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Chapter 838 The Power of Purple Spice

Chapter 838 The Power of Purple Spice

Author: Xiao Xisui

Pan Ruiyi was dizzy and half asleep.

The purple spice spread in her mind, like the sea eroding the land.

Colors blended into each other and shapes twisted before her eyes, leaving her dazzled and disoriented.

She wearily passed through bouts of hallucinations and dreams, believing she was on a cross-country hike.

Ten kilometers of cross-country, move forward!

Qingyao was running in front, and she secretly used the magic power of slowing down time on Pan Ruiyi, making Pan Ruiyi unable to run fast. Zhang Yunxi fell next to her, and Pan Ruiyi had to help her. She was a new soldier and knew nothing.

Forward, forward!

The 700 kilograms of food he had just eaten in his stomach seemed to disappear. Pan Ruiyi was sweating profusely and felt hungry. He wanted to eat five burgers and then take a good bath.

She stumbled forward and missed a step.

The feeling of plummeting was very scary, but it did not wake her up. She just felt that she had become smaller and was pulled into another dimension.

The next second, she sat back down on a simple bed from the wild.

The walls and doors have become taller, and the light tubes on the ceiling have become far away.

Pan Ruiyi looked down at her little hands, then she looked up and saw them.

Four people appeared in front of her, clearly visible. Her mother, her father, and her sisters.

Pan Ruiyi is the youngest in the family. Both sisters are in ragged clothes and are reading by the white light of the desk lamp.

She couldn't believe it. The things Pan Rui was obsessed with as an adult - beaches, luxury hotels and power, were no longer available.

His status fell to the bottom and his wealth was reduced to nothing.

A woman came over, and Pan Ruiyi vaguely remembered that she was his mother. His mother was sitting next to little Pan Ruiyi, her face completely blurred.

Pan Ruiyi jumped off the bed, stretched out her hand to touch one of her sisters, and felt her warmth and presence. She had never imagined that she would be taller than the two of them stacked up in the future.

They are real to her.

Pan Ruiyi's heart skipped a beat. She missed the dark room, the narrow apartment building, and her sisters' old clothes.

She didn't care that it was an illusion, she didn't want it to end. She wanted to be with them forever.

"We -" said the mother.

The world around Pan Rui began to tremble.

"——I want to sell you." Mother said.

"If you do this, you will kill all of us." The father emphasized, "We have signed a contract with..., and if she is sold to... the company's killers will come."

"...More money is given. Money, money, do you understand?" Mother raised her voice.

"I don't want to leave home." Pan Ruiyi said.

Their eyes turned to Pan Ruiyi, as if they had been waiting for her to say this. Then their eyes gradually changed from calm to anxious and urgent.

"Is this child still very angry?" The father frowned.

"It doesn't matter." Mother turned to father, "She will soon forget our family... She will soon forget us. The company is her biological father and mother."

Pan Ruiyi felt an uncontrollable anger.

Her body suddenly became taller, grew bigger, and returned to her adult state.

She has a spear in her hand, her star-chasing spear.

Hatred permeated her soul, and anger from an unknown source burned through her rational defenses.

They looked at Pan Ruiyi, who had suddenly grown by more than ten years, and backed away in horror. She swung her spear and pierced her family members like gourds, and then threw their bodies to the ground, like smashed meat paste!

A huge crack appeared in the middle of the apartment floor, swallowing up its remains and causing them to fall into a shimmering mist of light and shadow.

Pan Ruiyi's road - the road of bones and blood, suddenly became bright at this moment.

Like the mythical Sun Chaser, she roared loudly and then ran towards her sea of ​​blood.

Pan Ruiyi's size continued to grow, and enemies, humans, robots, monsters and fleets appeared along the way, but Pan Ruiyi defeated them all.

It's like entering a deserted place.

Wasn't he born to kill people? Pan Ruiyi gritted his teeth.

Witches are nothing more than tools, bitches and killing machines. This tall and indestructible body is tailor-made for her violent soul!

No one can resist her attack! All enemies, no matter how powerful, will gradually lose once they are captured by Pan Rui's magic.

The dead relatives shouted to Pan Ruiyi from a distance, screaming in pain.

They called and cursed -

Pan Ruiyi!

Your bones will join the ranks of countless others!

She woke up suddenly.

The illusion brought by the purple spice dissipated. Everything in the past was ridiculous and pitiful.

Ecstasy, sorrow and impulse left ripple-like traces in Pan Ruiyi's heart. Whenever she touched these traces, the memories in the hallucinations were vividly visible.

Aisha and Hassan stayed by the bed.

Seeing Pan Ruiyi open her eyes, Ayesha quickly picked up a cup filled with half a liter of lemonade.

"Drink it, it will make you feel better." Ayesha said hurriedly.

Pan Ruiyi had a splitting headache. She glanced at the translucent glass of water, and there were sour-looking lemons floating in it.

She drank the ice water, which flowed through her burning body and merged into the bulging food in her stomach and intestines, lubricating the gaps between them.

Her intestines twitched, and she suddenly felt like a sloppy beast!

Pan Ruiyi could hear his heavy breathing and could see his ferocious and strong arms and thighs.

She gave a low and threatening roar to Ayesha.

A look of relief appeared on Ayesha's face. She was not frightened by Pan Ruiyi's roar, but stood patiently by the bed.

"The effect of purple spice is very strong. It will make you feel ecstatic, but it will also bring back many memories that even you have forgotten. You must have thought of something bad." Ayesha comforted.

"The effects will fade within 3 to 6 hours." Hassan said, "However, it is all worth it. Purple spice will prolong your life, greatly increase your sensory abilities and mental strength, and improve brain development."


Did you really eat a portion of legendary high-grade spices?

Pan Ruiyi swallowed and returned his attention to his five senses.

Sure enough, she found that her sensory sensitivity had increased to twice as much as before!

This... this is too strange! It's too powerful. Pan Ruiyi felt a strong excitement in his heart.

Her vision can clearly see all the furnishings and decorations in the room, even the smallest patterns. Her sense of smell can distinguish the mixed smell of three different perfumes on Aisha's body, and her hearing can hear the two servants in the courtyard.

They were whispering under the shade of the trees and discussing Pan Ruiyi’s appetite.

"That guy... really ate a whole cow..."

"She is simply not human!"

Pan Ruiyi could even measure that the sound source was at least 500 meters away from him.

She held her breath and adjusted her newly liberated senses, feeling as if her way of perceiving the world had been upgraded.

Pan Ruiyi has always been known for her violence and rough tactics, and the perception given by spice allows her to make more subtle and thoughtful actions in complex combat environments.

She knew how precious this power was, and she couldn't help but nodded silently at this time.

The degree of brain liberation increased, and the whole person became more aware. The increase in vitality increased her life span by 20 to 50 years. Pan Ruiyi felt that all the cells in her body were eager to try, and her vitality increased greatly!

"This is... the power of 'spice'. No wonder... no wonder everything in the Near East revolves around spices." Pan Ruiyi murmured.

"That's it! Noriko Honma is the woman who consumes the most spices in the world. She was originally a big customer of ours, and she has been extending her life to more than 130 or 140 years old, completely breaking through the physiological limits of human beings." Ayesha said enthusiastically.


What a great mineral. Even if we enter the interstellar age in the future, the spices produced on this planet will become the object of competition. Pan Ruiyi thought to himself.

Purple spice is one of the most powerful and has a serious impact on the mind. Pan Ruiyi sighed, still unable to get rid of that terrible memory. What happened to her?

"Let's go for a walk." Ayesha helped Pan Rui get up.

Like a dutiful robot servant, Hassan carried trays of food and wine for them, allowing them to enjoy fresh fruits and wine while strolling around Ayesha's family estate.

As the sun rose high into the sky, Pan Ruiyi's black armor was made of a special material and reflected a certain illusion of light under the sun's rays.

"What did you dream about? That hallucination...memory?" Ayesha asked.

"You have also taken purple spice, please tell me first." Pan Ruiyi didn't want to talk about her past.

"I got some nasty memories - my mother's funeral. She was killed by an assassin sent by Noriko Honma, because my mother's wounds - wounds made by ninja weapons, which were used by ninjas in the northern archipelago.

Use a curved knife and a four-sided throwing concealed weapon to kill her, leaving me alone as the backbone of the family to survive." Ayesha frowned.

"You don't look... not too angry?" Pan Ruiyi was troubled.

"...It's not that I'm not angry, but how do you want me to fight against Noriko Honma? She is like the giant tower itself. You don't even have the key to open the door. You have only seen her on TV, but you will never see her in your life.

Her real person, or her real person may not exist at all, and everything related to her is fabricated by the media." Ayesha sighed.

Even a spice aristocrat like Aisha is still too far away from Noriko Honma.

Pan Ruiyi walked silently, and she suddenly realized that her hallucination was not real and not what she expected.

It was all a figment of her imagination, the spice conjuring up her deep-seated longing for her lost family. Just like Ayesha was obsessed with her own past.

Even realizing this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because the spice revealed the truth: Pan Ruiyi had real weaknesses.

A witch who is clearly made of steel...how can she be so fragile?

No matter what, the memories conjured by purple spice will remain in her mind forever.

She knew that endless killing was like scooping up the sea with a spoon. However, what could she, the Conquering Witch, change...

At this moment, Pan Ruiyi misses Xu Yang more and more, thinking of hugging him - that kind of violent, truly overcoming pleasure. It is enough to make her forget all kinds of unhappiness. Saying that she is happy to forget her worries, Pan Ruiyi feels a huge depression in her heart.

Only extreme happiness can erase it.

Pan Ruiyi and Ayesha walked through the manor. They entered the labyrinth-like corridors. The walls were decorated with complex colorful mosaics and rough collage murals depicting battle scenes from the past.

The air is filled with the subtle aroma of evaporated spices. Even the servants who serve here will become sharper and brighter over time and live longer. Therefore, there will never be a shortage of servants who want to work for the spice nobles.

"Why do you have time to accompany me for a walk here?" Pan Rui suddenly thought of this and turned to Ayesha.

"I don't know." Aisha shook her head, "The progress is too fast. No one dares to work there under the threat of Noriko Honma."

"Take me to the mine." Pan Ruiyi wanted to know how such invincible spices were mined.

Near East Xisheng has not launched an attack yet, but Pan Ruiyi knows that they must be planning the next wave of offensive.

Before leaving the manor, Pan Ruiyi looked back and would never forget the small exotic shock in Ayesha's home, whether it was the roasted cow with its belly full of goods or the exquisite fountain that made the sound of trickling water.

She saw more drones on the estate, buzzing around with missiles and machine guns attached to them. A group of workers were installing surveillance equipment, obviously to prevent Noriko Homma from sending troops to raid.

There is also a team of strange mercenaries training nearby. The sand outside the manor was once desolate. Today, a virtual arena has been set up, allowing the mercenaries to test their skills here and fight against simulated powerful enemies, ferocious creatures and...

Enemy soldiers are constantly being projected holographically.

Pan Ruiyi sat on the off-road vehicle. The leather cushion was as comfortable as a bed. Under the influence of the spices, her senses were completely enhanced. Even if her back was to those people, she could hear hundreds of deficiencies in their movements.

"Are you training soldiers?" she asked.

"There are also equipment." Ayesha asked Hassan to drive.

She pointed to a camel caravan in the distance. Some merchants used camels to carry goods, transporting energy shield generators, laser three-eyed guns, hacking equipment and invisible armor into the manor, using it as an arms warehouse.

"I feel like you're a little nervous." Pan Ruiyi leaned back.

She was a little uncomfortable with her super senses enhanced by spices. She could completely sense Aisha's emotions, which were mixed with strong self-doubt and uncertainty, like a fox with its head buried in the sand.

"I'm going against Honma Noriko." Ayesha covered her face, "The spice aristocrats tried to oppose Xi Sheng's rise in the Gulf, but Honma Noriko... only came here for less than five years.

All the opponents were defeated, and before I even noticed what was happening, my family was also dead."

"Noriko Honma didn't kill you." Pan Ruiyi said suddenly.

"Yes - she wants to leave one person in the world to taste the malice she brings and bear the despair she brings. Otherwise, who will she do this for? Just like when you hunt wild boars, you will keep a little

The pig faced a herd of dead and injured wild boars, and the little wild boar could do nothing but nuzzle the remains of its parents, and then it could only run away, never daring to face the murderer," Ayesha said painfully.

"When you grow up, you can overthrow Noriko Honma. That's why I'm here!" Pan Ruiyi gritted his teeth.

The confusion suddenly disappeared. No matter what, Pan Ruiyi came to the Near East just to kill Noriko Honma!

This chapter has been completed!
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