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Chapter 823 Planting Vegetables in the Sky

Chapter 823 Growing vegetables at high altitude

The Shenhui became Xu Yang's new floating base.

This shuttle was so fast and easy to use that Xu Yang felt like he could stay in the shuttle for the rest of his life.

It stops at an altitude of 3,000 meters above Beijing and looks like a black tear in the sky from a distance.

The weather is very good and the cold winter has passed. Xu Cheng and Paopao are playing in the recreation room, while Xu Yang and Baby Lila are taking care of animals and plants in the nature cabin.

The so-called "natural cabin" is an additional module specially used to cultivate ecosystems. It was designed by Xu Yang himself and installed on the side of the Shenhui.

The bilge is made of 25 cm thick ecological soil, which is rich in fertility. There is a 6-meter-long synthetic material walkway in the middle, which is made into a wooden appearance. The necessary operating tables are embedded in the wall to save space.

"Measurements show that the proportions and functions of animals and plants have reached a balance point. Master, do you want to make any modifications to it?" Lila held a metal data panel. The numbers on it were dazzling. Only Lila could handle it in an orderly manner.


"I want to raise cattle on the Shenhui." Xu Yang said.

"Don't even think about it!" Xingxingniang said urgently.

"It flew above the clouds and almost hit us. I even saw our boat being captured by the camera! It's right on top of the stadium!" said Paopao excitedly.

Xu Yang observed carefully.

Paopao followed Weier to make tea.

I just want to have fresh milk every day and eat home-cooked beef every year. It seems that I can only stock up on more milk boxes and go to the cattle farm more often.

"Is there any news from other parts of the world?" Xu Yang leaned back and lay on the chair.

"Augmented Reality Retina": Replacement retinal receptors allow real-time scanning when looking at anything, so that additional information about the target item appears in front of your eyes. When looking at a person, you can quickly detect whether the other person is carrying a sharp object or weapon.


The Shenhui was extremely fast, and they headed for Niederreiter's new factory in Shangjing Industrial Park. Xu Yang saw Niederreiter and his assistant Wei Er in the office.

"Memory enhancement chip": greatly improves memory. After turning on the chip, everything you see and hear within the next 30 seconds will be completely recorded in the chip's fast memory and can be read out anytime and anywhere.

"Mr. Xu, you yourself are the biggest beneficiary of the implant." Niederreiter reminded.

It seems that due to the changes in the world line, some secondary effects have occurred.

"It's very popular." Xu Yang checked his New World Organization forum. People were discussing the ideas and creeds shared in the Dominion Movement. However, the Dominion Movement did not create its own discussion group in the New World Organization, but only arranged some propaganda.

and advertising people, as if they didn't trust the New World Organization.

Mercenary organizations, information thieves and digital criminals all conduct transactions through Blackstone Market. Over time, Blackstone Market has developed into the leading force in the underground world, and its own armed forces are also exceptionally good.

Xu Yang looked to that side and saw a young witch sitting on the ground playing.

In particular, the vast landscape thousands of meters above the sky can be seen outside the porthole window, which is even more strange.

"I need it for work, but most people, ordinary people, are just forced to upgrade themselves, because if they don't pretend to have enhanced intelligence and memory, they can't find a job, and if they don't pretend to have enhanced strength and reflexes, they can't participate in sports.

Competition. I think this is closer to a social problem. People could have gained a foothold by relying on their innate skills and knowledge, but now it has become difficult to find a job or even a foothold without transformation.

...It’s very strange.” Xu Yang shook his head.

"Subdermal Health Tracking Kit": Detects a person's heart rate, blood pressure, diseases, etc. with the highest accuracy and update rate, and performs regular health monitoring every day. It also tracks the physical condition of the installer. If the installer is shot, beaten, or out of the house,

In the event of a car accident, the security package specified by the installer will be instantly contacted, and information will also be sent to the nearest security unit and emergency unit to request timely rescue support. It can save a life if necessary.

A selection of insects crawled among the flora, loosening the soil and nibbling on the leaves to prevent them from growing too vigorously. A few tiny birds, with beautiful feathers and no bigger than a finger, stood on the high branches.

With its big head, it carefully stares at these insects in the soil below, ready to prey on them at any time to stabilize the food chain.

"The company's security department lacks interest in tracking down these 'dominance movements'," Lila said.

If synthetic humans also have their own needs in the future, then sports competitions will truly become robot performance competitions, and they will not be like now, still at the stage of neither getting better nor worse.

Hmm...what about raising chickens?

It seems that the remaining armies after the destruction of the Blackfire Revolution also flowed to the Overlord Movement, providing them with enterprise-level military guidance and training services.

"I want to drive the Shenhui away!" Zhi Xingniang hated having the Shenhui parked in one place for a long time, so she drove it to another place.

He laid out some new kits that will soon be launched on the market, and as always, at very low prices, with the goal of making modifications accessible to everyone.

Their slogans are very inspiring to people living in poverty and suffering, and they will arrange "battle plans" through encrypted channels. If someone succeeds in fighting, they will be promoted within the organization immediately and receive more assistance. They are like a virus.

A rapidly growing organization.


Xu Yang sat on the seat in the middle of the ecological cabin.

The entire baseball field has been reinforced, and the stands are full of people. The audience cheers and watches baseball players running at a speed of 25 meters per second. They are like phantoms sprinting through the field, casually refreshing the human limit indicators of the old era. Those

In the eyes of these implant-enhanced people, the sports achievements that humans worked hard to achieve in the old days are just like the challenge records of naughty children.

As of today, the Juggernaut movement continues to cause large and small cases of robbery and vandalism around the world.

The so-called "Blackstone Market" is a company that almost monopolizes underground transactions and black market transactions, operating in a hidden communication and transaction network that is unknown to everyone.

Since then, not only have they gained funds, they have become famous and eager to destroy the company.

"...Since you adopted her, then treat her well and make her become kinder and more rational." Xu Yang said.

This time there is no debate over whether to install implants or not, because every player is a super-modified person covered in sponsorships.

Isn't it supposed to be like this? Xu Yang knows this little witch adopted by Niederreiter, and he also knows everything about her and the function of the law of recovery, but he always feels that he shouldn't see her at this moment, she should

Die? But...Xu Yang couldn't tell clearly.

"Okay then." Xu Yang gave up the idea, as it seemed that raising cattle on the Shenhui was really not a good idea.

A special witch? Xu Yang became interested.

"...Although corporate wars have stopped, large-scale organized crime has risen again in various places, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. The most famous ones recently are the 'Domination Movement' and the 'Blackstone Market.'" Lila sat down.

On Xu Yang's lap, holding a data panel in his hand, he reported everything to Xu Yang.

It floats around in the cabin, because it is essentially an AI and its avatar is a projection, so it walks like a ghost. Although it is wearing a dress and has a delicate and cute appearance, it has a pair of shiny golden twintails on its head.

, like a rock drill, and like a pair of giant earth-penetrating drill bits. It keeps swinging with gravity when walking. Fortunately, it is an avatar, otherwise the entire cabin would be damaged just by walking.

During the cyber war against the West Coast, the West Coast was blacked out by Xu Yang. The Dominion Movement also took the opportunity to expand aggressively, successfully robbing many banks, and gaining momentum.

"Wow, there are dummies and prosthetic hands everywhere." Xu Cheng looked around, touching this and that.

That back view...

In a place like the Shenhui, where there are technology pipelines, leather, metal, and monitors, such a small garden is a perfect place. The air here is also more natural and fresher than other places in the cabin.

Lila enjoys the time alone with her master.

Xu Yang always felt that he was not good at handicrafts before, but now he feels more confident, and it seems that he can still make some good things with his hands.

Xu Yang and Lila walked over to visit and found that they were watching the Northern Islands extreme baseball game again.

The Juggernaut movement is still expanding its influence, and their branches have appeared in Taipei, the West Coast, the Near East, Gialong Po and the Taiya Islands.

He couldn't be more familiar with it. Xu Yang walked over to check on the girl Niederret adopted, that particularly immature witch, and he felt in a trance.

The Dominion Movement is a destructive legion that advocates the unemployed and desperate people to join them. Those people will receive formal armed training and then challenge the corporate order.

Paopao and Xu Cheng walked away talking and laughing, as if they had met new friends.

Speaking of implants, Xu Yang wanted to visit Niederreiter again.

Xu Cheng is very excited now, becoming more and more interested in new things, and has different preferences every day.

"What's wrong?" Niederreiter was puzzled, "This child? Yes, it's a little strange. Weier and I have always wanted a child, but we felt that adoption would be more suitable. After filling out the form, she came to me

Here it comes.”

Its early members include professional mercenaries, hackers, veterans who cannot get pension money, journalists who are dedicated to exposing darkness, anti-corporate people who are eager to seek asylum, those who have cut off their contracts or owe money and are hunted down by the company, and those who are suddenly unemployed and fired.

Desperate ones...all have varying degrees of hatred towards the company.

"...You really should go see Niederreiter, he adopted a 'special witch' this year." Lila reminded.

The world is really changing with each passing day. Xu Yang thought to himself. The old forces have withdrawn, and new challengers have stepped onto the stage. Fortunately, they are currently only operating overseas, and the northern archipelago still maintains stability and peace, showing a rare prosperity.


"Whoops -" Xu Cheng stood up and gestured with his short hands, "The ball is going to fly to us!"

Xu Yang also planted a lot of citrus, sweet potatoes, strawberries, and grapes on the ground. The numbers were not large, but they were growing vigorously. On both sides of his seat were their wild green vines. Xu Yang was looking forward to the moment when he would harvest them with his own hands.

Plants here include hardy succulents and delicate ferns, which are vibrant and cascading to form a lush green landscape.

Xu Yang relies on them to purify the air on the shuttle, and also help to recycle water resources, reduce energy consumption, and promote environmental protection. It can be said that it serves multiple purposes.

While thinking seriously, he looked around.

"More and more people are installing implants. As of this year, the number of people who have undergone human body modification has officially reached 75%. Now only a quarter of the 'original humans' are left." Niederreiter announced happily.

Niederreiter enthusiastically showed some of his new designs to Xu Yang. He took over Cui Junyou's resources and status, and his influence in Nisto Company continued to rise.

Sports once fell into silence due to the abuse of artificial intelligence and implants, but in recent years, with the introduction and improvement of new rules, advanced implant major league competitions have also emerged.

There are several fish in the large water tank in the corner. They are probably the highest flying fish on the earth. There are algae, stones, snails, turtles and ecological plant lights in the water tank. The fish tank itself is also a small part of this natural cabin.

Ecology can be said to be a state within a state.


"It feels... not as good as wearable smart devices, such as smart bracelets." Xu Yang maintained a conservative attitude.

Even though Xu Yang criticized this, the resurrected sports league still attracted the attention of many people.

"Victory!" the children's shouts rang in their house.

"Because they don't have the ability to launch an attack on the real giant companies, so the current offensive is limited to hitting small and medium-sized enterprises... Instead, it has formed a situation of mutual confrontation between the middle and lower levels that the consortium is happy to see, and it cannot affect them in any way.

status..." Xu Yang pondered.

If the Dominion Movement had been established eight years earlier, I am afraid that he would have defected to the Dominion Movement immediately after being expelled. Xu Yang secretly thought that they really set the goal of gathering the unsuccessful people in the corporate world.

Xu Yang looked through another report.

People are no longer sports players, but carriers of advanced implants!

It would be better to use all invincible robots and forcefully select human players just to satisfy the psychology of the human audience. Xu Yang felt that it was not good.

As for himself, he only thinks about growing vegetables today. Complex plans and great missions can be put on hold for a while, and Xu Yang also needs to rest.

The natural cabin is his favorite work and can completely operate in a closed loop.

Each at-bat becomes a confrontation between the pitcher and the catcher's neural reflex implants. The difference in personal experience becomes negligible in the face of the technical differences in implants, and even subjective slow-time implants have become standard.

Zhi Xing Niang strongly opposed Xu Yang's radical changes to the Shenhui from the beginning, but now she can reluctantly accept it, but raising cattle is still not an option.

"Of course, after all, she also caused some trouble at the beginning. Fortunately, Commissioner Lu contacted the power of Tianshu Creation and caught her." Niederreiter looked at the little witch.

Paopao and Xu Cheng didn't know her yet and were playing with her. She was active long before Xu Cheng and Paopao.

The little witch staggered towards a toy yellow duck and stretched out her hand to it.

"Forever Milea," she said.

(End of chapter)

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