly changes, the earth is turned upside down, tsunamis and earthquakes occur, and the entire civilization will fall into a huge regression.

Lu Jing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at himself slowly disappearing.

Blue sky, white clouds, mountains and rivers are intact.

All the angels flew into the sky together, taking their respective positions, forming an airtight wall of wings.

Falosa wailed, and the third fragment of the throne flew out from the crack in her chest, which was taken away and devoured by Dernai.

Very happy...

After beating Falosa until she was unable to resist, Dirnai felt relieved.

Join hands with Jin Yuxiu, Linyin and the disciple team to fight against the Book Page Peacock, White Salamander and the Mystic Group of the River Goddess in the Battle of Jialongpo.

The angels took the opportunity to throw hundreds of golden chains at it. Each chain was wrapped around Princess Pelagia's bright red limbs, constantly binding its hands and feet, forcing it to be continuously pulled, cut, and bleed out as it moved.

Falosa's tears flowed down along with the blood from the corners of her eyes.

"Fool..." Xu Yang comforted Falosa.

Lu Jing stopped returning and jumped into the real world.

Like the best conductor of an orchestra, Dirnai held up his sword and cross-gun, guiding the angels to intercept the indiscriminate bombardment of the company's army.

"Father - Father -" Princess Pelagia was eager to retrieve her father's dragon head, but every step it took would cause its scales to be peeled off and blood to flow freely.

At first, she didn't know if she could change the timeline by doing this, but she soon knew that it could.

After a huge roar, Farosha was blown up and vomited blood.

"I declare -" Ishtar opened her arms and fell down, "you are husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Seeing that Xu Yang did not show up, Diernai turned his attention to his enemy Falosa.

She was called a good boy by Lin Yin and went drinking with her.

"Let your lover come out! Then I will give you a better ending." Dilnai ordered.

Angels with swords, angels with spears, angels with harps...

The last remaining ebony ring of Mondstadt was also broken by Dirnai.

Dive with Linyin and see the true form of the cyber monster, which looks like Kunpeng.

When the whip fell on Farosha's head, the white phantom of the moon flashed faintly.

"I can't stop it-" Edith quickly retreated.

"I'm about to die... I'm not in good health to begin with, and I'm enduring it here..." Princess Yaotang closed her eyes, "Brother will definitely be desperate if he knows I die... Please... Lu Jing...

Let’s create a world line where... we are not dead..."

The battle here was devastating. In addition to the countless soldiers, dragons, witches and angels who died in the battle, there were also tens of millions of people who died in the astronomical and meteorological disasters that broke out around the world.

However, due to changing the time and space of his own destiny, he will disappear.


"I won't let go!" 102's head was kicked by Yaoguang at sub-light speed. She only felt a buzzing sound on her forehead, but she held Yaoan tightly with both hands, knowing that this was an important bargaining chip.

Those nuclear missiles exploded on them, and their power was instantly shared by the entire Heavenly Formation Wall. Even the most powerful nuclear bombs could not directly break the defense line formed by these angels!

He was sneaking into the headquarters of Tianshu Manufacturing with a briefcase under his arm, trying to deliver news from the future to Lu Shibo.

A second fragment of the throne floated out of her cracked chest, which was also taken away and refined by Dernai.

Yao Guang's eyes froze when he saw it.

Dernai raised the cross spear in his hand high, stabbed the bound Princess Pelagia with all his strength, and cut off her head.

"I can't see to the end." Falosa looked down weakly. Kunxu and Longmen worlds were beaten to nothing, leaving only the void background of the universe.

Lu Jing found a line, which seemed to be traces of someone else modifying their destiny.

Also, on that rainy night in Jialongpo, I braved the rain and inserted the Fuyao Sword into the charging stand for use with major appliances.

The loud chorus of nearly a thousand angels echoed in the battlefield.

Princess Yaotang, died.

Then go back to the five years before you were born.

"...If you still have this trick, it won't work." Yaoguang used light waves to convey the message, "There is no angle that can make these large weapons explode from the ground."

"I know." Xu Yang put his other arm around Falosa, "I know..."

At this time, 102 was still fighting with Yao An outside. She kept running back and going in circles with Yao An.

Going back to the past, it was a sure thing.

The so-called Kunxu has also been destroyed into a giant space vortex, which will swallow the entire planet into nothingness and form a black hole over time.

it's him.

Countless angels pulled it with chains from behind like a wild beast.

The army in heaven should be as perfect as mathematical formulas and physical laws, but now there are flaws!

Xu Yang can figure it out, yes, yes...

"It doesn't matter..." Xu Yang closed his eyes, "Isn't this also a wedding in the starry sky? Ishtar, please bear witness for us."

A pretty maid next to her hurriedly came over to fix Lu Jing's hair.

"Why didn't your sister come to save you!" Yao An shouted.

"How much longer?" Xu Yang asked.

"Ugh..." 102 was sad. He didn't know why his sister didn't come, but he still hugged Yao An tightly.

Lu Kanyan will become famous and not as cruel as Lu Shibo. Therefore, there will be another "Lu Jing" at that point in the future.

After taking longevity candy for the first time in the medicine pavilion, Lu Sizhou wrote down the experimental data with malicious intent behind his back.

"I designed the Weapon of Destiny." Dirnai mocked, "There is no way to control me."

She whipped Farosha again, and Farosha's soul was shattered again.

And Princess Yaotang... couldn't hold it any longer.

The mission of the Corporate Alliance is to contain all mysteries. If you want to subdue Dirnai, you can only fight hard.


The ground collapsed again.

With the defeat of Storm Queen, the large storm she used to prevent more enemies from approaching also stopped immediately.

"Too weak...can't go back too far...hey...but...you must...can..." Princess Yaotang fell to the ground, unable to finish charging the dragon ball.

Keylight quickly releases illusions to Storm Queen. As a witch who controls light, she can easily deflect the light in the air, allowing Storm Queen to see thousands of different illusions.

"Lu Jing." He turned to look at the white-haired Lu Jing next to him, and said in the most serious tone of his life, "This world is composed of countless possibilities. I wanted to correct the situation myself, but it was too late. Take this document

Go to your father, you have a father named Lu Kanyan! Twenty-five years ago, he was in Guangnan Mansion!"

"There is no reason not to die with you." Xu Yang walked to Falosa.

Xu Yang stuffed the broken ebony ring into Farosha's palm.

There will be another Lu Jing to replace him, another Lu Jing with a better life.

Now she could see clearly, as if she was staying out of the situation, watching her own life like a third party.

In the basement.

Lu Kanyan opened the door and came to his office.

"It's my brother's power... the dragon ball..." Princess Yaotang spat out blood and lifted the golden dragon ball with her tail.

"There will definitely be a chance, believe me."

"...Speaking of which, you are just a mortal who cannot fly and has no special abilities. What qualifications do you have to appear on this battlefield?" Dilnai mocked.

The halo above her head lit up quickly, and a bright light flashed behind Diernai's head. She pointed the cross gun in her hand at 102 on the ground. 102 instantly felt weak in her arms and legs, and her eyes were distracted.

Dernai whipped it, and there was a scar on Ishtar's body.

"There are seven more whips!" Dirnai raised the whip in his hand, bound to torture all nine fragments of the throne from Farosha's body.

She flew over and placed Princess Pelagia's head with Mond's head.

The seven aerospace carriers of Tianshu Manufacturing have begun the final bombing campaign against Kunxu, and countless missiles are aimed at Kunxu.

Xu Yang gritted his teeth, his digital mind running at high speed.

"It's too late to reply..." Farosha noticed from the corner of her eye that the colorful feathers on the colorful cloak had all turned into black and white, losing their original radiant power.

Because the moment she put down the information, she felt a strong gravitational pull tearing her apart, making her disappear.

It is these stray angels who have left a flaw in the military strength of heaven!

She felt everything around her disappear, and the entire battle escalated to a higher level.

"102...102 is still outside." One of 101's eyes was blinded by Sylphy, her voice was trembling, and she prayed sadly that 102 would be safe and sound.

"Once Diernai collects the fragments of the throne, he will become invincible." Xu Yang sent a message to Yaoguang.

In Northern Xinluo, he has been mind-controlled by Mi Laiya and serves as Lu Sizhou's lackey.

That's right, there can't be two Lu Jings. It would be fine if you were interfering with other people's destiny, but now you are interfering with yourself.

A dragon's tail slapped into the sky, and the heavenly army collapsed in an instant. Countless angels were beaten to pieces, and the tail of the dragon dispersed the heavenly army of Dirnai!

"Panyuan!" Diernai held the cross gun and rushed towards the boundless dragon that appeared in Kunxu.

Lu Jing swallowed the sedative given to her by Star Weaver and touched the dragon ball with her hand.

Seven space carriers simultaneously launched the largest and most devastating attack on Kunxu.

"Farosha! Give up!" Ishta, with a certain sad emotion, released her queen-level world-destroying blast towards Farosha on the ground to prevent her from continuing to resist.

She turned her eyes to Xu Yang on the ground and thought of his proposal again.

Xu Yang stared closely at the unbroken sky.

Before she died, Princess Yaotang gave all her last vitality to the dragon ball, making it full of power.

Falosa knelt on the ground on one knee, exhausted and covered in blood.

He grew up in the yard with other little witches.

As if to verify Yaoguang's words, Diernai also turned his head and looked around.

"Don't go out!" Zhi Xingniang quickly advised Xu Yang, "You will be eliminated as soon as you go out!"

As Dirnai killed Mondstadt, Pelagia, and the entire dragon race, she did not hesitate to clean up other secondary battlefields with a crushing force.

Diener, out of control.

"..." 102 was lifted from the ground, and even Storm Queen was captured by Dirnai.

No more.

It's just... weird...

In the basement, Lu Jing could hear the endless pain and collapse outside. She knelt in front of Princess Yaotang.

Yijin Zhentian is not here!

Xu Yang used the equipment on the Shenhui to print out two large stacks of thick information. Once they return to the past, this information can help them defeat the enemy and gain a large first-mover advantage.

"Army in heaven!" Diener ordered.

"Damn it -" Farosha was fighting with Queen Ishtar when she was attacked by Dirnai again.

"If you don't want to be a slave to God, hit these five points hard!" Yaoguang announced to the fleet.

The feathers on her colorful cloak instantly lost more than half of their color, and her whole body fell to the ground.

"Where is this?" Lu Jing pressed his forehead.

"Why are you so sleepy? Miss Lu, we are going to Kunxu soon, and the people from Nisto Company are waiting for us." The maid was extremely attentive and busy.

"You...who are you?" Lu Jing asked.

"Why did Miss Lu forget me?" the maid said angrily, "I am your maid in blue, Lu Sizhou."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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