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Chapter 845 Entering Safalai City

Chapter 845 Marching into Safale City

Author: Xiao Xisui

Isabella glided down the street, her cloak billowing behind her.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of smoke, and cleaning trucks were scrubbing the blood-stained streets. She knew that there were probably more than a thousand people holding signs here, but they have now been removed.

There are signs of rebellion everywhere.

The city of Safale was in an unprecedented turmoil, and Isabella felt uneasy emotions everywhere.

The number of posters and graffiti has increased tenfold, and every street style is painted a dazzling red, symbolizing bloodshed and resistance.

There were almost no people on the street, and Isabella thought it would be good to eat some snacks while they were there.

She felt the joy brought by the new implant in her body. When checking her prey, a large number of visual panels would float above their heads, reporting their blood type, blood volume, health and diabetes type, making it easier for her to choose a suitable meal.

The object. Unfortunately, he is either too fat or too ugly.

She passed the black market.

The company's law enforcement forces were moving in, and many people were arrested and executed, with angry and twisted expressions on their faces.

“We want the spice law!”

"We have eight hours to work!"

"we want……"

They chanted certain righteous demands, which were so righteous that it felt funny to hear them, because these demands were simply impossible to achieve. After all, they were a company, and they had plenty of bullets.

Bang! Bang!

People fearfully record the gruesome content of public executions, but because the security jammer van is nearby, nothing can be forwarded, like a shielding wall surrounding it. And those who dare to film are marked, waiting to be monitored

and torture.

"Is everything okay?" Isabella emerged from invisibility, "I heard that Ayesha has really started to march towards Safalay."

"Madam." Xisheng's security personnel said sincerely, "Everything is under control."

Power is always accompanied by bloodshed and killing, and excluding dissidents is a compulsory knowledge for all powerful people. She looked at these security personnel, each of them had high morale and loyalty.

Xisheng will provide benefits to win people's hearts, but only to employees within the company. According to the past rules, if you can't beat Xisheng, you should join or reduce your needs and paralyze yourself. But in this era, there are too many desperate people.

Solitary fighters against heavily armed corporations, Isabella glanced at those who had been arrested and shot.

Those who are determined to fight against Xi Sheng have their own stories, but they all pass away with the broken brain, collapsed sternum, and the bullet hole in the abdomen.

She is not interested in the affairs of these people, but was sent by her fellow vampires to assist Noriko Honma.

Just when Isabella was about to leave, she suddenly heard a loud dragon roar in the sky.

She looked up quickly.

Not just her, but people in the entire city couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the sky.

...Micro October is here!

The beautiful and vigorous white dragon circled and flew around the sky. As she flew, she made a sharp dragon roar.

The roar of Micro October is like the torch of hope being passed into people's hearts.

Her roar overwhelmed all the angels' hymns. The angels' singing could originally soothe people's hearts and make the increasingly irritable citizens feel unprecedented peace.

But the roar of Micro-October became the most terrifying note, forcibly breaking the tranquility, just like a criminal interrupting a concert.

The roar of the dragon calls for people's ambition.

This was a call for fighting spirit across the entire territory. Micro October roared over and over again from the sky downwards, shaking the angels' illusions to almost pieces.

Smaller angels avoid them one after another. If they block the flight path of Micro October, they will definitely be torn apart by their claws.

The situation is not good... Isabella can sense the psychological activities of the surrounding creatures.

At this time, in the neighborhoods, buildings, and buildings, every citizen was listening to the roaring method conveyed by Wei October.

Follow the example of the mantis?

Isabella suddenly felt an unfamiliar anger begin to erupt.

"Wow...it's a dragon..."

"When it roars like that, even I feel..."

"Is Queen Aisha's spice law recognized by the dragon? Then the situation would be very different." The security guard pondered.

With the blazing sound of the sword of heaven being unsheathed, Isabella saw that the Angel of Power, Magilles, had flown up to drive away Micro-October.

Weiyueyue had no intention of fighting it, but quickly flapped its wings and flew away.

Magiles turned and looked at the earth. Its face was hidden in the shadow of the golden hood, and the huge wings behind it covered the sky and shone like hundreds of pale tentacles.

A missile roared across the sky, and Magilez turned around and swung a wave of flames, shattering it into pieces.


More missiles continued to hit the city of Safale, and Magilez pounced on them alone. The speed was so fast that even the city's missile defense system was not working, and they were destroyed by the Angels.

Isabella suddenly felt a tremor she had not experienced in a thousand years.

The war has begun!

As if there were underground communications being transmitted, many people suddenly got organized and planned, and quickly appeared from the streets and alleys, bound to fight against Xi Sheng's iron fist.


"so many people!"

"What do they want to do?" Xisheng's security soldiers around him all raised their guns.

Isabella looked at the people who were so poor.

There was an expression on their faces that she had seen on the faces of angry tax-fighting farmers a thousand years ago.

Some people say it is courage, but Isabella thinks it is more like ignorance.

What made them send Tianling Gai to the mace.

"...I know what they want to do. They won't stop unless they are killed." Isabella tugged on the strap of her hood and then snapped her fingers.


Half of the ordinary people who charged had their heads exploded, and blood roared out from the ends of their broken spines.

The sudden evil force made them feel completely frightened.

The citizens who had just received the news and were ready to come out for a fight were instantly frightened and fled in panic.

Company security personnel shot at them, the bullets killing those who fell behind, and the survivors were forced back, scurrying around the barriers like ants.


The sound of gunfire was endless, as if firefights were taking place in every corner of the world.

Isabella looked everywhere. The city of Safare was in chaos, and gunshots broke out in almost every neighborhood.

Most citizens have their own guns, and even if they don't, they can be easily purchased on the black market in the Near East, and 3D printers have more mature plans to make guns.

Even if you really can't shoot, even if you send out the robots around you, especially the D2 synthetic people who are good at fighting, you can still create combat effectiveness.

Isabella rushed towards the street.

She discovered that the first wave of chaos was really caused by the synthesizers sold by Nisto Company. These B, C, and D synthesizers actually followed Noriko Homma's warning and would take up arms to resist when necessary.


Xisheng has taken in many, but more synthetics are hiding. They protect their respective masters and shoot Xisheng personnel. Many shuttles were shot down by electromagnetic grenades and heavy sniper rifles before they took off. The accuracy is quite high.


As an elite among ancient vampires, Isabella can clean up mortals at will with gestures and dark spells, and even make them kill each other.

But for robots, she still has to rely on firearms, which she once looked down upon.

She took out her submachine gun to shoot at the rebellious Nestor robots, preparing to enjoy the killing pleasure first, but her fingers were as hard as corpses, so it didn't go well.

"They really think they can win, they are so arrogant." Isabella said to herself.

Isabella can capture where they want to go from their movements - security bureau, arms store, transportation hub, airport...

If these areas are captured by Yongyi citizens, Xi Sheng's dispatching power will be greatly reduced.

Some of the most well-trained people seem to have had a fighting spirit to climb towers since they were born, eager to defeat powerful forces.

Especially during this period, they were polishing their weapons and preparing their own armor day and night. At this time, when they saw a big event happening in Safale City, they all left their homes and prepared to seize key locations.

At this time, Isabella met such a group of people. They wore masks and held bulletproof shields they obtained from unknown sources. They fired ammunition from implants or firearms on their bodies and defeated Xi Sheng who tried to stop them.

Battle robot.

Isabella stretched out her hands to them and used a powerful blood-based spell to burst out a red lightning. It quickly shuttled among the people and harvested hundreds of lives in an instant.

They screamed and fell down. After day and night efforts to push down the tower, they were dealt with within one second. Their bodies fell down like rag dolls. The parts that were shocked by the electric shock did not burn, but left jagged cutting marks.

Isabella knew that neither regular citizen rebels nor Aisha's desert army could capture the city of Safale, let alone defeat Noriko Honma.

As long as the opponent does not have a powerful witch or mythical creature entering the scene, the city of Safaree cannot fall.

The rebels who had been beaten to death by Isabella rolled through the streets, their death screams like music to her ears.

She wondered how long these people would hold out.

Will he persevere to the end and prove that ordinary people can resist a giant company and be crushed by it like a bug? Or will he give up quickly and realize that ordinary people are just a waste of time and can only follow the powerful to share the fruits of victory?

Bang! Bang!

A round of bullets hit Isabella from behind, piercing her cloak and leaving bullet marks on her immortal body.

She turned around and saw another group of people rushing over. Their equipment was better, and they seemed to be urban mercenaries. However, instead of helping Xisheng, they were planning to fight and hunt down Xisheng's mysterious help.

To target Isabella.

The bullets they used were nightsilver bullets, and Isabella sensed that they took away some of her immortality and wounded her, so to speak.

Anti-occult weapon? Isabella was a little surprised.

In the past, Blackfire Innovation developed this type of bullet to seal the powers of mystics and witches.

Nestor Corporation defeated Blackfire Innovation and may have stolen this technology.

These bullets must have been obtained by Nisto Company and distributed to the rebels in Safale City.

She realized that Nestor's technology was stronger than the Blackfire Innovation, and the bullets caused her far more pain than before.

At this moment, Isabella's interest in having fun disappeared.

She turned her head and released a bloody blade towards the soldiers. It cut across the street and cut them to pieces in an instant. Several people were killed instantly, and seven or eight people on the edge had their arms or legs cut off. More

They quickly dispersed and hid in the blind spot of Isabella's field of vision.

She was still about to take action when she realized that she had been hit by 4 bullets in the round of shooting.

If you don't take it out, it will get in the way like a pebble in your shoe.

"Tsk..." She activated her power and turned herself into a bat.

Let’s return to Khalifa Spire to observe the situation first.

Has the technology of the soldiers and witches of Nisto Company reached such a high level?

She looked up and saw Weiyueyue turning back again, swooping down from the sky and attacking the Archangel Magilles, as if to attract the attention of the city defenders.

"Mrs. Isabella! Aren't you supposed to be fighting?" Yanagawa Fumihiko met her at the entrance of Kalifa Minaret, and his words seemed to ask Isabella to go back to work.

As a powerful combat force, Isabella is very efficient in cleaning up mortal armies.

"Wait a moment, I need to treat him first." Isabella said hurriedly.

She felt that the city of Safaree was unsafe, and few people were on the side of Xisheng. Xisheng was destined to be a system that benefited a few people and made the majority suffer; and the spice law advocated by Aisha

, the number of people that can be covered and supported is much greater than it is now.

Especially when she was hit by a bullet just now, she felt that the individual's power was getting stronger and stronger. A thousand years ago it was a pitchfork, five hundred years ago it was a musket, today it is an anti-occult bullet, and in the future, I'm afraid everyone will be...

A super soldier with body modification and advanced mutagen.

It seems that technology is distributing knowledge and power to every individual in human civilization in a very benevolent way, giving them access to information and abilities far beyond those of their ancestors. Isabella thought.

No matter what, she had to rest first. It still felt a bit weird to be injured by a mortal.

Seeing Isabella leaving directly past him, Yanagawa Fumihiko looked up and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Weiyue was unable to break through Magilez's defense. It seemed that Quan Angel was still up to par.


He saw two light spots in the sky descending at high speed and swooping down at high speed.

One on the left and one on the right, Izuma Ten and Chainsaw Angel broke through the bombardment of anti-aircraft guns, laser towers and arrows, and threw an airdrop pod in their hands towards Kalifa Minaret.

It flew for a while before landing, and quickly landed at the entrance.

What is it? Yanagawa Fumihiko stood firm, drew his katana, and was ready to fight.

A special attacker jumped out of it.

A40, A999 and the Quantum Warrior!

"Let's decide the winner!" A40 shouted, "This is the second time!"

"You are a qualified opponent!" A999 observed carefully, "I will chop you to death!"

"I'm here to take revenge on you." The Quantum Warrior is tall and tall, "I am the first warrior!"

"So it turns out that you three fools are the real murderous intention?" Yanagawa Fumihiko said coldly, "Who goes first?"

They looked at each other and made a decision instantly.

Three swords, attack Yanagawa Fumihiko together!

This chapter has been completed!
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