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Chapter 84 It's time for the powerful witch to return

Mateo was chopped into two pieces, his upper body rolled to the ground, and his lower body also collapsed, like a puppet that had lost control, scattered on the ground like a puddle of humanoid electronic waste. As the body was destroyed, the main electronic components and circuits were cut off.

The power supply performance dropped significantly, and finally there were several arc flashes all over the body, and the machine shut down completely.

"Clean up the scene." Xu Yang ordered, "Collect the useful things and load them all into trucks and transport them away."

"Let's go to work." Katsuragi Asa greeted Kongtai, who nodded and followed, thinking about his new destiny.

Seeing Mateo being shattered in an instant, he could not help but feel a little fear in his heart. If anything went wrong, he would die suddenly like everyone else. If a single life wants to achieve immortality or similar immortality, it must either digitize its consciousness and upload it to the server.

Either create a large number of clones and freeze them, and if one dies, a new one will be awakened. This is called the Phoenix Program.

For 101, Mateo's death made her feel numb. It was more of a certain degree of sadness. The next master would not be better than the last one. It was just that the form of oppression was different. She looked at Xu with complicated emotions.


Exposed to her gaze, Xu Yang saw the true face of 101 under the mask for the first time. She and 102 both had pretty, young faces, fair and delicate skin, blue eyes, and light brown hair, like two people in the shade of a tree.

The following little goblins are wary of the outside world. They are so cute that you feel pity for them, but one will only look at you and run away, while the other will beat you.

"This bastard is finally dead!" 102 walked around Mateo's remains. The Black Fire Revolution's attitude towards witches is similar to that of other giant companies, controlling, enslaving and dominating, and is more harsh than treating ordinary people.

"It should be familiar with a kind of punishment," Xu Yang grabbed Mateo's head, "erasing intelligence and emotions, and creating a personality matrix without free will. For humans, it means taking out the brain, and for synthetic humans, it is

Take out the consciousness chip and modify it, so that there is no longer a part that can act independently."

Lila entered the factory carrying Comet Cassandra on her back, saw Mateo's wreckage, and subconsciously scanned it.

"Loss of mobility," Lila judged, "a large amount of data chip archives can be recycled."

"Black Fire's advanced gadget has fallen into our hands. This gadget is of great value." Xu Yang took back Mateo with his own hands, then turned to 101 and 102, "Where are you two? What are your plans? Black Fire is being searched everywhere.

Remaining party of innovation, you know your company’s global reputation, and other companies will eat you alive.”

"Of course I won't work with Blackfire anymore," 102 said disgustedly, "We are just experimental subjects anyway."

"Are you really calling them 101 and 102?" Xu Yang was curious.

"We were made," said 101, "the 101st and the 102nd."

"Want a new name? The numbers are not very recognizable and can easily be confused." Xu Yang was curious about their plans.

"That's great." 101 said, "We don't want to be remembered." And we never wanted to be born in this world.

"But how could a witch be created?" Xu Yang felt a little doubtful.

"The technology that makes us is called 'phantom light'," 101 raised his head and pointed to the sky, "Witches all have unrealistic pursuits of the sky and stars, because our power comes from places other than the ground. Black Fire Innovation

Use this characteristic to create an artificial life with the characteristics of a witch."

"It means..."

"The stars project their power into the children, thereby creating new witches." 101 said softly, "Now, the Black Fire has the ability to create children with such potential, and the stars cannot tell the difference between artificial and natural

, and still give them energy. We created the 'Children of Phantom Light' based on this idea."

"And it can be copied." Xu Yang recalled what Mateo said.

"By deciphering the human genome, Blackfire Innovation has locked in a series of genetic codes that help babies be blessed to become witches, and deliberately created this kind of 'child of phantom' with a high probability of becoming a witch. As expected, we

The genes of those who were produced and became witches have long been recorded and archived for comparison with other witches, and we can continue to track the recurring genetic codes among them. If we continue to trace and produce according to this idea, there is even a possibility of creating even magic powers.

Twins and twins of the same type." 101 recalled the thousands of girls waiting to be matured in the cloning warehouse. The inferior products were thrown into the sedimentation tank, wet, their eyes had not yet opened, and their bodies were covered with each other's stench.


"Countless witches..." Xu Yang felt horrified. The Black Fire Innovation broke through the secret of creating witches. "Is this the reason why they go around provoking trouble..."

Falosa would be even more angry if she knew.

"I know very little. Now, I just hope you can provide us with shelter and dismantle the chips and bombs on us." 101 bowed to Xu Yang and stretched out a hand to ask for protection.

"Don't worry, you will survive." Xu Yang and 101 gently shook hands, "The children of Huan Guang... must also have their drawbacks."

101 walked up to Xu Yang and whispered in his ear: "We can only live for 10 years. It has been 5 years since we were born. 102 doesn't know yet."

Xu Yang nodded, 101 lowered his head and left.

"Is it true that more money means less trouble?" 102 opened his eyes wide.

"Send your strength first." Xu Yang waved, "Move all the goods."

Xu Yang turned around and walked in the direction of the Anonymous. He saw Farosa standing on the street, having gotten off the shuttle at some point, with an angry look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang walked towards her, pretending to be relaxed.

"Even the will of the stars dares to be deceived. Humanity has indeed reached the end of its misbehavior." Farosha boarded the shuttle with her back, "It's time for the most powerful witch in the world to return and correct everything!"

"This moment has finally arrived." Xu Yang took a deep breath in his seat, "I don't know if it's good or bad."

"It won't be good, nor will it be bad." Falosa hugged him and gave Xu Yang a deep kiss, "...only madness, despair, and endless collapse."

"You won't go crazy."

"I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about humans."

The goods and 101,102 were temporarily stored in a large warehouse that Lila rented in the name of Jumon Trading Company, leaving Asa Katsuragi and Kongtai to guard them. Afterwards, Xu Yang took Farosa to the Suzuki Spring, with Lila driving.

A wide-screen TV hanging on the building was broadcasting the news.

"Previously, Aizu City, which attracted global attention, was attacked by a B-5 biological disaster. A large number of rat-men appeared, turning Aizu City upside down. Now, the corporate alliance has re-evaluated the situation and determined that the biological crisis has ended, and the rat-men's

The large-scale activities have subsided. Instead, mysterious forces used radioactive weapons in the Kamikora Building, completely destroying this important landmark of Aizu City. The Kamikora Group's stock price has continued to fall to the limit, and it has been divided and acquired by many large companies. Black

Huo Innovation is considering whether to admit what they did, depending on the next step of its marketing department."

Xu Yang's sight passed through the porthole of the Anonymous. In front of his eyes, the dilapidated underground city had restored power. The giant screen at the top finally started to work, reflecting the false light blue sky and the dark golden huge sun. As long as you ignore

There is a huge hole in the direction of Shenkong Building, but people can still accept the beautiful scenery happily.

However, Aizu Castle was already poor and dirty. Coupled with radioactive contamination, a large number of residents fled and moved, making the city even more desolate. Wherever there were a few people, there was chaos. Fights and looting could be seen everywhere.

"... Anjiu City Mayor Ohara Nobuhiko led all members of the municipal leadership to solemnly apologize, saying that they will do a good job in the aftermath, find the location of the remaining rat-man colonies, establish contact with them, establish good diplomatic relations, and avoid similar incidents from happening again.

.The mayor will also coordinate the insurance claims of companies in the disaster-stricken areas to ensure that companies receive the full amount of compensation they deserve."

"Today, the area around the Shinku Building has been contaminated by radioactivity. The mayor announced that Kyoto Infinite has received a huge capital injection and a special fund has been set up to purchase a large number of robots for environmental restoration work. There is no doubt that Kyoto Infinite still has incomparable financial resources.

, the business situation is booming. During the cleanup process, in order to avoid secondary pollution, Aizu City will be blocked for two weeks. Citizens of Aizu City can prepare appropriate daily necessities, and the business activities of each company will not be affected for the time being. They only need to strictly abide by the company alliance.

Regulations on specific modal activities stipulated.”

Two weeks of lockdown...

The connection between Aizu City and the ground was cut off again for up to two weeks. During this period, the residents here could only move around in the underground area and could not return to Anku City. The chaos would continue. However, the company could operate normally, which was suitable for Jumon Trading Company.

Operation, the citizens' demand for supplies will increase significantly. This is a good opportunity for reconstruction. Turning losses into profits is just around the corner, and you will not be left with nothing.

On the other hand, although Falosa is about to regain her strength, it is impossible to show up directly to confront the company. She must find a safe, hidden place where she will not be discovered, and can avoid the limelight until everyone's attention is diverted from Aizu.

Move the city away, away from searches, spies and spies.

A hidden place...enough to temporarily avoid the sharp edge...

The ratman's lair seems to fit this requirement.

This chapter has been completed!
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