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Chapter 833 Hunting Noriko Honma

Chapter 833 Hunting Noriko Honma

Author: Xiao Xisui

Near East, Spice Coast, City of Safale.

Kalifa Minaret is the landmark building of this city. From a distance, it looks like an extremely high platinum spire, as if it is about to pierce the sky, and also like a golden needle blooming between the desert and the sea.

It is surrounded by various skyscrapers, luxury shopping malls, artificial lakes and fountains, and flowers. It is the most luxurious commercial area in Safale City.

The Litian Building in Silla is 620 meters high, the Heseung Shrine in Shangjing is 636 meters high, and the Kalifa Minaret is 1020 meters high! They are the most breathtaking megastructures to date.

Noriko Honma was sitting cross-legged in the tea room on the top floor of Khalifa Minaret.

At this height, all living beings are insignificant to her.

She took out the scissors to trim the flower arrangement art in front of her. The flower material that Noriko Honma chose was hydrangea, which is a characteristic flower of summer and a symbol of the rainy season. The central spherical structure is round, and the color is elegant and full of variety. For Noriko Honma,

It means tenderness and romance, which is just right for her new, young body.

The only problem is that she was originally doing this in Xisheng Shrine, but now it feels so far away.

People have almost forgotten the name Xisheng Shrine.

Call it instead…

Nisto Headquarters!

These five words hung like poison in Noriko Honma's stomach.

Every time she thinks of this name she feels like vomiting.

Nisto Headquarters.

Noriko Honma cut it, and the hydrangea in front of her lost a corner.

Her flower arrangement skills are unparalleled. The flowers in front of her are slender and delicate. The main branches and secondary branches complement each other, showing the depth and layering of space. They are more like post-modern handicrafts than natural plants.

"Madam's craftsmanship is really good, but it seems that Madam is a little absent-minded?" Roisio stood at the side of the tea room and smiled.

Noriko Honma was kneeling straight on the ground. She was wearing a cherry-pink traditional dress and her bun was tied with a hosta.

Surrounded by the aid brought by Roisio, as well as people loyal to Noriko Honma, including the bodyguards represented by Yanagawa Fumihiko, the witch headed by Nilu, the four-winged angels, and several undisclosed

There are ancient vampires named after them, as well as a huge and brutal white salamander, which is lying on the ground, covered with thick white crystals, and seems to be more powerful than ever before.

There are also a large number of private guards in the outdoor corridor, uniformly equipped with advanced combat equipment, including subjective slow-time implants, to guard Noriko Homma's unquestionable power.

Since Noriko Homma left the northern archipelago and took root in the Near East, the Near East Xisheng Company has made a comeback, completely rivaling the original giant company Near East Tianci, and becoming the hegemony of the Spice Coast.

"The battle is huge." Noriko Honma closed her eyes, "After I issued the declaration to attack the Nisto Company, they obviously started to mobilize their troops, as if they were going to attack me."

"Those scum of the Nisto Company that dare to usurp your family business had better swallow their anger. If they attack here rashly, they will suffer the biggest defeat in history." Roisio said with a smile.

Noriko Honma opened her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"I hate Nesto Company very much. They are too good to pigs." Noriko Honma said slightly paranoid.

"Pig?" Roisio asked tentatively.

"Yes, there are too many pigs, didn't you notice?" Noriko Honma said.

"You mean...?" Roisio asked.

"More than a hundred years ago, when I was very young, I saw the 'Education First Lesson' series of advertisements provided by Shangjing Education Company, which was probably to promote people's desire to learn and facilitate the sale of courses. Many years later, I

I also specifically checked the memory of the advertising provider and dug out his original thoughts from his brain. In general, it was just a photo of a group of students studying hard. But what I saw was not 'study'.

The gap is not a gap, but a gap of 'money'."

"In the advertisement, students use advanced telescreens, sit in clean classrooms, and recite to neat textbooks. The teachers are considerate and civilized, and the students are elegant and polite. I looked at the advertisement and again

Looking at my own classroom - it was dirty, there were fights everywhere, and every class could not proceed normally. It was too difficult to recreate the beautiful classroom in the advertisement. At that time, I knew that I was working with a group of pigs.

To go to school, I must leave them." Noriko Honma said slowly.

"You then founded Xisheng." Roisio said respectfully.

"I made money by selling small things into the northern islands, and finally left the living environment of pigs. At that time, opportunities were everywhere. Any products from Taixi and New Taixi were looking for agents. Northern

The archipelago was very poor at that time. We had nothing and wanted everything, including imported TVs, refrigerators, cameras, and most importantly, telephones. I bit my teeth at my opportunity and started as a small agent.

I earned the money I used to establish myself. Then I failed. The sons of ministers fell in love with the business company I established. They returned home and said to their fathers: 'I want this', and then, like

They want it like a toy and take my company away from me."

"I remember that day, I received a letter asking me to hand over the company. I let it go. No one could help me. I stood on the edge of Shangjing Bay and stared at the sea. I was not seeking death. I was thinking about the name of the new company -

—Ah, I thought of it. While staring at the waves, I thought of the name of the new company, Xisheng, hoping for prosperity." Noriko Honma said quietly.

"Wait a minute...according to our information...that must be your first husband." Luvasio was a little surprised.

"That's right, Kamibayashi Koji, he robbed my company. I crawled back respectfully, knelt in front of him, married him, and gave birth to his child. I knew he was a pig, but it was a pity that I was not even a pig at that time.

Not as good as any of them. Fortunately, I am smarter than pigs after all. After 10 years, all the interests of the Shenlin family belong to me. They can no longer control me. So I looked for other pigs, and I married the second man, and the third

Man, the fourth man... In the end, all the wealthy families in the northern archipelago were unified by me. Their children, descendants, and bloodlines all had a different name. What a nice name - 'Children of Xisheng', their

I will bear all the offspring. I cut off the pig’s bloodline and improved their genes.” Noriko Honma chuckled.

"...But Nisto brought the pigs back," Rubisio said.

"Yeah, you see, more than a hundred years of efforts to eradicate pigs have failed. Pigs... Sometimes, we write propaganda that even we can't bear to look at, but pigs, pigs will listen. Some pigs actually

I was really moved by those propagandas and started to work hard. The more docile they were, the more I felt an... irrepressible sense of superiority in intelligence and talent. In this way, we let a group of pigs work and at the same time adjust

Society, another group of smarter pigs, although they can see through our tricks, have to work under the rules. The pigs who work actively are more relaxed, they don't think much, love everything, are well-behaved and loyal; and the pigs who can understand the rules a little bit are more relaxed.

, knowing that they were being forced to work and had no future, the pigs became even more depressed. They either became numb or became despondent, and were finally picked out and killed... Oh - but Nisto Company did something bad.

" Noriko Honma said softly.

"Madam, we are well prepared for the penetration of Nisto Company both inside and outside the city. The market, management, logistics, security, finance, black market... are all willing to serve Xisheng." Yanagawa Fumihiko paid tribute to Noriko Honma.

"They help because they know that they have to work hard to build a world where there is a clear separation between humans and pigs." Noriko Honma nodded to the people around her, "Only 10% to 15% of people in the world are truly leaders.

Living with my brain. Alas, I am getting more and more tired, disgusted and scared. Nestor Company has devoted all its efforts to feed and help the remaining pigs and let them learn to stand up and do things like humans. It is meaningless.

It's futile and anti-social. Our intelligence officers in Shangjing already know their actions, so go ahead and do whatever you want, we will let them perish like moths to a flame."

"Yes!" They respectfully asked Noriko Honma to excuse themselves and left the tearoom one after another.

Noriko Honma's heart stopped, she closed her eyes and felt the heat gradually fading away from the air.

Already invincible, she couldn't help but think.


Ah, what a sweet victory. The children and grandchildren born by Ye Zi are the continuation of Xi Sheng. Do they have the courage to kill or drive away Ye Zi? The children of Ye Zi will rise up, form an intricate family, and eventually take away Nestor from within.

The company's empire.

The biggest guarantee for people to rule the pigs is already there. Thinking of this, Noriko Honma's eyes returned to the flower arrangement in front of her, and now she felt even more relaxed.

On the oasis river on the outskirts of Safaree City, Hassan, the D-type synthesizer from Nisto Company, and Aisha, the spice nobleman, were fishing.

"Why are you fishing at this time?" Ayesha said anxiously, "We have so much money to make and so many stocks to buy, but you say today is a good day for fishing?"

"Because I always feel like I haven't had enough fun fishing, but it doesn't matter, I will give you a fortune soon." Hassan smiled.

Ayesha can't figure out Hassan. Among all the male synthesizers she purchased from Nisto Company, Hassan is the most special and has become an indispensable figure in her family. He has almost replaced Ayesha as the number one.

But she had to rely on Hassan. The wisdom and strategies he provided were very effective and assisted Aisha in the continuous expansion of her power on the Spice Coast.

"Great wealth?" Ayesha asked.

"Look at that first, Khalifa Minaret." Hassan caught a plump fish.

"It's so high." Aisha looked at it.

"Guess who lives in there."

"You don't have to guess? He's an executive from Near East Nozomi, someone like Noriko Honma." Ayesha leaned on the edge of the boat, her caramel-colored skin being burned by the sun.

"Wait until we make Khalifa Minaret ours." Hassan had caught enough fish and asked Ayesha to use reliable channels to buy a large amount of weapons and equipment on the black market.

"Are we going to arm our troops? The cost is too high." Ayesha checked the list provided by Hassan.

"You are only responsible for buying. There is guaranteed to be a buyer, and it is a big buyer. They will charge you as much as the arms you buy. I guarantee you will make a fortune." Hassan said mysteriously.

"Damn - I feel like you have become unreliable." Ayesha was suspicious.

"Don't worry, if things don't work out, you can take off my mechanical head and kick it into the river." Hassan said loudly.

Despite her doubts, Ayesha still used her family connections to secretly import a large amount of weapons and equipment and transport them to a warehouse in the desert on heavy trucks.

Because she was worried about money, she kept squatting in the warehouse, complaining and blaming Hassan from time to time, causing her to spend tens of millions in vain.

Just when they were about to be disappointed, a shuttle marked with the Tianshu Manufacturing trademark landed near the warehouse, and a team of witches and a team of capable soldiers quickly descended from it. They didn't seem to expect that there was really something happening right here.

There are warehouses full of guns and ammunition, armed robots and military vehicles, which is amazing.

"Holy shit." Ayesha sat up suddenly, "These are the buyers? What do such a large army want to do?"

"Miss, just keep the money." Hassan went up to collect the check and came back. Through the account of Sweets Bank, the other party spent a lot of money. There was a warehouse full of arms. Ayesha could earn 40 million by changing hands.

Ayesha was so excited that she was speechless.

"I'll be at your service any time you ask me." Ayesha hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, not having time to listen to Hassan's instructions.

"I really need your help, but if you board this 'pirate ship', you don't know that you have to risk your head." The leading witch was wearing unmarked black armor, which was completely sealed from head to toe.

Unable to identify.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Ayesha said eagerly. She turned to look at Hassan.

"You can replace Noriko Honma!" Hassan said seriously.

This chapter has been completed!
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