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Chapter 840 Kicking the head of the white salamander

Chapter 840 Kick the white salamander in the head

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 840 Kick the white salamander in the head

Port of Asia.

Pan Ruiyi fights with the white salamander.

The stronger the enemy, the faster the special melee magic power is consumed, with an exponential upward trend. When the battle first started, it was still disappearing gradually, but now Pan Ruiyi could clearly feel the rapid consumption of magic power.

White Salamander keeps getting stronger!

It was stronger than during the Jialongpo battle. Pan Ruiyi jumped to the wall next to him, kicked off the wall, and used the reaction force to shoot his body towards the white salamander, then quickly turned and kicked in the air.


A kick hit the side of the white salamander's throat, and its head was quickly kicked to one side. Blood gushed out, and Pan Ruiyi's feet sank into the white salamander's flesh!

However, she could clearly feel a strong squeezing force, as if her feet were being crushed by a hydraulic press.

The white salamander's wounds healed so quickly that Pan Ruiyi's body was almost stuck in its wounds.

It became more and more adaptable to Pan Ruiyi's attacks.

No matter how hard he fought, it was useless? Frustration boiled in Pan Ruiyi's heart.

She gritted her teeth, grabbed the scales of the white salamander, and pulled her foot out hard.

Before the white salamander's claws hit her, Pan Ruiyi could only jump away and looked up at the wound on the white salamander's neck as it healed and rose-colored gel grew, covering the wound like a band-aid.

In just a few breaths, the gel turns into a stronger biological armor, exuding a dark golden luster.

"Gah——" the white salamander roared triumphantly at Pan Ruiyi.

Its lizard-like body is swollen, deformed and burly, extremely terrifying.

No one dared to get too close. Pan Ruiyi could notice that people were reluctantly filming the scene here from a very far away place. It was like a monster movie.

But the cost of filming this scene was bloodshed. Hundreds of people were already killed, crushed to death under the buildings smashed by the white salamander.

She could feel it clearly.

In this case, there is only one way.

Pan Ruiyi took a deep breath.

Use her most powerful blow.

"Phoenix Kick"!

This is the most powerful move among all Pan Ruiyi's martial arts skills.

Not even a white salamander could survive a Phoenix Kick attack.

Pan Ruiyi put on the posture of ancient martial arts. She rarely used her true secret skills. The whole command from her teacher Wang Qi'an was evolving in her mind.

Defeat any opponent and never back down.

Pan Ruiyi's mood was unprecedentedly peaceful, and she closed her eyes.

The past was flowing through her heart like a river, and thanks to the effect of purple spice, the white salamander's movements were perfectly noticeable even with her eyes closed.

"Roar!" The white salamander was ready to attack, and then swooped over!

be cheated!

Your attack trajectory is also included in my calculations! Pan Ruiyi opened his eyes wide and clenched his fists.

Concentrate your strength first, and then drive your whole body in rotation.

Each strike of the Dominator Witch can destroy buildings and even streets, and she can triple her power with each strike.

The first factor is her invincible physical fitness. She is an experienced combat witch with infinite power and a dazzling figure.

The second time is a spinning high kick. During the spin, the speed and mass increase significantly, and the force is strong and heavy.

The third factor is the breathing method brought by ancient martial arts. Under the nourishment of ancient martial arts, Pan Ruiyi's breathing rhythm brings the best condition of the muscles, and all the organs of the body are adjusted to their best.

Then, focus on one point.

"Phoenix Kick!" Pan Ruiyi turned around and kicked high, hitting the head of the white salamander that was rushing towards him.


Shaking the world!

The entire Port of Asia was shaken, and the reverberation of this blow shook the earth.

The shock wave swayed so far that people centuries later could hear the sound of today's kick!

In the distance, the citizens of Asia Port were even more affected by the impact of the explosion. Their hearts were swaying, and the loud sound like a landslide stung their eardrums.

In an instant, they were all sweating profusely, overwhelmed by this unparalleled kick!

What kind of powerful woman... can deliver such a heavy blow!

Smoke, flesh and blood, and explosions all lit up in front of Pan Ruiyi's eyes. Her right foot felt a dull pain, and her body first turned around and then returned to its normal position.

White Salamander - was kicked away! Its ten-ton body rolled backwards under Pan Ruiyi's fierce kick, tumbling on the street.

...It didn't scream.

Because the white salamander's whole head was kicked open by Pan Ruiyi!

Blood flowed from the broken neck, and the headless body of the white salamander lay lifeless on the street.

Smoke and dust swirled in chaos, and the long road from Pan Rui to the dead white salamander was filled with flesh and blood residue, like a muddy path of flesh and blood.

They fade like ashes and turn into dust.

Citizens in the distance walked slowly across the street in horror, staring at the dead white salamanders.

The shock could not be greater.

Even the stupidest person can know that this monster was sent by Xisheng Company. They are the only ones who have reason to do this. Now defeating the monster is equivalent to defeating Xisheng once!

"That monster..."

"The monster is defeated!"

"I knew that Xi Sheng would not be able to show off his power on the Spice Coast..."

"Great!" they cheered.

"Win? Win!" Excitement and tears intertwined. The citizens were grateful for the sudden natural disaster and the heroes who were able to defeat it.


Port Asshai has been saved!

Pan Ruiyi was silent when he heard their excited cheers.

Is this what it feels like to be a superhero? She secretly thought. In the past, she has always been a fighting witch, serving the interests of different companies, but today, she seems to be the kind of righteous fighter who eliminates violence and brings peace to the good.

Feels great.

As if he had truly done something that would make other people smile and also make him smile. Pan Ruiyi couldn't help but smile at other citizens through his mask.

"...Solved." She put her hands on her knees, "Huh..."

"Hey, look at this!"

"I'm at the scene in Asia Port. My family, who knows, such a big monster!"

"so amazing!"

"Wow -" the citizens boldly walked towards the white salamander's carcass and pointed at it.

The ground suddenly shook slightly.

The decapitated white salamander—it suddenly got up again!

This horrific fact made everyone present feel numb!

New bones quickly began to grow in its neck. The vertebrae were reborn, growing inch by inch toward the skull. Purple nerves and red blood vessels proliferated rapidly, and tendons, muscles, and blood were also regenerated.

What! Pan Ruiyi turned his head sharply.

The white salamander slapped several citizens who were too close to pieces. Before Pan Ruiyi rushed over, the white salamander had grown an almost complete head, but it had not yet grown scales, so it looked like it had been skinned.

Just as scary.

Damn it, damn it, damn it - Pan Ruiyi clenched his fists and glanced hastily at the poor people who were beaten to pulp.

She jumped up suddenly and kicked the white salamander in the head. It swept out its claws on the ground, trying to knock Pan Rui down in the air.

Using speed, trajectory, and acceleration, Pan Ruiyi instantly determined the direction of the white salamander's claws, and she unfolded the steel wings of the armor behind her.


The white salamander knocked Pan Rui down with one claw, and rolled her body towards the ground. Pan Rui rolled rapidly on the street, and her internal organs were hit hard.

Is the speed faster? Pan Ruiyi supported herself on her elbows. She was horrified to find that her magic power was missing a lot. Only when she faced an enemy that was far stronger than herself, her magic power would evaporate so fast.



"It's resurrected!" People ran away, more desperate than before. They just wanted to run away, as far away from Asshai Port as possible!

Pan Ruiyi gasped in pain, her strength was decreasing, and she could hear the white salamander crawling towards her quickly.

How could it be so difficult to fight? She backed away with difficulty, and when she stood up, the white salamander bit her fiercely, and Pan Ruiyi was almost bitten in two!

She used her strength to drive the steel wings behind her and lifted herself into the air. The white salamander looked up at Pan Ruiyi.

When they looked at each other, Pan Ruiyi only felt huge horror.

The head of the white salamander—the one that was just kicked by Pan Ruiyi—has now been completely reborn, and has become a hundred times stronger than before. The scales, eye sockets and even the eyeball itself are covered with a layer of biological exoskeleton at least half a meter thick.

She was probably far inferior to the Ruler Witch in the past, but now she seems to be able to compete with or even defeat herself? Pan Ruiyi couldn't believe that such a terrifying creature existed in this world.

White salamander…

She didn't believe that she couldn't penetrate the carapace of the creature evolved by the white salamander, so she quickly descended in an attempt to cause damage to this huge, squirming ultimate monster.

The white salamander seems to have evolved too much in this battle, and it cannot be more familiar with all Pan Rui's tactics.

Therefore, a hint of joking and ridicule flashed in its eyes, as if it was a prelude to killing the killer.

"Roar!" The white salamander suddenly opened its mouth, and a huge shock wave suddenly erupted from its newborn head.

Pan Ruiyi's body was instantly covered by this power.

She only felt that this strength and destructive power were somewhat familiar, but before she had time to react, her whole body was blown away into the distance——

She could only see the whole world being quickly pulled away, and her body had been shot thousands of meters into the air!

The engine behind Pan Ruiyi made an overwhelming loud noise. The steel wings were damaged in the previous hit and could not operate normally.

Move, move! Pan Ruiyi's body curved and fell towards the desert. She watched the ground getting closer and closer to her. She hugged her limbs tightly, eager to reduce the impact on her heart, liver, spleen and lungs, and wanted to resist death.

Three thousand meters, two thousand meters, one thousand meters - Pan Ruiyi suddenly heard a slight ignition sound from the engine behind her, and the steel wings buzzed for a while, lifting her body slightly. However, the direct impact with the ground was still

It's an inevitable outcome.

If he were defeated, Asia Port... Pan Ruiyi tensed up his muscles, preparing to hit the ground from high altitude.

With a loud noise - Pan Ruiyi's body violently hit the sand dune, and his whole body quickly rolled on the ground.

Pain struck her limbs, her armor made a violent tearing sound, every bone in her body collapsed, and large mouthfuls of blood burst out from her throat.

Pan Ruiyi suddenly thought of the shock wave that the white salamander sprayed on her just now. At that time, she felt that the strength and impact were somewhat familiar.

Now before she died she remembered-

That was her own Phoenix Kick.

6 hours later.

Hassan rode a camel through the once prosperous Port of Asshai. After the brutal slaughter of the white salamanders, the entire city had turned into a desolate ruin.

Aisha's servants walked around the streets, breaking open the dead man's palms and taking back the coins they had thrown to the residents of Port Asshai.

This place was prosperous before, but now there are only empty neon light boxes and flickering holographic advertisements. Hassan has asked the soldiers of the Aisha family to control the entrance and exit of the road, because if it is not isolated by force, scavengers and robbers will destroy Aisha in half a day.

All survivors in Summer Harbor were killed.

There was smoke and ashes everywhere, and the pungent smell constantly triggered Hassan's olfactory alarm. The camel walked cautiously on the streets. It seemed dull, but it could avoid every sharp fragment with its precise steps.

Some surviving ordinary people sat blankly on the remains of the ruins. After being ravaged by the white salamanders, each building was left with only broken windows, twisted metal structures and collapsed roofs. The breath of death and destruction has covered this place.

In this place, the corpses of the dead are twisted into deformed and terrifying angles, and the soul-harvesting death birds fly in the sky, invisibly stealing and restraining the souls of each deceased person.

The God of Death is still doing his best to harvest dead souls and increase his own strength. Once he analyzed this, Hassan became even more vigilant.

The camel came to the port, and Hassan sat in the middle of the camel's hump, watching every gantry crane and warehouse in the port being destroyed, different ships capsized in the port, the sailors and crew were like walking zombies, as if killing them was for them.


"No ships can berth in the Port of Asshai anymore. This place... has been destroyed by the white salamanders." Hassan sent a message to Aisha.

"Then bring all the survivors to my manor and let them set up tents. The manor also reserves some food and medicine." Ayesha said tiredly.

"Yes." Hassan ended the communication and made arrangements.

The unquenchable fire lit up the night sky, and the black smoke from Port Asshai rolled towards the sky. Hassan looked back at the billowing smoke. It seemed like a symbol of power, warning all those who longed for the destruction and bloodshed of Port Asshai.

People who resist Xi Sheng.

Xisheng has more powerful violence...it's that simple.

It rode a camel back to Aisha's manor. The tents outside were covered with sand dunes. People who had fled from the Port of Asia gathered together, feeling uneasy. Even though it was midnight, they did not dare to fall asleep. They were still immersed in the thoughts at any time.

In the fear of being attacked and killed by white salamanders underground.

Hassan went straight to a corner of the manor, and Ayesha left Pan Rui a special yard, where Shaba Qianxue took care of Pan Rui.

"Is she asleep?" Hassan asked.

"Yes, she recovered better in her dream." Shaba Qianxue stroked Pan Ruiyi's long black hair.

"It's so quiet tonight," Hassan said.

"Because everyone is... uneasy. If the white salamander is Xi Sheng's pet, then there is nothing we can do. It keeps being killed, keeps evolving, and is stronger than before it was killed. We can't even think of killing it.

Way." Shaba Qianxue sighed.

"There is always a way." Hassan left a strange sentence, and then hurried away.

Hassan is a strange D-shaped synthesizer. Qianxue looked at Hassan’s back.

(End of chapter)

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