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Chapter 836 Two More Pan Ruiyis

Chapter 836 Two more Pan Ruiyi

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 836 Two more Pan Ruiyi

The Zhuzi Spice Mine was taken away.

Its production value ranks fourth among all spice mines in Xisheng, and its collapse caused a sensation in Kalifa Spire.

"Not only was the mine occupied, but our Brother Agis was also brutally killed! I can feel his fall. A noble angel fell..." An angel complained to others sadly.

The four-winged angel Majileus stood indoors, the giant white wings behind him spread out like streams of light, and his face was completely dark, covered by a pale hood.

"It's Pan Rui." Archangel Majlis said slowly, "Our Lord's sacred contract has revealed the truth."

"Pan Rui? Okay." Luvasio smiled, "Nisto Company used members of the riot control mobile team to provoke a corporate war. This kind of public opinion is enough to defeat them."

"Yes. Nestor Company is really...stupid enough, or too reckless. How could it possibly send out the members of the riot control mobile team at this juncture?" Yanagawa Fumihiko stood upright and put his hand on the scabbard of his big sword.

"Their reputation has been declining due to the D2 controversy. Now that the reputation of 'provoking corporate wars' breaks out, the so-called reputation of Nisto will be destroyed today." Luvasio said contentedly, and he turned to Ben next to him.

Ma Jizi, "What do you think, madam?"

"I still believe more in the role of power." Noriko Honma is feeding the white salamander.

The huge white salamander's body was covered with thick new scales, and its octagonal fleshy tentacles on both sides of its head were bulging. It stretched out its long sticky tongue and swept away the food in Noriko Honma's hand.

"Now let's expose this matter to the world. People in Nisto Company will think of this." Luvasio said with a smile, "——As a member of the riot control mobile team, Pan Ruiyi is not qualified to appear in


Ten minutes after the fall of the Zhuzi Mine, public opinion shocked the world and appeared on the homepages of major media portals.

Under the influence of Qiyin's strong media relations, Nisto's reputation was immediately questioned.

"Pan Ruiyi of the Riot Control Mobile Team appears in the Near East!"

"The Zhuzi Spice Mine suffered a brutal massacre! The murderer belonged to the Nisto Company!"

"It's shameful for Nisto to abuse the power of the riot squad!"

"Pan Ruiyi is trying to provoke a war in the Near East!"

"Destroyer of world order!"

"Is the riot control mobile unit in name only?" Huge news emerged all over the world.

People received relevant news one after another, and learned that Pan Ruiyi had appeared in the Near East and violently attacked the Xisheng Company's mines!

This news immediately set off a storm in people's hearts.

Revenge? Provoke trouble? Provoke war? Kill indiscriminately?

"Disappointed, really disappointed..."

"I thought Nisto Corporation would protect world peace?"

"Pan Ruiyi has rejoined the riot control mobile team. Why is she not killing people instead of killing people?"

"Shame on Nisto!"

"The Riot Control Mobile Team should be disbanded immediately! It exists in name only!"

"The murderer of the massacre must pay the price!"

"Is it because Noriko Honma issued a declaration against D2? Even so, please have some tolerance. This is too rogue!"

"Why? Why do you still want to provoke a war when so many peace agreements have been signed..."

The world should have entered peace, but this news shattered people's expectations, shattered people's imagination of a better life, and made them feel a strong sense of betrayal.

Nisto, which has always maintained a very high reputation, would actually do such a despicable thing?

Pan Ruiyi of the Riot Control Mobile Team was sent to the Near East to start a corporate war!

Using her powerful power as a ruler witch to bully the weak? Just for revenge?

This kind of thing... is so hateful!

What is the difference between Nisto's doing this and those "evil" giant companies!

Doubt, doubt, confusion and fear are all spreading in people's hearts.

Including the northern archipelago, when people thought about the previous scene where the conquering witches gathered at the Nisto headquarters, they realized that this kind of thing was very likely to happen.

Nesto betrayed their trust!

west coast.

Memnon was also troubled.

Not long ago, he had just presented the super powerful battleship Shenhui to Nestor as a proof of his goodwill to the Nestor Company. As a result, the Nestor Company came out like this? Even Memnon would be questioned.

So sad, so betrayed of his trust in Nisto.

Memnon couldn't help but get up and asked the mechanical assistant: "Why did Nisto send Pan Rui to the Near East? Knowing that it is a mass of muddy water! Countless eyes are staring there."

"In any case, Nestor is now facing an extremely serious public opinion challenge, and the reputation it has accumulated for a long time is very likely to collapse. First it was involved in the controversy due to the 'D2' controversy, and now it sent Pan Ruiyi into the Near East without any reason.

Retrograde behavior will definitely arouse doubts and hostility around the world." said the artificial intelligence.

"Wait a minute...that Lila is live broadcasting, and she wants to explain her confusion to the whole world." Memnon suddenly received new news.

Go to Beijing!

Nisto Headquarters!

Faced with countless doubts that instantly arose inside and outside, Lila Nisto appeared in the office in person and made a public speech directly.

"Is it another declaration of war?"

"So cliche! Nisto!"

"Your hands are stretched too far!" People left messages one after another, quite dissatisfied.

Numerous drone footage is directed at Lila, many from third-party neutral media and intercontinental companies, capable of detecting and scanning the environment to ensure authenticity.

"...In response to the current extremely strong negative public opinion, as the president of Nisto Corporation, I must make a statement: Nisto Corporation has never sent Pan Rui to the Near East, and has nothing to do with the fall of the Zhuzi Mine. If charges are to be filed,

, please provide evidence." Lila's tone was extremely cold, and as soon as she opened her mouth, people who listened to the live video broadcast felt a chill down their spines, as if they had wronged Nisto Company.

With this in mind, Near East Xisheng Company directly released a large number of images taken by mine survivors and automatic emergency facilities.

I saw an extremely tall, strong and violent witch burst into the battlefield, killing innocent people everywhere and destroying machines. The situation was very bad!

These bombshell news instantly ignited people's anger.

"Haha, if you ask for a hammer, you will get a hammer."

"This is not who Pan Ruiyi is!"

"How long are you going to fool us?"

"Nisto Company only knows how to shirk responsibility and issue announcements! How could this happen? It's only been a few years!"

Faced with the news released by Xisheng Company, Lila's actions did not change.

"Is that so? Coincidentally, the members of the Riot Control Mobile Team have been stationed at the Nisto headquarters recently because of internal meetings. Of course, including Pan Rui, the citizens saw the witches crossing the sky and arriving at the headquarters.

situation. They are all here and have always been there. There is no possibility that they will appear in the Zhuzi Mine. Now I will let them appear one by one." Lila said coldly.

Hearing Lila's words, the doubters couldn't help but feel shaken.

Did Pan Ruiyi really never leave Beijing?

As these complications deepened and reversed, more and more people paid attention to this incident.

In various communities, discussion groups and social media, the news was copied and spread almost fissively. The number of people who heard the news increased exponentially. It was spread to ten people and hundreds of people. The number of viewers of Lila's live broadcast room was actually hundreds of millions.

Calculated in units.

Lila summons the riot squad.

In the camera, the members of the riot control mobile team arrived one by one. Emilia, Yan Huairou, Takahashi Kyoko, Storm Queen, Jin Yuxiu... and... Pan Ruiyi!

Six tall and beautiful ultimate battle witches appeared in the office, making people marvel in admiration.

Especially Pan Ruiyi, who is obviously taller than the others and whose majestic figure is impressive.


"That's the Eastern Hemisphere Riot Squad?"

"Pan Ruiyi..."

"Pan Ruiyi is obviously at the headquarters..."

"She didn't attack the Near East?"

"Then what's going on? What is Xisheng doing?" The moment Pan Ruiyi appeared, public opinion began to collapse.

"What are you talking about?" Pan Ruiyi walked toward the camera angrily. She pointed at the screen angrily, "I'm going to sleep! What do you mean I attacked suddenly? Stop talking nonsense!"

Inside the Kalifa Minaret, the crowd was even more shocked.

"What? Why is Pan Ruiyi in Beijing? The teleportation array? When did they build it?" Yanagawa Fumihiko was stunned.

"It's not that fast, and there's no disturbance in time and space." Witch Nelu frowned.

She stared at Lila in the screen. It was Nilu who split Lila into two and forced Lila to undergo a full-body transformation.

Now seeing Lila appear in the office in good condition and becoming the president of Nisto Company, Nilu felt quite strange.

"God's instructions are not wrong. It was definitely Pan Ruiyi who attacked the Zhuzi Mine." Archangel Majillies emphasized.

"Don't forget." Noriko Honma said leisurely, as if she was the only person who could stay out of the matter, "Nisto Company has a 'morphling'."

"...Yes." Luvasio raised his lips, "We have already investigated clearly that the witch named Du Qianqian can take the form of Pan Ruiyi."

"What should we do?" Yanagawa Fumihiko is eager to let Nisto's tricks be exposed.

"...We just need to let Du Qianqian show up. She was traded to Shangjing under the management of the company alliance, and everyone can find out." Luvasio understood.

Immediately afterwards, he personally took action, found the public information from that year, and then connected with Lila.

"I am Luvasio, the president of Qingshui Technology Company." He said, "I know that your company has a witch who can change its appearance. I hope your company will not stall."

Immediately afterwards, he posted Du Qianqian's information directly on the Internet.

Although it is an outdated file and only reveals Du Qianqian eight years ago, her photos and magic reports are still clearly shown.

"Transformation magic?"

"Able to transform into other people's shapes? What a terrifying witch..."

"Is this just like this, turning into Pan Ruiyi's shape to deceive us?"

"Is it true that Nisto still can't be trusted?" People are caught up in the intertwining of true and false information, eager to know the truth.

The pressure returned to Lila.

Her response was very cold.

"Du Qianqian does work for our company, but it is still difficult for her to show up now to explain, because Miss Du works in a confidential unit of our company and it is not convenient for her to see people." Lila said.

"Feeling guilty!"

"Sure enough, this witch turned into Pan Ruiyi, and did the real Pan Ruiyi kill ordinary people in the Near East?"

"Hey! Why bother!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to let this witch named Du Qianqian come out?"

"It's a lie if you don't dare to show up. Let's disperse!" People were angry and obviously dissatisfied.

"Billions of people around the world know the truth of tonight's incident." Luvasio realized that they had won. "Then Ms. Lila, I won't disturb you."

It is clear!

Pan Ruiyi was killing people in the Near East, and the "Pan Ruiyi" who went to Beijing was impersonated by the shape-shifting witch Du Qianqian using magic power!

"..." Lila remained silent.

"Sure enough! It was Du Qianqian who turned into Pan Ruiyi."

"Oh, what a disappointment!"

"In that case, wouldn't Nisto Company be just like warmongers? So cunning!" The disappointment in people's hearts reached its peak at this time.

"I'm serious!" Pan Ruiyi said hurriedly. Her armor resisted the drone lens scanning, and she couldn't prove her innocence in a short time. Now, no matter what "Pan Ruiyi" does in the camera, people no longer believe it.

After all, with the shape-shifting witch here, it doesn't matter whether this "Pan Ruiyi" is real or fake anymore!

"Wait!" A figure suddenly broke into the live broadcast room.

Everyone was shocked.

This...this is...

——Du Qianqian!

Roisio published Du Qianqian's photo, so when Du Qianqian appeared in person, people would be able to recognize her immediately.

Du Qianqian suddenly rushed in and stood beside Pan Ruiyi.

"I'm very sorry! President! But this matter concerns Pan Ruiyi's reputation! So I have to break the confidentiality regulations." Du Qianqian said anxiously. She turned around and held Pan Ruiyi's hand, and then looked at the camera, "Pan Ruiyi has always been

Here, I am here, she is not 'pretending'."

"Ah..." Pan Ruiyi looked at Du Qianqian with emotion.

"Everyone! Please be sensible!" Du Qianqian sincerely appealed to the camera, "I am a witch who can transform, but I never use my magic power to do evil, and I will not confuse the public. I work in a confidential unit because

I am engaged in an important scientific research task. Oh, I didn’t expect that Xisheng would take advantage of me today and say that Nisto Company sent Pan Ruiyi to the Near East and forced me to become 'Pan Ruiyi' and stay in Beijing to make a fuss... This is ridiculous!"


"Is that really the case?"

"What, Xisheng Company actually smeared Nisto Company like this? The tactics between companies are too bad." People were confused by the successive reversals.

"How do I know if what you said is true or false? Maybe you are not Du Qianqian, but just Du Qianqian's stand-in. You must know that after so many years, your appearance has also changed, and it is very different from the photos we provided.

Ah!" Roisio said calmly.

Du Qianqian gritted his teeth and looked at the camera.

"Okay, then I will show my power in front of the whole world." Du Qianqian closed his eyes and released his magic power, "Transform!"

In an instant, Du Qianqian changed his appearance and took on the appearance of Rovasio!

"How's it going? Mr. Roisio, I'm exactly like you now." Du Qianqian shouted.

Roisio watched in amazement as the magic was being used, and another exact version of himself appeared on the screen, even his voice was the same as his own.

Really, really Du Qianqian!

Then the "Pan Ruiyi" next to her... is the real Pan Ruiyi!

How did it get past!

"...It's really a shape-shifter." Noriko Honma murmured, "Nisto Company has calculated an extra layer."

Roisio looked at his other self in the camera without saying a word.

Even as a special envoy of the Seven Seals, he could not make up enough lies to fool the world in a short period of time.

"Okay! You have seen it. I am a shape-shifting witch. I am the real thing and have no clones. And Pan Ruiyi next to me is of course the real Da Pan. The Riot Suppression Mobile Team has never interfered with the affairs of the Near East. Also, I have

It can change!" Du Qianqian released his magic power again.

The next second, she turned into a slightly ten-year-old girl.


"Miss Micro-October!"

"Woo, no matter what, let's take another look at Micro October!"


"Please keep it like this!" People's attention was instantly attracted by the stunningly beautiful Wei Shiyue.

Wei October has not shown up for three years! It’s like he disappeared from the world!

And now Du Qianqian can be used as a meal replacement for October! Perfect!

"Taking advantage of this moment, I want to publicly announce to the whole world -" Du Qianqian said emotionally.

Before she could finish speaking, Du Qianqian was quickly pulled away by other witches.

"Okay, okay! That's enough!" Pan Ruiyi walked forward, "Reporters! Media! This live broadcast is very informal. I will hold an offline reception tomorrow to publicly talk about our riot control mobile team's plan.

, I am here, and what kind of fake news did Xisheng make? I am very unhappy. You have had enough, right? How could Nisto do such a thing? How could I go to the Near East? Pan Ruiyi of the Near East

It must be a fake!"

"Yeah yeah……"

"Is it true that Xisheng has been plotting against Nisto Company?"

"In this way, the boss of Xisheng, Noriko Honma, said before that D2 has loopholes, which must be a lie. I know that my D2 is the best."

"Huhu, I feel relieved now."

"Really! Are you gathering everyone just to watch this?"

"Nisto Company is the best!" Seeing that the misunderstanding was solved, people suddenly felt at peace.

"Do you think this is the end?" Lila stared at the camera drone and broadcast the video signal from the Nisto headquarters office to the world. "Xisheng Company insulted, insulted, and slandered Nisto Company so much that it was Pan Ruiyi who was responsible.

I want to make us take the blame for their losses in front of the whole world. I announce that Nisto Company will hold a general meeting to vote on the matter of declaring war on Near East Xisheng."

The horrific news hits people's hearts directly, war! Lila's harsh and indifferent attitude has shocked people all over the world time and time again, and now she is going to attack Near East Xisheng Company.

At the same time, big news broke.

Yexi Sheng Company announced the interception of 20 oil tankers heading from the Gialongpo Strait to the Near East, cutting off the lifeline connecting the Near East and the Eastern Hemisphere, and requiring other ships to consider detaining or changing course.

"The irrational behavior taken by Near East Xisheng Company is really regrettable. Considering the potential turmoil and crisis in the region, I have to make a sad decision: to control the Gialongpo Strait." Ye Zi also expressed his opinions to the public.

Jialongpo Strait!

The maritime lifeline has been restricted, and Xisheng in the Near East has undoubtedly been given a slap in the face, which is like cutting off their blood vessels.

The materials, personnel and support shipped from the west coast of Sintai Island originally traveled all the way across the ocean and through the Gialongpo Strait to the Spice Coast, which was very convenient.

But with Ye Zi stuck, the support from the west coast must take a detour, pass through the Central Tequila Strait, enter the Mediterranean Sea, and then find a way to the Spice Coast.

Not only does it increase costs, it also significantly disrupts trade and material transportation arrangements!

When the news spread, Near East Xisheng's stock price immediately began to plummet, triggering panic selling in the market. Some of the financial products sold by Xisheng were also immediately redeemed.

critical hit!

On the west coast, Memnon saw today's series of news, mutations and reversals, and couldn't help but applaud Nisto.

As expected, it was the side he had bet on that fought back in the face of huge adversity, causing Near East Xisheng to lose face!

"It's perfect. This thing can be recorded in history! I guess that was actually Pan Ruiyi beating up Xisheng's industry in the Near East. Xisheng thought this was an opportunity to make a fuss and incited global public opinion to attack Nisto. But Nisto

But the company found a way to prove that Pan Ruiyi stayed in Beijing and didn't go anywhere?! No matter whether they used transformation magic, clones, or portals, this is so amazing to me... Now Nestor Company suddenly changed from passive to passive

One side has become the active side. There was no reason to attack the Near East, but now it suddenly has the upper hand! Even Noriko Honma's previous accusations against D2 are probably in vain." Memnon was really impressed.

Now the 300 D2 units he bought will probably not be recalled, and the game where time has stopped can be continued.

However, Memnon didn't know...how did Nisto do all this?

On the other side, Nisto headquarters.

"Why don't you let me finish, I'm going to summon Micro October to the whole world, I'm looking for Micro October!" Du Qianqian gritted his teeth as he was kidnapped by 101 and 102.

"Enough, enough! This paragraph is not written in the script!" 102 muttered.

"The plan is so perfect. Xisheng is probably puzzled. We were completely involved. He may even say something like we use 'virtual projection', but what we use are real materials. No one can see it."

Don’t come out.” Xu Yang smiled and took them to the VIP room.

Turn passivity into initiative...

It was originally attacked by Qiyin with public opinion, but now it has completed this shocking reversal, not only protecting the reputation of Nisto Company, but also making Xisheng suffer the consequences!

It was finally his side's turn to count the seven seals once.

They have been arranged by them every time, and now it is Nestor's turn to tease their opponents. This feels good. Xu Yang secretly thought.

"...Uncle Xu can think of this trick and it's amazing. Hey, it can be regarded as a lack of information. After all, I was sold here openly and registered with the alliance. As for her, she is a witch who operates in secret... Transaction

Only one company knows the content." Du Qianqian went outside to take a look.

"Pan Ruiyi" is coming.

"Yes, I calculated in my head but not in my mind. Even if it's Qiyin, I don't know how to get information from Xia's company." Xu Yang sighed.

"...Everyone says my magic power is like a 'shapeshifter'. In my opinion, she is like a 'shapeshifter', copying the skills from other witches." Du Qianqian sneered.

"Pan Ruiyi" walked into the room and took off his helmet.

She released the copied power and returned to Zhang Yunxi's appearance.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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