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Chapter 842 Promulgating the Spice Law

Chapter 842 Promulgation of the Spice Law

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 842 Promulgation of the Spice Law

One queen, one flag!

At this moment, Aisha was irritated by Hassan's actions. She was not ready to wear the crown at all. Everything today surprised her.

She immediately stretched out her hands and pushed it into the manor like a forklift. Without saying anything, she walked into the porch with her sleeves rolled up, ready to teach this arrogant servant a lesson.

People watching from a distance were still immersed in the excitement of their hearts. They were particularly inspired by Ayesha's chic posture and felt that everything about her was shocking.

"Is she really the new queen?"

"It's strange that even though the whole dune community paid tribute to her, she didn't take it seriously. Why? Ah! I understand - her ambition is the entire Spice Bay!"

"With such a free and unrestrained bearing, she is indeed our queen!"

"Whether you can defeat that Noriko Honma depends entirely on her."

"The time has come to resist!"

"It would be more convincing if a dragon came, but it's a pity that there is only one dragon left in the world."

"Go back and prepare for battle! The queen has been crowned, and Noriko Honma will definitely come to attack us!" They talked hurriedly, coping with the rapidly changing situation.

Inside the manor.

"How dare you!" Aisha pushed Hassan against the wall.

"Don't you want to replace Noriko Honma?" Hassan said hastily.

"How to do it! She has weapons, she has an army! She has that white salamander!" Aisha roared, like a furious lioness.

"Noriko Honma's starting point is lower than yours! Was she ever afraid?" Hassan raised his voice.

Hearing this, Ayesha's body trembled, and her toes wrapped in sandals tightened.

She hurriedly turned her head to look at other parts of the courtyard. The servants still didn't know what had happened, but they just looked at the new crown on Aisha's head with reverence.

"Noriko Honma -" Hassan emphasized, "She has almost nothing, but why can she stand at the height she is today? Standing at the top of Kalifa Tower? Looking down at you, you, and...

Those spice aristocrats, desert princes, your background is ten thousand times nobler than Noriko Honma, and you have much more money, servants and estates than she does... But she climbed out of the poorest shack in the northern archipelago and became infinitely rich.

, climbed to where she is today—what did she rely on?”

"I...I don't know." Aisha breathed quickly.

"It's 'ambition'! A terrifying ambition that is so eager to believe that you can accomplish things that even reality gives way! People without ambition will never be able to defeat her! They are not worthy to be Honma Noriko's opponent!" Hassan emphasized.

Aisha got through the initial panic, took a deep breath, and leaned against the courtyard wall.

The weight of the crown sobered her up.

"You are wrong." Ayesha rubbed her fingers. "Ambition may account for a part, but luck may account for a greater part. She was born well. If she had not been born in that era, opportunities were everywhere and everyone would have had a chance.

In an age where ability strives to be the best, she will also fail."

"Actually, I don't know anything. I'm just helping you get through the excitement after being crowned." Hassan said.

"Idiot - give me a throne room worthy of my title, let them all start working, working hard, there are too many things to deal with." Ayesha was a little distracted, but she still insisted on finishing her words.

Hassan worked diligently, clearing out a large room in the manor, furnishing the throne room with a grand throne, a brand new expensive floor, enough screens, lit braziers, pianos, support columns and pianos for musicians to ensure that the room was

The impression is profound enough to deserve Ayesha's new title.

Ayesha came to her throne, and only then did she feel a noble tradition lingering in her heart.

She was a little anxious, because she knew that Noriko Honma's counterattack was thunderous, and she, who had just been forced to become the queen, had to act as soon as possible.

But - she had no good ideas, and her thoughts disappeared like the water in a bathtub with the stopper unplugged, requiring Hassan to refill it.

"What to do next?" Ayesha asked Hassan hurriedly.

"Make a promise and prove to everyone that if you rule the Spice Coast, it will be better than Noriko Honma, ten thousand times better." Hassan said firmly.

"What promise? What other promises can I make to others? The company? The industry? The spice plantation?" Ayesha thought quickly.

"It's spices! The spice trade supports dozens of large companies in the Near East and nourishes the billionaires in Safale City. They have now fled with their money, leaving the mess to Honma Noriko alone... The current situation is

It’s so bad that the people in the Near East are desperately digging for spices, but only a few people have gained weight, and most people still live in the same poverty as in previous eras... The entire social system is broken." Hassan suggested.

"I..." Ayesha thought distressedly.

"As long as a little bit, as long as the huge profits from the spice business are distributed to ordinary people, even just 20%, the residents of the entire Near East can eat well and live well, because the population of the Near East is not large in the first place, and the entire Spice Coast can also

There are only 20 million people, but they are close to the spice industry worth trillions. This was originally a land that could be extremely wealthy by selling resources... but now 0.2% of the people control 90% of the funds. What does this mean? If you want

To gain the support of the majority of people, you have to promise them that if you control the Spice Coast, the common people will have a share of the money earned from every box of spices we sell. Make sure that all the money of the gentry is confiscated, and the common people's money will be

Return the numbers." Hassan struck while the iron was hot.

"Could it be that if they all come to my side, we can knock down the Kalifa Minaret?" Aisha sighed.

"This is the only way. Can you compete with Noriko Honma in the fight for wealth? Are the big intercontinental capitals and the real hidden local wealthy businessmen willing to see you use weapons here? Think carefully about the things we are currently working with.

Target, you will know who is here today, marginalized desert residents, marginalized chamber of commerce members, wandering herdsmen... If you want to gain greater support, you must formulate - 'Spice Laws'

'!" Hassan said firmly.

Damn it, damn it. Aisha's elbow fell on the armrest on the side of the throne, and her chin was supported in the palm of her hand.

She never thought that she could actually resist Noriko Honma's line, because it was too unbelievable. As a result, she was now in a situation where she had to make a promise to people, get their support, and then embark on a big road...

Enter the city of Safale!

Calling on the vast number of people to follow her, they bravely marched towards the city. Aisha was thinking about it.

"Ordinary people are not enough, we also need the support of powerful combat forces." Ayesha said.

"We are repairing the Port of Asia. As long as there is a harbor where the ship can berth, a steady stream of arms and combatants will be transported ashore. In fact, the ship has already reached the public waters." Hassan said quickly.

"Who sent the troops?"

"Nisto Company." Hassan nodded, "There are also a large number of D2 synthetics, countless special operations soldiers, weapons, and collective efforts, just to help you defeat Noriko Honma."

"It turns out that I was just selected as an agent by Nisto Company." Ayesha sighed.

Hassan walked forward and lay at Ayesha's smooth and delicate feet, his tone serious and sincere: "Isn't there an element of love in this?"

Ayesha's cheeks flushed, and she thought of Hassan's versatility and ability. To be honest, she was willing to be a comfortable queen. She should indeed occupy the room at the top of Khalifa's minaret, not Honma Nori.


"Then, let's make a new spice law." Aisha started.

They worked quickly to ensure that the statement was brief and concise, and that Aisha's spice laws would ensure that all spice proceeds went to the people of the coast, rather than just falling into the pockets of a few families or corporations.

Near East Tianci Company is still on the sidelines, and Xisheng's industries are all near the spice coast. Once they are all seized, it will be tens of millions of barrels of spices every year. Compared with the extremely profitable spices, even the oil mining industry here

All have been marginalized.

Spice laws!

The minds of Aisha and Hassan worked closely together, absorbed, their ideas superimposed on each other's, until a masterful blueprint was created that was destined to change the fate and face of the Spice Coast.

In the new legal order, the huge profits from spices... will never be monopolized. From this huge capital pool, even a small amount of money can change people's living environment.

The Yidian Education Fund ensures that all education from the age of 8 to 20 is free, ensuring people's ability to understand the world.

A little medical care service with comprehensive coverage ensures that people no longer have to worry about minor or major illnesses.

An infrastructure plan to bring electricity, fresh water and transport services to the outskirts of the Spice Coast, and more roads linking the desert to the coast.

There is also free land. Due to years of war, the desert is full of wasteland. In the spice law, everyone can receive a piece of land after birth. Even if it has no production value, it means that they have their own land in this world.

A place does not come empty-handed and returns naked. Everyone is the king of his own land.

Ayesha arranged it until the end, almost her heart was beating wildly.

She verified the figures provided by Hassan, and was horrified to find that at least 3 trillion in funds were pocketed by Noriko Honma every year and transferred to unknown places. What on earth did she want with so much money?

With so much money, even a small amount of money can really change the fate of ordinary people.

0.2% of the population controls 90% of the funds. Aisha was deprived of the spice industry, and all the funds were divided up by Noriko Honma and the forces behind her. Noriko Honma is so rich that even Aisha has no worries about food and clothing.

People feel angry and jealous.

Day by day, they stole too much from our glorious land, and refused to give even a cent to ordinary people. Aisha thought bitterly.

"We are shaping the new look of the Spice Coast. I can't even imagine..." Ayesha knew very well that once such an impactful "Spice Law" was introduced to the public, almost everyone would be confused overnight.

In order to support the new queen, Ma wanted to support her in marching into the city of Safaree and drive away Noriko Honma.

"Believe in yourself, we are doing the right thing. We must help Honma Noriko look decent." Hassan sat on the carpet gracefully.

Ayesha worked tirelessly to shape each other's ideas into a coherent and comprehensive whole. She was impressed by the grand blueprint prepared by herself and Hassan. It was on this stepping stone that the Spice Coast would be completely changed.

"I don't know what will happen, and I don't know if we can really overthrow Noriko Honma, but... I feel very excited just after writing the Spice Law." Aisha held her breath.

"You will, Miss Ayesha, you will become the freest queen in the world, ruling a prosperous city. There will be large swaths of robots and AI under you. Ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment. You don't even have to worry about the management in the middle.

, everything is handled by artificial intelligence." Hassan said.

"Isn't this just like the realm of the Philosopher King? It's just that I am in charge of the king and the AI ​​is in charge of the philosopher." Aisha smiled.

"Then, it's time to make the spice law public. As long as we gather the troops, we can launch a general attack on Safale City." Hassan held up the draft in his hand.

Safaree City is the largest city on the Spice Coast. Once Safaree City is captured, it means that Noriko Honma's power will be expelled, and the interests of the spice mines will belong to the new queen Aisha.

Then, everything on the Spice Coast will change forever!

The benefits of the spice will be extracted and used to improve everyone's destiny.

At this moment, Aisha suddenly understood what Hassan meant by ambition, because at this time she also ignited the terrible flame of ambition, which was even stronger than Noriko Honma's.

"We will go through it all." Aisha looked at Hassan, "and you will be by my side, accompanying me every step of the way."

"Yes." Hassan followed the order cautiously.

Noriko Honma stood in the tea room at the top of Kalifa's spire. The flower arrangement on the table had not been touched for many days.

"Madam, the backup is ready." The comedian walked into the room with a big smile on his face.

She is a bright young girl, with highlighted green hair beating at the tips, like a touch of green leaves hanging on her head, her eyes flashing, and the corners of her mouth always turned up, as if she has endless interesting things to say in the world.

"Yeah." Noriko Honma said calmly.

Hoho. The comedian is laughing in his heart.

Got nervous.

Noriko Honma's consciousness has been uploaded through the ascension surgery, but she is very cautious and dare not give her consciousness to the Seven Seals for safekeeping, because once it gets to that point, the Seven Seals can copy countless Noriko Honma, and she

In other words, he truly became a puppet.

Even so, Noriko Honma did not want her eternal consciousness to die. The current artificial new body was not safe, so she ordered the comedian to make a backup in the past two days.

A replicated Noriko Honma can travel through the online world, double in size, and reproduce much faster than human reproduction.

Everything is in the separate chip in the comedian's pocket. Whenever something happens, the comedian will send Noriko Honma away to a safer place.

So, Noriko Honma has completed the biggest retreat, and the next step is to fight the rebels.

(End of chapter)

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