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Chapter 81 The Belonging of the Ancient Witch

Back at Burrito Big Hat, Xu Yang invited people to gather in the underground parking lot.

They were very happy to see the Anonymous number drive back to the garage.

"Are you okay?" Katsuragi Asa ran over quickly, "The news went crazy, the Shenku Building was blown to pieces!"

"I thought you were going to be handed over there." Cui Junyou looked surprised, "But now I see you are intact."

"It's hard for me to die." Xu Yang smiled, and he felt very relieved when he saw everyone's familiar faces.

"You must be the one who did this," Cui Junyou said very excitedly. "You are the only one in the world who has the courage to smash the fortress of corporatism to pieces. This is so exciting! This is what I have always thought about.

What I did but failed to accomplish!”

"How is that possible?" Xu Yang waved his hands repeatedly, "...you don't know how many people died in that place. If I really want to destroy the Shenkong Building, I can't use such an extreme method."

"The stocks of Shenkong Group, and even Kyoto Unlimited, have fallen below." Cui Junyou was very excited, "You don't know how happy I am! Several old brothers who I still keep in contact with brag to me every day about how much they have invested in their stocks.

Stocks, let’s see how high their tails can be! All corporate dogs will die!”

"Okay, okay." Xu Yang comforted Cui Junyou, "We still have important things to do next."

"...Then after you finish it, I will introduce you to an important person. There should be a common language between you." Cui Junyou's expression gradually returned to seriousness. Xu Yang had never seen such a solemn expression on Lao Cui's face.

It seems like a big secret of the world is being revealed again.

"Who?" Xu Yang was confused.

"It has something to do with Operation Lundenim a hundred years ago," Cui Junyou murmured. "You will know then... The three of us can join forces to turn the company into a historical term."

"That's really what I'm looking forward to." Xu Yang felt curious.

The Lundenium Incident was a major issue in the history of the company. People gave up their jobs and shed their blood in order to fight for better treatment. Although it was completely destroyed, it also shook the foundation of corporateism. It is one of the major events in the world.


Now Cui Junyou said that he knew the character related to this incident. What kind of person could he be? It has been a full century since the incident.

However, at that time, it was impossible to consider that Mateo might escape from Monozukuri Optical at any time.

"Get your weapons ready." Xu Yang called Katsuragi Qian over, "We are going to have a fierce fight."

According to what Sally told her before she died, there is a black fire innovation bunker in Monozukuri Optics. Mateo, the two red-armored witches, and the unknown black fire power should all be there. They must be caught as soon as possible to find out the relevant information.

More information on the Blackfire Innovation.

"Can't wait any longer." Katsuragi Asa said eagerly.

"You keep a low profile and don't get discovered by the merchants." Xu Yang called the female synthesizers down.

They looked at the environment of the garage curiously. For synths who stayed in the store for a long time, all external environments were completely novel to them.

So beautiful. Niederreiter couldn't help but be dazzled. Each one of them is quite attractive. They usually attract attention in the display window, but now they are alive and moving one by one, making it difficult to look away.

Among their rudimentary identification abilities, everyone else around them had too many human characteristics. Only Niederreiter, who was wrapped in a robe, wearing a metal mask, and covered with traces of a large number of technological products, was actually labeled as synthetic.

People, becoming their kind, are more willing to be close to Niederreiter.

This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the socially awkward Niederreiter. Except for customers, relatives and interviewers, it was difficult for him to communicate smoothly with other women, so he immediately sought help from Xu Yang.

"Where do these women... come from?" he asked hurriedly.

"Before we come back, keep an eye on them and don't let them run around." Xu Yang instructed.

"Get out of your comfort zone." Cui Junyou encouraged Niederreiter.

"That's not possible," Niederreiter argued. "I've never had any experience with that."

"You..." Miying observed Niederreiter, "Are you really a synthetic human?"

"No, no." Niederreiter felt distressed.

"Then what are you?" Miying frowned, "You are made of metal."

"Okay then," Niederreiter could only obey these ignorant artificial intelligences, "let me tell you what I am, and then talk about the origin of human beings and the origin of all synthetic humans..."

"Oh!" They were very happy.

Seeing that these bullied synthetic women could smile, Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He took Asagi Katsuragi onto the shuttle and showed her the two nano-armors of "Tengu" and "Dragon".

"If you want to make your fist more powerful, nano-armor is a convenient way." Xu Yang said, "This is not about injecting steel into the body, and it has nothing to do with your beliefs. Which one do you like?"

"Hiss..." Katsuragi Asa has difficulty choosing. For her, it is best to have only one option for all problems. However, after understanding the performance of the armor, she put the dragon on her body, and the nano armor stretched out on her body, covering her head.

It has a long snout, sharp horns, thick scales and heavy claws, and looks like an immortal dragon.

Observing the outside world through the nano armor mask, Katsuragi Asa felt his strength doubled.

"I'll explain how to debug the armor in detail on the way." Xu Yang looked for the weapon materials he purchased before, "...First we have to prepare the electromagnetic pulse grenade, and we'll go make optics."

On the other side, the situation is tense at Monozukō Optical, a poorly managed small company in Aizu City that has been closed down for many years.

Its factory has been abandoned for a long time, but I don't know when it started. The factory area has been heavily fortified and protected with smart sniper guns, sentry machine guns and explosive traps hidden in the walls. Cameras are all around, and gang members, citizens and animals have strayed in.

They will all be killed instantly.

Originally, other security companies planned to investigate this, but due to a major power outage and a rat infestation, this plan was shelved. Now that the power supply has been restored, more and more people are coming to inspect the physical optics.

A team of security personnel opened the factory door and approached the basement.

"I'm very sorry! Excuse me! We are affiliated with Gushui Security Company and have received a missing person report." The captain picked up the loudspeaker and announced to the basement, "If illegal installation of security facilities is detected, our company has the right to protect nearby blocks.

Violent demolition for safety reasons, please contact our company as soon as possible. Our contact number is..."

In an instant, several senior mercenaries wearing closed heavy armor jumped out from the hiding place. They wore armored helmets and held heavy firepower. They quickly opened fire on these security personnel. A bomb was fired into the middle of them, and with the shock wave

He Zhenyin, several security personnel were immediately blown to pieces, and their broken limbs fell all over the ground.

Another mercenary activated the phase shift device he carried, holding an ion ax in his hand, and jumped into the survivors like a shadow. He swung the ax in a full circle and chopped the remaining people into pieces like mowing wheat.

Most of them were split open from the shoulders to the sternum, and the ribs and abdomen were severed. The parts in contact with the ion ax blade were instantly evaporated by high temperature. The cut was rugged and ferocious, and blood flew away like mist.

The remaining mercenaries fired a few more shots, killing other security personnel who turned to flee, and calm returned to the factory area.

There were only 9 hot corpses left on the ground. The ground was covered with blood and their stomachs and intestines were broken. The flesh and limbs of the deceased were intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

The mercenaries returned underground silently.

In the basement, Mateo and a whole team of other Blackfire Innovation mercenaries were packing their bags and preparing to leave.

They quickly packed documents, destroyed terminals and smart devices that were inconvenient to carry, collected necessary materials, inspected and maintained weapons and equipment, and ensured that if they encountered an enemy during evacuation, they could annihilate them as soon as possible.

The two red-armored witches, 101 and 102, are leaning against the wall and wearing masks. They can only be distinguished by the length of their hair. 101 has long hair and 102 has short hair.

"Meet the enemy?" 102 watched other mercenaries come down after killing someone.

"Yeah." The mercenary responded briefly, "9 people."

"There's another group of people." 102 complained, "It's the second group today, it's time to leave."

"There's even worse news." Mateo raised his head.

"What?" 102 was puzzled.

"The company alliance's judgment determines the ownership of the ancient witch," Mateo lamented. So many events were caused by the unearthing of the ancient witch. "The dust has just settled, and the dispute between Near East Godsend and Kyoto Infinite has finally ended."

"Who was awarded to? This is Kyoto's unlimited territory, but it was found first by God from the Near East." 102 was very curious.

"Lighthouse Core." Mateo's tone was extremely sarcastic, "The corporate alliance is located within their jurisdiction, and now it has become their mouthpiece. The Lighthouse Core believes that the ancient witch has the ability to change reality, distort history, and is related to the fate of human civilization.

Only they have the ability to control the future. A task force has been set up to go to Aizu City to hunt down and recover the ancient witch. Other giant companies should not interfere."

It carries a huge off-road bag.

"Then it's over, it's time to go." 102 was very happy.

"No." Mateo shook his head, "101 and 102, we can't risk taking you away."

"Huh?" 102 didn't know the answer.

"We can't leave you to other forces, do you two understand?" Mateo glanced at the mercenaries around him. They were cold, solemn, like dead things.

It picked up the gun and aimed at 102. 101 was quiet the entire time.

Chapter 81 The Belonging of the Ancient Witch

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